The Guardian

Chapter 227: My Boss is Very Strict

Chapter 227: My Boss is Very Strict

“A few days before Christmas, a demonic attack has occurred in the city of Mamaia-Sat, Romania. Leaving 124 dead, dozens wounded, and quite a lot of destruction. This attack has shocked the world.” Reported a channel host.

“How long has it been since we had an attack like this? Maybe several years ago during the European-demon war... Still, seeing it now is stupefying.” Added that channel’s guest.

Andrés, who was watching the news, agreed with those words.

He was in high school when those things happened, but always the sense of realism was different when living it directly and being able to understand the complexity of the matter.

It was just like when the old folks would tell him stories of the lunatic gamblers participating in terrorist attacks after the Great Cataclysm.

“The report says this was a prepared, premeditated ritual - their objective? We can’t grasp it,” said the hostess and giving a serious look, she clarified. “This happened last night and if there is one good thing to take out of this tragic event, it is the mobilization of the authorities.”

“Yes, but not of the Romanian authorities... If not of the allied forces. How can it be that the allied forces should be in charge of the security of Romanian cities?” asked the guest, shaking his head.

It was a very obvious criticism, but it was given just for the sake of creating controversy and having someone to blame.

Not all nations were like Atlantis City where, if something happened, the authorities arrived using portals.

Nor were they like the European cities where security was high since they were completely united.

Or like in South America, where practically Emperor Victor reigned with an iron fist, making the authorities move with professionalism.

Romania and its neighboring countries that were not within the European Union and had not united like Russia, who had re-organized to create a giant by accepting the smaller neighboring countries.

That was why, in such small countries with their problems, the rapid response in security was low... So it was normal for the allied forces to arrive faster.

The hosts let a video show where a young woman with black hair and eyes of the same color was performing.

“The authorities are coming. Stay calm, and help those who are wounded. Don’t tend to the wounds if you don’t know what you’re doing. I have potions here, use it. It will help keep the condition stable and ensure the lives of the wounded.”

Seriousness and professionalism, her words had a reassuring tone that made the others calm down and people get organized.

It was noticeable that this was not the first time she had led or taken control of the situation, and that attitude engendered confidence.

Andrés, although he did not understand those individuals’ recording, could notice a greater seriousness in Aurora than they experienced during their mid-year internship.

“The Romanian Government has given a statement along with the guild leaders ‘The Custodians’ and the ‘Victrix Guild’ to leave the search for the causer to the Church of Order. A move that shows their shortcomings, but at the same time their strength in knowing how to accept their mistakes and shortcomings.” Commented the channel hostess by letting us see another video.

It was a video of the press conference held a few hours ago in the morning, where the president of the Romanian government accepted his mistake and left the job to the Church of Order.

It was not to the ‘Allied Forces’ but to the Church of Order, trying to differentiate the two, making it clear that he did not want to upset the ‘Allied Forces’.

But, on the other hand, it was a big problem for the president to accept his mistake, however, the biggest blow was received by the Romanian guilds.

The two leading guilds, with their respective leaders, showed mixed expressions.

Marius Posse, leader of the guild ‘The Custodians’, had an irritated look on his face and looked angry, but could not say anything in the face of the situation he found himself in.

On the contrary, Arminius Petra, leader of the ‘Victrix Guild’, gave an indifferent look as if everyone around him was trash.

In the videos, he had also been seen, but in the same way, he was put in the same ‘bag’ as those who did nothing.

“The Romanian government is trying to destabilize the strength of the guilds. The Romanian government seems more and more united, although it is superficial. Politics is always annoying and dirty,” Serena said and, meeting his gaze, passed a file.

Andrés looked at the file curiously and his expression quivered as he saw what was stored in it.

Several adventurers within a guild had caught goblins on the Romanian side and had sold it in secret.

While the buyers remained hidden, it was not difficult to discover the guild.

It was not a powerful guild and was only known, but not as much as the first two guilds of Romania, however, because the other guilds sent their best members to the expedition forces, they increased their strength.

Or to put it easier, the standard of strength decreased, and they managed to look stronger.

They took advantage of their position on the Romanian side and captured goblins for secret sale, although they were among the smallest and most common, it was an illegal business.

As if that wasn’t enough, the politicians who recommended that guild to enter the allied force discovered what they did, and chose to hide everything.

