The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 27 **Found Her!**

Now that Sahara had a routine and didn’t think to bother herself too much with what was happening elsewhere…She never thought to become aware of a presence that had seen her training with a beast.

This person watched with curiosity, as well as with great concentration. There was no way that he would let anything happen to the person that he had been searching for, for quite some time. But being worried about her survival had all come to nothing!

He was surprised to see such a little person fighting so well against such a big beast. Not only because of how small she was, but…A beast!

He had seen quite a few on the way here, but never had thought to try and fight them on purpose, as she was doing!


The unseen ‘presence’ had spent very little time in seeing or reading about these beasts and they were somewhat of a mystery. But he wasn’t here to find information about beasts, he was here to make certain this lass was safe and staying in one spot…

The fact that the lass seemed to be slashing her way around with two swords was really quite impressive, considering, he guessed, that there was no one to teach her!

Because he was loyal to his master he did not dwell on her training, especially when this ‘little lass’ might become someone special to which he may even serve.


She seemed to also be quite fast, as she dodged any attacks, or moved to the side or jumped. It was good! That was his thoughts! If she was able to handle herself in some aspects, then it’ll be good for his master!

…Once the lass had finished her fight, doing something unusual to the now dead beast, she leisurely teleported to the top of the mountain, where he had already seen her twice before. He had to make certain of where she was staying and now that he’d seen her at some type of camp that he can’t see very well, he just had to remember where it was!

Seeing that his mission was now complete, and that the girl seemed to be staying safely on top of the mountain, the follower left, as though he had never been there to begin with…Well, not before covertly taking a good portion of the dead beast’s meat so that he can eat before the big trip back to his master!


When Sahara’s ‘follower’ was making his way back to his master, leaving unique markers behind so to tell the path that he had come, he took into account that the mountain had a steep area in which would make it unclimbable. As it was, he was only able to see from where he had been on the ground, because of his spiritual essence making his eyes better for a certain period of time.

When he tells his Master, he must remember to bring someone along that could go up there, knowing that his Master would want her to come back.

He knew that his master could glide, but flying was another matter. His Master will definitely get there soon though, as it was something that he had been cultivating, not long before this mission. Being away from his master since the lass had gone missing, this person couldn’t help but be generally happy to report back and see how his master was doing…

He did have a special meditation to send a message straight to his master but being where he was and having it use a lot of his spiritual essence, he knew it would be safer to report back in person instead.


But upon this person’s return to Green Haven, a week later, he was surprised to find that his master was in prison…

What had happened while I was gone?

Even though this subordinate wanted to desperately say something about this predicament, he kept quiet.

“Band One? You have returned?” The Second Prince asked, not sounding happy nor sad.

The days were long…And what had become known to Matthew was that he was particularly safe here and he was still able to make plans, even from his prison cell.

Knowing that he had already planned his way out, Matthew was just biding his time.

Matthew was able to prove the evidence against him was false now but hadn’t used that yet. He kept getting people on his side to just make his time here longer, through either demanding more evidence against him or making the public declare his innocence.

When he was finally going to get out…He had too much work to do!

To a certain degree, Matthew wasn’t looking forward to what he had to do when he got out of prison!

His cultivation seemed to have slowed down considerably since he was locked up to one place.

Still able to meditate upon two meditations it wasn’t put to a complete stop, but his goal had not been reached…

“Yes, Your Highness.” Band One replied.


After so long…Matthew had lost a bit of hope in finding the lass. His spiritual essence had disappeared from her a few months ago now.

“…She’s better off being away from here…Wherever she is…” The Second Prince sighed.

Band One was at a loss, he had spent so much time watching this girl and then to find this girl…Now that he had found her…

“Your Highness?”

The Second Prince interrupted him, “I can’t handle disappointment at the moment.”

As it was, he hadn’t found his mother and sister yet either…If he got recent news of still being unable to find the lass as well…

“…I found her…Your Highness.”


Unable to see his master at such a loss, Band One let his words out, in hope that his master would become happier again. Having followed him since he was still a child and he being in a leader among many ‘Bands’ now, he knew that their master and subordinate relationship was quite close…And seeing him this way…

Silence entered the prison cell and the Second Prince looked at his closest subordinate. Having heard those words, Matthew felt his heartbeat…He felt himself breathing, in and then out, feeling air going through his lungs.

