The Laziest System: Sign-Up System

Chapter 54

"Good. You guys are all here. It is easier to kill all of you at once."

I can see them looking at me as if I am an idiot. The first one to say something is the crazy exorcist and one of the characters I hate most in the first season of DxD, Freed Sellzen.

"You? Want to kill us? Bwahahaha! That is the greatest joke I have heard in a while."

He takes a device from his pocket and presses a button on it. A second later, a blade made of light appears. Not only a lightsaber, but he also holds a handgun. That is the weapon he uses in the series as well.

Oh, well.


I move to the left and dodge the incoming attack. I take a deep breath and appear in front of him. I swing my sword, but to my surprise, he manages to block my attack. However, I can see that he just barely blocked my attack.

I kick him with all my strength and see him hit the wall. I quickly jump to the left when my instinct tells me to dodge, and I can see a light spear hit the ground where I previously stood.

I can see the four Fallen Angels preparing to attack me.

It looks like I need to go all out. I change back to my human form and take a deep breath. This is something that I need Susanoo's help to master.

"Take Over: Beast Soul!"

After I say that, my entire body starts to change. My body is now five meters tall, my body now full of red and green fur. Two golden horns are coming from my forehead and two on my shoulders, once each.

I can hear a whisper inside my head, and I quickly absorb as much Natural Energy as I can to suppress this whisper. I also use my Sky Dragon Slayer magic to enchant this effect. Beast Soul is the strongest form I have on my Take Over magic.

I take my sword on the ground. Now, it looks like a short sword in my hand. I channel my mana and activate Susanoo's blessing. Four Shime-daiko drums around the ring, and a Hidari-mitsudomoe on the drum appear behind me. Using the power of the lightning, I increase the length of my sword, and I am ready.

I appear in front of Raynare and punch her while I enchant my punch with lightning. I smirk and say.

"Let's do this!"


|3rd POV|

Azazel and Vali arrive at the abandoned church at the sound of battle. As they enter, they see Ryan fighting the four Fallen Angels. Scattered around the church's floor are many corpses of the rogue exorcists.

From the look of their bodies, Azazel knows that they died from getting their cut off, their heads getting ripped away, and their bodies getting stabbed using a sword or a giant spear.


They return their attention to the fight in front of them. They can see Ryan fighting the four Fallen Angels at the same time. His body has many injuries, but they quickly healed because of his Senjutsu, Sky Dragon Slayer, and Take Over.

Because of this ability, he can focus on attacking.

Ryan releases a breath, and lightning appears around him.

Thunder Breathing Unarmed Form: Lariat

Ryan appears in front of Dohnaseek and hits him with a lariat move. The flying Fallen Angel falls to the ground, creating a massive crater from the impact. This move is Ryan's creation. He creates this move when Susanoo manages to disarm him on their spar.

Ryan did not stop there. He looks at the rest of the enemy and disappears. Using the speed boost from the Thunder Breathing, he appears underneath Raynare, who prepares to shoot him using her light spear.

Thunder Breathing Unarmed Form: Liger Bomb

He grabs her legs and throws her to the ground, creating another crater. However, the impact is not the only thing that does the damage. The lightning around Ryan's body also does a good amount of damage to her body.

Her wings lose a good number of feathers, and her right face gets fried by lightning.

Ryan is about to throw another punch, but Azazel interrupts him before he can do that.

"I think that is enough."

Ryan looks at the two people and gets off of Raynare. He releases a sigh and changes back into his human form. However, Ryan is still in his Dragon Force and Sage mode.

"You must be Azazel."

"Lord Azazel! Please help me kill this human! He dared to attack us by doing your order!"

"Shut up"

Azazel did not raise his voice but released his power and glared at Raynare, who was on the ground. Hearing Azazel's tone, Raynare knows something is wrong and decides to stop talking.

Seeing her shutting up, Azazel looks at Ryan and says.

"Thank you for not killing them all."

"Hn. That is not a problem. Just ensure they will not step on Japan without a good reason."

After saying that, Ryan gets back to the basement and carries Asia out of the church, leaving the Fallen Angels and the corpses behind. He did not see Vali looking at him in interest.

"Are you sure about this, Albion?"

Azazel looks at Vali and says,

"What is it, Vali?"

"Albion says that man feels like a dragon."

"Yeah, I feel it as well. I wonder if he has a Dragon-type Sacred Gear."

"Albion said that that man did not have Dragon Sacred Gear. He said that man is a dragon in human form or at least a human with dragon power. Albion also adds that it is a Dragon Slayer nature."

"What do you mean? You said he is a dragon, but his power feels like dragon slayer magic. Is that what you mean, Vali?"

"Yes. He feels like a dragon, but his magic feels like dragon slayer magic. That is what Albion said to me."

Azazel looks at the door and smiles a little.

"What a contradiction. I cannot wait to talk to him. For now…"

He looks at the pile of corpses and the four beaten Fallen Angels on the ground with a sigh. He takes out his phone and calls someone.

"Shemhazai sent out a cleaning crew here, will you? Yup. Corpses. Also, can you send the interrogation squad? Yeah. Raynare. The one that is supposed to be in Korea. Yup, all of her group are in here. Thank you."

Azazel puts his phone inside his pocket and looks at Raynare, who is still lying on the ground.

"Now! Rather than talking to the interrogation squad, will you tell me the reason why you came here instead of staying in your post just like I told you guys to be?"

Raynare uses the last of her power to summon a piece of paper.

"W-We get your direct order, my lord."


Azazel takes the paper and reads it. The more he read the paper, the angrier he became. After reading, he burns the paper and says.

"Who is it? Who is the one giving you this order?"

"Lord Kokabiel."

Azazel takes a deep breath and says.

"I see. As I thought, you want to start a great war huh, Kokabiel? You stupid man."

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