The Immortal Witch’s Death Wish

Chapter 9: Infinite


I'm writing this as I'm bussing home from work, so please do excuse any gramatical errors or spelling errors so far. Once I hit chapter 10 tonight, I'll revise through the entire book from start to finish.


Thank you, and enjoy.

Hmm… perhaps Nuon didn’t deserve a death like that. 

The man was skilled for sure. If this was her in her early days, perhaps she wouldn’t have stood a chance. He was at least as strong as Merlin when she had first met him and decided to train him.

For Nuon to have reached this height on his own…. She smiled. Then perhaps there is definitely room for others to grow and strike her down.

Had Nuon had anything special aside from honed physical technique, she probably would have considered him more valuable. But, as it stood, there was no way for Nuon to have been capable of killing her.

Even if the whole city worked together to bring an end to her, so long as they don’t possess any special talent, she could not meet her end.

She could make an enemy of herself, but that was not how she preferred to do things. Ruthless though as she may be, she would rather avoid causing unnecessary death. Still, there had been a time when an entire country fell to her.


That tragedy was an event they had brought upon themselves. There were very few ways one could enrage her to that point. Truly, had they thought it through, the fate they had met would have been circumvented.

Before long, Lusha was back in the city. The blood had dried, expedited by the wind when she flew.

Still, she couldn’t help but notice the streets were eerily empty. 

I see…. So it's like that.

Lusha continued walking. They plan on wasting her time yet again. Paranoia is a huge design flaw in the human mind. 

If that’s the case, then she had better hurry and at least finish what she came here to do. She approached the guild hall and realized it was entirely empty. It felt almost as if all the residents were made deceased.

The only one within the guild hall was the attendant standing where she usually did. “Welcome b-...” her words trailed off upon seeing the blood covered girl. 

“A-are you alright? Did Nuon do this? Where is he?” she was getting frantic and began shuffling through various papers as she was trying to document the incident.

“Nuon?” She thought for a second. “Oh yeah, that big guy. He’s dead.”

Her eyes almost popped out of her socket. 

“Anyway’s where did everyone go? It’s awfully quiet here.”

“T-they, got called to some strange emergency summon. There seems to be an issue going on at the moment.”

She paused. “I-is Nuon truly dead?”

Lusha didn’t answer her. Instead demanded to sign up for the adventurer’s guild. “Had he not tried to test me, I could have joined the guild without having killed him. Let’s make haste. I’d like to become an adventurer as soon as possible.”

She bowed her head and left immediately, picking up a strange light parchment. Upon doing so, the parchment began to glow. A seal rested in the middle of it, supposedly for blood signatures. She nicked her thumb with her index finger and pressed it against the parchment. 


A soft glow remained on the tag after she had given the proper amount of blood. The attendant promptly took it and left to a room behind the counter. 

She dipped the tag in a small fountain of pure black. The tag slowly sunk within it, emitting a hard glow before finally being overpowered by the embrace of darkness.

She came back a minute later and offered her a couple sheets of paper. She was to sign each and every one of them before returning it to her. Thus, she began signing.

Liability, payment agreement, rules-  She really had no care for what she was signing. Just as she was about to return the rest to her, a question came up. Alias/Team Name.

Hmmm….. This is a hard one. I hadn’t expected to have to find an alias so soon. 

How about…… “Infinite.” 

From now on she was Lusha Viscirilis, leader of Team Infinite. Though, this was still a party of one, the fact that she circled party name meant she had intended on forming a group.

“By the way, are there any quests that I can take right away?” 

She  handed Lusha a porcelain tag and rested it on her hand. “No. as of the moment, since you are just a porcelain adventurer, there aren’t any quests available for your level.”

“Ehhhhh? Hey hey, what do you mean now. I’ve become an adventurer and I still can’t take any quests?”

She sighed. It seemed the world fully intended to make this a wild goose chase.

“Well… there is one quest that is out I suppose.”

She pulled a parchment that contained the details of her quest. “Nuon had already accepted it because the payout was generous. B-but it’s a very mundane escorting mission.”

She handed the form over to her. “Heheh, perfect. I’ll be taking that then.” She left the guild hall promptly.

The scene that awaited her outside however, was much more of a nuisance than she had thought she’d run into.

The moment the doors to the guild swung open, Lusha was surrounded on all fronts. Various of the city’s mages and elite task forces were lying in wait.

Many of them dotted the skies, the ground -- every corner one could look.

Valkyrie stood among the middle of the mages floating high above. He had put his hand up to command ready from all of the mages there. 

This was a tense moment as they glared at each other. “You are really beginning to get on my nerve, young brat.” She spoke.


The anger in her words were almost feral. 


“You know. I was going to plan on just removing a finger or two from you, but I think you’ve long overstepped your point of forgiveness.”

“I’ll only ask you this. Are you stronger than Nuon?”

This question was to make sure she proceeds with this situation differently. If he was stronger than Nuon, she would allow the man a chance at her life. If he wasn’t, she wouldn't waste her time.

Valkyrie would be foolish to think that the strength of himself and a few hundred magicians alone could tip the scale in his favor.


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