The Immortal in Marvel

Chapter 80: Come On, Let's Shoot At The Middle Door

"That's right, it's me."

Lu Chuang took off his mask and hood, and directly revealed his true face.

After seeing Lu Chuang's appearance, the purple-haired little girl exclaimed: "It's really you!"

As she spoke, she also took off the black mask. The other party was the little loli Mindy that Lu Chuang had seen before. From the beginning of seeing this outfit, Lu Chuang already knew that the other party was Mindy.

Same place, same two people.

The only difference is that there is one missing Big Daddy, the werewolf who pointed a gun at his daughter.

Lu Chuang asked curiously, "Why don't you see your father?"

Hearing his words, Mindy's eyes dimmed instantly, and he said in a low mood, "Big dead, it's Frank Amick who did it."

"Amick killed my mother, and Big Daddy and I have always wanted to avenge Amick, but a week ago we were ambushed and surrounded by Amick's men. Big Daddy wanted to cover I ended up dying at their hands."

Lu Chuang has already taken off the priest's black robe, but the aura of a super high school priest is still there, and this matter has been suppressed in his heart, Mingdy can't help but confide to Lu Chuang.

Although she received a Spartan-style education since she was a child, she was still a child. Seeing her father die in front of her eyes was hard for an adult, let alone a little girl who was only 11 years old. .

Well, sure enough something went wrong.

In fact, after finding out that Big Daddy was not there, Lu Chuang basically guessed what happened.

Without dwelling on this topic, Lu Chuang asked: "So, you issued this commission yourself?"

"Well, I use the dark web left by Big Daddy to issue commissions, as for the reward..."

Mindy hesitated at 710, and under the influence of Lu Chuang's super high school priest, she chose to believe Lu Chuang, saying: "It's the stolen money that Big Daddy and I got from fighting criminals before.

Big Daddy has already deposited this money into the account in advance, and I can use it as I like.


Lu Chuang didn't continue to ask, and simply said: "Then let's continue, what is the next test."

"No need, if it's you, there must be no problem."

Mindy wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes. She was a strong little girl. The death of Big Daddy did not make her feel scared. Instead, she became more determined to kill Amick, the big enemy, and avenged her dead mother and Big Daddy.

Mindy calmed down, and said with a serious expression: "I've decided to hire you to help me kill Frank Atshen!"


"Yes, regardless of my young age, I am very strong."

Mindy was afraid that Lu Chuang would not believe it, so she raised her gun and aimed a few shots at the nearby target. It was originally the test content of Lu Chuang's next level, but now it became a prop for her to prove her strength.

Lu Chuang took a look and hit the bullseye with his gun.

It can be seen that the gun in Mindy's hand has also been modified, reducing the power and recoil, and improving the hit rate and stability, which is very suitable for a little girl like Mindy.

After showing his strength, Mindy said to himself: "As long as the two of us work together, we will definitely be able to kill that bastard Amick this time, and I have already found Amick's location, which is in a corner of the Bronx District." Inside the building, that surface is the top floor of the furniture company!"

Lu Chuang raised his hand: "I want to ask, what is your plan?"

As a temporary worker hired by Mindy, out of professional ethics, Lu Chuang should have asked the boss about his request.

"It's very simple. When the time comes, I will disguise myself as a lost little girl, sneak into the building and kill the janitor, and then I will put you in and kill the top floor together!"

What a perfect plan, almost catching up with Wade!

Lu Chuang thought for a while and said: "I think this plan is good, but there is a little flaw."

"What blemish?"

"The risk of exposure is too great, and it may be discovered by the enemy at any time."

Mindy shrugged his head: "I know, but I have observed that building, it is full of Amick's men, and there are cameras everywhere, it is too difficult for us to sneak in, so we can only adopt a storm strategy , as many as they can kill before they find out."

"In this case, why don't you listen to my next assassination plan."

"Assassination plan?"

"Yes, it's the assassination plan."

Lu Chuang showed a bright smile: "Don't worry, the purpose of our mercenary service is to ensure the safety of the employer, but also to ensure that the employer can enjoy the most perfect killer experience. I have a one-stop supreme package for cremation. Are you interested?" Learn about?"

Amick Building, on the surface, is a furniture company, but secretly it is a drug trafficking organization used to sell drugs.

