[The Knight’s Multiverse] – A Knight’s Journey: A Cultivator’s journey in a Superhuman’s Modern World

Chapter 19 – The penthouse attack (Part 2)

Hello, dear readers! Here's Chapter 19! The peak of the attack?



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Enjoy the read! :)


If you wish to read a similar type of novel, I'm writing a fanfiction in the world of Marvel with a lot of elements from The Knight's Multiverse.

A quick sum-up here:

Queens, New York City, USA. 2012.

Ben Parker, a former Special Forces’ Team Captain, husband of May Parker and uncle of Peter Parker, was forced to take arms again when the chitauri attacked New York City and threatened the safety of his nephew and friends. Saving them successfully he however ended up heavily injured, prompting him to breakthrough and become a Supe(Superhuman), all due to one of the three Perks granted by the unknown entity who reincarnated him on this Earth.

Armed with almost all his previous life's memories, his skills as a former Green Beret, his three Perks and with the help of his loved ones and companions, he would have to face many threats, with some with seemingly impossible odds.

“The world is going batshit crazy. I can deal with normal humans, but how the hell am I supposed to deal with Gods and Universe-Ending Aliens?”

Damovotsk, Molkovia, Earth.
Demian's P.O.V.
Of course, he knew that the adrenaline coursing through his nervous system was probably the culprit for his 'enhanced senses', so he did not pay it any mind and kept his entire focus on the entrance. As the latter became wide open, Demian quickly examined the intruders, noting a good and a bad thing. The good was that there were only two men. The bad was the fact that they were both armed with pistols.
Taking the initiative while the two were surveilling the place, the young man shouted at them, ready to duck behind the couch. “DON'T FUCKING MOVE OR I'LL SHOOT!!!” Despite his attempt at scaring them, the two men did not panic but instead, swiftly hid on each side of the door outside the penthouse.
As a drop of sweat ran down the side of his face, he heard the two men yelling back. “Come on kid! Put the gun down.” “Right, we don't want to hurt anybody.” “Our Boss has always admired the Blazing Valkyrie and wanted to meet her family. So you should all come with us to see him. You all can wait at his place for her to come back.”
Rolling his eyes at their poor attempt at lying, he retorted in a loud voice. “Do you think I'm 5 years old? If you don't want to hurt anyone then why do you have guns in your hands? And if you admired Bryn, then why are you breaking into our house? You two morons should just piss off to your boss and tell him we don't want to see his ugly face.”
He knew that angering them may not be the smartest idea, but he also understood that they definitely had nefarious intentions when they came here, so who cared? He may even be able to probe an answer as to who their boss was. He already had a pretty accurate guess, but he wanted to make sure he was right. Just in case.
Luckily, the two goons seemed to have taken the bait. “Kid, I'll act as if you didn't insult Mr. Petrovich if you drop your weapon. Don't play the hero, or not only you but your whole family might get hurt.” The two women on the floor whispered to him hurriedly in reaction to the man's words. “Don't listen to him, Dem.” “Sera's right. He's definitely lying. Once you drop your gun, we'd be at their mercy.”
Unlike his cousin's voice which was slightly trembling, his Aunt's was perfectly calm, surprising Demian. Nonetheless, he chose to push it aside and instead answered in a whisper. “Don't worry! I know he's full of shit.” Becoming impatient from the lack of response, one of the two men voiced loudly.
“Kid, I'll give you 10 seconds to drop the gun and get the two other women. If you don't, we'll start shooting and we won't be responsible for anything that will happen to you.” Since he decided to fight, the young man would follow his decision to the end, even if the potentially lethal outcomes made him feel some dread.
'Last time I faced a gunman, I was unarmed, and I didn't feel any fear. Now I've got a gun, an advantageous position and I still feel scared. Granted, there are two guys instead of one, but still... *Sigh* Why did it seem easier in the movies I watched and the novels I read? What a mess...' He thought as the goon started to countdown slowly.
As the latter started to approach zero, Demian's focus shifted to what he learned from his brother. 'When you shoot you need to be stable, otherwise, with your gun's recoil, your aim will be terrible. Some highly skilled marksmen may be able to shoot with one hand, but you're clearly not one of them. So always take your handgun with two hands.'
'Release the safety pin on the gun. Right index finger on the trigger. Deep breaths and when ready pull the trigger.' Following his thoughts, his body moved in tandem. While bending his body slightly forward, he unlocked the gun's safety pin and laid his right index finger on the trigger.
Unfortunately, his breathing was disturbed as he heard the man's next words. “0! Whatever happens next will be your fault, kid!” As soon as he finished, the two men moved from their hiding place, their guns aimed in Demian's general direction. Spotting their sudden movements, the young man reflexively pulled the trigger a few times, sending bullets flying in the men's direction and prompting the opponents to respond in kind.
Sadly, due to his tense nerves and lack of shooting experience, the young man had some trouble keeping the gun still, his bullets flying one after the other around the two men with only two scratching their arms and one leaving a trail of blood coming from one of the men's ears.
As soon as the young man heard the cry of pain from the injured man, he felt his left shoulder being pushed backward, coincidentally shifting the pistol's aim slightly to the left toward the goon with only a small gash on his left leg. Pulling the trigger once again, Demian's somewhat absentminded brain noted the sudden and sharp decrease in the number of bullets flying toward him.