All so as not to go down with them.

“This is Liam’s work. He asked us for support to check some guilds. Even though most of the guilds are cleaning up their shit, this one was just doing it,” Serena explained calmly and giving him a look, commented. “Liam wants information from the guilds. Specifically, anything to do with the goblins, but do you know why we keep investigating when we don’t get paid?”

Andrés was silent as he met Serena’s gaze.

It was a serious look that sought to analyze his response.

Use it for blackmail, sell the information to rivals, use the information to attract clients... The options were multiple, though Andrés couldn’t choose one.

The mission was only to investigate the guilds, but they kept digging until they connected them to Romanian politicians.

“You and Giselle acted badly in South America. You failed in your mission and endangered yourselves. Why?” Serena asked when she saw that he did not respond.

Why did they do that?

He followed his superior to support her, who seemed very determined, but he knew that wasn’t the right answer.

Like Giselle, who moved on her own, he wished...

“We just wanted them not to use the information to their advantage,” Andrés answered after thinking about it.

They had informed the government that old man who ended up dead at Aurora’s hands had contacted Xu Long, but the authorities did nothing and let that young man participate in the tournament.

Taking drugs that led to him being in a dangerous situation.

Once they knew that, the rest could be clearer.

Emperor Victor used it to trigger criticism and then carried out a full-scale cleansing, getting all those who criticized him to keep quiet.

Perhaps it was coincidence, but so many coincidences seemed too unrealistic.

“However, you guys didn’t get into this job to risk your lives believing yourselves to be spies. You guys are here with me and not Liam or other intel networks because you don’t want to do fieldwork. You don’t want to risk it,” Serena specified, and seeing that he was silent, she mentioned. “If you want to help the world or make it a better place, you can do that. Sitting down from work.”

Unlike other information networks, Serena, who led, had a focused ability to avoid being discovered and try to keep her team hidden.

That was why she was the ‘boss’ here.

Thanks to her, they were prevented from being located in multiple ways.

Now she was remarking that she could use that to her advantage, help or change the world sitting from her desk.

“We will reveal this information as an activist group, unveiling a corrupt politician and a guild with illegal activities. The goal of Liam’s boss is to tip the scales in which the goblins find themselves. We can improve a nation or at least push for it to improve.” Serena explained with a smile.

It could be revealed about the sold goblins, that would create quite a commotion worldwide, after all, there was talk of ‘extermination’ to prevent them from spreading to the world, but at the same time it had already happened.

The blame would fall on the guild that carried out the sale and also on the allied forces, who in public could not prevent the sale.

The Falion Empire and the Church of Order would take a hit, that was for the simple fact that they had to take responsibility for the entire group.

However, that guild being related to a couple of politicians could be used by those politicians who wished to eliminate corruption to strike at the opposition.

That was the job that people like them could do.

“I understand. I apologize for not acting accordingly.” Andrés said and looking at Serena, he commented. “If you need help, I can give you support, boss.”

The activities he was carrying out went from being an information network work to being an anonymous activist group.

Andrés didn’t feel he had high values like being a hero, but helping out wasn’t bad... At least, he didn’t want to do illegal work that went against his ideals.

“You haven’t even taken your first job in the information network and you want to help out here? Ha, you’re not ready yet,” Serena pointed out with a mocking laugh.

Andrés gave a half-smile.

The truth was that even now, he was still training his new abilities and improving his skills.

Looking again at the report that was for Liam, Andrés asked. “What kind of person is Liam?”

He knew him and they could be friends, but just like Aurora, they both divided ‘work’ with ‘friendship’ very well.

Surely that was why Liam asked Serena for help, as if it was a job and didn’t ask for support from him.

“Now he’s someone who has calmed down a bit, but before... He was someone who liked to take risks.” Serena revealed and seeing Andrés surprised, she smiled at him and commented. “You’re going to get your random reward today, right? Well, I think, if things go well, you’ll probably find out.”


Andrés looked out the window of the cab at the large building that belonged to the Cosmos Company.

It was quite huge as usual, but as someone who had come to the place before and explored it, he knew it was even bigger on the inside.

Paying the cab after it stopped, Andrés walked in the entrance’s direction.

If he were honest, he did not know what his reward would be or what it was all about.

He was excited, as he had been informed how the others took his reward and the things he got.