And Frank Amick is the drug lord of this drug trafficking organization.

In the office on the top floor of the building, Amick was sitting on an office chair with a large floor-to-ceiling window behind him. In the spacious room stood a circle of subordinates, all of whom were equipped with submachine guns.

One of his subordinates is reporting.

"We didn't find the purple-haired masked girl, but I found out that someone posted a commission to kill you on the dark web recently, and it's very likely that the masked girl did it.

Amick's face was full of indifference: "It doesn't matter, anyway, that damn masked man is dead, what can a mere little girl do."

"As for the entrustment, there are a lot of people who want me to die, but I'm still alive and well now?"

Amick stood up and said viciously: "If they really dare to come, I guarantee that they will never come back. I will inform the people on the first floor to be vigilant. If any strangers are found entering the building, especially little girls, they will be arrested immediately." up (bded) for interrogation."

"Okay, boss."

"Also, arrange more people to guard the office and protect me at all times to prevent someone from sneaking in to assassinate me. I don't believe it. I can kill me in the face of so many people!"

"Okay, drawing board.

Amick curled his lips in disdain, he didn't think anyone could kill him in such a heavily guarded building.

Unless a whole team of heavily armed mercenaries was hired for a fire raid, it would be impossible for just a few people to break into the top floor of the building.

Amick turned to face the floor-to-ceiling windows, overlooking the city below him, and he liked the condescending feeling.

At this time, he felt a flash of white light, which made him squint his eyes subconsciously.


Amick looked up, and there was also a tall building in the distance, and the roof was facing his direction.

At the moment, a large and a small figure were standing on the rooftop.

The taller figure held a sniper rifle in his hand and pointed it at his position. The white light just now was reflected from the lens of the magnifying glass.


Accompanied by a dull impact, Amick couldn't help shaking.

On the floor-to-ceiling window in front of him, a sniper bullet suddenly appeared, and the bullet got stuck in the thick glass, right on the forehead of Amick.

It's a pity that the sniper bullet didn't penetrate the floor-to-ceiling window, and was directly blocked in front of Amick.

Amick was startled at first, then turned to the two figures opposite, and laughed wantonly: "Hahaha, this piece of glass is made of special materials, even a grenade can't be blown up, just rely on you two idiots to think Kill me and go dreaming!"


Suddenly, there was another crash.

Amick was horrified to find that the sniper bullet in front of him was hit by the sniper bullet behind and pushed forward a little bit, like a hammer hitting a nail, slowly driving the nail into the glass.


Like the knocking sound of Death God, the sniper bullets gradually sank into the floor-to-ceiling windows, and the bullets almost came out of the glass.

Under the threat of sniper bullets, Amick finally got scared and didn't dare to stand still. He ran to the back of the office and shouted: "There is a killer on the other side! Call everyone to come up."


At the moment, someone noticed that the sniper bullet had been completely drilled out, and nearly half of it was firmly stuck in the glass.

In an instant, the sniper bullets burst into dazzling flames!


With the deafening explosion, the floor-to-ceiling windows shattered into countless pieces.

Everyone standing in the office could feel the gusts of wind pouring into the room like a tide at this moment, but the figure on the opposite rooftop suddenly put away the sniper rifle and pulled up a long banner, the words on it were clearly visible .

"Come on, let's shoot at the middle door!"

Too arrogant!

Between the lines, even the punctuation marks reveal an extremely arrogant atmosphere!

Amick blushed with anger, he didn't expect that the other party was even more arrogant than himself.

You know, there are more than a dozen people here, but there are only two people on the opposite side.

Even if this guy has a sniper rifle, within the range of less than 100 meters, the submachine gun in their hands can easily shoot to the rooftop. They can have an absolute advantage in terms of firepower alone. Why are the two of them so arrogant?

But soon, Amick knew why.

With the help of another person, the little figure moved a cylindrical weapon to the fixture, with huge amounts of holes facing the direction of the office.

Amick and his subordinates can see that this is not a sniper rifle, it is clearly a rocket launcher!

The f**k is calling this a sniper!?

Maybe it was because the roof was a bit cold, the little figure sucked his nose and showed them a childlike smile.

Then, without any hesitation, the launch button was pushed.


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