The Insurrection of the Inept Hero

Chapter 70: Approaching Storm

The next morning I entered the guildmaster's office.

The guildmaster; Celestia was looking out her window. I looked out the window also and I noticed there was a huge storm cloud in the distance, approaching the city.

"A storm?" I asked as I walked over to her.

"No, not just any storm. It's a storm controlled by Stormblitzes." She responded. She turned around and grabbed her cup, taking a sip from it.

"Stormblitzes? What are those?"

"Hmm? Well, I guess most novice adventurers don't have knowledge of Stormblitzes. Stormblitzes are creatures that are born from lightning and born with metal rods on their back, which conducts that lightning energy. They have a roar that sounds like thunder, they are extremely swift and agile, and they are able to control and even summon storms, hence their name Stormblitz."

"So… are they a threat?"

"Normally they don't come near cities or villages since they are neutral creatures, however, they have gradually shown signs of aggression over the decades. I think something is happening, but I don't know what it is…"

"Are they going to be attacking this place?"

"Most likely, since they are headed this way as we speak."

She sighed as she placed her cup down.

"I'm gonna have to take care of them before they hit the city." She said as she walked over to a cloak hanging on a coat hanger in the corner.

"Wait, aren't there supposed to be others to defend against them?" I asked.

"Yes, but they are out on a quest right now. Since they are out, as the guildmaster of the adventurer's guild in this city, it is my responsibility to defend it from any sort of danger at any cost from their absence. It is on my pride as a Warlock and a Grand Mage."

"I see…"

Wait… did she say Grand Mage?

"You are… a Grand Mage?"

Celestia turned towards me and tilted her head.


It seems that whenever I fight, I have no luck and I have to survive solely on my skills. But it seems luck just flocks my way whenever I need something.

A Grand Mage. Seems it looks like I don't need to search far and wide to find one since the one I am searching for is right in front of me.

I walked up to her and grabbed her hands.

"Huh? What are you-?"

"You are perfect… the perfect one for me."


Her face went red in an instant.

"Wha-wha-what are you saying?"

"I've been searching for someone like you." I'd say. "Will you-"

She fell into my arms.

Huh? What is she doing? Oh, wait… she passed out.

Now that I think of it, I forgot to put it in more context…


"Idiot. You should have said that before!" Celestia scolded me as she sipped her coffee.

"Heh, sorry."

"You can't just say that to a woman, you know? Hmph, getting a single woman like me all excited for no reason," She said, muttering the last part silently.

"So anyway, you say you want me to become your teacher?" She asked, changing the subject.

"Yes," I responded. "A Grand Mage like you definitely has the knowledge I seek."

"So you want knowledge to help those girls of yours to become stronger?"


"…then what about you?"

"I can grow at my own pace."

"Is that so?" She tilted her head before facing the window.

"Hmm, sadly I am going to have to decline." She would say.

"May I ask why?"

"Well, it would make me look like I'm playing favorites if I had someone of your level as my student."

"Then you want me to prove my worth?"

"Well, I don't have much hope for you after the result of your first test. I also have another to teach so it would be a hassle to handle two students."

"So I don't have many options…"

"Yes. Now, excuse me, I need to get rid of the Stormblitzes before they hit the city."

I took a deep breath before sighing. As Celestia walked over to equip her coat, I looked out the window at the storm clouds.


"So all I have to do is prove my worth, huh?" I wondered.

"Hmm?" She turned around. "Well, yeah, if you could."

"Then why don't you let me deal with the Stormblitzes? I can take them out for you if you allow me to become your apprentice."

Celestia stared at me for a minute. I saw her green eyes glow for a moment before she sighed.

"Fine. If you take care of them, I'll teach you."

I smiled for a moment.

"But I will tell you this," She said. "This will count towards your whole test and if you are about to die, I won't save you. You can back down right now."

I shook my head.

"No, I'll take them out."

"You better, because your reputation is a little duff after the little incident with the golems."

I scratched my head. I don't really want to be reminded of that…

"Now that I think of it, you saved me, right? I wonder, were you following me the whole time?"

"Hmm? Well, I obviously have to look over examinees while they take a test to make sure they don't die or suffer fatal injuries."

"So you were watching Kiyomi, Ravyn, and Akane at the same time you were watching me?"

"Yes, and no. You see, I can make clones and their vision and memories are shared with me. I can also control one myself."

"Interesting. Quick question. Are you a clone?"

"Yes. The one before you is not the real Celestia. The real me is located somewhere else. Though since the real me is currently controlling this body and talking to you, you can technically say I am the real one."

"I see. Can I see you clone yourself?"

"Hmm... fine."

Celestia took in a deep breath before blowing golden mist. The golden mist would then shape itself into a similar physique as Celestia before it took on her full appearance. It was almost an exact double of Celestia. Well, since it is a clone, it is obviously identical. And here I thought my Doppelganger skill was cool. As expected of a Grand Mage.

"Anyway," Celestia sighed. "Shouldn't you be doing something?"

"Oh right, but before I go, can you provide me more details on these Stormblitzes? Like... their blind spots by any chance?"

"That is for you to figure out. I may not have told you, but we guild masters are not supposed to provide any information for the quests that examinees receive except their mission details. In other words, you will always be going in blind. The knowledge of your target is yours to figure out."

I see, so I either have to have already know the weaknesses of my targets or I don't and fight them recklessly.

Damn... guess I have no choice but to go with the latter.

"So I'm guessing the test starts now?" I asked and she nodded.

"Be sure not to die." She said as I was on my way out.

"Yeah..." I responded before closing the door.

As I walked out of the guild, I met up with Kiyomi, who had gone to go shop for food.

"Master, are you out on your second quest?" Kiyomi asked me.

"Yes," I responded.

"I see. Please be careful. I don't want to see you in that state again..."

She looked down at the floor and a feeling of guilt resided in my heart.

"I won't. I promise." I replied and a smile of relief appeared on her face.

"By the way, where are the others?" I asked curiously.

"I believe they went out on a quest together. They decided that since you are earning all the money by yourself, they wanted to contribute."

"Really? Why don't you go on a quest instead of shopping?"

"Because if I leave all the shopping to you, you'll just be wasting all your money. You have a very bad habit of wasting money on pointless things, you know?" She scolded me in a soft tone.

"Pointless things? What are you talking about?"

"You bought more alcohol than you did food..."

I scratched my head and looked away.

Well, she does have a point there...

"I see... I guess I'll just leave all the budgeting to you then."

Kiyomi smiled and nodded.

"I worry about your health, Master. You should slow down on alcohol." She said with a cute smile.

I felt myself blush. No matter how many times I've seen it, she's always so cute and beautiful.

"A-alright then, I'll be on my way now. There is a storm approaching, so it's going to rain soon. Best you get inside."


Kiyomi left and went to the inn we were staying at. After she entered, I turned to the storm clouds in the distance.

"Now then... time to get started..." I said before my body lifted off from the ground and into the sky.

This time... I won't make any mistakes.

I then soared in the direction of the dark clouds.




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