The Jiang Family's Little Girl Has Magic Powers

Chapter 119: Justice

Chapter 119

The news that the Crown Prince was assassinated at the Royal Horse Ranch shocked the entire court. The ministers were so anxious that they collectively submitted a request, asking for a thorough investigation and unanimously requesting that the Crown Prince not go out recently.

It was really too dangerous.

Although the Crown Prince was not the only prince of the current emperor, he was the legitimate heir, and excelled in both civil and military arts. As for the other illegitimate prince, not to mention that he was disabled. If something really happened, the ministers would cry themselves to death.

To put it bluntly, if the emperor died and the Crown Prince succeeded to the throne, the country could smoothly continue without any waves.

If anything happened to the Crown Prince, and the old emperor could not have any more children, then the ministers could only support that mediocre or disabled illegitimate son to take the throne.

Just thinking about it gave them a headache!

The assassins must have thought the same way, so instead of dealing with the emperor, they only assassinated the Crown Prince.

These assassins were all determined to die. Even though Jiang Yuqing was able to slash their chins in time and they did not succeed in dying, they did not reveal much useful information.

Because they were all single-line contacts. They hadn't even seen their master's face.

They only saw the Crystal Orchid tattoo on their bodies and knew that they were the remnants of the former dynasty making trouble again.

Jiang Yuqing was puzzled. The former dynasty had been overthrown for more than a hundred years. How could there still be clowns jumping out and making trouble from time to time?

Was the former dynasty really that good? If it was really good, the common people would not have been forced by the court to rebel.

Although no one died in this brief assassination attempt, three people were injured. All of them were sent to He An Hospital, and Jiang Yuqing also ended her vacation and returned to work at the hospital.

She was finally able to go out and have fun, but this happened. Anyone would be in a bad mood. Returning to work, she happened to encounter people making trouble.

The little nurse who came to report said that the person making trouble was an aristocratic lady who claimed to be the wife of a senior official in the capital.

She accidentally got bumped by a child and broke her wrist that was wearing a jade bracelet. At this time, she was fiercely demanding compensation, causing great trouble.

The child who caused the accident had a pale complexion and was extremely thin, obviously ill. At this time, facing the aggressive noblewoman, the child hid behind his father in fear.

His father was a one-legged middle-aged man leaning on a cane. He protected the child while apologizing to the noblewoman.

"Madam, I'm really sorry. We'll pay for the bracelet, but we really can't afford 1,000 taels. We really can't take it out!"

The woman said sarcastically: “I don't care if you can afford it or not. If you don't have money, go back and sell your house, or sell your son if it comes down to it! Otherwise, even a disabled person like you is worthless! "

A caregiver couldn't stand it anymore and spoke righteously: “Madam, you obviously bumped into their child yourself. How can you falsely accuse them of bumping into you and ask them to sell their child and house to pay for your bracelet? Isn’t that too much?"

The woman turned her head, her mean lips curled, and said disdainfully: "What's it got to do with you? Can you manage the affairs of this lady as a bedpan-carrying little nurse? Since they can't afford it, you seem so kind-hearted, why don't you pay for them? " The caregiver angrily said: "Is this about whether to pay for it or not? This is about whether you are right or wrong! I've never seen such a shameless person!"

The noblewoman was furious: "You say I'm shameless, say it again?"

"I'll say it again, it was you who bumped into the child first, then falsely accused others of bumping into you. On top of that, you call yourself an aristocratic lady? Disgusting!" It had to be said that this rebuttal was very sharp.

The noblewoman was furious with embarrassment and angrily ordered the people around her: “What’s the matter with all of you? Seeing me being bullied but not helping? Go, beat him to death for me, and take out that disabled man and that little bastard too!"

"Let's see who dares to do it!" A clear yet oppressive voice rang out. As soon as everyone saw her, they gave way and happily shouted, "Princess Linghui is here, the little genius doctor is here!"

The noblewoman also seemed to have heard the shouts of the crowd. Her body shook and her voice trembled a little: “Y-You, you are the princess?"

Jiang Yuqing laughed coldly: “Who I am doesn’t matter. What matters is who you are? As far as I know, there was no such lady as yourself at the last palace banquet I attended! So who exactly are you the wife of among the senior officials! Why don’t you tell everyone to listen?”

