The Heavens: Falling Ink From Douluo

Chapter 18 Planning

Chapter 18 Planning
"Your value lies in my needs."

Lin Chaoci waved his hand.

Wind Blade, Earth Spike and Fire Wall once again encircled and killed the remaining members of the Star Luo Empire's soul hunting team who were unwilling to sign the agreement.

Then, he stomped his feet.

The stone railing on Zhu Zhuyun's throat slowly retreated to its original position, and all the stone railings restraining Zhu Zhuyun also slowly retreated.

After a while, there was only one big cage left.

Then, the big cage sank slowly.

It wasn't until then that Zhu Zhuyun was endowed with the ability to move, tremblingly raised his hand, and wiped off the cold sweat that he didn't dare to wipe before.

At the same time, the swamp where Davis was buried also rose slowly. The rising speed of the swamp was completely balanced with the sinking speed of the big cage, revealing the hideous arm in the swamp.

There is no skin on the arm.

The throbbing flesh and flowing blood can be seen vaguely.

Sometimes pain is not just a sensation a person can have, it is a way for all the nerves in that person to send warning signals.

People may be dead.

But the nerves have to wait a few more minutes.

On this ferocious arm, the wrist is twisted unnaturally, and the palm is grasping, as if expressing the dead's longing for life.

Anyone who sees this arm can feel the despair of the deceased before death, as well as the fear and awe from his heart.


Lin Chaoci shook his head: "It's a character, but it can't be used by me."

Then, he turned around and walked to the campfire, sat on the small stone stool again, picked up a piece of wood and threw it into the fire, and ordered:
"Send a few people over there and dig him out."

"If you are alive, you will make up the knife, if you are dead, you will be cremated."

"After cremation, make a small wooden box and bury him here."

As Lin Chaoci was talking, he seemed to think of something again. He slapped his forehead and waved to Zhu Zhuyun and "Davis".

Zhu Zhuyun hesitated for a moment.

But still came over with "Davis".

At the same time, other members of the Star Luo Empire's soul-hunting team had already dug out the dead Davis, and they did not dare to look directly at the tragic situation. They carried Davis to a distance, and then raised a ball bonfire.


Lin Chaoci stomped his feet, and two small stools rose from the soil.

Zhu Zhuyun adjusted his mentality, and then sat on the small stool in what he thought was the most elegant sitting posture.

"Davis" next to Zhu Zhuyun does not have Zhu Zhuyun's etiquette. Zhu Zhuyun's elegant sitting posture is due to the training of noble etiquette since childhood, and this person who has just become "Davis" is not a real nobleman. He squatted with his legs apart, and sat on the small stool in embarrassment and discomfort.

Lin Chaoci is six years old, and a small stool is very suitable for him.

Zhu Zhuyun is 12 years old, sitting on a small stool is very awkward.

And this "Davis" is in his 20s and sits on a small stool.

Taking back the seven evolution cards, putting them into the card box in order, and then fastening the card box, Lin Chaoci touched the fluffy hair of Tun Ri and Xing Xing, sat in front of the campfire, and added slowly:
"There are no two identical leaves in the world, but there are two twins who are almost identical in appearance. It is not difficult to distinguish the real one from the real one. Even close relatives sometimes cannot tell the difference."

"Besides, talking about family affection in the royal family is a luxury among extravagances!"

"The chair in the palace is icy cold, but if the crown prince can't move the person sitting on that chair now, how can he talk about ruling an empire in the future?"

"To be honest, I'm not very relieved when I entrust this position to you. A prince's wrist will be far beyond your imagination, and Emperor Xingluo's wrist will be even better than the dead Davis. !"

"So, the next thing you have to do is to watch, listen, and study hard, and learn how to play a qualified Prince Xingluo from this young lady of the Zhu family who knows Davis best."

"During the period, you will definitely be suspected."

"Learning is also a process and it takes time."

"Also, it's hard to guarantee that no one will use your identity to make a fuss. Although your skin is real, your martial spirit is not a white tiger."

"So, in the next period of time, I will give you a white tiger spirit as a reward for this mission, which is equivalent to you being the owner of a twin spirit, but the spirit ring of the white tiger spirit still needs you Done."

"I just read it, you have three soul rings."

"So your white tiger spirit must be matched according to Davis' original spirit ring configuration. My request is to be accurate to each spirit beast!"

"For example, if Davis absorbed a century-old Vajra Tiger in his first spirit ring, then you should also find a century-old Vajra Tiger for your first spirit ring!"

Having said that, Lin Chaoci paused for a moment.

Turning his head to look at Zhu Zhuyun at the side:
"You are responsible for this."

"As far as I know, some powerful martial souls or sect inheritances like the upper three sects and the lower four sects have done a lot of research on how to maximize the improvement brought about by absorbing spirit rings."

"As the young miss of the Zhu family, I think you should know the white tiger spirit of your Star Luo Empire. What kind of spirit beast should be absorbed by the first few spirit rings?"

Zhu Zhuyun nodded: "Don't worry, I know."

"That's good."

Lin Chaoci took a sip of hot water: "I'll save myself from wasting my soul power to investigate."

Hearing Lin Chaoci mention this, Zhu Zhuyun, who had been holding back his stomach for a long time, suddenly remembered these questions of his own, and his eyes lit up, so he asked:
"Baidi, what exactly is your martial spirit?"

As soon as this remark came out, it seemed that the chatterbox had been opened.

A series of questions ensued:

"Since your name is Baidi, what should I be called?"

"The organization you just mentioned, what kind of organization?"

"Can I also have a second martial soul?"

"Who am I serving?"

"Is it for you, or for the organization?"

Lin Chaoci panicked a lot in his heart, but on the surface he was as steady as an old dog. He blew on the hot water in the bowl, and then corrected him indifferently:
"The organization is named 'Brigade'."

"I'm a member of the brigade."

"You are just my subordinates. If you regard the brigade as a big tree, I am a main branch on this big tree, and you are the branches on this branch of mine, so your first allegiance The target is me, and secondly, the organization behind me."

"After all, I'm not doing charity."

"If your branches hurt my interests by helping the branches on other main branches, then you are not only useless, but even wrong!"

"Because this is a negotiation of interests between me and another main branch, if I ask you to help, it must be that we have reached some kind of consensus, or in other words, I think that I want you to help the other party obtain The benefit you get is greater than the loss you will lose if you give up the mission!"

"About whether you can have a second martial spirit..."

"I suggest you wait for this question!"

Lin Chaoci raised his finger and pointed to "Davis", and then calmly reminded: "Because I will add a White Tiger Martial Soul to him in a short time. I'm too lazy to convince you of my words."

"As for what my martial spirit is..."

Lin Chaoci smiled: "Didn't you see it just now?"

(End of this chapter)

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