The Insurrection of the Inept Hero

Chapter 111: The Morpher

So these guys are his subordinates... Judging from what he just said, he must've been paid like the two siblings were.

His punch was strong, strong enough to break a part of my rib cage. I'm going to have to watch out for his punches.

Using Analysis, his level was over 100,000. To be exact, it was level 104,593. His classes were Assassin, Warlock, and something called a Morpher. I don't know what that is, but I won't find out unless we clash.

Looks like someone wasn't foolish enough to send people with lower levels than me.

I sighed. This was supposed to be quick. Just kill those ice elves there and I would've been done but then this guy had to show up. I didn't sense this guy's presence so I didn't know he was even around. He must have used Stealth or a skill stronger than that.

"Hey now, you just gonna sit there?" Hall asked. "I pretty sure I was here to kill the man who decapitated Myran."

Myran, Myran, Myran! Why does his name keep popping up from these stupid ice elves!? What is so god damn important about a guy whose only specialty was to connect the nerve systems between his and another!

"Why do you keep saying his name? Is he really that important?" I asked him.

"Well, I assume you plebeians from the surface don't know the truth about Myran, so I'll tell you. Myran is actually the son of the King of Cocytus."

"So... everyone in Cocytus is an ice elf?" I asked, "Because so far I've only ever seen your people."

"Not exactly." He replied. "The King of Cocytus is a demon. Myran was sired by him and has an elven mother. This also goes to his sister and his brother."

Hmm, his sister I know, but brother? I did not know he had another sibling. This is new.

Hall continued.

"You see, his majesty had already decided to make Myran his heir as he showed great potential."

"Great potential? I wouldn't say that since he was killed by yours truly."

"Yes, you may have killed him, but that was because the rest of his power was suppressed. You see, Myran was powerful, really powerful, but he was unable to wield the entirety of his own strength. It almost broke his body, so his majesty had to seal a majority of his power. His power surpassed his majesty's. You could say that he... feared his offspring's power."

So the King of Cocytus was afraid of Myran's strength?

"His majesty was planning on making Myran a weapon but you killed him before he got the chance. He's not mad because you killed his son, he's mad that he lost a great deal of power even though Myran could actually be revived with his own power, which he failed to do since he didn't have enough control over it. Currently, his majesty is searching for someone who can revive his fallen son, but I doubt that he will be able to do that before the next invasion."

Hall then chuckled before he clapped his hands.

"Alright, that's pretty much all I know. Now then, I've come to take what's mine."

"And what is that?"

"...your head."

He dashed towards me and threw his fist which I quickly evaded. He barraged me with countless punches which I blocked with Leviathan.

"Oh come on! Don't tell me you can't keep up with me." Hall taunted as I continued to hold my position.

While I was busy with Hall, his subordinates had appeared behind me. I quickly stepped away from Hall and clashed with his subordinates.

The three assassins were easy to take care of as I was eminently faster than them. I could've taken them out but I was slammed away by the Tank. As I slid across the ground, the Warlock threw some kind of red wall at me. I countered back using Abyssal Blue, sucking in the red energy.

"Hey, you are fighting me!" Hall shouted before delivering an axe kick to Leviathan.

That's when Leviathan shattered into two pieces.

I quickly returned Leviathan in my Ethos Arsenal to be mended back together and equipped Raiden.

As I generated lightning around me, I launched several Thunder Beast Storms, each going after every person here excluding me.

The storms managed to take down the assassins but the Tank, Warlock, and Hall managed to escape them.

As those three huddled up, I beheaded the three assassins on the ground, killing them.

Three down, just three more to go.

I got up and redirected my attention to Hall. His subordinates were the least of my worries but I still need to watch out for them. I still do not know what that Warlock is capable of. Since I was able to take out whatever his attack was, I'm expecting him to be weak.

Hall is also a Warlock, but he has not shown any abilities related to one. I'm guessing he is using them when he really needs to.

"Hey, why don't you stop holding back?" Hall inquired as he clapped his hands.

"Because it would be foolish to reveal my trump card so early," I responded.

"Well then, how about this? I reveal mine and you reveal yours? A fair trade, right?" He asked proudly.

This guy wants me to reveal my Altima in exchange for whatever he has in store... I bet it has something to do with his class being a Morpher.

"Very well..."

