The Guardian

Chapter 224: Perhaps the Last One

Chapter 224: Perhaps the Last One

Aurora looked at the group projected by her holographic watch, specifically Leslie.

“I am exhausted. Extremely exhausted. I never thought the military would be so terrifying. They make me work out, run, jump over obstacles and even crawl through mud,” Leslie muttered, exhausted.

Her expression, eyes, and figure looked exhausted and depleted to the level that some dark circles under her eyes were noticeable.

“Why don’t you back off?” Cithrel asked curiously.

“Yeah, it shouldn’t be that hard to retire,” Akira said curiously.

Nicole, Clémentine, and Érica were present, as for Andrés, maybe because in these calls, they were all women. He didn’t join and just sent casual messages.

“No. I won’t. Although I don’t understand the reason why they are making me train this way, I know they are testing me for something else, so I will persist and wait,” Leslie replied, giving a serious and strict look.

Something had moved inside her that, being pushed in this way and instead of desire to retreat, she wanted to push herself even more.

She didn’t know the reason why she was training as a soldier, but she could feel that she was being tested... It was hard to know ‘why’, but surely there would be a valid reason.

After all, even though the ‘random reward’ was rare, it wasn’t useless... At least from what Aurora knew of the others, it was so.

“Well, maybe with persistence you’ll figure it out,” Aurora surmised and, looking at Nicole, she commented. “Someone is already showing that persistence.”

Nicole, who was looking at the camera in a daze, let out an embarrassed laugh.

Now she was not well-groomed and had messy hair, several bruises were also noticeable on her face and she was deep in thought.

Aurora could not only notice bruises from direct blows but slight burns that were quite noticeable.

If anyone looked at her, they would think she was battered, but...

“I just got out of training. I got beat up pretty bad, but Victor said I had to test my body’s regeneration. To feel the pain, to get used to taking heavier beatings, and at the same time to improve my natural regeneration. That’s why I’m like this,” Nicole explained with a half-smile.

A fighter’s weapon was the body and to know the limits was to know the qualities of the weapon.

“Victor?” Clémentine asked curiously.

Her manner with the ‘Emperor’ was quite informal, and Nicole simply laughed as she realized how casually she was treating him.

“He’s too informal... Before I knew it, I called him by name,” Nicole said.

That she did so let it be seen that she had adapted not only to the training but relating to Emperor Victor.

“He’s also too impulsive. The other day he came in out of the blue and abruptly told me to grab all my stuff. Only for us to be in Switzerland minutes later,” Nicole said, letting out a sigh and, with a slightly fierce half-smile, she announced. “Here I am at the Cernunnos Academy. I fought Rupert, and he beat me up. I also fought other thundering gorillas and also got another beating. And I met Barbegazi, the Holy Beast of Switzerland. Who also gave me a hard beating.”

Everyone’s expressions quivered at such a simple narrative expressing so many emotions.

She was not upset, on the contrary, she was happy, joyful, and motivated.

“By the way, Aurora, I’m continuing with the training you told me about. Only now I’m not only training my ‘armor’ to increase defense, but for it to try to resist elemental damage,” Nicole added, looking at Aurora.

The ‘armor’ Nicole was referring to was the condensation of her combat aura that covered her forming a ‘cushion’ capable of resisting blows and the idea of upgrading was to strengthen that cushion, but now she was also added to protect herself with something other than a blow.

The ‘elemental damage’ she was talking about was the defensive ability against magical attacks that could even damage a fighter’s skin... As was fire or ice or others.

“And I also drank the elixir. It was an elixir that helped me improve the flow of my combat aura to allow me better use and strengthen my body. I felt it right away,” Nicole commented and, with curiosity, asked. “You went the same way?”

The others had not received their ‘elixir’ and in this case, only Alice had received it... That meant Aurora was the one who drank it.

Aurora was silent for a moment, feeling difficulty talking about it.

“I don’t feel anything,” Aurora murmured earnestly.

At her level, it was hard to pinpoint direct improvements because as a swordsman she was an S-Rank and while her body wasn’t as strong as an S-Rank fighter, her speed and reflexes were very high.

It was because of this that as a B-Rank fighter she had a higher resistance to blows and superior strength that allowed her to take on A-Rank creatures.

Now, as an A-Rank, her strength had increased quite a bit, and it was at the explosive level, but if she was honest, she felt that her strength was still constantly increasing as usual.

Even her body physique didn’t change a bit... It was because of that she felt slightly cheated.

“I know it’s because I’m not struggling, though. According to my master, I have to move to internalize the elixir,” Aurora commented with a slightly hopeful tone.

That was what her master had commented, and unlike her elderly master, that woman was trustworthy.

Though she was also sincere in telling her that she wouldn’t receive an upgrade in ‘charm’ points... A fact she wouldn’t tell anyone else.

Nicole nodded.

Fight and fight again. Elixirs for fighters usually focused on physical enhancements and that was why only by fighting would they feel the effects.

