The Messenger of Death

Chapter 106: the daughters

A few hours after they left the academy for their mission, they arrived at the gate of the capital city. Katherine raised her hand and was about to wake Alex up. Before her hand could come in contact with his skin, his hand instinctively grabbed hers.

"Are we there yet?" Alex asked with his eyes closed.

Katherine flinched a little when Alex grabbed her hand, she wasn't expecting it. 'How paranoid do you have to be for you to have your guard up when your teammates are here to protect you?' She wondered.

"No, we are not there yet. But we are at the gates of the capital city." She answered.

"Just tell me when we are there. Emphasis on the word tell." Alex said and released her hand as he went back to sleep.


Not long after they arrived at the gates of a mansion that was unfamiliar to them. "Alex, we are here." This time it was Camron that alerted him.

Alex opened his eyes and looked out the window of the carriage. He looked past the gate and stared at the mansion that was within its walls. He then surveyed the surroundings of the mansion.

"This place is alright, but not the best choice." He commented.

The mansion was in a secluded part of the inner city of Cerevaux. The nearest building was miles away from where they were now.

"We didn't choose the location, we just followed directions. Now let's get down, we are the last group to arrive." Camron mentioned.

They began to leave the carriage one after that other, Alex stepped down before Camron did. "Alex, you will have to keep your bi-polar tendencies on the low during this mission. We should avoid having any type of conflict with the other teams." Camron placed a hand on Alex's shoulder as he spoke.

"Something's different about you." Alex narrowed his eyes at his friend. "Really, you are just noticing? I broke through the fifth rank while you were out with your master." Camron raised smiled.

"Oh, good for you," Alex said sarcastically.

He brushed Camron's hand off his shoulder. When Camron placed his hand on his shoulder, Alex felt like something was being taken away from him. He couldn't put his hand on it but he was certain that something about his friend has changed.

"I'll try to restrain my emotions. If it makes you happy, I can act like I'm mute." And Alex meant it.

"Hahaha, that would be too much, wouldn't it? I'm just saying that you shouldn't give everything too much thought." Camron cleared out.


The gates of the mansion opened and a maid stepped out. "From your uniforms, I assume that you guys are from the Severance academy?" The maid had a neutral expression on her face as she spoke.

"Yes, we are," Emma answered.

"We have been expecting you guys for quite a while, the students from other schools arrived here a week ago."

"We were delayed by something." Adrian pointed out.

"Please follow me." The maid invited them in.

"Wow, as expected of powerful officials. Their homes do not look cheap." Katherine whispered at the sight of the mansion.

It was a three-story building with ash and white painting on the walls. The lawn was huge with neatly trimmed flowers and trees. They walked up to the front porch and before they could reach the doors, it opened.

Several people in silver-colored outfits stepped out of the mansion, 4 males and 7 females. They all had no hair on their heads and they looked like they were monks. Then another set of people in a different color of outfit stepped out of the mansion. This second set of people were in cyan-colored outfits, 5 males and 5 females. The people in cyan outfits all had long hair and peculiar hairpins.

"You guys took your sweet time getting here." A male in a cyan outfit said spitefully. His hairpin was shaped like that of the head of a goat.

"Just because your academy is the best in the western continent doesn't mean that you guys are allowed to act anyhow." A female in cyan outfit joined her companion in the speaking spitefully. Her hairpin was shaped like that of a snake.

"We are sorry about that." Camron placed his fist in his palm and apologized to them.

"You didn't have to put it like that," Drake whispered to himself.

"No, no need to apologize. Everything has been going smoothly." One of the females in a silver-colored outfit smiled at Camron.

Camron smiled back at her.

"Do you think that an apology will be enough?" The girl whose hairpin was shaped like that of a snake, interjected.

