The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 6 **This world’s way of Cultivation!**

It was a month ago, that Sahara had peeked into a courtyard not too far away and found a male there doing something with a sword. His age would easily be over twenty and she wondered if he was this ‘First young master’, that everyone talked about!

The next time that she came out of the kitchen, she sneakily intruded into his courtyard and looked around. Inside of his luxurious ‘house’, Sahara found dusty books about cultivation, and stole one!

Sneaking out, she couldn’t help but laugh and call herself a tiny, little thief!

The book was really very good! No wonder he hadn’t gotten rid of it!

Reading for the first time, since her last life, Sahara found it really nice and occasionally reminisced about her past life.

This book was the start of her life here though. Until now, Sahara had just lived like a normal human trying to survive, but this book opens up the other ‘world’ of cultivation…



Leisurely, another six months went by. But…The tiny hiding spot had now finally become too small. Not only was Sahara growing in the body but also in the mind. The space left in the kitchen was not something that could be changed but her mind was taking in all this new cultivation information, making her forget more and more useless information from her last life…If you asked her for post codes, passwords or phone numbers now, most of them would have disappeared completely from her memory.


Having followed the book that Sahara had stolen, she was able to open up her meridians, which were basically like doors that you had to open to start cultivating. It was like you are in a house full of doors and windows that were all shut, what you wanna do is open everything so that the air can go through the entire of the house…That was what Sahara came up with to explain ‘meridians’. Then, after just opening a couple of ‘windows’ and ‘doors’ she felt a source start to enter into her dantian. A dantian is like a pit of where you store the spiritual essence that you use. Basically, a dantian is like a kettle, you fill it up and use it for coffee or tea, then you have to fill it up again…Then there’s the gamer aspect upon what level the kettle should be…Again, this is just the explanation of what Sahara thought cultivation was…


Sahara thought that it was so amazing! Reading about it is nothing compared to feeling the real thing!

‘That’s what every book says!’ yeah yeah, but you get the idea right!?

The book seemed to make cultivation look simple. Luckily, Sahara was awesome with simplified methods and excelled at thinking at the most basic of things. No, I’m not saying she’s a genius, because she wasn’t really all that bright with politics and such but…When it came to putting things simple, that is what she was good at!

Perhaps that was why others may not understand it, because in this type of olden day lifestyle, people tended to use their heads a hell of a lot! Especially when talking! They could make ‘G’day’, into the longest paragraph ever! Perhaps having lived in Australia in her past life helped her in this regard…You know, because Australia’s are so laid back and all…


What Sahara had read in her previous life was somewhat the same and yet different…On this planet, they called it spiritual essence and it was indeed in the air, as well could be found in food and in magical beasts, blah, blah, blah…

The most common way to gain it, is through meditation.

To cultivate, one chooses a type of meditation. The meditation in the book that Sahara stole, *cough* borrowed, was called, ‘Bending Space Meditation’. Sahara, of course, had heard about bending space before and had a small chuckle about it. It wasn’t about space in…Space…It was a funny kind of way to say, ‘telekinesis’ or ‘teleportation’. And shall I quickly add here upon who had done this type of ‘magic’ in a book?

*The author slapped me, hence why the words are red. It seems I’m ‘ruining’ the book. I need to stop ‘giving so much away.’*


The process of opening one’s meridians in this particular meditation, could look and feel impossible, because it talks about moving your meridians…Which can’t be done…The ‘doors’ and ‘windows’ in a house are already made, you can’t just suddenly have one disappear and reappear out of nowhere!

Yet, for some strange reason, Sahara found herself able to understand it…Well, to her it wasn’t strange, she was always understanding things like this when other people weren’t but to us, it’s strange, okay! Actually, Sahara was ‘strange’ since childhood…She always used to say ’45 past 1’, instead of ‘quarter to 1’, like everyone else. She could think of ‘other’ ways to make things work or not work, just by simple going ‘back to basics’. For instance, a lot of people would hack a place and turn off the camera’s or make them ‘skip’ or something…Sahara, on the other hand, just turned off the power that the camera’s worked on. *This is where I add that she was lucky that the cameras weren’t using solar power*

On some of her ideas, people might have thought that she was brilliant but really, she just thought of another way, that’s all.


So…Sahara seemed to be able to think about bending space by another way then someone else, simply because that was something she did ‘normally’. Of course, she wasn’t the only one to think this way, but this book was actually quite rare so there really isn’t many that *once again the author has muted the narrator*

‘Bring together, with no space between.’ Sounded pretty basic to Sahara.

‘Force apart to the furthest distance, then expand on that each time.’ Again, it sounded pretty basic to her.