Life and excitement were now seen in his eyes and Matthew found himself refreshed.

After a full minute, the prince finally smiled, then laughed heartily. “Then it is time! Send the signal, this Prince is getting out of prison!”

Strangely enough, the Second Prince left both the prison and the capital of Green Haven, disappearing without a clue!


What the…

Seriously, what the hell?

He was in prison all this time and just like that he’s leaving!?

What about the spider he started to talk to!?

What about the awesome prison food!

But you heard it! After all this time, being able to be free but deciding to stay confined, he just up and left!

It seems he was either waiting for two things, one was hearing of the lass and the other was hearing about his mother and sister. He honestly never thought he’d be in prison all this time, it was a long time…But his world seemed to stop as it was anyway, so he felt like it hadn’t mattered where he was…Until now that is!

The spider doesn’t care, the food is better outside, so get your ass outta there Mr prince and go woo your woman!

Did I say it for ya all!?




Matthew only left behind evidence that the reason he was in jail was not relevant anymore. And with this information, the emperor was silently relieved, he didn’t want to become a ruler that didn’t follow laws and evidence. He had tried to help the Second Prince, in delaying any kind of conclusion to the investigation, but…He had run out of ideas a long time ago to help his son. What he hadn’t expected was his disappearance…Did he perhaps leave, to never return?

Having only seen him once the entire time his son was in Prison, and now to have him gone…

What worried the emperor, was how the evidence from the Second Prince was left. One note was in the prison cell, which claimed his innocence, but secretly another note was sent to the emperor himself.


What Matthew had written, with his evidence to the emperor, is that he had left the evidence exactly like the one he gave him in his prison cell, and that if nothing is said about it then there are people not doing things properly inside of the prison. He wrote to have someone that the emperor trusted, to watch and see what happens. So, he did things twice and even let the emperor check himself, if he wanted to, to see this. Then, just to see if the prison has been compromised, left evidence they’re on purpose to see what was going to happen…Was anyone going to take the bait?

Sorry, not good with words here but I really hope people get the fact that Matthew left a trap after freeing himself and leaving evidence…There! That’s it…The author is putting us in a whirlwind, so I felt I had to cut in and put it blankly!


Taking the Second Prince’s words, feeling both trust but also disbelief on the situation, he still sent someone to keep an eye on the ‘letter’, that was left behind in the prison cell…And just because he was a careful person, he did indeed see that was left behind was exactly the same as what he received…

Was this what the boy was up to, being in here for so long?

He had felt a bit more lonelier while this second son of his was away. His first son was playing tricks and dealt with things behind his back, and he didn’t like it! It just felt like things got so much worse as soon as his second son went to prison!

This…This is what he should have done!

Sighing, the emperor could only shake his head to how busy he’s been. He might be trying to run an entire Haven but that didn’t mean he didn’t love his second son!

He will just treat him better upon his return, the emperor decided. That’s if…He does return…


Watching this ‘letter’, was only a prelude to something bigger, upon Matthew’s return back to the capital. Wanting the Emperor to be somewhat prepared, Matthew had done this on purpose, so that the emperor would be personally involved…

Matthew hadn’t told the emperor where he went, leaving only a quick last note of stating that he will return and hopes that the emperor stays well…

The emperor knew that favouring a single Prince could cause hassles. Yet, he wished he could show more emotional support to the Second Prince, as he knew that the Crowned Prince had given him troubles!


The Crowned Prince was the first-born male, he was older, and yet didn’t satisfy the emperor’s conditions of becoming the monarch. The monarch needed to be stern, respected through proper means and highly regarded! Not someone that pays off people and has done enough where people are scared to say anything!

What kind of place would Green Haven become with someone like that in charge!

It just can’t be done!

The emperor’s true love has always been, and will continue to be so, Green Haven. Even in death he wanted his Green Haven to be cared for properly!


What the Emperor hoped was that the Second Prince may change his mind and become someone that would take the seat of the emperor once again. If only he could go back in time and completely deny the prince this startling fact back then! He had been too shocked to hear it!

He had been a prince before, with brothers and then having uncles and a father…Not one had stated their want to not be involvement in the throne!

The Crowned Prince had already been warned once, quite some years ago, about his position and how he must act. But the Emperor has seen very little improvement since, and silently wishes for the Second Prince to disregard his publicized request of never taking the throne of Green Haven…

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