It was almost always training or a way to improve, either increasing his advantages or covering his deficiencies.

So far, Nicole was the one who had the most priceless reward because she was training with one of the strongest men in the world.

Another one who got a great reward was Dalia, who was studying under Director Vincent, as they were both air mages, that was a great reward.

So far everything was nice and the rewards that seemed the simplest were Leslie, who always seemed to be suffering and had difficulty even looking at her holographic watch because of how strict the military was.

A ‘rich girl’ entering the military that was very strict... Andrés pitied her.

Entering the building, Andrés looked at his reflection, and seeing that he was groomed, he made his way to the secretary.

He could feel on his walk that he was being watched by a security camera in the area, not only had his skills improved as he moved up the ranks, but his senses had been sharpened.

This time it was the same and when he looked in the direction of the camera, he realized that it was fixed on his movements.

Before he could reach the front desk, a secretary carrying several coffees received a message and, after looking around, approached.

“Andrés Silva, right?” The secretary asked, and when he nodded, he passed him the coffees and reported. “Don’t put it in your space ring, don’t spill it, and don’t uncover it. Send it to the advanced research section.”

With those words, the secretary who looked like some kind of intern quickly left.

Andrés stood stunned, looking at the three coffees he was carrying with difficulty, then glanced around, realizing that no one wanted to help him or looked back at him.

Everyone was focused on their respective jobs.

For a moment, he felt like an intern and obeyed, or so he tried to do since he didn’t even know where the ‘advanced research section’ was.

However, that wasn’t going to stop him and he was someone who, in his job interview, had to play games with his boss and let her win.

That was why he quickly asked the people around and they flagged him down to use the portal next to the elevator.

In the elevators there was a portal where people went in and out calmly Andrés had no idea how it worked, but he knew the camera was watching him, so he went in.

He didn’t need to take many steps like the Cosmos Portal, just one was enough to get to the other side.

It was a huge room, filled with all kinds of strange machines and tools lying on the sides.

He could see disassembled drones, and he could also notice a hull of some kind of half-assembled robot.

It was a mess, and at the same time, it gave off a weird vibe.

“Ignore that and move.”

A voice sounded from the center, hidden between what appeared to be two medium-scale spaceships.

Andrés obeyed, feeling a strange sensation that he would have to describe, it made him feel like when he went to the interview with his current boss... The feeling that he was meeting a quirky boss.

Walking without revealing his emotions, he encountered a man with his back turned and beckoned him to come closer.

He was a man in his late forties, wearing a scientist’s robe that matched the passionate look of a scientist... One who was very mad.

Thin, with dark circles under his eyes and a tired expression, his eyes shone with a extreme brilliance of such scientists who are not sane.

“Come on, come on. This is the best part,” said the man urging him on and as he approached, he took a coffee and pointed to the table ahead and commented. “Look, the battle is about to end.”

Andrés looked to where he was pointing, and his expression changed.

On the table ahead was a star system and on it were spaceships fighting each other in a small-scale space war.

Laser beams were flying through ‘space’ and hitting the barriers of the other ships, while smaller fighter craft was flying around.

Everything was inside a stained glass window that seemed to contain the small solar system.

“Look...” murmured the man with a smile.

The flagships were preparing their attack, the spaceship in the shape of a triangle opened up revealing a powerful light... Whose strength Andrés could feel.

On the other side, the opponent’s flagship assembled with other larger ships, creating an antenna that began to rotate, forming a light.

Both ships were extremely well detailed to the point that, if someone looked at it with a magnifying glass, they would find the damage from the gunfire on their shell.

The energy in both spread out, and both fired at the same time.

The ship that had assembled with the other ship let the force show as its beam of light engulfed the enemy ships and spread out through space, hitting the glass of the ‘boundary’ of the play area and...

“Oh, shit...” muttered the man as the glass shattered and the laser beam hit several tools, melting it.

Andrés watched totally and completely stunned by the demonstration taking place.

“We need to adjust the strength of the flagship. This was too unbalanced,” The man muttered and then observing Andrés, he ordered. “Try to get into their artificial intelligence system.”

Andrés’ expression twitched again as he saw him point at the spaceship, looking at the man he hesitated, but then obeyed trying to extend his influence by picking up on it.

His expression changed as he picked up signals from the spacecraft and felt a strong resistance from the system of those ships.

