The Laziest System: Sign-Up System

Chapter 108

When we arrive in Medan, we refuel and fly once again to Silangit Airport. If we were to leave from the airport in Medan, we would need to drive for more than six hours. After another take-off and a moment of flight, we arrived at Silangit Airport and rented a car to drive to my village.

While on the way, I told Asia and Kunou about my parents and what kind of people they are. Not long before we arrived in a small village on the mountain, I could see the villagers looking at us in confusion and interest.

I smile a little when I see my parents standing in front of the house, looking at us in confusion.

"Ryan… Did you not tell them about our arrival?"

Asia asks while tilting her head.

"Nope~ I wanted to surprise them."

My house is on the edge of the village, and as we stop in front of the house, my grin gets bigger. As I removed the seat belt and exited the car, my mother quickly ran toward me and hugged me tightly.

"Ryan!" she exclaims.

I spin her around and say.

"It is good to see you, mother."

"How are you? Are you doing okay? Are you eating well? You look skinny! Let's get inside. You are lucky that I am done cooking. Why are you not telling me you will get back home?! Why are you not calling me as regular as before?! Is your study doing okay?"

A barrage of questions happened as my mother looked at me from top to bottom.

"Let him talk, dear. You are not letting him talk with all your questions. How are you, son?"

"I am doing great, dad."

"Good. Let's get inside. We will talk in the house."

"Ah, before we get inside, let me introduce you to someone."

After saying that, I walk to the other door and open it. Asia and Kunou leave the car and bow a little to my parents. I chuckle when I hear the people around us start whispering about a foreigner.

It was not because they were racist or not but rather because there was never a foreigner visiting this place. Asia and Kunou will attract the attention of people in the village.

"Father. Let me introduce them. This is Asia. She is my girlfriend. Asia, this is my parents."

Asia bows once again and says.

"It is nice to meet you, Father, Mother."

I hold myself from facepalming as her words make my parents perk up. They might not know much English, but they know the meaning of Father and Mother. They look at Asia for a few seconds before their gaze lands on me. I can only give them nods, and my mother hugs Asia tightly.

After introducing Asia to my parents, I let Kunou walk forward and say.

"Mother. Father. This is Kunou, Asia's niece. She came here to have some fun. Kunou, these are my parents."

Kunou bows and says.

"It is nice to meet you, Grandpa, Grandma."

This time, I did facepalm.

That is another word that they understand, and by the look of my mom giving me, I know I need some explanation.

"Care to explain, son?"

"It is really nothing, mom. Asia is my girlfriend, and when she said that you were her father and mother, Kunou thought you were her grandparents."

"I see. I thought that you would make me a grandmother this fast."

"What? The last time I called you, this is not your tone."

"I ask you to get married!"

"And to have children."

There she goes, pouting. She throws away her face and walks toward Kunou before patting her head.

"Let's get inside."

I look at my companion and say.

"Let's get inside."

We enter the house where my mother is taking all the snacks and food she can serve on the table.


|3rd POV|

While Ryan and his companion are enjoying the hospitality of a Southeast Asian household, five people are watching them from a distance. They are a group of people wearing black outfits. They are holding a short sword with a hilt resembling a horn.

They are writing on the sheath of their sword. This writing is a writing of an ancient Batak Language that contains mystic power.

"What should we do, captain?"

"I don't know. We–"

Before the captain can even talk, another group of people appear in front of them and cast a spell to paralyze them. The ones attacking this group are the three Karasu Tengu, the bodyguard Yasaka sent to protect Asia and Kunou from the shadow.

"Why are you guys following us?"

While the others glare at the three Karasu Tengu, the captain keeps his calm and says.

"We noticed a foreign race passing our base and decided to investigate. We are a member of the Paranormal Investigation of Indonesia of the Siborongborong Branch. Who are you? What do you want to do in this place?"

The leader of the Karasu Tengu blinks for a second and says.

"We have already informed your organization about our presence. We are a group from Japan. We are a member of the Youkai Faction of Japan, and we are here to visit our Lord's hometown."

The captain blinks at that information and says.

"Your lord? Is it the human you guys are following?"

"That's right. He is our lord, for he is the husband of our leader."

The captain can only look at him in shock before saying.

"Can I make a call? I need to confirm this with my boss."

The Karasu Tengu captain nods his head and snaps his finger. A second later, the Paranormal Investigation team can move once again. The captain nods his head, takes out his phone, and makes a call.

After a few seconds, his boss picked up the phone.

"What is it?"

"Boss, when will you tell me that those people have permission to get into our territory and the one we are following is a VIP person?"

"What?! Oi! Connect me to the Main Branch!"

He waits for a few minutes as he hears shouting and banging from the other side before he can hear his boss' voice once again.

"... Useless lazy bastard. Right! We get the confirmation. Apologize to them and ask if this person wants to visit our base. We will officially welcome him and his companion here. Also, they are not only VIPs but rather VVIPs guests. Be respectful."


The captain releases a sigh and says.

"We are sorry for the misunderstanding. We just got confirmation of your arrival. Also, please tell your lord if he wants a tour of our base, as we will officially welcome him. We are also happy to give him a tour around."

The Karasu Tengu captain nods his head and says.

"We will inform him."

"Thank you. Enjoy your stay in our small community."



"Hello World" English 

"Hello World" Indonesian 

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