The Insurrection of the Inept Hero

Chapter 92: The Black Star

I was currently wandering in the forest aimlessly, with no idea where I was going. Now, some may ask why I am doing this. Did I run away because I was too ashamed of myself after my defeat? Maybe I was too embarrassed to face everyone after I was bested by some noble who possessed the Altima?

Well… kind of. But that was not why I fled.

There was a reason why I was doing this.

While I was unconscious, I entered my soul to speak with Yukie, but who awaited me there was someone different.

This person took on Yukie's appearance. However, she was wearing some kind of wicked crown made of what seemed to be thorns.

"Yukie?" I approached her slowly until she looked up at me, getting a glimpse of a part of her pale face and soulless dark eyes.


A deep and bloodcurdling voice spoke. I gulped as Yukie rose from the ground.

No… this wasn't Yukie, it was someone else.


[I've witnessed your failure…]

That was what Seffirot said.

"Yeah… I already knew that. No point in mentioning that. Now is that all you have to say? Did you want to talk to me just to point out the obvious?"

[Of course not…]

"Then what is it?"

[You wish for power, correct? I can help you with that…]

"And how? Just how are you going to do that? Do I have to hurt the ones around me to do so? I've already hurt one so if this involves anyone else, I won't!"

Seffirot stared at me for a moment before he shook his head.

[You mortals, always caring for others when you think you have the strength to protect them. Foolishness I say, foolishness…]

"What are you talking about?" I inquired, approaching him.

[Mortals who consume the fruit of Qliphoth must possess specific qualities… At the time when you were brought to the spiritual space created by the Qliphoth, you possessed those qualities… Hatred for the ones who tossed you aside, the will to commit inhuman acts, and the selfish desire for power…]

"And you are telling me I don't possess those qualities!?"

[Yes, you've grown soft… You've thrown your desire for power by granting it to others…]

"Is that so wrong?"

[Along with that, you also threw your ego into the trash…]

"So what if I discarded my ego?"

[Without a strong ego, you distance yourself further away from your own potential… During your fight with Deroc, you lack any sense of pride and allowed wrath to take over… Wrath may be able to get you somewhere, but pride is the greater one… If this continues, then you are no different than those humans…]


I lunged forward but then I immediately received a heavy blow to the stomach.

[You were weak, and you still are… Listen to me and I will guide you back to the darkness…]

Seffirot glared at me with scornful eyes and that alone caused a shiver to go down my spine.

"Don't… compare me to them…"

[Right… you don't like being compared to humans… however, if you continue to act the way you are right now, then they will be the only ones that I can relate…]


[Don't worry, the words I speak will benefit you… I know you care about others, but you need to be selfish… With the strength you obtain through selfishness will you then be able to protect others…]

[Do you understand?]

Seffirot lifted my chin and directed my attention to his eyes. I looked away and thought about it for a second before nodding.


"So what do I have to do?" I asked.

[Mortals are driven by ambitions, emotions, etc. However, for this, you must only focus on the greed for power… As you hold that thought, wander aimlessly into the forest and continue to do. Walk until you are almost dead. When your legs give up, keep moving. When it is the dead of night, keep moving. When you are on your last breath, keep moving. When you are at the brink of death, then will you be able to spot the Black Star…]

"Black Star?"

[When you spot the black star, the first of the four horsemen will appear and aid you…]

"Who? Wait, horsemen?"

[That is for you to find out… When you regain consciousness, remember what I said…]

"What? You still haven't told me what this Black Star is! Who is this person!?"

[Till next time Nero…]

That was basically all I could remember before I woke up.

If it wasn't obvious already, I was wandering through the forest searching for this… "Black Star" or whatever.

I don't know how long it has been, but I just know that my legs are very tired. I want to take a rest, but my legs continued to move on their own.

For a few moments, I questioned why I was doing this but I remembered that this was all for the sake of gaining power.

Right… I just need to continue forward. Despite my injuries, I can still walk.

I put my hand over my chest and gulped.

If only there was another alternative to the Altima, then I would've been able to beat Deroc.

I still just can't get over what happened. To think he was able to do such a thing; absorbing Piercing Red and using it against me.

Now that I think of it, I should've used Caustic Blue. If I did, I would've been able to rid him of divine energy!

Wait, no. That wouldn't have changed a thing. There would've been no doubt that he could've absorbed Caustic Blue as well, then I would've experienced more than just a hole in my chest.

Damn it… what a load of shit.

About a few hours passed, and I was still walking.

