The Legend of a Thousand Nights of Konoha

Chapter 11 Quanmei's cultivation achievements

Chapter 11 Quanmei's cultivation achievements

Early the next morning, Qianye finally revived with full blood.

After eating breakfast, Qianye created a shadow clone, and let the clone follow Moonlight Gale to school.

Haifeng looked at Qianye enviously and said: "Be careful when practicing, don't act like yesterday."

The corners of Qianye's mouth twitched twice. Last night felt that it was his biggest stain so far. Thinking about that posture, if Kakashi saw it, would this tiger X give himself a Konoha body technique secret technique? Millennium kill?

As soon as the chrysanthemum tightened, Kakashi was inexplicably added a hatred point by Qianye.

When I came to Itachi's house again, this dead child was practicing early in the morning, and he really worked hard enough.

"Brother Qianye, good morning." Itachi greeted politely, obviously not as happy as when he saw Shishui.

"Come on, let me practice duel with you." Qianye said maliciously.

Itachi suddenly felt a deep malice, but the brave little Itachi didn't flinch at all, and directly assumed an offensive posture.

"Brother Qianye, I'm going to attack."

"It's very sharp." Qianye praised for dodging Itachi's attack, and at the same time flicked the back of Itachi's head with his index finger: "But it's still too slow."

Itachi's unremitting attack, Qianye dodges easily every time, and then hits Itachi's head, and every time it hits the same place, Qianye is absolutely merciless. After several times, the back of Itachi's head It swelled up into a big bag.

Itachi almost burst into tears from being knocked, but he still gritted his teeth and persisted, Qianye himself couldn't stand it.

"It's really a bit paranoid." Qianye muttered something in a low voice, then stopped Itachi who was about to continue attacking, and imitated Kucinnati's own posture and lifted Itachi up: "Let's go, Zhishui should have arrived at the training ground , let's go together."

Hearing Shisui's name, Itachi didn't struggle any more, as soon as he walked out of the gate of Fuyue's house, a smaller figure crashed into Qianye's arms, it was Uchiha Izumi.

"Oh." Quan Mei cried out in pain as she fell to the ground.

Qianye bent down and helped Quanmei up: "It's Quanmei, why are you here?"

"It was the patriarch who asked me to practice with you, and you didn't take me with you when you practiced yesterday." Quanmei said aggrievedly.

"Cultivation is very hard, and it will be very tiring."

"I'm not afraid, I can if you can." Quan Mei said stubbornly with her head held high.

It was only then that Qianye discovered that this little girl had a tear mole under her right eye, she would definitely be a pretty little beauty in the future, should she agree to this marriage?
"Let's go." Qianye dragged Itachi and Izumi away to the training ground. The morning sun shone on the backs of the three of them, reflecting three short shadows.

Before he knew it, Qianye developed an indelible bond with the Uchiha clan.

Zhishui arrived at the training ground very early, and saw Qianye leading two children over... Well, it was the three children who came together and smiled gently.

"Quanmei is here too, the training is very hard, don't cry."

"Don't worry, brother Zhishui, I won't cry." Quanmei's flag stood up.


An hour later, Quanmei burst into tears because she was accidentally scratched by a shuriken. The wound was only a centimeter in size. Shisui performed a simple healing technique and the wound healed. After the wound healed, Quanmei's crying continued. Crying is called a shocking weeping ghost.

Qianye was overwhelmed by Quanmei's cry, there was no other way, it was indeed a bit too much for a girl to start practicing at the age of three.

I had to make a fishing rod for Quanmei on the spot. The hook was made with a combination of kunai and a shuriken. After catching the fish, I made grilled fish for him at noon. Quanmei went to the river to fish pitifully, and looked back at the trainees from time to time.

Near noon, Qianye was finally able to walk steadily on the water, and if he was careful, he could run a few quick steps. Before he could be happy, Qianye heard an exclamation.


Quanmei fell into the river without even calling for help.

Qianye was stunned and watched Quanmei pass him on the surface of the water as if sitting on a surfboard, and then tripped and subconsciously hugged Quanmei. At this time, Quanmei was still desperately holding on to the fishing rod and refused to let go.

It was only after Qianye choked on a few sips that he realized that he had caught a big fish. Could it be that there are sea kings in the world of Naruto?But at this time, Qianye didn't have time to think about sea kings. He didn't want to be drowned, so he took out Kunai to cut off the fishing line and hugged Quanmei out of the water.

"Cough cough fish—how can you cut off the fishing line, woo woo woo..."

This is a pig, don’t forget to eat, don’t remember to fight, and you don’t want to die for a fish.

"It's just a fish, it's not enough."

"But that is the result of my cultivation."

Seeing Quanmei's earnest expression with tears in her eyes, Qianye was speechless, so she could only make up nonsense, "Maybe it's because of your cultivation results that you're in a bad mood today, and you'll know later on. There will be a few days when the mood will be very irritable."

"But why are you in a bad mood?" Quan Mei asked curiously.

"You'll know it when you grow up." Qianye needed to avoid this topic, and just returned to the shore to find that Zhishui was gone. Looking at Itachi, he asked, "Where did Zhishui go?"

Itachi pointed to the river: "He went to catch that big fish."

Qianye turned his head and saw Zhishui emerging from the bottom of the water, and he waved to them happily.

Looking at the big fish brought back by Zhishui, Qianye made a simple comparison between it and Quanmei. The good guy is even bigger than Quanmei. It was the first time Qianye had seen such a big river fish in two lifetimes.

"Qianye heard that your grilled food is very delicious, and you also promised Quanmei that if you caught fish, you would grill it for us."

He definitely did it on purpose. Zhishui is definitely not a sunny boy as he appears on the surface. This kid is very dark-bellied. It is obvious that he wants to eat grilled fish.

"If you want to eat, you can go and prepare wood and branches."

A good practice has turned into a grilled fish feast. Quanmei also went to call her mother and the second elder who is the Uchiha clan, pointing to the big fish to claim credit for catching it.

Itachi saw Izumi called her family and ran home to call Mikoto who was making lunch for them, and also brought Kushina who was visiting her. This means that most of the Uchiha clan went to the battlefield. Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for Kushina, who is Jinchuriki, to go to Uchiha.

It can be seen that Jiu Xinnai and Qianye's barbecue has a lot of fate.

So the busy Qianye suffered a shock for no reason.

"Little ghost, you dare to live and grill fish on the training ground, I can't pretend that I didn't see such a thing!"

The words of cannibalism with a short mouth are true when it comes to Jiu Xinnai, the mouth is short and the hands are long!Can move without making any noise.

"Aren't you supposed to be with Minato at this time?" Qianye asked cautiously.

"Minato's new ninjutsu is about to succeed, I can't disturb him at such a critical moment." Kushina said seriously.

"Then can I disturb you casually?" Qianye only dared to say these words silently in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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