“The problem is that I have had no battles to cheer me up. So I’m a bit tied up.” Aurora added with a half-smile.

She trained with her master and got several beatings whenever she could.

The time difference between the two places made it possible for her to dedicate only half an hour and end up training several full hours.

However, a battle like the one a fighter had to have was not something that came up on a regular basis.

“But I prefer it this way,” she muttered, giving a smile.

Unlike when she was in Africa, she could be a fighter without having so many worries about her preparations, here she had to act fast.

That meant that while she could take on a mercenary as a fighter and defeat him when the going got tough, she wouldn’t hesitate to draw her sword to finish him off quickly.

Just as she did before.

Seeing the curious looks from the group who were trying to hold back from asking, but were still curious, she commented. “It’s not like I don’t have a job... Or to put it easier, the job I’m doing isn’t about fighting, at least not every day.”

Last night, she had finished the raid on the demons and they captured a corrupted demon who would be interrogated by the Executors of Order.

Now she needed to wait for orders from Theodore or Urfin.

And if she was honest, she was more likely to get orders from Urfin, as Theodore might not report anything to her, surely wanting not to involve ‘students’.

“What’s more, I’m about to go to lunch in a bit,” Aurora said, and moving the camera to her friend beside her, she pointed. “She’s already looking for a restaurant.”

Work, since she had arrived, had taken time away from ‘spoiling’ her sister, so now that she had free time, she wanted to use it to go try ‘local’ foods.

Alice, who was staring, nodded and then went back to looking at the list of restaurants with overwhelming concentration.

One could tell she was ignoring them, but when it came to food, even Aurora was ignored.

“Now that we’re talking about food. What are you guys doing for Christmas?” Clémentine asked suddenly and when they looked at her, she commented. “I know it’s a holiday, and the idea is to spend it as a family, but... It would be nice to get together for some food between all of us.”

Her tone sounded a bit awkward as she invited them and it was rare of her, and as if realizing this, Clémentine laughed softly.

“I want to start with my training and from what I have discovered. The Buddhist monks where I’m headed like to disconnect from the world. That means it’s possible that I’m without a holographic clock and no other means of connection to the world. Even if that’s not the case, I need to meditate without distractions. Just dedicate myself to it,” she said, after feeling confident in her own words.

It was hard to say what motivated her when she was so ‘perfect’ at moving... She knew what she wanted, and she knew how to achieve it and moved for it with complete and utter certainty.

That confidence was overwhelming.

“That’s why I wanted to get together earlier and have some fun, since I don’t know how long I’ll take when training behind closed doors,” Clémentine added, scratching her cheek slightly sheepishly.

“My search has been slightly fruitless. So it wouldn’t hurt to clear my head a bit and grab a bite to eat with you guys. Of course, I’d love to invite Taqiyya and Venali,” Cithrel commented with a slightly enthusiastic smile.

Despite her first words informing her state of mind, she didn’t look all that disappointed... Or she hid her emotions perfectly, it was hard to tell when she seemed to be someone who hid perfectly.

“Of course. Not only do I want to invite Andrés and Liam, but it would also be great to invite Shao Ya, Aeko, Santiago, and Oscar. It doesn’t matter if they want to invite other people,” Clémentine said and with an elegant smile, she added. “Even their partners.”

Was it a theme to change the atmosphere or to try to watch something for fun?

Aurora was sure it was the latter, but she noticed that they were all looking curiously between the different screens, trying to see who had a change of expression first.

“With all the things ahead, it’s hard to develop personal relationships,” Érica said with an amused laugh.

She was the most prominent as she looked around at everyone present, and that was her final conclusion.

Akira and Cithrel gave amused smiles at the sight of the ‘young ladies’, but Aurora agreed with that conclusion.

It was true that the group of students... Or the former group of students was the youngest in their eighteen or nineteen years, but it was also true that they were all busy.

Her case was the same with no development, but if she were honest, Aurora preferred it this way, as she had too many things on her mind, even to converse over messages.

For such a reason she thanked that young man who surely refrained from sending messages, hoping, in the end, to receive theirs, marking that she was unoccupied.

It felt like that was something he would do.

So right now she could say that she had no partner and wasn’t developing anything... No, that wasn’t completely true.

“The only partner I have is her,” Aurora said, averting the camera revealing Alice and when she got the look from everyone, she muttered. “Though I feel like she loves me because I feed her.”

Alice’s expression quivered as she was suddenly teased, but the others laughed at the sight of her.

Still, Alice didn’t say anything... After all, they had to go eat later.


They dug underground to hide their people, while the soldiers went outside looting the giant human city... Facing and dying in equal measure.

How long would they hold out?

He watched his people eat the food they gathered.

They had many mouths to feed and now they were all waiting in line, receiving the day’s portion.

Those mothers were holding their children in their arms, trying to feed them with care and love, even though their looks were hopeless, they were looking for some light in their children... Some hope.

‘Chaos’ corrupted their world, but the cruelty and hopelessness didn’t come from the monsters, it came from their people.

