[The Knight’s Multiverse] – A Knight’s Journey: A Cultivator’s journey in a Superhuman’s Modern World

Chapter 56 – ‘Crushing’ ease

Hello, my dear readers! Here's chapter 56!

Enjoy the chapter and see ya all next week!



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Damovotsk, Molkovia, Earth.


Demian's P.O.V.


As soon as the two penetrated the building, Demian knew time was ticking, especially since they were now visible to everyone in the living room. However, those people were Bryn’s targets, not his. Instead, his feet brought him instantly through the opened entrance to the kitchen where two men were standing in front of the kitchen counter. On the latter, were a few opened pizza boxes, of which a few slices were missing, surely eaten by the two men who had obvious grease marks all over their fingers and mouths. ‘Pepperoni and Bolognese?’ His brain subconsciously registered among a torrent of other information, the goal being to find the best way to get rid of those two.


Less than a second later, he settled on the most simple way, which was a full-powered punch to the head. ‘Clean and direct.’ He darkly ‘joked’ as his tightened fist collided with the skull of the man on the right. The result was somewhat expected with the cranium shattering in many pieces while the brain turned into goo from the shock. Then, his body circled fluidly around the central counter to reach the other pizza-eating guard. As a horrified expression started surfacing on the latter’s face, the blue-eyed young man had already thrown a right hook to his face, sealing his fate. Without even waiting for the two headless men to fall on the floor, his legs already carried him out of the kitchen, through the living room, where he noticed that Bryn had already dispatched two out of three guards lounging there, to the closed bathroom door.


With a brief second of pondering, he decided on the most efficient and ‘quiet’ plan. He simply grabbed the handle with his left hand and set his right one on the wooden panel close to the lock. He then pushed. Despite being of good quality, the metal lock did not last even a second in front of his superhuman strength before breaking. With the door now opened, his feet quickly brought him in front of the angry and baffled woman sitting on the toilet. The confusion in her eyes, however, swiftly disappeared along with her life as the young man’s hand executed the increasingly familiar crushing motion on her throat. This time, though, he did not let himself pause and, instead, instantly exited the room to check on his cousin who was already done with her own macabre task.


Nodding his head, he whispered. “I’ll go deal with the two in the bedroom. Wait for me.” Before his feet brought him to his next victims. From a quick scan with his Divine Sense, he became aware that not only was the door unlocked, but the couple was still blissfully sleeping, unaware of the bloodbath that just happened a few meters away from them. Carefully pressing the handle down to avoid awakening them, he then gently pushed the door and entered the dark room, his feet bringing him to the bedside. The sight that greeted him was a relatively attractive woman lying naked in the embrace of an above-average-looking man, the latter also not wearing a shred of clothing.


The two’s bodies were still wet with sweat and coupled with the smell, Demian could easily guess that they just finished having sex. Despite having slaughtered a few people already without too much hesitation, he could not help but hesitate this time. A seemingly happy couple, with a satisfied grin to match, was lying there, completely defenseless. Strangely, something inside him seemed to resonate with the scene. Puzzled, he pondered for a few moments before understanding the reason behind his subconscious reaction. It was simply because they reminded him of him and Seraphine. ‘It could’ve been us. After all, the two of us were just Body Strengthening fighters at that time. If Danilov had sent any Chi Gathering Rank to deal with us, he could’ve crushed us like insects... Strength is indeed the best and only sure way to protect those I care about and myself. To protect our happiness.’ That internal reflection reaffirmed his conviction to work hard on growing stronger and removed most of the doubts plaguing him previously.


“The two of you... You were too weak to protect your happiness... I pray that the two of you get another chance in your next life...” As the words left his mouth, he noticed the two High-Level Body Strengthening cultivators fidgeting more and more, clearly on the verge of waking up. With a somewhat peaceful smile on his face, he added a last sentence. “Your senses are quite sharp...” Before instantly snuffing their lives with two successive punches. Without lingering on the lovers’ bloody state, he calmly exited the now lifeless room and followed the corridor to finally join his impatient-looking cousin in front of the staircase leading to the second floor. The tall redhead let her gaze roam over his face and then on his body briefly before she commented. “You seem... Different.”


With a wry smile hidden behind his facemask, he replied wearily. “I just learned about who I am and what I’m capable of.” Tilting her head, she remarked with some concern barely hidden behind her indifferent tone. “You don’t seem thrilled about it.” Shrugging his shoulder slightly, he explained. “I’m just not as good and kind of a person as I previously thought.” Pausing for a second, he met her gaze with his and declared calmly. “Let’s get back to the current situation. There are only three people left. The two women are just prostitutes, so no need to get rid of them now that every other threat has been dealt with. I’ll just knock them out along with Petrovich, alright?” Seemingly understanding that he was not yet ready to talk about his mental changes, she nodded and curtly claimed. “Got it.”


