The Insurrection of the Inept Hero

Chapter 39: We'll See About That

It wasn't difficult to get to the colosseum's entrance, as most of the demons were already fending off against the heroes. But there will probably be some guarding the entrance, or maybe more demons have already been called as back up.

Arriving at the entrance, it was guarded by four nauseating figures made of nothing but flesh and bones. They had 3 eyes that were implemented in random parts of their bodies. To me, they looked like disgusting blobs of flesh.

I couldn't help but just laugh at the sight of these creatures. It was just too funny.

The demons spotted me and immediately rushed towards me. However, they didn't get the chance once they entered my range.

"How foolish… if only demons like you had the intellect to run away."

I snapped my fingers and my aura activated. Originally it was a red aura that simply wrapped around my body but now it was different.

It was a black and dark purple aura that not only encased my body entirely but also towered 5 meters into the air like a beacon.

I used Shadow Blade Assail, sending thousands of dark two-pointed blades made from my aura towards them.

They were showered with my blades; the blades slashed and skewered every part of their bodies. Not a single spot was left out.

I walked up to them and placed my hand on them. The bones began to shift and with Skeleton Manipulation, I shaped them into sharp and curved blades. Then I balled my fist and both the dark and bone blades plunged deeper into the demons, killing them.

Hmm, Skeleton Manipulation would've definitely been an overpowered ability if I didn't have to make physical contact with my target. Touching a blob of flesh to finish it is not on my bucket list.

Hmm, judging by how I didn't receive any experience, they must've been low level. I hope the boss can at least put up a fight.

Now that I dealt with them, the entrance into the colosseum was now clear for me.

"You girls stay out here and deal with them."

I'd turn around, pointing to the incoming wave of demons. The girls nodded and got ready. Kiyomi turned into her true form, a Kitsune and Ravyn summoned her own personal army of undead.

"Ravyn, use your Bane Mist, but don't cover the colosseum."

"What? But what about Kiyomi? She's going to get affected you know?"

"Don't worry about that."

I summoned my doppelganger. It would kneel on the ground as it let out its aura and it cast Aura Domain. A dome made of its aura would materialize around us and we were now protected from her Bane Mist.

"As long as she doesn't leave my aura, she'll be safe from your mist. My Aura Domain will absorb any mana outside the domain, even your mist. But don't worry, you can feed off my doppelganger with Shadow Harvest since it's just another source of mana," I explained before heading into the colosseum.

"You two have fun now. Don't take it too far."

Before I entered, Ravyn activated her Bane Mist and the area around me eventually turned foggy. The fog disappeared when I entered the colosseum.

When I arrived at the inside of the colosseum, there were countless demons lined up at the walls watching two demons fight in the middle.

It was a fight between one of the demons I killed outside against a humanoid-looking one. It had silver skin with icy blue eyes, long white hair, and long pointed ears like an elf's. It was also equipped with two daggers and silver light armor.

It was giving off a chilly aura and judging by the ice trail it's leaving, this must be an ice elf, elves that live in the far north. What are they doing here…?

Hmm, there was something different about these elves. I noticed they had black marks all over their bodies. I also noticed they were using demon daggers which are made with flesh and bones instead of the standard metal daggers.

Using Analysis, I checked out their levels and they all ranged from the levels 350 to 400.

My level was around 500 so there was only a 100 level difference but I just couldn't help but snicker. I must've been a little loud because the two stopped fighting and they directed their attention to me. Without hesitation they ran towards me, ready to strike.

I swiped my hands and they were immediately razed by the blades forming from my dark aura. Clenching my hand, the blades quickly sank deeper and they were torn apart.

The demons on the side turned and they rushed towards me all at once. I was prepared to skewer them but they froze when a female voice shouted.


They all froze but kept their combat stances.

"A human? How did one manage to get past my subjects?" This time, multiple male voices spoke at the same time.

I looked up and noticed there were two figures sitting in the top area of the cavea. They were both young ice elves, or old in human age since elves age slower than humans.

But anyway-

"You two gonna stay up there? Or are you gonna come down here and do something? The more the better."

