The Laziest System: Sign-Up System

Chapter 93

"Something is not right."

I say to Yasaka as I look out of our room. Today is the second day of the Youth Devil Gathering and the day when all the characters I know will fight. However, as we watched the fight, a bad feeling slowly appeared in my gut. The feeling that something bad will happen.

Not only that, my senjutsu also screamed to me that there was something wrong in this place. Sadly, it did not inform me of what was wrong. Something was wrong, but my senjutsu did not inform me what was wrong. My senjutsu did not tell me what was going on.

While the others look at us weirdly, Yasaka nods her head and says.

"Yeah. Something is not right."

Amaterasu looks at us and says,

"What do you mean by that, Yasaka? Tell me what you feel."

"Yes, my lady. My Senjutsu told me something was happening around this arena, which was not good. The feeling is subtle, but my senjutsu manages to grab that sensation. I don't want to say this, but this feeling is as if we are about to get attacked by someone or a group of people."

Amaterasu is about to say something, but before she can do that, Susanoo laughs and says.

"Let them come! It's been a while since I went all out!"

Susanoo looks at Yasaka and me before continuing.

"It looks like they are looking down on us, thinking that we can be defeated just like that. We might have lost a lot of believers, but we are still Gods! To dare look down on us is the greatest insult!"

Ah, there goes the God Group. Even Odin nods his head in agreement at Susanoo's declaration. I can only sigh and prepare for the incoming trouble. I gathered Senjutsu just enough for me to enter Sage Mode and ate enough air to enter Dragon Force mode.

I shake my head and watch the fight. I hope I did not need to use my power; that bad feeling is only bad.


|3rd POV|

While the people of the underworld watch the Rating Games, there is a group of people that move undetected by the security. They move around the arena, placing some kind of device inside the ground.

After they are done, they leave the arena and get inside one of the buildings not too far away from the arena. The building is full of people and corpses of innocent people they killed to take over the building.

"Lord Beelzebub, the preparation is done. We are ready to attack."


Shalba Beelzebub gets up from his seat and smiles.

"Let's kill all those pretenders!"


Ryan looks at the arena in interest because Rias and Sairaorg are the ones fighting. However, before the battle can take place, Ryan quickly jumps off his seat alongside Yasaka, creating a barrier around them.

They manage to create a barrier just in time as a massive explosion happens. After the dust cleared, they saw four people standing in the air.

"Loki… What do you think you are doing?"

Odin looks at his adopted son with a frown on his face.

"What am I doing? Well, that is easy, old man. I want to start Ragnarok! And to do so, you need to die."

"It looks like I have been too soft on you, Loki. You thought that you could kill me that easily, huh? Do you think that bringing this many soldiers will let you defeat me? What a fool."

Odin took out a spear and pointed it at Loki. This spear is Gungnir, a legendary weapon that Odin used in his golden day against all Asgard enemies. He swings his spear and releases his power. A second later, Odin kills more than a hundred soldiers in a single attack.

"Come! I shall teach you a lesson you shall not forget!"

Loki grits his teeth and creates a massive magic circle. A second later, four creatures appear from the magic circle. Three wolves and one massive serpent. They are Loki's children. The biggest wolf is Fenrir, the God-Slaying Wolf; the other wolves are his children, Skoll and Hati. The serpent-dragon is the clone of the original Midgardsormr.

"Then die!"

Loki points his finger at Odin, and his children charge at the old Norse God. However, before they can reach Odin, Yasaka and Ryan take action. Ryan kicks the dragon in the head while in his Dragon Sage Mode. His kick was strong enough to throw the long dragon away from the arena.

Yasaka, on the other hand, changes into her true form and dashes at Skoll and Hati. She crashes into their bodies and throws them away before releasing massive energy at the two wolves.

Susanoo laughs and attacks Fenrir. He creates a katana made of lightning and releases a battle cry while swinging his sword. From each of his swings, lightning appears and creates an explosion. Susanoo continues to laugh as he fights against the God-Slayer creature in front of him.

Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi look at three Old Satan Factions leaders above them. Amaterasu looks at them and says,

"And what do the three of you want? Will you attack us and help your ally, or will you run away and leave us alone?"

Instead of answering her, the three of them laugh for a few seconds. That act made Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi grit their teeth in anger. Amaterasu looks at her husband and says.

"It looks like they truly look down on us, dear husband."

"That they do."

Amaterasu summons a beautiful mirror, and Tsukuyomi takes out a bow and arrow. They look at the trio of Old Satan Factions and appear in front of them. However, as they appear in front of them, a massive pillar appears and holds the two Divine beings in place.

"What is it?!"

"This is?!"

The Devil Trio starts to laugh once again before Shabal Beelzebub walks forward and says,

"How is our little trap? These lights will make sure you cannot use your authority as God and force you to be a mortal."

The Old Satan Faction is already researching how to seal God's power to defeat the Big G. However, they never once manage to do it until Rizevim manages to get himself Sephiroth Graal.

Sephiroth Graal is a sacred gear with power over the soul, and that is the main tool they need to break through their research. The result? A device that seals God's power. The trio walks forward with their power crackling sinisterly and about to kill Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi.

However, before they can even do anything, a loud shout can be heard throughout the battlefield.

"Come, Grandeeney! Su Jud Dov (Air Queen Dragon)!"

A massive tear in space appears, and a massive white dragon suddenly appears on the battlefield. The white dragon roars and releases a torrent of wind at the Devil Trio.

Grandeeney appears on the battlefield.

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