The Legend of a Thousand Nights of Konoha

Chapter 26 The Persistence of Iron Fire

Chapter 26 The Persistence of Iron Fire
Uchiha Tiehuo clenched his fists in both hands, looked at Qianye and shouted loudly: "Moonlight Qianye, I want to challenge you!"

Qianye was stunned for a moment, looked at Daohuo, Daohuo nodded slightly, Qianye quickly understood what he meant, he was making his younger brother regard him as a competitor.

"It's okay to challenge if you want, then let's stick to the old rules."

Iron fire is unclear, so: "What old rules?"

Qianye raised his hand, rubbed his fingers, and said, "Qian, when you were in school, you challenged me for 1 taels a time, but now I'm an elite, the price is 2 taels, right? Today, it's because you gave me a gift For the sake of this, I will accompany you once for free, and I will charge you next time."

With a black line on Dao Huo's face, he subconsciously clutched his wallet tightly, he knew the little reward his brother earned for his mission.

Veins popped up on Tie Huo's forehead, and he got angry when he mentioned this, but Qianye actually wanted to cheat him out of money, and said through gritted teeth, "Then come on, let's go to the training ground."

"No, no, no." Qianye waved his finger nonchalantly, pointing to the yard: "This is enough, the place is too big and I might accidentally injure you if I use it."

"I'm so mad, I know I may not be your opponent now, but I must let you know how powerful I am!" Tiehuo was completely enraged, Daohuo shook his head helplessly seeing his younger brother's anger, so He was about to be irritated by Qianye, it's good to sharpen his spirit, I hope Qianye doesn't strike too hard.

Qianye said impatiently: "Hurry up and start, my fist is already hungry and thirsty."

Tie Huo was several years older than Qian Ye, and his height was almost two ends shorter. It was difficult for outsiders to see that this sentence came from the mouth of the short Qianye.

The duel between the two began soon, and Tie Huo was not ambiguous at all. He immediately opened Sharingan, and Qianye directly separated three shadow clones and the main body to enter the invisible state at the same time.

Tie Huo quickly dodged to find a favorable position to use Sharingan to catch Qianye's figure, and quickly combined his hands to use his ninjutsu.

"Art fire escape ho fireball."

Flames gushed out from the mouth of the iron fire, and it was about to form a fireball. One of Qianye's shadow clones rushed over to block the fireball, and the other two clones pinched left and right to forcefully suppress the fireball of Iron Fire.

"Tiehuo, you are going to buy my house. If you don't beat you up today, you don't even think about leaving!" Qianye is about to get serious: "The art of darkness."

Tie Huo's eyes instantly turned extremely dark. He had never felt this way since he opened Sharingan, and he suddenly panicked.

While your illness is killing you, Qianye's Dark Walking Technique should be no problem against Tiehuo and blind the opponent for ten seconds. In a duel, even one second can change the situation of the battle, and ten seconds can already decide the outcome.

The avatar rushed up and swung his fist fiercely. Tie Huo held back his composure and blocked the avatar's frontal blow, but it's a pity that two fists are no match for four hands, not to mention that Qianye still has two avatars, and his fists were crackling. past.


Tie Huo screamed repeatedly after being beaten, spat out acidic water, and finally survived reluctantly until the technique of walking in darkness failed, and quickly used a substitute technique to escape Qianye's attack.

"Shadow Clone Technique."

After Iron Fire cloned, he rushed over aggressively.

Two against three, the two sides are evenly matched, and physical skills have never been Qianye's strong point.

"Boom." Qianye's clone was blown up again.

"Qianye, are you still planning to open Sharingan? You are not my opponent in physical arts, and you can't beat me without Sharingan."

"Tiehuo, although Sharingan is an advantage, it is not a good thing to rely too much on Sharingan, and if I open my eyes, there will be no comparison between us."

"Shadow Clone Technique." Qianye separated two clones to block in front of him, and then used the spirit transformation technique to charge towards Tiehuo.

The Sharingan who picked up the goods was able to capture the traces of the spiritualization technique, but unfortunately physical attacks were useless to Qianye, and Qianye's soul body punched back fiercely instead.


