The Insurrection of the Inept Hero

Chapter 52: Freedom...?

We eventually returned to the inn. I placed Akane on the bed as she was unconscious from losing one of her horns.

I heard Oni's can't grow back a horn they've lost and that they lost half of their strength when they lose one which is not good.

Luckily, I went back and had managed to get every piece of her broken horn back. It took a while since some were a little hard to find, but luckily with Wolf's Blood I was able to find them.

After that, I pocketed every coin I could find. I mean, who would leave money lying around like that? I'm just gonna hold on to it for… safekeeping. I managed to salvage about 142 platinum coins in total. It was worth it. Looks like 4 hours weren't wasted for no reason.

Now, I was currently casting Instant Heal on the broken pieces of Akane's horn. Since it was part of her, it should be healable.

Eventually, it was back to normal and I walked over to Akane and mended it back to place.

That should do.

[Status: Fatigued]

Well… that's a message I haven't seen in a long time. I guess I should be tired after going on a mindless rampage.

I'll just sleep… at this table…

My eyes fluttered open. I rubbed my eyes and let out a long yawn. As I began stretching, I eventually realized that I was covered in a blanket.

Hmm? Wonder where this came from.

The door opened, and I shifted my attention to whoever entered. Akane walked in with a cup in her hand. She then approached me and placed the cup on the table.

"What's this?" I asked in curiosity.

"Coffee." She replied.

I grabbed the cup of coffee and took a little sniff. It smelled a little funny, so I just put the cup on the table. I'll drink that later.

"So Akane, how do you feel?" I asked, pointing to her horn.

"I… feel alright. I don't know how you managed to reattach it, but thank you." A little smile appeared on her face, but she quickly wiped it away and wore her stoic look.

I shook my head and walked up to her.

"You look better when you smile."

When I said that, her face began to redden up.

"I-is that so?" She said with a flustered expression and I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Of course. Is there something wrong with smiling?"

"M-my former masters never allowed me to smile and I was forced to always keep up an unemotional look. They said that it makes me look vulnerable."

Well, she wasn't wrong. She actually looked a little cute when she smiled. Almost like a little girl.

"I have a proposition." I declared.

Akane stared at me with a puzzled look.

"You can either serve me. Or, you can walk away and be free."

We stared at each other. The air became tense as I waited for her answer.

I know why she was struggling to answer. Dragon Onis like her whose sole purpose is to serve is being given the chance to be free. No one knows, but an Oni with no freedom can be liberated. Books sold on the black market are really useful to have.

Then she opened her mouth.

"I… I want to be free."

That was her answer.

"Is that so?"

"Yes." She said confidently.

"Then you may go."

Akane looked around in confusion and didn't know what to do. She headed for the door but then headed for the window.

I watched in sympathy as she struggled to leave.

There is another fact. When Dragon Oni's are given the chance to be free, they go into a state of confusion. With no goal, the only thing they can do is fret as they struggle to think of what to do next.

In other words, they'll eventually become insane. They never experienced freedom, so they won't know what to do.

I watched as Akane dropped to the ground and begin to weep. It was sad. She must think this was how it feels to be free, to be confused and distressed.

I got up from my seat and walked over to her, patting her shoulder.

"It's alright… I'm here. I will show you the true meaning of freedom."


Eventually, she settled down. As she rested in bed, I got curious and took a look at her sword. I've been curious ever since my eyes laid upon it. It was the first Katana I've seen in this world and my instincts just told me to swing it around, but I held myself back.

Analysis allows me to also see the sort of materials that things are made of, which is quite a useful aspect.

The material that this sword was made of originated made from materials only found in regions where Oni lives. Well, it would make sense since she probably grew up around her brethren. Oni's leave their domain to venture out when they reach the age of 18. I wonder just how long she's been separated from her family.

I looked over my shoulder and Akane was still sleeping.

I should get Appraisal soon. To have an enhanced version of Analysis would be better.

Anyway, one day has already passed. I'll be leaving this place tomorrow.

So much has already happened in one day. I'm a bit surprised.

I also gained a new title, but looking at makes me a little embarrassed.

[Blind Berserker]

Not really fitting unless you have seen my rampage. I guess I kind of deserve it. It doesn't really do anything except that it doubles my strength whenever I'm bashing someone into bits.

I managed to consume their blood and got a ton of levels. However, in return, I barely got any skills from them. Only one.

[Levels in store: 1252]

[Passive Skills: Warhammer Proficiency]

Well, at least I got free money and a few skill levels.

I looked out the window and watched as people passed by. It's a good thing that the underworld isn't controlled by any form of government besides gangs, but I already dealt with that. I could control this place if I wanted since I am technically the strongest one here, but I think people deserve freedom.


I always say freedom, but do I really know the true meaning of freedom?

What is freedom? Is it the choice to do anything without worry? Is it to escape any sort of problems that have been harbored? Or is it the privilege to speak out whatever?

There should be one to answer my questions, but for now, I have multiple goals I need to fulfill.

One of those is to gain more power. This world survives on the concept of the strongest shall survive. If I am at the bottom, that will be the end of me.

I just need to get stronger... but I'm already running out of ideas. A dungeon would be nice to find but clearing it would be difficult. Maybe I just need to kill more demons... or wait for them to come to me. After all, my title "Enemy of Cocytus" should be attracting enemies but none have come to me yet.

I can be patient but I need to get stronger soon. Without strength, you cannot protect anything... I know that.

Eventually, I got thirsty and took a cup of cold coffee. I took a little sip and headed for the door when suddenly my vision blurred.

Oh crap... I forgot... never drink something from... a low-class in-

Then everything went black.




When I woke up, I watched as two thieves went through my stuff, searching for anything they could find.

They eventually walked over to me and patted me down. I tried to move but my body wouldn't respond. Crap...

They would find my pouch of coins and grab me by the legs.

Wait... where are they... taking me...?

I don't know where but I didn't get the chance to find out because they didn't know that someone was watching.

Akane was standing at the door. She put her hand on one of the thieves' shoulders and the confused thief turned around.


Suddenly, blood erupted from his nose and eyes. Then he fell on the floor, deceased. The other thief realized, and he shrieked in fear.


Akane approached the other thief. He slowly back off and went for the window, attempting to open it. However, he was quickly killed once Akane put her hand on his shoulder.

After that, Akane picked me up and placed me on the bed. Then I blacked out once again.

When I woke up, the room was empty; no signs of blood anywhere.

I got up and stumbled a bit until I got to the table. There was a note and I picked it up. When I scanned through the note, I couldn't help but smile.

Freedom... I'm glad she's found out her own meaning of it.

Well... we will meet again... soon.




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