The Kink Life (Yarichin B*tch Club x Reader)

Chapter 60: Chapter 59

(y/n) P.O.V. 1st Person

I wrapped my arms around Yacchan's collar, clinging tightly to him as we made it back onto the trail and headed up. I could see some people ahead. "Ah! There back!" I could hear someone scream. The crowd of students gathered in our way, but while I was nervous with so many people around I was just relieved to be back.

Our first stop was the teachers. Konno and Mido-sensei were chatting, seems Konno had just missed us. "What were you two doing?!" He hisses. His face was dripping with tears, but he simply blamed the rain.

"(y/n) slipped and the two of us fell off the path. They can barely walk though, their ankle will need mending." The teachers nodded, letting us know they'd inform the nursing staff back on campus. After this the campfire was canceled. I felt kind of bad, but it had been a great day.

Yacchan carried me into the crowd where I could see Itome and Shikatani-senpai waiting anxiously for us. "Senpai…" I mutter.

"I thought you died!" Shikatani screeched. He was panicking. "I thought you were gonna come back as weird dismembered ghosts threatening me to find your bodies and put you back together. You'd make me do some weird human meat puzzle." He muttered nonstop as he trembled.

"Human meat puzzle…?" Yacchan muttered.

"Yeah! I won't forgive you! Even if you both bang me like crazy, I won't!"

"I'm sorry... Shika-senpai..." I pouted a bit.

Itome rested his palm on my shoulder, gazing at me sorrowfully, "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm alright now." Behind him though I could see Akemi. He looked just as worried, but he seemed to be trying not to show it.

He walked up to me and flicked my forehead, "Please... don't do that again (y/n)."

Yuri was shoving through the crowd mindlessly to see what was going on. He greeted me ecstatically, but I think he must've missed the whole thing. He was shoving Toono and Kashima this way. "Ah," Kashima started, "Did you two get hurt?"

"I only have a few scratches, but (y/n) busted their ankle," Yacchan laughed it off a little and so did I.

I smiled, flexing my arm a little as I shot them a smile, "Don't worry, I'm your strong senpai."

"You should go see Mido-sensei first," Akemi interrupts, "He can treat your cuts. It would suck to have to go all the way up to the infirmary like that."

*Time Skip a little bit*

It was easy to find Mido-sensei, and I waited as Yacchan went first. He finished up the bandages, "All done, you're lucky you only had a few cuts. Does anywhere else hurt?"

The boy paused, "Nope, I'm fine. Thank you very much!" He was back to acting like his old self.

"Head on back to your tent quietly. You're next (y/n)." I noticed as Mido was working on the cuts on my legs that Yacchan stayed behind a bit before hiding around the corner. "Other than your ankle you don't have many injuries. But this bruising here…" I blushed a little, he seemed to notice the scent a little too. He smiled up at me a little, "Did you have fun? I won't tell anyone." I guess he didn't know I was a member of Yari-bu. I nodded a little. "I'm glad then. That's all, you should head up to the infirmary to get your ankle checked out. I can find a student to take you." I nodded.

I headed to where Yacchan had been hiding. He had a compression pack in his hand and muttered to himself, "Can I put this on myself...? It's in a weird spot…"

"What's this?" I snatched the compression pack, "Did you take this when he wasn't looking?"

"None of your business," he rips it out of my grasp, sending me a glare.

"No, tell me. What are you gonna use it for?"

"It's my side." I immediately tug his shirt up. It's bruised and scraped up badly.

I gasp, "This is serious. You should go to the nurse's office with me."

"It's not a big deal," he brushes my hand away.

"If you won't go, at least let me put it on." He lets out a sigh, but he lets me. Carefully I put the compression pack on him. "Go get some rest now. I need to head to the infirmary."

As he disappears, Mido-sensei comes back. "Ah, (y/n). Tamura here will take you up to the infirmary. Be careful."

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