Tie Huo yelled in pain and covered his left eye: "Qianye, you are lying!"

Qianye used his soul body to fix Tie Huo's body, and a shadow clone walked around behind Tie Huo: "I'm playing you big-headed ghost, today I will teach you another trick, Konoha Body Technique Secret Skill Millennium Kill!"


A scream resounding through the sky came from Qianye's home, Daohuo, Gaifeng and the other two little guys who were watching the battle subconsciously clamped their chrysanthemums and closed their eyes forcefully.

Five minutes later, Tie Huo was still kneeling on the ground and moaning, cursing Qianye incessantly: "Qianye, I'm not done with you, you wait for me, I will definitely pay back all the pain you gave me You... I won't let you go... woo woo..." As he spoke, the guy actually cried.

Daohuo sat on the side in embarrassment, if his younger brother was not still there, he would have left long ago.

"Tie Huo, let me carry you back."

"Wuuu...I can't do it myself, brother, wait for me a little longer."

"Quan Mei, pour another cup of tea for brother." Qianye smiled and called Quan Mei, who was cleaning the yard, over.

Quan Mei ran over blushing, and looked at Qianye's hands with some distaste: "Brother Qianye, you haven't washed your hands yet."

Tie Huo suddenly felt that he had received [-] points of critical damage.

"Oh, I forgot." Qianye sniffed his hand as if waking up from a dream: "Whoa—why is it so stinky."

Tie Huo wanted to stick his head in the ground: "Brother, carry me home."

"Okay." Daohuo responded and then turned to Qianye and said, "Then I will take Tiehuo away first, I hope you can give him more advice in the future, but the technique just now... try to use it sparingly."

"Don't worry, with today's lesson I won't use this technique on Tiehuo in the future." Qianye said sincerely.

Tie Huo was so angry that he rolled his eyes and passed out.

At this point, the grievances between Qianye and Tiehuo continued again.

I heard that Tie Huo spent three days resting in bed at home, and went out to do tasks as soon as he was able to get up.

Another three days passed, Tie Huo knocked on the door of Qianye's house, held 2 taels in his hand and put it in front of Qianye, gritted his teeth and said, "Please give me your advice."

"Shadow Clone Technique."

"Fuck Shuriken art."

"The Art of Naruto Seeing."

"Bang bang... ah—uh—"

Tie Huo walked out of Qianye's house with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

A week later, Tiehuo visited again, and another 2 taels were taken in front of Qianye.

"Please advise."

"Shadow Clone Technique."

"Fire Escape·The Art of Fireball, Fire Escape·The Art of Impatiens Flower."

"Illusion·Sharing Wheel Eye!"

"Bang bang, ah—"

"Tu Dun, the technique of beheading in the heart."

When he was two hours old, Daohuo, who cared about his younger brother, came to Qianye's house and dug out Tiehuo with a bruised nose and swollen face in the yard of Qianye's house.

After another half month, Qianye counted, did this guy give up?Just as he was thinking, Tie Huo came again, paid the money in a proper manner, and was beaten again and climbed out of Qianye's house. Tie Huo, who was lying on the threshold, turned his head and said inarticulately: "The house is still messing around... "

Qianye didn't know what was wrong with this kid. He seemed to have become another Kai. He identified Qianye as his opponent, challenged him, healed his injuries, and after he recovered, he went to practice and do missions to save money. Come to Qianye to continue to challenge, persevere, and persevere.

It has to be said that the speed of improvement is also getting faster and faster. Qianye felt a little difficult to deal with him slowly, as if his old tricks had been wiped out by him, until one day Tiehuo split into two shadow clones When he came out, he took advantage of his unpreparedness and gave Qianye a black eye.

 I received a short message from the signing site today. After changing the signing status, I will update at least two chapters a day, and three changes depending on the situation. When I save more manuscripts, I will update it occasionally.

  The plot is about to enter the main line, if you have any comments, you can mention them, thank you for your support.

  ask for a ticket...

(End of this chapter)

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