Ready, the two rushed through the spiral staircase, with Demian in front as Bryn’s more beefy physique was not needed against a lone Peak Low Body Strengthening Fighter and two untrained women. Especially since they were all still sleeping. Once in the upstairs bedroom, their sight was greeted by the three dirty naked bodies entangled on a similarly dirty bed, confirming what he found through his Divine Sense previously. The two women were both more beautiful and curvy than the woman from the downstairs bedroom. Nonetheless, their apparent beauty belied their true physical and mental state. Through his superhuman senses, he could easily detect what they were desperate to hide, which were, among other things, traces of mistreatment peppered all over their white skin, the stiff smiles adorning their attractive but sleeping faces, and the 'frowning’ wrinkles around their eyes and brows, barely hidden under a thick layer of makeup.


Shaking his head slightly, the young man subconsciously mumbled. “Poor girls...” Not paying attention to his cousin’s intent gaze after the words left his mouth, he instead walked slowly toward one side of the bed where he bent his upper body slightly and, with a gentle flick of his index finger on her temple, knocked one of the women into an even deeper sleep. Letting out a sigh of relief, he then gestured toward the redhead before doing the same to the other woman and Petrovich. Once done, he exclaimed. “Finally over with the hard stuff.” Shaking her head, she retorted. “We’ve got many other things to think about. Like what we need to do about the bodies, how we’ll transport that naked guy out of here without people calling the cops...” Nodding his head, he replied. “I know, don’t worry. I’ve been thinking about those problems since we started the operation and I’ve got some ideas. Why don’t we...”


After the young man finished explaining what his plan was, the giant redhead stayed silent for a few seconds with, from what he could distinguish from under her mask, a thoughtful look on her face. With a nod of her head, she claimed. “Sounds thorough enough. You seem in your element here, so I’ll listen to you.” Feeling oddly proud about the praise, he was about to subconsciously scratch his chin before halting suddenly as his bloody and smelly dark glove registered in his senses. After a discreet relieved sigh escaped his lips at the near miss, he let down his left hand and acted as naturally as he could. “Thanks. In any case, we need to act quickly. I don’t think we got made by anyone around, but there’s no meaning in tempting fate, right?” Demian then assigned the tasks he wanted his cousin to do, while he was already hard at work, covering the three still-alive naked people with the sheets in the room, with the dirty one being used on Petrovich and some clean ones on the two women. Yes, he was petty like that.


Once done, he started grabbing the women’s items lying all over the floor before using another clean sheet as a makeshift bag and using it to store the former. He then carefully set the two unconscious women on both of his shoulders while still holding onto the ‘bag’. A few minutes later, he was standing with his back facing the garage with Petrovich’s colossal SUV parked in front of him. A flicker of movement caught his attention, prompting him to turn his eyes toward its origin where he found his cousin in the midst of gathering the corpses from all over the property and making a pile with them in the garden’s center. Scrunching his eyebrow at the sight, he felt doubtful as to whether they would all fit inside the two vehicles parked on the property.


Shaking his head lightly, he mumbled. “We’ll just do what we can, I guess.” Before going to help his cousin load all of them in the cars. With their speed and strength, it only took them a few minutes to finish the task successfully, surprising the blue-eyed young man slightly. ‘Since some body parts were missing, it makes sense, I guess...’ He thought briefly before the two began moving the cars not far behind the metal gate they had previously jumped across. Demian then exited the vehicles in front and exclaimed. “I’ll go get a few things inside. I won’t take long.” From the opened driver’s window of the car behind, the young man caught his cousin’s tired voice. “I’ll wait for you. Be quick, alright?” Nodding his head, he claimed. “I will.” Before dashing inside the building, through the staircase, and in one of the unused rooms upstairs. There, he found a small metal safe hidden inside a piece of furniture.


With a curious look in his eyes, Demian mumbled. “I wonder what you’re hiding.” The item was found through his Divine Sense earlier, however, since there were other more important things to deal with, he pushed his curiosity to a corner at the time. As they were now only one step away from leaving, he thought he might as well check it and see if he could get anything out of it. A quick ‘Mind’ scan brought him some vague information, like the fact that it was much harder to penetrate an object with it if it was made from some thick metal. The result was that his mind only caught a blurry image of what seemed like money stacks and some other miscellaneous things. There might also have been some intel among those items, however, he could not be sure. In any case, money, and cash, in particular, were always useful, so he might as well recover everything from inside. ‘It’s not as if that man will have any more need for it...’ He thought before examining the hatch thoroughly.


After a few seconds of investigation, he unfortunately had to admit that his strength fell short of the task. ‘Maybe Bryn will be able to break it open with her augmented state...’ He wondered, prompting him to grab the heavy, but relatively small, object that would need several strong men to carry before lifting it with ease from the floor and bringing it to the car parked outside the house. Seeing him arrive with the metal safe, the blue-eyed woman asked with some confusion. “Is that a safe? You’re aware that our family’s much richer than the guy, right?” With a few light chuckles, he responded while setting the safe in the passenger seat. “Of course, I know. But instead of letting it rot here, I might as well take it. Plus, having cash will be useful for the rest of tonight’s plan.”


His arguments seemed to have convinced the woman as she kept silent after that. “Alright, let’s go.” He declared before pushing a button on a device previously lying on the car’s dashboard. In reaction, the metal gates started opening, letting the two SUVs pass before closing back up and hiding the terrible events that just happened from the outside world.

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