He had tried to move in using brute force to infiltrate, but was immediately stopped and repelled.

Then the security was raised as if the spacecraft was trying to defend itself from possible future attacks... As if on alert.

Andrés contemplated the spacecraft.

He understood that the signal came from those ships and felt it as if each ship had its own communication system on a small scale.

“Is there life inside?” Andrés asked as he saw that the man was drinking the coffee.

If someone told him that there was life inside and that they themselves were now ‘gods’ watching a space battle on a minuscule scale and were playing with them, then he would believe it.

That was how realistic the star system he was looking at was.

The broken glass of the stage had been regenerated, making the whole interior feel like a star system, with its planets and stars nicely detailed.

“No, I’m not that kind of ‘God’,” Joked the man with an amused and arrogant laugh, then looking at the spacecraft, he commented. “Each are scale model of spacecraft designed by me... This is what humanity has to achieve.”

Andrés’ expression quivered at that overly arrogant quip.

“A star war where we kill each other?” Andrés asked, giving a simple comment calming his expression.

“Or we kill others...” replied the man, amused by the answer and looking at his little game, he pointed out. “The future of mankind lies in space, a space that stretches far into the distance. That is our path.”

A deep voice full of force, which then slowly changed, reducing seriousness.

“However, Cosmos Enterprise doesn’t want to fully invest to travel into space, so I have to settle for this,” added the man and giving him an animated smile, he commented. “Even though they have me and I can accomplish unimaginable things.”

Extremely arrogant, narcissistic, and almost haughty... That was the way he was acting, and since Andrés could sense that the man was important, he would publicly describe him as ‘flamboyant’.

“Well, Andrés. When my boss said I had to welcome a spoiled brat to stay by my side, I thought he was going to be an arrogant bastard. I hate those guys,” said the man with an honest tone and observing Andrés, he pointed out. “But then when I found out you were hooked up with Liam and that loser, Serena, my mood improved a little.”

He seemed like that kind of ‘bastard, arrogant’, but Andrés wisely kept quiet, as he understood that two of the same species were going to get along badly.

Still, he was curious about his words.

“Liam?” Andrés asked curiously.

It made him feel that it was because of his connection with Liam that he was able to come to this place and meet this flamboyant man.

“Yeah, Liam Hafen. That bastard who infiltrated my security system. He was the only one who has ever gotten to steal information from me and break through the security of my creations,” said the man, giving himself emphasis through his creations and as he met Andrés’ gaze, he commented. “I did it myself you know, but that bastard managed to infiltrate my security system that I designed especially for the Church of Time and Space... Well, in the end, he was stopped and suffered a bit, for seeing things he wasn’t supposed to see.”

Arrogant to the point that his emphases were quite evident.

Andrés let those words pass and focused on another point.

“How did he make it?” Andrés asked curiously.

Only that spacecraft seemed to have an extremely high and self-aware security system when it came to protecting itself, and it was quite possible that the artificial intelligence in command was extremely advanced.

Going through that, it felt impossible for Andrés.

Hearing that question, the man gritted his teeth and muttered. “It got me drunk... And took advantage of me.”

Andrés’ look instantly became extremely strange, and the man continued.

“He made use of my comments and my knowledge to break through the security of my own creations and infiltrate stealing information he shouldn’t have.” Added the man and giving a sigh, he stated. “It was like a snake that crawled through the undergrowth deceiving those watching it.”

His tone was somewhat tragic.

It made him feel as if his creations were a part of him... Andrés thought of a situation where a middle-aged man goes on a bender and ends up talking more than he should, ruining his work by being so drunk.

Then, after waking up and realizing his mistake, he blamed the other party for everything.

Andrés, however, couldn’t say his thoughts out loud.

He was someone who had been working with a boss who liked to play games and was extremely bad at it, to the point that her workers had to lose to get on her good side.

That was why...

“I didn’t think Liam was that kind of person.” Andrés commented with a serious look, as if the ‘image’ of someone familiar had been shattered.

“Yeah, kid. It’s the truth. It wasn’t my fault in the end,” said the man, shaking his head and smiling at him he questioned. “How is it possible that I, the great Lucius, the mighty ‘Sage of Technology and Science’ could have his creations breached by a bastard who is now after my drones?”

Andrés revealed a surprised expression as he listened to the presentation... Even though the man had spread his arms wide as if he was on top of the world.

