The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 211 **Questioning Ones Believe**

A space of time just evaporated from Sahara, and she couldn’t tell you how she got everyone where they needed to be, nor did she no longer care much for it.

“Now that you are all here.” Sahara stated, in her sudden monotonous voice, she looked from one to another without the ounce of a smile in her voice or face.

She had just finished bringing back the real Red Haven Emperor to the meeting place, not even letting himself politely address others before she had almost rudely asked for their attention.

“This is the last time! I will take you all back after today but if you don’t sort out something today then so be it, you will have to do this all on your own!”

With that Sahara disappeared, completely shocking everyone there!

“What is wrong with your wife, Prince Matthew?” The Blue Haven Emperor asked.

Matthew frowned, “I’m not sure…”

“She can’t just go ahead and pronounce that she no longer will help like that! She is of Green Haven, I persist that she just do as she’s told!” The Green Haven Emperor stated…He was ashamed and humiliated to what Sahara had just done!

“Haha, serves you all right!” The fake Red Haven Emperor stated.

And just like that, a meeting started…And do you have any idea upon how it may conclude?

It’s supposedly their last one…They had to do something on this day or what was the point!? Well, at least some of them thought that way…




Sahara, on the other hand, goes extremely quiet.

She stays with Kin, watches and states very simple things but, she was obviously not herself!

Steven knew almost straight away!

Even Christopher knew that Sahara was acting different.

And yet, even though Sahara could see that they knew this, she couldn’t help but feel…Alone…

It almost was scary to see if these people here would feel the way that the emperors did…Because if they too were to just not care about the end of the world…Then who else would she depend on!? No one!

A number of times Sahara tried desperately to stop herself from crying. She willed herself to look normal…She wished that Kin would be ok too, considering that babies were able to pick up on emotions from their mother…

Oh, it was hard…

And then a time came when they all went for lunch, and they accepted her refusal upon eating.

Sahara, as soon as they were gone, teleported away to her rock, her place…Well it was now also Matthew’s place but…After she got there and sat down, cradling Kin, she couldn’t stop the tears from falling.


Picking up her boy, and cuddling him closer, Sahara couldn’t hold back more tears and even a voiced cry from herself as she felt even more alone than she had felt before.

It was so stupid, how she’d tell others that life is what you make it…That ultimately it doesn’t matter, and that we were all just little specs in the universe but at this moment, at this current point in time, nothing was able to make her to stop from crying.

Having come to this world without asking, being born a second time…Being poisoned…Being abandoned…Being ripped apart…

It all just sort of seeped out of her, bit by bit, as she sat there with her baby boy.

And poor Kin, he was digesting this…He was digesting this negative type of spiritual essence, in turn making him want to cry as well.

So…They both cried…



After some time, Sahara just sat there, aimlessly looking out into the yonder. She wondered if perhaps she had taken things too drastically. Perhaps it wasn’t as big as a deal as she had thought?

Perhaps she was just having a bad day!


Shaking her head, Sahara nearly cried again. “I know!”

She wasn’t delusional!

Or was she?

The voices that state that she is their master…Perhaps they are…

And what, I really can’t see anything, it’s all my creative mind!?


I…Am…Going…Crazy!? Is that it!?


Sahara stopped and suddenly said, “I need facts! I need to know what’s real!”

‘We are real…’

Sahara interrupted the inner voice, “How!? How do I know that you are real!?”

Had she never asked before? Had she just believed like…Like that ‘Joan of Ark’ movie!?

Oh, God, what if I really am going crazy!?


“Yes!” Sahara stated, out loud, even though she didn’t need to do that.

‘You no longer…Believe us?’

Almost like she was having a panic attack, Sahara thought about those words…Was she? Was she questioning the voice in her head!?

Breathing in and out rapidly, Sahara put a hand to her chest and tried to calm herself down.


Sahara could feel herself going into shock as her breaths became shallow and her eyesight grew watery and narrow.


I don’t know what to do!




Sahara looked around, only to find herself back in time…

I’ve been here before…

Swallowing, because of her memories, she found herself look up and saw the beam in the ceiling.

I’m back on Earth! In the past…Am I dreaming!?

No matter how much she wanted to think about things, herself moved, and she watched as she attempted to climb the beam in the roof.

I don’t want to be here!