Now, I'm not complaining or anything, but… my legs hurt really badly.

It really hurts. It hurts to the point where I can't even feel it anymore.

I wanted to rest... but I continued to walk forward.

Right... I won't stop... even if it hurts, it's all for the purpose of gaining more power...

I just... need to keep moving forward...

It's all for the sake of gaining more power...

Eventually, my legs gave up and I fell, hitting my head on a rock.

I coughed as my chest and legs began to spasm. Blood trickled down my face as I grit my teeth in pain.

It hurts... it fucking hurts!

I have... been walking for so long... I just want to rest... just for... a few minutes...

But... my body was moving on its own and I eventually picked myself up. It took me a while to even stand as my legs were so exhausted. I needed to rest... but my body wasn't listening.

So, I continued forward.


After a while, I stopped and looked up at the sky. Seems the sun has begun to settle...

If I remember, it was morning when I woke up...

Wow... I've been walking for so long...

...I think... it would be a good time to rest...

I just need... a few minutes... that's all...

Body... just listen to me for once...

But my body ignored me and continued forward...


As I continued to wander through the forest, breathing was... eventually a problem.

At one point, I was hyperventilating as there was a sudden shortage of oxygen. At another point, was having trouble breathing. Eventually, I just couldn't breathe at all. long have I been walking? My entire body hurts and I'm just so hungry...

Water... food... air...

Just give me one... just one...

I stopped and I fell on my back.

Shit... I really can't move anymore... my legs are so tired...

Seffirot... what did he say again?

When I'm on the brink of death, I'll see the Black Star... and when I see it, someone will save me...

I think... that was what he said... but I'm too tired... hungry... thirsty... to remember...

Something... anything can do...

...then... a large centipede emerged from the ground.

I watched as it crawled around and held a worm by its jaws.

It almost blended with the shadows as its body was dyed in black metallic skin. I was only able to spot it because of its legs which glowed red.

What a riveting-looking creature... despite being an insect. It was rather intriguing for one too...

Now that I think of it... insects can be eaten... right?

Yeah... they can...

If only... if only I can reach it...

I stretched my arms out towards the centipede, but it was nowhere near my reach.

Damn it... if only... if only...

If only I could just grasp it in my hands...

I could feel my strength fading away from my body and my vision becoming blurry.

... I can't die yet... not now... not here... not until I've accomplished what I need to do... I still need more power... more power...

Fuck... I need energy... I need food...

Just come to me...

I squeezed my hand, my fingernails dragging in the dirt as I began accumulating mana into my hand.


I squinted, the centipede slightly visible in my blurry view.

Anything... anything will do to satiate my hunger... so...

"Get over here..."

Suddenly, my hand hued a blue and purple color. A second later, I was clutching the centipede in my hand.

...what just happened?

[Passive Skill Obtained: Telekinesis]

...I see... so that is what happened...

The centipede began squirming around in my hand and bit my forearm in the process.

I stared at the centipede before me. At first, I completely forgot why I had it until my body moved subconsciously.

Before I knew it, I was feeding on a raw centipede.

This taste... it's so bad... but... it can do for now...

[Passive Skill Obtained: Vozahlaas]

After I consumed every last part of the centipede, I stood up and looked at the sky.

...huh... that's strange...

The moon... it's black...

Wait... no that's not a moon? The moon is right beside it...

Could it be the Black Star?

The "Black Star" was a black circle with a dark blue outline.

But wait... I'm supposed to see it when I'm on the brink of death... unless...

I blinked before staring at my right arm. The veins on my arms were bulging at they were colored red.



...this must be the centipede's poison... well, I have poison resistance... so I'm fine...

However... I don't think I'll be killed by the poison though...

I fell once again and stared at the Black Star in the sky.

...I have nothing else to do now... I guess... I guess I can rest here. I'll just call it a night now...

I just hope... it isn't my last one though...




I woke up to the smell of stew.

I was... inside of a tent.

I blinked a few times and glanced around.

What the hell...? What is this...?

I tried to think but I was interrupted by the smell of stew.

Crap... I didn't eat anything yesterday except that centipede.

Oh god...

I ran out of the tent and spotted the stew hovering above the campfire.


...wait a minute... it was... hovering?

"Oh, you're awake?" A male voice spoke.

I cocked my head towards the voice and sitting down staring directly at me was a man whose arms were clad in black rings and bracelets.

"Hey? You've gone pale."

What the hell? Is this a joke?

The guy I was supposed to meet was... this guy!?




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