That title of ‘Sage’ was unknown to him and most likely self-styled, but the truth was that no one would judge him.

It was known that the Cosmos Company had a ‘Sage’ that allowed it to be at an advantage on a technological and scientific level.

Ordinary people did not know him and he did not go out to the public... Now Andrés understood the reason.

He was a very peculiar and special individual.

“Well, let’s stop talking about that bastard. I’ve already arranged the schedules with Serena, so you can work here part time and then go to your other job,” Lucius said and, patting him on the shoulders, he mentioned. “Your first job is to clean up this mess.”

Andrés’s expression quivered.

He went from one flamboyant boss to another... No; he didn’t even go through, but had him both.

He felt his only acceptable ‘boss’ was Aurora and Liam, who was his superior.

No, with what he was finding out about Liam, maybe only Aurora was normal... Or the closest thing to it.


In a bar with the music loud, Arminius Petra watched the television, listening perfectly well to the criticism of the guilds.

“Damn bastards. They think they’re capable of judging us when they’re fucking wimps,” Arminius growled in an annoyed voice.

“Yeah, they’re bastards. The strong have to dominate the weak!” said a young man with a smart and pleasant smile.

He had met him today after leaving that conference where he was blamed, even though he also appeared in the videos.

Bearing the burden for the ineptitude of others.

That was why he was drinking and...

“Liam, you understand me. You’re weak but smart. Not like those bastards,” Arminius said, drinking an entire bottle of beer in one gulp.

That man opened another beer and passed it to him quite naturally and that pleased Arminio.

Could he be one of those individuals who approached him to take advantage of his prestige and power?

Perhaps that young man was weak and had a body that could be crushed with one of his arms.

But it was okay, the weak approached the strong to survive, that was how the world was supposed to be.

“No, I’m not smart. I think the Romanian president should apologize to you. You were in that catastrophe, you were even in the videos. How can they blame your guild for not being there?” Liam asked with an angry look.

Arminio laughed in amusement at that question and answered. “Yeah, I don’t get it either.”

His laughter went up through the bar as other people continued to enjoy themselves.

It wasn’t night or anything, but the bar was dark and lively all because of his presence.

“Damn... I think I have to go.” Liam muttered as he looked at the time on his holographic watch.

He had projected his holographic clock without being bothered by Arminius’ stares, and he could see a wallpaper projecting with his guild’s banner.

“Are you really a guild fan?” Arminio asked with a mocking laugh.

“Didn’t I say that at the beginning, of course, I’m a guild supporter! Although I didn’t like the previous leader, he was a bastard who wanted to put on a good face and subordinated himself to everyone. A guild leader should cut an imposing figure, like you,” Liam said in disgust and then, using his holographic watch, he let the projecting flag show and stated. “The ‘Victrix Guild’, its name designated by the sixth Roman legion.”

Arminius chuckled at this man who spoke earnestly, but on one thing, he agreed.

“The previous leaders did suck. At least now the guild has me,” Arminius said with an animated laugh that only got louder as he saw that weakling nod and, looking at his guild’s projecting banner, he commented. “That banner should fly all over Romania.”

“I totally agree. Do you want me to share it with you?” Liam asked and, seeing the look on his face, explained. “You know, you can have it. I can also help you design a new one. You know, with your figure carrying the banner.”

Arminius watched that weakling and chuckled as he realized he was looking for a way to connect to him.

He was those typical weakling looking to parasitize someone stronger to try to survive, but while he liked those bootlickers, Arminius just smiled.

“Share it directly,” Arminius said, starting his holographic watch.

Sharing directly didn’t need his number or personal social network, so he had no way to contact him, and seeing that weakling’s disappointment, Arminio hid his arrogant smile.

However, the young man obeyed, and using his holographic watch, he passed the banner and installed it on the holographic watch.

Then, after a few reboot blinks, everything worked again and the guild banner appeared as the background of the screen, giving a fluttering sensation.

“That’s it... It was an excellent day, but I have to go to work. My boss is very strict,” Liam said and, giving Arminio a look, he commented. “It was nice to meet you.”

He seemed to expect him to tell him to stay or something along those lines, but Arminio just raised his beer to dismiss him.

Watching him leave the site, Arminius chuckled in amusement at these weaklings who were nothing more than parasites.

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