The noblewoman didn't dare look straight into Jiang Yuqing's eyes and whispered a name.

Nanny Yan listened and laughed: “Princess, if this old servant remembers correctly, Master Qian's legal wife is surnamed Zhou, the daughter of the prominent Zhou family in Bin Province. However, I have heard that Master Qian has a favored concubine who is his niece from his sister. She often poses as the legal wife... It must be this lady in front of us!"

As soon as she said this, the onlookers immediately laughed. After all that fuss, she turned out to be a pretentious nobody. Che, what a joke!

Jiang Yuqing put both hands in her white coat pockets and said with a smile: “Even so, send someone to Master Qian's house to invite Madam Qian over.”

The favored concubine's face turned pale instantly. If that petty woman found out about this, not even her aunt could protect her.

The concubine turned to run away but was grabbed by Jiang Yuqing's people: “Where are you going? Just stay here and wait!”

Nanny Yan picked up a piece of broken jade and spat on it: “It’s just a cheap hundred-tael piece of junk. Asking for 1,000 taels with her mouth, utterly shameless!"

Another woman next to her chimed in: “If she had any shame, she wouldn't have become a concubine in the first place!" It had to be said that this jab was very sharp.

Jiang Yuqing walked over to the father and son and bent down to coax the child gently: “Don’t be afraid. Sister is a doctor, let me take a look.”

The disabled father stared blankly at her for a long time before he couldn't help but suddenly shouted: "Little Battle God!"

Jiang Yuqing was stunned for a moment, then excitedly asked him: "Which division were you from?"

This nickname, Little Battle God, was given to her by the soldiers of the barracks after she brought back the heads of Agula and Habater. Outsiders rarely knew about it.

The man said excitedly: "I am Guan Dacheng, formerly of the Xian Feng Camp at Yumen Pass, under Commander Zu. I lost a leg on the battlefield and you saved me with your own hands. Afterwards, when you returned to Yumen Pass, after I recovered from injury I retired and returned home."

Jiang Yuqing did not expect to meet an old acquaintance here. She quickly took them to her consultation room herself.

And reassured them: “Don’t worry about this matter. I’ll take care of everything.”

Guan Dacheng grinned and said, “I was worried before, but now that I’ve seen you I’m not worried anymore. I know you will get justice for my son and I.”

Jiang Yuqing asked him how his life was now?

Guan Dacheng smiled bitterly: “At least I still have my life, don't I?"

His son Guan Mingmu suddenly said: "Mother didn't want father because he was disabled, so she ran away with another man, taking all the money from our house.

She didn't want me or father anymore. Later, I got sick, so father borrowed money from others.

Others were unwilling to lend father money, so father sold the house and took me to the capital to see doctors."

The man's eyes turned red. He hadn't wanted his son to know all these things, but his son found out anyway. Jiang Yuqing's heart ached too, and she asked: "So where are you living now?"

Guan Dacheng hesitated for a moment before saying: “In the dilapidated temple outside the city!"

Jiang Yuqing didn't say anything more, she just silently checked the child’s illness.

The child had a tumor in his stomach, commonly known as a polyp. Fortunately, it was benign. Because it grew too large, it caused the child to be constantly nauseous, vomiting, and severe hemorrhage.

They had consulted many doctors back home but none could cure it. So local He An Hall suggested they try their luck at the famous He An Hospital in the capital.

Normally this disease requires surgery. But the child was only six years old, and surgery would damage his body too much.

Jiang Yuqing decided on conservative treatment. This "conservative treatment" was to hypnotize the patient and use the Rejuvenation technique to treat it. Treating it a little every day, it would be cured in three to five days.

When Guan Dacheng heard that his son’s illness could be cured, he was extremely happy. He repeatedly thanked Jiang Yuqing.

Jiang Yuqing then added: “The child needs treatment. It’s not safe for you two to live in a dilapidated temple.

Come live in my house. I have plenty of spare room. And it's more convenient for me to treat the child every day."

There were actually vacant rooms in the hospital dormitory building as well, but they were on the third floor. Going up and down the stairs would be extremely inconvenient for Guan Dacheng. Moreover, Jiang Manor was big enough to accommodate them so it was settled.