Focusing his eyes on the body lying on the floor, he noted the obvious hole in its head leaking blood and some other unknown liquid. Falling into a daze at the scene, he awoke when his brain registered the acute pain coming from his shoulder and the shouts of pain from the man he previously shot through his ear.
“MY EAR!!! MY FUCKING EAR!!! I'LL KILL YOU MOTHERFUCKER!!!” Lowering his body to hide behind the couch, the young man could hear multiple bullets flying over his head and a rare few piercing through the back of the couch. 'Thank God for high-quality furniture.' He inwardly joked, trying to slightly release the tension straining his mind.
“Ugh!!” He suddenly grunted in pain as a bullet went through the back of the couch and embedded itself into his side. Thankfully, it did not seem to have hit anywhere vital. 'Not that I'd know, but I don't feel like I'm dying, so it's good enough.' He thought while waiting for the enraged man to run out of bullets.
Once the lethal projectiles stopped flying, Demian started to stand up, his teeth gritted from the intense bouts of pain coming from his two wounds. Nonetheless, he knew that he had to finish the other man if he wanted the two girls and him to be safe. Despite his physical and mental exhaustion, he lifted his right arm, the Glock held in his right hand as his left arm was too weak from the wound on his shoulder.
Looking toward the door, he noticed the madness overflowing from the injured but still alive man holding his handgun in his two hands, the latter aimed at the young man. Pulling the trigger again and again, vainly expecting a bullet to leave the muzzle, the man was screaming threat after threat, the unending clicks giving a feeling of unrealism to the young man who was taking his time to aim at the man.
As the brown-eyed young man started to clench the finger lying on the trigger, sanity seemed to return to the one-eared man in front of his eyes, and with it fear and panic, his following words even pleading for mercy. “NO! NO, PLEASE! DON'T KI...” A sudden bang resounded in the room, cutting the man's words off before he fell to his knees, with blood gushing from the fresh wound on his torso.
The flickering light in his eyes however quickly faded as four more banging sounds followed by a few more clicking noises reverberated in the room, creating four more fresh injuries around the previous one, and cutting off any survival chance for the one-eared man.
As the now lifeless body fell front first on the floor, forming a blood puddle around the two corpses, Demian felt his tense nerves instantly relax which made him unconsciously drop the gun he was holding on the lacerated couch as a bout of dizziness came over him.
Turning his body around, he let himself fall on the sofa, bringing a sharp pain from his two still bleeding wounds. 'Rule #2: Always double tap. Very effective...' He thought jokingly, doing his best not to think about the fact that he just killed two human beings.
Nonetheless, he could feel his body's muscles twitching uncontrollably, with sweat oozing out from his pores, drenching his tattered clothes. “I-it's done.” He muttered shakily as he gazed at the ceiling, thinking that taking a life was not as hard as he previously thought. 'We're so fragile. One bullet and Boom! It's over...'
In his hazy state, he somewhat noticed the two women standing up. His Aunt then observed his body briefly before running toward the entrance and coming back with one of the coats previously hung there. Once she arrived at his side, she pressed the long coat on his shoulder and his side's injuries.
“Keep pressing on the wounds. I'll be right back.” She ordered his cousin while guiding her hands to the exact location before dashing away toward the storage room at the end of the penthouse's first floor.
As Sera carefully held the coat on his bleeding wound, she instructed him in a worried tone. “Dem, you need to stay awake, alright? Mom said you can't fall asleep. She went to get her medical supplies to fix you up.”
Focusing his fuzzy mind on her words, he wondered. “Am I hurt that badly?” Shaking her head, a stiff chuckle escaped her before she replied in a joking tone that felt artificial. “I can't see, dummy. How would I know?” At her answer, Demian unwittingly let out a small laugh, followed by a grunt of pain as his wounds were pulled.
“Don't laugh, you idiot. You'll make your injuries worse.” Thinking about the soft tone laced with concern she just used, made him smile despite the great discomfort he was experiencing. “Don't worry about it, Sis. Once Aunty patches me up, I'll heal in no time. I might even become stronger because of it, like that alien from the novel I read to you a while ago.”
And it was not purely boasting, since he was aware of how broken his physiology perk was. As long as he did not die, he would become stronger because of what he went through. He DID have to survive first, though. Thankfully, his previous training would have increased his body's natural healing rate. At least, he thought so... Hope so?...
After chatting for an unknown amount of time with his lovely cousin, he heard the sounds of hurried footsteps coming from his side. While taking care of not aggravating the wound on his shoulder, he moved his head slightly in that direction.
In his sight was the scene of his beautiful Aunt rushing as fast as she could, although limited by her limp, in his direction with a big bag hanging from her right shoulder. From those vigorous movements, her breasts kept bouncing up and down in a downright distracting manner. Despite knowing that it was neither the time nor the place... Or even the person, to be honest. However, he could not help himself from looking. She was just too alluring.
'Well, looking never hurt anyone, did it?' He thought wryly knowing that he was lying to himself before deciding to close his eyes. 'If I don't look at her, I won't be tempted.' “Demian! Wake up!” Unfortunately, the stern voice of Adeliya forced him to open them back up.
“I'm fine Aunty! I just felt a bit tired.” He explained, which was both the truth but also not. Observing the impassive-looking mature woman in front of him, he caught the unease hidden in her eyes as she gazed at his body, in particular when she arrived at his left shoulder and left side.

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