I motioned my finger, beckoning them.

"This human-"

"No brother, that's a hero."

"Heroes!? How did they get here so fast!?"

"Idiot, he's alone. It seems he must not be connected to the heroes currently battling our army. But I bet the ones outside of the entrance is associated with him."

"Correct," I answered.

The elf girl stood up. She was wearing a black robe and a witch hat. In her hands was a broom that was made of pure mana as it looked transparent.

"I sense a dark aura surrounding you, hero. Are you perhaps a necromancer?"

"Something like that, but the term would be-"

"Shadowseer Emperor of the Dead?"

Hmm, if she already knows then she must also possess the Analysis skill. Or maybe she has Appraisal.

I quickly inspected their stats using Analysis.

[Level ???; Class: ???; Title: ???]


Passive Skills: ???

Active Skills: ???

Skills: ???


This is interesting… I'm not able to see her stats at all…

[Notice: The target possesses the skill (Portiere) which hides the person's stats. The required skill to break this effect is Appraisal, which you lack.]

Aah, that would make sense why I can't see her stats or her abilities. Looks like I can't mess with her till I know more.

Though she might have her stats protected, her brother didn't.

[Level 750; Class: Mage/Puppeteer; Title: Soldier of Cocytus]


Passive Skills: Sub-Zero Resistance, Ice King's Blessing, Thread Creation, Flesh Manipulation, Heart Marionette, Pain Negation, Dark Manipulation, Water Manipulation, Earth Manipulation

Active Skills: Red String of Pain, Cocytus

Skills: Steel Threads(Lvl.Max), Razor Threads(Lvl.Max), Puppet Control(Lvl.Max), Automaton Puppet Control(Lvl.Max), Dark Armor(Lvl.Max), Freezing Threads(Lvl.Max), Frost Bolts(Lvl.Max), Frozen Land(Lvl.Max), Ice Weapon Creation(Lvl.Max)


Eeh... the number of skills this guy has is... a little disappointing from someone 250 levels higher than me, but their levels are a bit worrying...

When he stood up, he was wearing an oversized cloak and he had five coffins strapped onto his back.

"What's with the coffins? Preparing your own funeral?" I taunted with a smirk on my face.

"This human is arrogant. Let me finish him where he stands," The brother said. "His body will be a fine addition to my collection."

But his sister didn't seem to care.

"Go ahead, I'm not going to clean up your corpse though."

"Are you saying I'll lose?"

"Exactly, you don't stand a chance. Even if you go all out, it'll just end horribly for you. Your levels may be different but it doesn't change a thing. You might not know but you are extremely pretentious."


"Before you insult me, I'm stronger than you and I have full control of the army. There is a reason why I was made the commander and not you."

The brother couldn't make a comeback so he just turned away with irritation and anger on his face.

"Grrrr! Whatever! I'll just kill him myself."

He jumped down with his coffins and landed violently on the ground, creating a crater.

"All of you, attack him!" He ordered the demons and they sprinted towards me.

I directed my finger at them and let my dark aura do its thing. In a matter of seconds, there were blades everywhere and bodies lying on the ground.

Hmm... even after all that, I still didn't gain experience. Looks like it's gonna be hard to level up from now on.

"Is that all? Just going to use demons and your own race to try and kill me?"

"Hehe, they are nothing more than mere pawns. They may have been given power but I possess something strong than a simple power-up. Behold-!"

The coffins behind him opened up and coming out of them were 5 ice elves. I didn't notice at first but I noticed that their hearts were exposed and they had some kind of string on them.

I quickly inspected their stats to get better information on them.

[Level 500; Class: Assassin]

[Level 440; Class: Enhancer]

[Level 510; Class: Hunter]

[Level 430; Class: Archer]

[Level 490; Class: Trickster]

Looks like most of them are high level and each possesses a different class. However, they are also puppets, meaning he's gonna have a hard time controlling all of them. That's going to be a good thing for me.

"You won't get past my puppets, hero. It's time for you to die by the hands of Myran!" He shouted as his puppets flew towards me.

"We'll see about that."




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