Feeling heartache form inside her, Sahara wanted to close her eyes, yet they couldn’t…She was not in control at all!

‘Here master…Do you not remember?’

If one could see the Sahara that had revisited the past, they’d see a tear fall down her cheek.

‘We are instincts…We are the spiritual essence…We can show you how you felt upon using us…We can show you how we feel and the past, but…We cannot show you facts otherwise to state how real we really are. Just about what had happened before. Can you not still see the spiritual essence coming to you?’

Seeing her past self use her instincts to kill someone, who had taken her daughter hostage, Sahara tried to hold back her cry.

She’s right there!


It was a nightmare! Seeing herself end up exactly how she had ended up the first time!

She didn’t want to see that ever again!

Why! Why had they forced her to see that!?

‘Master, your natural instincts…’

Sahara interrupted, “What!? What if you weren’t there to save me, was my daughter going to live?”

Then there was silence…

Sahara opened her eyes to see the mountain…Once again back to the second world that she was born in.

By all means, perhaps she should have celebrated but…Sahara felt like a part of herself had died at that moment.

…She didn’t know what to do…

Had she gotten into depression that much that she had acted beyond…

How could she apologize to…Instincts…?

But it all became clear, with just one look into the void of horizon, upon a land that shook. The big golem…

Not knowing how to explain it, but she knew, it was all fucking real!

It was just…No one believed her…

Not only that…She no longer could see the spiritual essence as before, her eyes even lost the blue tint that they previously had…If something was said about what had happened…Sahara was now back to being who she was normally.


As much as Sahara tried, she could no longer see the spiritual essence and…She used up all her spiritual essence only to no longer be able to do anything, except that of feeling extremely fatigued!

Having tried to see anywhere, to go as far as she could with her little green star, Sahara could not then teleport something small back to her…It just simply was too much for her.

Granted she had been in a far away Haven, and well perhaps what she had tried to teleport might have been too big but…It hadn’t have happened!

There was no headache to be had, simply because there was no ‘extra’ spiritual essence that she could now use…

Then, after tending to Kin and getting back some spiritual essence, Sahara then tried to picture Golden Haven, as it had been before but…Even that kind of sight had disappeared as well!

So…To her at least, she had lost out by questioning herself. She had lost her godly type powers over wondering if she had gone insane.

Now, Sahara was sure, that she would not be able to teleport everyone home and then herself with Matthew…She just wouldn’t have the spiritual essence for it!

Now, after the powers were gone, she’d realized how much she had taken them for granted! She had forgotten what it was like to be without them and just took them as a part of herself!

How pathetic she had become!


All too soon it was time to do as she ‘must’ and be the Taxi Man.

Sahara swallowed and closed her eyes, she had just gotten back all her spiritual essence and didn’t know if she should tell them or not on what she had lost.

If she told them of what she could no longer do, would they then believe her?

Then, if she wasn’t to tell them, would it even matter?

It really was a hard decision and…There was no longer a voice inside her head telling her anything.

It really was back to basics as Sahara tried to wonder what her instincts were telling her!

Teleporting herself and Kin into the meeting room, she saw everyone there still, they were quiet and pretty much just waiting for her as they weren’t surprised to see her. Sahara didn’t figure that out by hearing their thoughts, as she could no longer do that, she just saw it with her own eyes…

“Very good! You have returned!” The Green Haven Emperor stated, clapping his hands.


Quietly, Sahara walked towards Matthew and gave him a look.

She didn’t know what her face told him, but it was like he knew that she wasn’t herself.

“We have come to the conclusion that if you could bring back some of the dead, on both sides, we are all going to leave this behind.”

Right…I never…

Sahara laughed. Wasn’t it just comical!?

Without even trying, Sahara was absolutely sure that she could not bring anyone back, like she had with her father. Before getting those godly powers, she was able to do something alike but really…The spiritual essence had taken care of things out of her understanding…

Shaking her head, Sahara looked at the Green Emperor and said, “No, I can’t.”

“…It wasn’t a question, my dear…” The Green Haven Emperor stated.

Matthew stood in front of Sahara and said, “This Prince has already stated…”

“Shut it boy!” The Green Haven Emperor stated.

Sahara sighed and moved around Matthew, then looked from the Green Haven Emperor, to everyone else.

No longer could she read their thoughts…She sorta missed that…

“I am not able to anymore.”

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