The Immortal in Marvel

Chapter 107: I Do Research, And What I Pay Attention To Is Doing Whatever I Want

The next day, Queens, the arms factory of Hammer Advanced Industries.

"This is my munitions factory, my happy hut."

Hammer took Lu Chuang and Ivan Vanko into the munitions factory, which was much larger than the gang factories Lu Chuang had seen before.

Soon, they came to the depths of the munitions factory.

"It's here, take a look at them, it's great, right?"

Hammer pointed forward, and Lu Chuang saw two rows of steel armor neatly arranged.

However, Lu Chuang can tell that the quality of these steel armors is not very good, even the shape reveals a strong sense of imitation, and dozens of pairs of steel armors are placed together, as if from the same Counterfeit and shoddy products mass-produced by imitation factories are really a bit of a stretch.

Not to mention Tony Stark's Mark series steel armor, even imitations like the Iron Overlord armor completely crush these steel armors in all aspects, and the technological "six-nine-zero" level of the two is obviously not at the same level.

Ivan Vanko was holding a toothpick in his mouth, with a disdainful expression on his face, obviously he didn't like this bunch of fake and inferior products either.

Looking at these low-end steel armors, Lu Chuang couldn't help asking curiously: "How much did you spend on these things?"

"On average, each set of steel armor is worth at least 120 million USD."

"What? 120 million USD?"

Lu Chuang looked at Hammer with strange eyes.

Originally, these craps of his were not worth much, but the result was completely beyond his expectation. The value was twice as high as the cost of his super battle suit, and the money was enough for him to build double the number of super battle suits. .

As expected of Hammer Industries, which created the "ex-wife", it is surprisingly reliable in terms of unreliability.

At this time, Ivan Vanko walked to the steel armor console, tapped the keyboard quickly, and cracked the firewall of Hammer Industry in a few strokes. Lu Chuang saw that Hammer's face turned blue.

Ivan Vanko ignored Hammer and looked down at the data of the steel armor.

"Very well, it seems that he has begun to familiarize himself with his job position."

Hammer joked and eased the awkward atmosphere, then turned around and said to Lu Chuang: "The next thing is your job arrangement, I also found a good place for you, Hammer Medical Technology Company , you are the person in charge of the new project, and the content of the project is a panacea..."

"I refuse, I want to stay here!" Lu Chuang interrupted Hammer directly.


Hammer's expression froze instantly.

He never expected that Lu Chuang would refuse, and said absurdly: "Did you make a mistake, this is an arms factory, not a medical research institute, what are you doing here?"

In Hammer's view, Lu Chuang should be a genius who is proficient in pharmacy, otherwise Lu Chuang would not have produced such a magical panacea, and it is troublesome for such a genius in pharmacy not to stay in the medical research institute, but in the arms factory which kind?

Lu Chuang put on an air of a master, and said indifferently: "You may not know that I, a person who studies medicine, always pays attention to doing whatever I want, and never cares about the surrounding environment.


God damn it!

This is scientific research, please be more cautious, if something goes wrong, Deadman will come!

"However, there is no relevant equipment and tools here. If you want to mass-produce the universal medicine, only the pharmaceutical factory of Hammer Medical Technology Company can do it." Hammer tried to persuade Lu Chuang.

Lu Chuang shook his head: "Making universal potions is not as simple as you imagined. It is impossible to make universal potions with mechanical equipment alone. At present, it is basically impossible for you to mass-produce universal potions. I need time to research and improve."

Hearing Lu Chuang's words, Hammer frowned, this is not the same as his good.

The inability to mass-produce the universal medicine means that there is no way to put it on the market directly, and he cannot make money on a large scale. After all, Hammer's plan is to promote the universal medicine to the world.

Fortunately, Lu Chuang didn't say anything to death, and Hammer could still see the hope of mass production of the panacea.

Hammer also wanted to persuade Lu Chuang to work in his medical technology company, but Lu Chuang's attitude was extremely firm and he wanted to stay in the munitions factory. Seeing this, Hammer had no choice but to let Lu Chuang stay in the munitions factory temporarily. Chuang can't run in his territory.

Afterwards, Hammer made some arrangements for Lu Chuang and Ivan Vanko respectively, and tried his best to help them complete their work as soon as possible.

Now Hammer only wants to see the mass production of steel armor and universal potion, and the market value of his Hammer industry will definitely double dozens of times by then!

Hammer thought hotly in his heart.

Unfortunately, his idea is doomed to fail.

Neither Lu Chuang nor Ivan Vanko could work for him obediently like this.

In the afternoon, Hammer came to the arms factory again with his personal butler, wanting to check the work progress of Lu Chuang and Ivan Vanko.

When he walked into the depths of the munitions factory, he saw two figures sitting in front of a table, staring at the iron pot in front of them, their serious looks seemed to be doing academic research...

Hammer was a little curious and walked towards the two of them.

After Hammer approached, Hammer smelled a strong smell. He frowned and looked into the iron pot, but found that the red liquid was constantly tumbling inside, and he could vaguely see a few peppers and star anise floating on top.

Hammer asked, "What are you guys doing?"

Holding the bowl and chopsticks, Lu Chuang said seriously: "I can't tell, I'm developing a new type of potion.

The corner of Hammer's mouth twitched, I really didn't see it if you didn't tell me!


Lu Chuang suddenly picked up the chopsticks, picked out a piece of fat beef from the red soup and put it into the bowl.

Ivan Vanko next to him didn't give in. He picked up a large piece of meat with chopsticks and put it directly into his mouth, then took a big gulp of the vodka in his hand, and shouted happily: "Ula!"

Seeing this scene, Wen Mo said angrily: "This is not a panacea at all!"

Lu Chuang shook his head, and said firmly: "No, this is the hot pot-flavored panacea I developed the latest.'


Can the panacea still taste?

Hammer's eyes widened, obviously not believing what he said.

Lu Chuang sighed helplessly, took a pot and spoon, filled the pot with a mouthful of soup, put it into a glass bottle and threw it to Hammer casually: "I don't need to say it this time.

Hammer took a deep breath and asked the butler to take the glass bottle to verify 0.4.

Soon, the butler came back and whispered in his ear: "Sir, it's true again, but the patient said that the taste of this medicine is too spicy, and it is suggested to put a little less chili next time."


Can it be less spicy? I've already eaten it here.

Seeing the two happily eating the hot pot-flavored panacea, Hammer said with a distressed face: "To be precise, these belong to the company's property, and you are occupying the company's property resources without permission."

"I still have a bowl here, do you want to come and eat with us?" Lu Chuang said enthusiastically: "In fact, the effect of the panacea is not only to remove toxins and cure diseases, but also to treat baldness.

Kidney deficiency, frequent urination and many other problems, I think you need this very much. "

Hammer's face darkened instantly, and he gritted his teeth and said, "I don't have these problems!"

"Then do you want to eat?"

"Uh, let me try it..."

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