*The narrator would say something here but is still currently muted*


Sahara didn’t think to move the meridians themselves at all, just ‘removed’ the space, or ‘enhanced’ the space between them instead. It was a roundabout way of opening up one’s meridians, so she could understand if people couldn’t understand this. But, just like many other times, Sahara had looked at something in an opposite way. In fact, one time she thought of the opposite in the way of vampires. She thought it was somewhat annoying how it’s always about humans being ‘food’ for vampires and becoming vampires, the same shit all the time but…She came up with an idea that there was a mid-species and that humans and vampires had not come to be until blood was sucked from bodies for a long period of time. Not only had ‘strong and dead’ vampires come to be but also that of the ‘weaker mortal’ humans as well…Just for something different…That definition in itself may not make much sense but I’m guessing that you get the drift.

…Like I said, she had a knack of thinking not just ‘inside the box’ but all around it!


More things were in the book, such as explaining what cultivation was and the ranks of advancing through it. But that, as well, was pretty basic.

It really is a world made for me, as the ranks simply go up in numbers.. This was so much easier to remember!

Sahara could still, vaguely, remember the books that she had read in her previous life on cultivation and all their ‘ranking’ and laughed to this world’s easier way of ranking! There had been so many funny and long named ‘ranks’, and most of the time you needed to go back to a page that said the meaning of the ‘ranks’ so you know how powerful a certain person was, blah, blah, blah…



…Even if one entered into being a tenth rank cultivator, which is when your dantian is pronounced as ‘full’, there is a way to continue to go higher, yet again…What happens, is that the spiritual essence from then on wards, becomes more and more enriched, or concentrated, as you go higher after that.

But obviously, it is a lot harder to advance in ranks after ten.

What was simply needed, to help you advance and grow more skills, was different types of meditations to learn, for you to be able to use your spiritual essence differently. There seemed to be no limit to how many types of meditations you could use, so, Sahara assumed it mounted up to ability, more than anything…

The book did say something about colors, but that…Was something Sahara didn’t quite understand yet…Yet being the right word as it is explained better later, which Sahara was glad to wait for anyway because she just wanted to focus on the ‘basics’ first. What was the rush, she was still this itty bitty toddler anyway…


Being unable to continue to cultivate, due to the space in her hiding spot, Sahara had to quickly find another place. She really did leave it till late, but she honestly didn’t want to leave the kitchen!

Spending so long here, Sahara felt somewhat safe and knew that it may be a lot harder once she was to leave here. Having had fought with herself through mumbling, she finally admitted that she needed to leave, to continue to cultivate, and that was that. So, Sahara sighed, admitting defeat to herself. I mean, cultivation being the case, which was something that she was extremely excited about…How could she say no!?

Sahara spent a week looking for her new home, but what she had found, ended up being her old ‘house’ instead. It had been left alone all this time, being dusty and having overgrown weeds growing everywhere. The door and opened 'window' area was dirty, and there were no sheets or blankets. Nothing. And this time, no one would come, day or night…So, Sahara decided that she would stay here, more hoping then knowing, that it was safe, and cleaned it up a bit.

The sad case still remained though…She was indeed still homeless in the same estate that she was born in…




Fending for herself in the open, was a little scary. Within two weeks, Sahara was nearly caught four times, going either in or out of the kitchen. Being small had its advantages to quickly hide, but she didn’t like this at all!

Sahara had never used to like to dwell on ‘what if’s’, but these days she wonders, ‘What if I wasn’t born on a black Friday and wasn’t the thirteenth daughter?’.

Feeling herself slowly getting depressed, Sahara knew that she needed to act, to fix her hunger situation. It was one thing to ‘move’ for cultivation, but had she really thought it through? Once leaving the kitchen her problems seem to be piling up!

No longer was she able to eat at least three times a day, no longer was she getting a steam shower…

She was now dirtier and hungrier, giving her less and less time to cultivate and making her anxious because she might get caught!

Was it really worth leaving the kitchen!?


Sahara never liked the idea of getting upset, so the next best thing was just to find a solution to what was bothering her in the first place…

Even though she missed her kitchen home, she had to move on and survive!

These were her thoughts, as she carelessly walked around the wall of the estate, in trying to work things out.

And, in doing this…Sahara found the process of the food…Before it came to the kitchen!

Dam! I’m really an idiot! Shudda thought of this before!

Snagging food, while the delivery person wasn’t looking, Sahara couldn’t help but lick her lips in anticipation!

Meat! Omigod meat!

She found herself very possessive over this little piece of meat and ran away towards a back corner of the estate.


Sahara was still quite tiny, so making a fire became impossible!

…She couldn’t believe her misfortune!

Mumbling her sorrows, she didn’t hear someone come out and see her standing there foolishly, still with meat in her hands.

“Who are you?”

His words stunned Sahara into a mind-boggling silence. Actually, in this life, she hadn’t spoken to anyone else before...Besides her mumbling sorrows, no one but her had heard her voice before…

Looking at the man in front of her, she remembered him from his courtyard.

He’s the guy with that awesome book!

Sahara’s eyes brightened, and she smiled happily at him. Since he had been the keeper of the awesome book, he was automatically put as a ‘friend’ in her eyes…

Thanks for the book!

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