"That's enough, you guys weren't asked to come here to argue, but instead you are here to guard us." A young redhead girl with an inverted triangle-shaped face and gold necklace, in a fitted red gown the same shade of color as her hair, stepped out of the mansion and interrupted. The girl possessed a flirtatious temperament, although she was a bit tall, she was attractive in her own rights. She had emerald eyes and slightly tanned skin.

"Miss Miriam." The people in the cyan outfit and those in silver politely greeted at the same time.

Miss Miriam nodded at them and turned her attention to the seraphim team.

"I am Miriam Brown, the second daughter of Addax Brown, the prime minister of the western continent." She introduced herself.

"Greeting Miss Miriam, we are the seraphim team from the severance academy." Camron introduced his team and they all placed their fist in their palms and gave a courteous bow, all except for Alex.

He stood there with a scowl on his face as he looked at Miriam.

['Hmm, body figure is above 7.5, her hair color automatically gives her 5 points. Her sense of fashion seems bland though. But that doesn't matter, what matters is what lies under that gown.'] Al was spilling his lewd thoughts and corrupting Alex's thoughts too.

['Shut your freaking mind mutt.']

"Alex." He snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Drake whisper his name. "What?" Alex questioned.

Drake used his eyes to indicate what he hadn't realized. She was waiting for Alex to greet her. Alex scratched the back of his head and awkwardly mimicked their greeting stance.

The members of the seraphim team chuckled at Alex's stance. "Sorry for my friend's indecency. He is not from the western continent and he's not used to this sort of greeting." Camron apologized.

"No harm was done, it just a formality," Miriam said.

"What is your name, foreigner?" She asked.

['Ohh, I think she's digging us already. Better get your act right rabbit.'] Al said.

['I can't understand how you think mutt.']

"Alexander," Alex said shortly.

"A nice name. You don't look like someone that loves to talk much, right?" She flashed a toothy grin at Alex.

"Uh, I guess so." Alex wasn't sure why she was asking that.

['You fool, that was your moment to say something good about her. Compliment her cloth or jewelry or voice. This is why I don't like virgins.'] Al complained.

['Stupid pervert, if I am a virgin then so are you.'] Alex retorted.

['Physically I might be a virgin, but mentally I'm not. You are a virgin physically and mentally.']

['Whatever.'] Alex dismissed Al.

"Let's head inside, my elder sister and the mayor's daughter are waiting inside for us," Miriam stated…

A few minutes later the members of the seraphim team were standing in a huge parlor with lots of chairs. They all took their seats while Miriam went to call her sister and the mayor's daughter over.

Roughly 2 minutes later she came back with her sister and the mayor's daughter and also a dozen maids. Miriam's sister looked exactly like she did. Without confirming, anyone would assume that they are twins. But her sister possessed a different kind of temperament. While Miriam has a flirtatious temperament, she had the aura of maturity.

['Sh*t, they're twins!! One of the greatest fantasies of a man is to have sex with identical twins at the same time.'] Al mentioned excitedly.

['Goddam it, Al, that's your fantasy. Yours!! keep it to your f*cking self!!'] Alex fumed.

['Keep your perverted drool to yourself, Al, we don't want to know what you are thinking of.'] Xander interjected.

['Hmph!'] Al kept quiet.

Because of Al, Alex had a frown on his face now.

"Good day everyone, my name is Jayda Brown and this my friend Himari Nakamura, the daughter of the mayor." She pointed at a chubby, shy girl that had short black hair. The chubby girl had fair skin, radiant blue eyes, and a heart-shaped face.

"Hello," Himari said meekly.

"You guys must be the seraphim team from the severance academy." Jayda faced Camron as she spoke.

"Yes we are. I apologize for our late response, we got caught in an… entanglement." Camron answered.

"There's no need to apologize, the time set in your objective says that you officially start your duty tomorrow. So you guys are on time…" Jayda stared at Camron for a while. Even Camron began to feel uncomfortable under her gaze. "Sorry for staring, but you look familiar..." she said to Camron.

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