The Legend of Honghuang Erlang

Chapter 113 - Block the enemy


The golden-winged eagle screamed sharply, and its figure swept through the sky, becoming more and more swift.

At this time, Yang Jian had already condensed thirty-one profound beads in his body, and for today’s battle, he forcibly stored one-third of the co-worker’s blood in his body without cutting it apart.

If he falls into a bitter battle, as long as he consumes one-third of the co-worker’s blood, he can continuously transform his profound energy and heal his profound body quickly.

His Yuanshen cultivation level is limited, and his spiritual consciousness can’t spread thousands of miles away. In his mind, he estimates that he is still five or six thousand miles away from the black mountain of the stone tablet.

Must catch up!

Mo Han’s ministry will not be removed, and he feels uneasy.

Especially the two big Luo Jinxian, at this time, he is definitely a threat.

If you leave them alone and wait for your ability to rival Da Luo, the threat will naturally no longer be a threat. But before his combat power increased to a battleable Da Luo, he and Xiao Chan had to bear this hidden danger.

Kill the hidden dangers as soon as possible, so that you can be unharmed, so as not to worry all day and delay your practice.

The murderous intent among the eagles and falcons, passing through the clouds and fog, directly ignored the miasma, and pulled a long golden thread in the moonlight!

Three thousand miles away!

In Montenegro, dozens of celestial generals are working together, and Da Luo Jinxian is also constantly beating.

The stone wall at the bottom is several feet thick, and the black stone is a refining fragment of Bu Zhoushan, how strong?

Although the gap between the stone wall at the foot and the surrounding stone walls is the thickest one that is the size of a fist and is more than ten feet deep, this stone wall still has not collapsed.

If they had the acquired spirit treasure sharp blade like Yang Jian’s Demon Slashing Sword in their hands, perhaps they could save some effort.

But in this great world, it’s not good to say that even if it’s an acquired spirit treasure, it’s much harder to find than Da Luo Jinxian…

“Boom again! There is a big formation inside and out! This wall collapses, and Yang Jian must take the opportunity to escape!”


At the entrance of the cave, the eight golden immortals brought a group of heavenly immortals, and they arranged a huge array of the number of heavenly gangs. These people placed their eyes in the entrance of the cave, and their eyes were cold.

Now that he can become Mo Han’s confidant, it will naturally take some time to follow Mo Han to fight in all directions. Which hand is not bloody?

In the Heavenly Conquest, most of the time they were asked to kill some asymmetric opponents, and many battles were one-sided slaughters.

The Dao Xin honed with this might be more terrifying and tougher than the Dao Xin honed in the mountains…

Although they are all paying attention to the movement in the cave, there are also two golden immortals shrouded in Black Mountain, as long as there is any disturbance, they can react in time.


There was another roar, and the whole Black Mountain trembled again.

The big Luo Jinxian was fierce, mobilizing the power of the formation, and took it with all his strength!

The cracks around the bottom stone wall suddenly became larger, but they still didn’t collapse.

“Come here!” a golden immortal suddenly said loudly, “That Yang Jian was trembling with fear from below!”

“Not bad!” Several golden immortals responded, raising the morale of the generals again.

At this moment, a golden light suddenly crossed the horizon.

A golden immortal guarding outside the cave raised his hand and took the golden light in his hand, just as he was sending a jade card.

The man listened for a while, and immediately shouted into the cave: “Report! There is news from the north, it is still a fake body! The real body must never leave in this mountain!”

“I think you can repeat the same trick a few times!” Daluo in the cave was fierce again, suddenly lifted his palm, condensed into the magical power of the mountain and cracked the ground, and bombarded the rock wall below!

When the golden fairy shouted into the cave, no one noticed that a beetle flew down from a high altitude and hovered for half a circle. Its figure was hidden in a gray mystery, attached to the black mountain, quickly Climb to the top of the mountain.

Yang Jian! Hurry back!

What surprised him was that Mo Han’s Ministry had left so many people here, and he had not been able to break down that ‘partition wall’.

Under the partition, he prepared a gift for them.

In that case, let’s help them.

There were only two golden immortals watching outside, and it was easy for Yang Jian to hide from each other. Yang Jian quietly approached the top of the mountain, crawling into a crack in the rock, and found a ‘pipe’ that he had dug out before.

He condensed a strand of Xuan Gang into a drill bit, put it into this pipe, and sank downward in the mountain wall.

The Xuangang drill bit fell more than two hundred feet, and finally touched an obstruction. Yang Jian filled the ‘pipe’ with profound techniques, thereby urging the Xuangang drill bit.


The slight noise fell into Yang Jian’s ears, but was perfectly covered by the continuous roar inside the cave.

Yang Jian kept calculating in his heart that it would take at least a moment for another Da Luo to rush back here.

There are too many miasma in the land of Luzhou, northern Ju, blinding the divine consciousness and disrupting the supernatural powers.

However, it takes a long time for Da Luo Jinxian to perform the escape method, and it is better to fly quickly.

Since flying, it naturally takes time.

But what Yang Jian calculated was the time difference between this and the other, how could he wait for the time?

