The Humble Life of a Skill Trainer

Chapter 44

Once Snowy's training was over, I left the fortress and started down the hill into town. I would usually remain until the afternoon, eating lunch at the Baron's expense, and checking those residing in the fort who were learning a Skill. But, I was planning to enjoy the bathhouse today. [Meditation] also nudged my mind, suggesting that I was trying to avoid a confrontation with the Baron, but I ignored the hint. Following me like a particularly grumpy ghost was the elite guard that still hadn't deigned to name himself.

The city itself was active. The farmers working hard to bring in the last of the fourth harvest before winter made the ground too hard even with support from the corpse wagons. The few farmers who could farm during even the coldest part of the season would switch to growing specialty crops for the nobles. Tobacco and other vices always made a seasonal return during the coldest part of winter, the expense a statement in itself. Despite the activity, I had little need to dodge traffic, many of the people walking on the side of the road gave me a wide berth. If I hadn't known before, it would have been evident that I had been outed as a potentially dangerous person to be around. It was honestly a toss-up as to what precisely was offputting. It could have been the Guilds making it clear I was unwanted, the known feud between the Mages and Skill Trainers, or just the rumors around my profession itself.

When I reached the bathhouse, I couldn't help but smile. The morning had gotten away from me, and so I decided to use the public baths after working with Snowy. I was moving beyond sweaty and into the realm of odorous. My plans included some scented oils for the water, and I was looking forward to a long soak in a private room. While I idly considered between the different oils that I could soon be enjoying, I climbed the wooden stairs. The thick oaken stairs led to the bathhouse's top floor, the bland stone edifice only adorned with a wooden plank proclaiming the business. Partially funded by the Baron, the public bath would not exclude anyone since the health benefits of a clean populace were hard to ignore. While all were welcome in the baths, the poorest of peasants were relegated to the basement, where the waste-waters from the top floors flowed down before rejoining the river.

In the past, I had limited myself to the middle - the ground - floor as I tried to maintain my apprentice disguise. The water diverted from the river and into the bathhouse was cold, crisp, and clean. Clean water was nothing to sniff at, but it would be nice to use the top floor and a heated bath. The woman behind the counter wore stylish clothing and had multiple pins to tame her complex patterned hairstyle. At my entrance, she managed to restrain a sneer, but she seemed unable to contain her sniff as I approached. To her credit, she managed to smile and bow her head slightly when I reached the carved stone appointment table.

"Welcome, would you prefer a private bath, or are you waiting for a group?" the attendant asked as her eyes flicked behind me to my guard.

Before I could answer, a woman called out from behind me.

"This is Master Still. He has reserved a private room for his personal use," said Mena.

Mena was the polite older woman that ran the bathhouse, her greying hair up in a matching style to the attendant's. She had made the style somewhat of a calling card for the female attendants.

Smiling, I nodded in appreciation to Mena as she gestured me to follow her.

"Joshua, I haven't seen you in a while. My mother has been complaining that the other alchemist can't seem to get her pills correct," Mena said as we walked down a hall the length of the building. The hallway was well-appointed by stone sculptures that could handle the moisture and steam that would follow opening any door that lined the walk.

"I'm sorry. The Guild has shut down my shop so I can't help her from now on," I said, my hand moving carefully in the sign for agreement.

Mentioning her mother was a not-too-subtle hint that my usual information-drop location would no longer work: her mother and her pills. I was sure that the first time I stopped by, the Alchemist Guild would cause a hassle, both for her mother and me. I couldn't use the bathhouse itself as a drop, they were always suspected of spying, so they still needed to be circumspect. The bathhouses were the primary source of information for the Trainer's Guild and were often owned and operated by the Trainers or at least were allied with us. The bathhouse was the last refuge for those who couldn't find training, due to lack of funds or lack of talent, giving the Trainers their pick of young men and women who could be molded as assistants or spies. Plenty of talented crafters had come from rejected bath attendants. They were then inserted into crafting Guilds, where secrets leaked shortly after.

"I thank you for holding a reservation for me. I will have funds sent around for next month and today, of course. I have also recently taken an apprentice. I will need a room chit so she may use it as well," I said, my left hand resting in front of my right, indicating that my apprentice was untested and untrusted.

"Of course," she said.

I was impressed with her quick thinking to claim I had requested a reservation. It gave me a plausible reason to return, a way for her to pass on my new drop location, and of course, it sold a reservation. We stopped at the second to last room, the last room being traditionally reserved for the highest ranked person in town. I smiled and silently nodded at the suggested honor by her selection. I doubt that I would always have the same room when I entered the baths. Still, it was a friendly compliment none the less.

A 'reservation' meant only that my name was on the list in a set order rather than that the room would always be available for me personally. It was likely a slow period, and Mena was looking to butter me up. I wasn't high in the Trainer's Guild, but she knew I was connected to those with some clout.

My guard checked the room, waiting until the steam had cleared enough to check the water before he exited to stand next to the wall. I was beginning to detest the constant guarding. Still, I admitted that it was part of the exchange I accepted when I took the Baron's deal.