I clenched my hand before lifting it in the air. The three stared at me confusingly but I told them to wait.

And then, flying from behind them was my Altima sword which I caught in my hand. I then began gathering energy around me and morphed into my Altima form.

"Is this what you wanted to see?"

"Yes... precisely... I knew you wouldn't disappoint. This will be fun. Step aside, you two."

The Tank and the Warlock beside him obeyed him and stepped away. That's when Hall's body began glowing a bright blue color before his body structure began to grow. Wings began sprouting from behind and then in his place, there was a giant ice dragon.

"So this is-"

"Precisely. This is a power of a Morpher. I can morph into any beast that I have slain. When I morph into them, I can perform any skill that they are capable of and I also obtain their physiology as long as I stay in this form. While I'm in this state, my speed, strength, and any other attribute stay the same, but they can be boosted depending on what their passives are. So-"

He quickly vanished before I turned around.

"I can still move faster than a normal human can perceive."

He shifted and swung his tail. I quickly dodged and drove my sword towards his wings before flying up in the air and barraging him with Twisted Chaos Dance.

Hall managed not to stumble by my attack and formed a red sphere in his left hand before firing it towards me.

I shifted to the side before the red sphere managed to hit me and shot towards Hall with my sword reeled back. Right when my sword was about to collide with his claws, I was shot by some invisible force and then smashed into the floor by Hall's giant hand.

The force of his strike had knocked me out of my Altima form and also knocked my sword out of my hand.

That Warlock, he must've attacked me when he spotted the chance. Damn it, I was so absorbed with Hall that I didn't have enough time to see what the Warlock was doing.

I tried to lift myself up but I was slammed into the ground by the Tank. He then lifted me and delivered a heavy blow to my back.


I tried to shout in pain but then Hall impaled my throat using his dragon claw and I was instead choking on my own blood.

"How pitiful... and here I thought you could do more."

I was dropped and laid on the ground without making a move. That Tank had completely shattered my spine and I was unable to breathe.

Fuck... it hurts...

"What do we do with him now?" The Warlock asked.

"Obviously, we should kill him." Responded the Tank.

"Yes, we shall kill him," Hall said, who was still in his dragon state. "But first, we should use him as bait."

"Bait? Bait for what?" The Warlock inquired.

"I've heard he has plenty of beauties following him. I think we should lead them here with our target here as the bait. We shall consider them a bonus after we execute the hero in our grasp. I'm getting tired of demon women and elves." The Tank responded.

"Are you sure we should do that, though?"

"Of course, we've already defeated the hero. He can't defeat me even if he was able to. I am invincible in this state. My power, my speed, my perception. They are all enhanced to the state where you are unable to pierce my skin and block my attack with a shield. I want the money after I take this hero's head to his majesty, but his beauties can also be a nice treat." Hall snickered.

...are they talking about the girls...? girls?

"Bastards..." I said as I gurgled on my own blood.

"Huh?" The Tank looked down at me. "He's still breathing?"

"You lay a hand on any of them... and I'll make you wish you were never bo-!"


The Tank had smashed my head into the ground and silenced me.

"That should keep you at bay." The Tank said.

"Alright then, shall we get more spies?" The Warlock asked.

"Yes. Let's do it. I've been wanting to taste some beauties." Hall responded.

The three began walking away but they stopped once they turned around to check on me.

"Boss... he's standing." The Tank pointed out.

"I know that... you didn't have to tell me."

"But I shattered his spine! He shouldn't be able to mo-"

"I KNOW THAT! SO SHUT THE FUCK UP!!" Hall roared at the Tank before facing me.

"What's the matter, hero? Did our talk trigger something inside you? Are you going to start saying we can't do it? It's easy. All I have to do is bring your head to them, and they will fall in despair. Soon, they will long a man worthy of them and that is where we will come in. So? Say something... hero." Hall taunted as he crossed his arms.

"Bastard... I won't let you... I'll kill you... I'll murder you..."

At that moment, I activated Free from Shackles.

"I won't let out my hot burning rage... instead you'll be dealing with the icy cold anger accumulated inside me. You won't die a quick death. I'll make this one last as long as it needs to. You will suffer experience pain that you have never experienced before!!"

I wrapped my hands in energy as they formed into Angel's Crimson Hand and Devil's Azure Palm.

"I'll destroy you," I said coldly before I shot towards them.




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