When Guan Dacheng heard this, he thanked her even more profusely. Jiang Yuqing laughed and said, "We ate from the same pot in the barracks. No need to keep thanking me!"

The little nurse from outside came to report that Mrs. Qian did not come, but Madam Qian, the aunt of that woman outside, came. Madam Qian is the aunt of the woman outside.

Jiang Yuqing's eyes instantly turned cold, and she called for the little nurse to come and take care of the child. She said to Guan Dacheng father and son, "Let's go get some justice!"

Not knowing earlier that Guan Dacheng was an old acquaintance, Jiang Yuqing did not plan to let that woman off easy. Now that she knew the one being bullied was her own, Jiang Yuqing would not let her go even more.

When the two sides met, Madam Qian said, "It is I who did not teach strictly, allowing this stupid woman to offend the noble lady.

Whatever conditions the noble lady has, please propose them. As long as this old body can do it, I will certainly not decline. I ask the noble lady to please forgive this one!"

Jiang Yuqing coldly laughed and said, "Indeed! A concubine acting arrogantly outside under the banner of the main wife, the Qian Residence really has good family teachings.

She bumped into someone else, then slandered the child for bumping into her. For a broken jade bracelet, she immediately asked for one thousand taels of silver. If it could not be paid, she would have people sell their houses and sell themselves!

Why don't you, Madam, go home and ask your son if he dares to do the same!"

Madam Qian was left speechless by her.

"As for the conditions, easy to say. Have her kowtow three times to the victim, loudly admit that she falsely accused him, and compensate the victim with one thousand taels of white silver."

Madam Qian frowned and said, "One thousand taels, isn't that a bit too much?"

Jiang Yuqing put both hands in her pockets and said with a smile that was not a smile, "Too much? Let me calculate for you!

First, she bumped into the victim. The victim was a child and also a patient. This bump caused his illness to worsen to the point of needing hospitalization and treatment. These medical and hospitalization fees have to be paid. That's barely three hundred taels.

Second, the child needs nutrition to recover his health. These nutritional expenses are inevitable too. We'll call it one hundred taels.

Third, since the child has to be hospitalized, his father has to stay in the hospital to take care of him and cannot go out to work and earn money. These lost wages must also be accounted for. Another one hundred taels.

Fourth, and most importantly, she committed a mistake then falsely accused the child.

She immediately asked for silver. If it could not be paid, she would have others sell their houses and sell themselves. In between there were all kinds of verbal insults.

Not only was the victim's reputation damaged, but his mind and body were also severely injured. The fees for damage to reputation and psychological trauma must be eight hundred taels at least.

After a detailed calculation, these one thousand taels are still lacking. This noble lady has indeed been too kind.

I should learn from this Madam and make a lion's demand of three to five thousand taels. I could also earn some small wealth this way!"

There was muffled laughter all around. Madam Qian was ridiculed by her until her complexion turned black green again and again. Clenching her teeth, she said, "Fine, we'll give it.

But for the kowtow, can it be exempt? No matter what, she is still one of the main madams of my Qian Residence. She cannot be made to kneel to a commoner!"

Jiang Yuqing picked up the cup she had placed on the consulting table and smashed it with a "pa" sound at Madam Qian's feet. Fragments scattered everywhere.

The scene instantly fell silent.

She erupted in anger, "What qualifications do you have to bargain with this noble lady! This noble lady has already given you face. The soldiers are living and dying on the front lines just to protect the likes of you? Are you worthy?

Forget about you, even if your son Master Qian came today, she would still have to kowtow to me!

This noble lady now wants to see who dares stop her! Come, do it! Hold her down and make her kowtow heavily!"

Jiang Yuqing rarely got angry. The last time she got angry was four years ago. That time over five thousand Tartars were buried in the desert, their bones never to be found again.

Following Jiang Yuqing's order, two brawny guards immediately came over to hold down that concubine. With a kick, she was forced to kneel before Guan Dacheng father and son.

Nanny Yan came over to press down her head. With a "dong" sound her head knocked the ground and turned red after just one knock. After three loud knocks, that concubine hugged her buzzing head and slumped paralyzed on the ground, lacking even the strength to wail.

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