You need to make your own timing!

The Xuangang drill bit once again exerted force, directly pierced a crack, and rushed into the thirty-foot-high space below!

A pair of blood-red eyes were startled by Xuangang drill bit, and slowly lifted up…


The mountain suddenly made a soft noise!

“Go! General! Go!” One person yelled happily, so excited to forget that they were hiding their heads and revealing their tails, and could only call them ‘sir’.


There was a huge explosion in the mountain, and Da Luo immediately yelled: “Set up! Yang Jian will fight back!”

Suddenly, a stern cry came from the cave entrance…

“What is this? Ah! What is this!”

“Goblin! There is really a goblin here! General save me!”

In the mountain, the moment the stone wall crashed down, bursts of black and red evil aura spewed out like a spring!


The deep cry of ghosts, the numbness of the scalp, the strange situation…

That Da Luo shouted to set up the formation, and the group of heavenly generals immediately set up the formation, but before their formation was completed, that suffocating aura suddenly rose into the sky!

Every suffocating aura condensed a miserable and terrifying face, but it swallowed nearly half of the group of golden immortals in an instant!

Screaming one after another!

Yang Jian sticks to the mountain. There is a ‘pipe’ dug in advance, he can naturally hear the movement inside.

A Daluo Jinxian almost preserved the power of the primordial spirit, plus the hostility of the ancient great ability to work with the ancestors, plus the blood of infinite vitality, and the evil spirits accumulated throughout the year in Beiju Luzhou , Poisonous Miasma…

He didn’t know what kind of monster Yang Jian had made by himself.

But he knew that this thing could match the Da Luo Jinxian of Yuan Shen Dao, but was perfectly restrained by his own profound energy, it was enough.

“Where is the evildoer!” Da Luotian screamed angrily, and finally sacrificed his magic weapon, a feather fan.

The feather fan waved, and the sky fire was fanned out to meet the evil spirits.

The evil spirit was blocked by the sky fire, but could not be burned by the sky fire.

“Go back!” Daluo Tianjiang roared, but his heart was bleeding.

More than a dozen loyal generals were swallowed by this blood evil spirit for a moment, and they turned into a cloud of blood mist, and all the souls were damaged!

The other golden immortals and heavenly immortals were all frightened, and swarms of bees flew toward the entrance of the cave; but the Da Luo spurred a burst of flames to repel the blood evil.

The scattered blood evil spirits suddenly screamed, and then rushed to one place, condensing a burly figure covered in black smoke and blood!


The burly figure with shaved heads, suddenly raised his head and roared, a sound of trembling soul swept the entire cave!

All this happened is actually nothing more than a spark!

Da Luo’s heart trembled, but he suddenly displayed his supernatural powers, trying to defeat the blood evil with great mana.

The burly figure opened its mouth in the blood basin, and a suction appeared in it, swallowing all the mana shot by Da Luo Tianjiang into the mouth!


There was another roar, the fleeing heavenly generals all turned pale, and the souls were trembling!

The entrance to the cave is just ahead!

Changeable, just ahead!

“Humph!” With a cold snort, the sword light flashed wildly! The three heads were thrown away directly!

It is the three golden celestial generals deployed outside the cave! He was attacked by that fierce sword light at the same time was directly beheaded!

And a figure stood at the entrance of the cave, holding a long sword in his right hand, swaying colorful sword lights wantonly!

That is the sword light condensed by Xuan Gang! Spilled like a shower of rain into the cave!

Yang Jian is in trouble!

“Damn it! He is here!”

A golden immortal outside the cave saw this scene and immediately shouted. The other golden immortals and heavenly immortals all blushed, almost subconsciously offering magical powers and magic weapons, and bombarding Yang Jian indiscriminately!

Yang Jian didn’t stop his sword dance in the slightest, and a layer of profound energy was placed around his body. Just like that, he prepared to resist the offensive of dozens of celestial generals around him!

The figures who wanted to rush out of the cave were like being drunk, and the rapid swiftness of the mysterious gangs, many people couldn’t resist in a hurry, and they were all cut by the gang!

A group of figures smashed down like dumplings!

And the blood evil demon below suddenly broke out, the black smoke rolled into a tornado, and he opened his mouth to bite at the big Luo!

It seems to have the power of the old ancestors and witches to work together!

“Yang Jian! You danced with the demons!” The big Luotian in the cave roared, urging his whole body to suppress the blood evil spirits, but he felt that he was a little too powerful!

Yang Jian’s body was bombarded by streamers, and his body was full of vitality, but he didn’t move!

“Demon? The one who wants to kill me is the monster! Today, I am here to kill the monsters!”

“I will kill you if I fight for my life!” Da Luotian suddenly turned around, abandoning the **** monster behind him, his figure rose to the sky!

Yang Jian’s eyes bloomed with divine light, and thirty-one profound beads in his body burst out into the glow of light. The one-third drop of co-working blood was directly dissipated by him.

The Demon Slashing Sword couldn’t bear the sudden injection of the massive mysterious gang, and it trembled softly!

One husband!

Big Luo Mokai!

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