The Laziest System: Sign-Up System

Chapter 39

"Ah, we're going to fight against Shiga University, huh?" I nod at Shigeru's words and look at the opponents in front of us. I can see two Monkey Youkai and one Tiger Youkai facing us.

I look at Se-Ah and Shigeru and ask, "What do we know about them?"

The Kappa looks at me and says, "We know about two of them. The blue-haired monkey youkai is the master of Bojutsu. He is fast—extremely fast—and hits like a truck. He is using a staff that can change into nunchucks. He can use it efficiently and precisely. His fighting style is unpredictable; he doesn't stick to one style. He can use four fighting styles and switch between them as much as he likes."

I nod at Shigeru's words.

"That Tiger Youkai is a pain in the ass," I say, looking at Se-Ah as she starts to explain, "She is another close combat fighter, but she has nasty magic. She uses Youjutsu, which can weaken her opponent over time. When you're fighting her, make sure not to get hit too much from her attacks."

I nod and ask, "What about the last one?"

"We don't know," Shigeru answers. "He is a mystery to us. However, if we go by their last year's strategy, he must be another combat fighter. They are one of those aggressive teams who only bring fighters with no healer."

"Kyoto University, please get to the arena."

We snap from our thoughts when we see a rat youkai walk into our room. We nod and follow her to the arena, where we can see many people cheering for us all. I can see Yasaka and Susanoo sitting at the highest point of the arena. Yasaka is smiling at me while Susanoo gives me a wide grin.

I then look at our opponents. Just like what Shigeru and Se-Ah said, one of the youkai monkeys uses a staff, while the tiger youkai does not use anything but her bare hands. The last member is holding twin short swords.

"Here they are! The two teams will fight each other to show the world who is stronger between the two of them! On the Northern side is Shiga University!"

I can see people cheering, and after a few seconds, the host continues.

"Now, on my Southern side is Kyoto University!"

The three of us get into the arena and wave our hands at the audience.

"The team needs to defeat their opponent in all-out fights! However, to make it even more interesting, we will pick a random environment for them! Let's see what kind of environment they will get!"

I look at the screen and see random places being picked up.

"Interesting! They will fight in the Endless Sand Desert! Let's send them to the fighting ground!"

A second later, the entire world changes into a hot sand desert. I can feel the heat coming from my shoes while stepping on the sand. I can still hear the host's voice coming from around us.

"The fight will start at Five! Four! Three! Two! One! Fight!"

After the countdown reaches zero, I quickly cast three supporting spells.

"O strengthen your arm to cleave the heavens! Arms! O light that protects the heavens! Armor! O swift wind that dashes through the heavens! Vernier!"

After casting that spell, Shigeru and I dash forward with our weapons while Se-Ah stays behind to attack from a distance. I take a deep breath and release fire from my mouth. This is not Sun Breathing but rather the other version of it, Flame Breathing.

With a burst of speed, I appear in front of the tiger youkai and swing my sword.

Flame Breathing First Form: Unknowing Fire

I swing horizontally and release a massive fire from my sword. However, instead of hitting a target, I see the woman manage to dodge by ducking down. The woman thrusts her fist at me, and I use the handle of my sword to block her attack. The impact throws me into the air, but I use it to my advantage.

I quickly do a downward vertical slash at my enemy.

Flame Breathing Third Form: Blazing Universe

A massive pillar of fire appears in front of me and hits the Tiger Youkai. However, to my surprise, she manages to block my attack and even my sword. She grits her teeth and pushes me away.

She quickly kicks me when I land on the ground, but I easily block her attack. I land a couple of meters away from her, and I see her grit her teeth in pain from my attack. However, instead of giving up, she takes another fighting stance, and I give her a grin.

Let's do this.


|3rd POV|

Serafall watches the fight with interest. The man who catches her attention fights with an unknown swordsmanship. She does not love swordsmanship like Sirzechs' knight, Souji Okita, but she recognizes great swordsmanship when she sees it.

She knows that Ryan's swordsmanship is great with a single glance.

"Damn you!"

She looks at the screen and sees the tiger Youkai scream in frustration as her attack does not hit Ryan. He moves around with grace, and each time he attacks, he delivers destructive blows.

After deflecting his opponent's attack, he performs an arcing vertical slash in an upward motion, creating a ring of fire to his side.

Flame Breathing Second Form: Rising Scorching Sun

The attack lands true and creates a gash on the tiger youkai's chest. However, instead of screaming in pain, the woman smirks and grabs Ryan's sword. She pulls the sword closer and punches him right in the face while he is still holding the sword.

She releases the sword when Ryan coats his sword with fire.

Ryan wipes the blood from his nose and looks at his opponent. He can see her on her last stand and gives her a little respect by releasing a strong attack. He takes a deep breath and releases fire from his mouth.

Ryan puts his blade into a high guard and swings it down with all his might.

Flame Breathing Fifth Form: Flame Tiger

A torrent of fire comes out of his sword, taking the form of a massive tiger leaping at its prey. The tiger youkai tries to defend, but her defense cannot withstand the massive fire tiger. Before the fire tiger can cause irreversible damage, the tiger youkai disappears from the arena.

For the first time in a long time, Serafall wants something. She wants Ryan to join her peerage because she wants to see the man in front of her bloom. Many people think that her main sin is Envy, as she always complains about Gabriel, the Angel of Chastity.

However, that is far from the truth. Her sin is Greed, for she wants all the rare talent in the world that she can nurture to be the greatest. She took Bahamut, for he is the king of defense and someone she nurtures to be the greatest defensive creature in the world.

Now, she wants Ryan and nurtures him to be the greatest swordsman in the world and lets the world know that she has him under her wing.

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