“Grr...” A small goblin of the more usual kind secretly pulled the flesh of a child.

That creature was of the lower caste... The lowest of the low, they were savage and untamed, no respecter of rules and despite their low intelligence, they were cunning.

He swung his great sword in the air, creating a quick slash.

Blood spread and that creature’s head split as brain matter spread on the ground as his cut went through it.

“Put the corpse away,” He ordered with a fierce tone.

His people looked at him in fear and terror, but he plunged his sword into the ground and watched all this great cave spread out with his people.

He could feel the gaze of Goras... The chief of the lower caste, the smallest of his race, and the most difficult to dominate.

He called himself the ‘Great One’ and when his gaze fixed on him, that individual who usually let a fierce and savage look show, he lowered his head in fear.

Yes, fear... That was the only way to dominate his race.

That was the only way to make them not give in to his wild desires and obey blindly, serving him.

The guards who were looking at him fanatically took the corpse of that individual for safekeeping.

They were going to keep it because they did not know when they would have to use it to fill their stomachs.

The portal that brought them through no longer allowed him to return. Something must have happened on the other side, but it didn’t matter.

Zrag had brought as many as he could to these lands.

It was hard to say it was salvation when those humans were extremely strong, but he was biding his time.

The voice told him... Evil and goodness are one, there is always balance.

He had to take advantage of that balance and try to get his people, his race saved... That was his goal, but he knew it.

He could feel the stares at him, he could feel the fear, the wariness, and even resentment for bringing them into a senseless war.

They were the last survivors of their world... A place where humans also existed and everyone knew how dangerous they could be.

Surrender was impossible, and he understood that.

In those looks of terror, wariness, and rancor, Zrag could sense something else.

Starting with Goras, who had his head down even though one of his own was cruelly killed in front of his eyes.

He was afraid of him, so he followed him by allowing the lower caste, who were less intelligent and born faster, to be used as the vanguard.

However, that fear was not loyalty... They believed in him and had faith in him as a savior, but if he faltered, they would stab him in the back.

Then there was the middle caste, those intelligent ones.

They were agile, cunning, and quick-witted, and their leader was a great shaman and was intelligent in training and educating his people.

But intelligence limited their actions, always thinking and trying to find the best solution, looking for the light in the darkness... And that limited their movements.

The Wozikas leader was so smart that he knew the possibility of being enslaved, tortured, or killed when they surrendered.

That was why he rejected that option, believing that the war might open up an opportunity.

Not all races were completely united, that was what he thought, and he was right... He had heard the same from that voice.

But that great shaman was only looking for light in the darkness... A terrifying darkness.

Then there were his people, the upper caste to which he belonged.

Led by Bogas, they were loyal to him... They worshipped him to the extreme and called him ‘Savior’.

Intelligent, great, and capable, the caste had everything to be strong, and like all strong, they were arrogant, believing that with their strength they could do anything.

Their leader, as loyal as he was, was that kind of individual and was blinded by his strength, and even when faced with those powerful terrifying auras, his desire for battle rose, thinking he could defeat them all.

And above them all was he.

He was not a savior.

He brought his race through a portal following the guidance of a voice that told him the possibility of salvation was here... A possibility that was tied to his, his people’s, and the other side’s decisions.

He stopped the lower caste from letting go of their desires when they came and when they were withdrawing their people, saying it was to organize, and then he proved his strength to them in the next big battle.

He lost a strong individual, but they showed their strength and got powerful individuals to stand aside.

And in the moment of choosing peace, he had to reject it... No matter how much he wanted to save his people and how glorious a leader he was, fear only allowed him to overpower them halfway.

To surrender was to tell his so-called followers to stab him in the back, going back to tribal times where chiefs killed each other to lead.

He was not afraid of death and was prepared for it, but once dead, they would all kill each other and before they knew it, they would all die at the hands of those humans.

That was all that was in store, and that was why he had to accomplish his goal before he fell.

Will he save his people or his race?

That decision he had made since he had enlisted for this crusade.

Since he had decided to be alone, without having children and without relating to anyone... He had made that decision from the moment that voice told him that the possibility of salvation was minuscule.

He was not a savior; he was just someone who was content for his race to continue living and if that meant being slaves, then he would accept it.

He was Zrag, an upper-caste goblin, who led his people by unifying different goblin tribes under his command, leaving many behind and sacrificing a bunch of others.

He was not a savior; he was only a leader who could grasp the big picture of emotions, values, and desires, but also vain hopes.

He was only someone who saw darkness and walked, getting his hands and feet dirty, but moving forward.

And now?

Now he was someone helplessly waiting for the opportunity.

Zrag looked at the crystal in his hand that contained a recording of a creature of evil.

It had come inside a rat that moved inside the barrier until it encountered a goblin and exploded, letting the crystal out.

Frightened, they alerted him and Zrag saw the recording inside.

It was an opportunity.

Maybe in the wrong hands, but it was a chance... Perhaps the last one.

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