The bare stone walls curved gently as the floor dipped into the center where the steaming water waited. On the wall was a copper pipe where heated water would flow to refill the pool between uses. A rack with scrubs, towels, combs, and other supplies rested against the wall.

"Would you like anything special today? Oils? Tea? Shave or a cut? I can send for an attendant from the Pleasure House if you wish. It is early in the season for tobacco, but I could send a runner to a merchant house if you like," Mena said as she stood in the room and watched me as I stripped.

I began unlacing my boots on the wooden bench next to the wall, as I considered but rejected the food or personal grooming.

"Oil, please. If you could suggest a scent, I would appreciate it. Now that I think about it, some tea would be nice. Thank you," I said as Mena quickly grabbed my clothes and folded them up to be cleaned while I bathed.

I was slightly annoyed by her mentioning the Pleasure House. It was considered taboo to imply someone enjoyed sexual favors in the bathhouse. Though, that was for the open pools on the two lower levels that were divided by gender. I doubt such niceties were followed in the private rooms, nobles not being known for controlling their urges.

[Meditation] once again poked at me. It reminded me that my view of nobles came from a narrow and often biased situation, namely, when they failed to follow my training regimens. Mentally shrugging, I again ignored the Skill's suggestion. At the same time, I slowly drifted into the water and rested on the submerged bench.

My eyes cracked open as the attendant entered. After she added scented oil to the water and left a cup and pot of tea next to the pool, I let them slowly drift closed. The water's scent wafting up my nose was thick and herbal and heavy with pine. I guessed that it was a cheaper option procured from the soap makers. I knew that pine needles had some small part to play in soap making, but I couldn't remember exactly. On the far side of the pool from the door was a stone block jutting from the floor, a harsh lye soap ring circling it. Rubbing the towel around the ring, I worked up a lather and started to wash. Cleaning myself quickly, I dropped the wet towel on the pool's side while I sipped my tea and relaxed, letting the water soothe my muscles.

Without considering the action, I drifted into [Meditation], checking my internal state. I was curious if my Skill Point would make a change in the inner world of mana. My question was instantly answered by the bundle of mana that somehow loomed over the crystals and the vague field of mana surrounding me. I knew immediately that the thick swirling blob was my Skill Point, waiting for my choice. I interpreted Skills as crystals, the Skill Point as a liquid, and the field of mana that [Meditation] had once drained, as a gas. They weren't. My 'view' into this inner world was no more sight than my sense of smell was my ability to taste, but they seemed just as related to me. When I tried to examine the list of Skills I could spend my Skill Point on, I felt a shake as a massive pillar of will pressed down on my inner world. The pressure forced into my inner world but only gently touched the liquid waiting to become a Skill.

It was me pressing down and touching this inner world.

How did I know? I had no clue. It was as evident as the nose on my face and just as challenging to examine. Every time I tried to focus on what was touching the blob of mana, it would drift away.


I gasped as I rolled out of [Meditation], the gentle question of the attendant feeling like a shout.

The water had noticeably cooled during my [Meditation], and I had to resist shivering. The water hadn't cooled so much as to be cold, but I had mentally been expecting warmth, and the tepid water was a surprise in comparison.

"What is the hour?" I asked as I blinked, the attendant recovering from her surprise at my sudden gasp and floundering.

"It's was just the sixth bell, sir," she said, her face carefully neutral.

Again, I had to blink, realizing that I had spent most of the day in the bath and not the few short hours I had planned.

Shaking my head again, I smiled in rueful self-recrimination before turning to the attendant.

"Please excuse me, I found the bath so relaxing that it seems I fell asleep. Please be sure to assign a large tip to my monthly bill to show my appreciation for the accommodations," I said while exiting the bath.

Nodding while appropriately looking away, the woman bowed and backed toward the door. Once I had unwrapped my clothing from the protective leathers and pulled on my pants, she straightened and exited. It wasn't until she had left that I realized that my guard had let the attendant enter without considering that she could be an assailant in disguise. While it was unlikely that someone could disguise themselves, assassinate me, and then escape, if my mother could perform the deed, so could a professional assassin. I would have to remember that the Baron's guards were trained to guard his keep and may not always make the best decisions for my own safety. I would mention this failure to Sir Wincome as well. The lack of politeness from the other guard was the deciding factor there. Petty, but still, there it was.

As I finished dressing, I kept mentally poking at my Skill Point and considering how it felt while [Meditating]. It wore at my mind like a sore tooth. It wasn't like [Meditation]; it wasn't affecting my mind. The entire experience had been disconcerting. The feel of my mana, the time loss, and the feeling of an unselected Skill was odd in a way I couldn't describe. Despite the oddity, I couldn't help believing I had touched on something important- the core of why [Meditation] was so important. I couldn't see how this would lead to spells and magic, but my [Trainer of Skills] and [Meditation] were pressing at my mind saying this was the right path.

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