The Messenger of Death

Chapter 112: the stolen pills

A few minutes after Al left for the restroom, Miriam excused herself from the table and made her way down the same hallway that Al walked through.

She went into the male restroom and searched for Al. "Huh, where did he go to? I was hoping to meet him here." She muttered.

Miriam tilted her head and thought of where Al could be. She smiled when she recalled that there was another door in the hallway before you reach the restroom. She turned back and made her way towards the door.

"Let's see if I'm right." She whispered.

Miriam twisted the knob of the door and to her hopeful expectations, it opened.

"Yes." She heard from inside the room.

'He's been expecting me? What a sinful player.' She smirked to herself.


The doors to the storage where Lex was in, opened. He flinched and held his breath when he heard the creaking of the door to the storage room.

['Who might that be, a staff from the tea house?'] Lex thought frantically.

['Doesn't matter. If it's going to cause problems for us then we'll just have to end the person.'] Al decided.

"Seems like you've been expecting me." Lex snapped out of this panic when he heard Miriam's voice. He was already getting ready to kill whoever it was that walked in but after finding out that it was Miriam he began to have another different type of panic.

['Al, help.'] Lex pleaded sheepishly.

['Let's switch, I can handle this.'] Al responded.

['Handle this how? You're not going to kill her are you?'] Alex asked.


Lex and Al had switched. ['Why would I kill her? She's here to get eaten, as a man it would be a disgrace if I shy away from such meal.'] Al answered.

['A meal, don't tell me it is what I think you're saying, Al?'] Alex was getting scared of what he thought Al was about to do.

['Okay sure, I won't tell you what I'm about to do.'] He smirked and tapped his temple twice. The skin crawler went on stand-by mode and his scenery returned to normal after he did that.

"I thought that you wouldn't be able to find this place." Al lied to Miriam.

"I am very resilient when it comes to something that I want." She started to close the distance between them.

With each step that brought her closer to him, he took one backward and continued to do this till his back was against the wall.

"Why do you keep stepping back the closer I get? Weren't you expecting me?" She asked in a flirty voice and smirked at Al. Miriam unzipped her gown a bit from her back.

"Oh, I was," Al replied when she was standing right in front of him. "I just wanted to make sure that I was in a comfortable position."

Al grabbed her shoulders and switched positions with her. Her back hit the wall gently and she gave a short but erotic moan.

['The f*ck are you doing Al!? down boy, down boy, down!!'] Alex kept on saying to Al trying to make him stop the same way you would make a dog sit still. But unfortunately for him, his alter ignored him this time. He didn't want Alex to ruin something this nice for him.

['Al!! You stupid mutt. Stop, down. Detener! Arrêtez! Jungi! Ting!'] Al shouted stop in Spanish, French, Korean, and Chinese respectively. But he still got ignored by Al.

Al raised his left hand slowly and placed it on her waist, then he raised his right hand and placed it on her perky breast.

"Mmm." She moaned again but it was cut short when Al locked his lips with hers. She smiled and synced the movement of her lips with his as her breathing got heavier.

At this moment, Al had forgotten that they had just stolen something valuable.

Miriam's gown was already loose from the moment she unzipped it. Most of her cleavage was being shown to Al and he loved the feel of her soft skin on his hand.

He separated his lips from hers a little. "Seems like you have some experience in this." Al licked his lips after he said that.

"It looks like you know how to hang on properly." She spoke in a seductive tone while trying to adjust her breath, then she looked down at Al's hand that was still groping her breast.

"Only when the situation calls for it." He smirked at her, then raised the hand that he used to hold on to her waist and used it to raise her chin.

Miriam raised her right leg and rubbed it against Al's lap before she placed it on his back and dragged him closer.

"And you're flexible too." He locked his lips with hers once more.

['You bastard, I'll kill you. Ahhh!!!'] Alex cursed at Al, he continued to fume while Al kept on exchanging saliva with Miriam and fondling her boobs.

"What!!!?? Find them now. Who would dare to steal from my shop, right under my nose? Lockdown the whole area and search everyone!!!" An angry voice bellowed. The voice came from outside the Tea house.

It was from the apothecary and the owner of the voice was the head alchemist of the Seadan apothecary.

His angry voice frightened everyone that heard and it put Al's pleasures to an abrupt stop.

['Sh*t, I forgot that we stole something.'] Al thought to himself.

['You as*hole, I will kill you.'] Alex cursed at him.

['Suicide then? I'd love to see you try, rabbit.'] Al replied nonchalantly.

['Back to the issue at hand, what do we do? They are about to put the whole block on lockdown.'] Lex asked and put Alex's childish antics to rest.

['We do nothing. If we try to escape that would only make us look guilty. But if we stay, with Miriam and the rest as a concrete witness then we are sure to get out of this. Besides, who will pay attention to a flimsy early-stage nascent realm cultivator like us? No need to panic.'] Al answered.

['He's right.'] Xander concurred.

"Miss Miriam!!" Emma called out.

Al quickly let go of Miriam and helped her zip and adjust her cloth. "We'll continue this later, back at the mansion." She bit her lower lips and left for the door of the storage room. Al followed behind her.

"Miss Miriam," Neko called out this time.

"Over here," Miriam answered.

Neko and Emma were standing by the entrance of the restroom. Emma in front of the female restroom and Neko in front of the male one. They turned back when they heard Miriam's voice and saw Al standing right behind Miriam.

Neko and Emma noticed that Miriam's lips were a bit swollen now and noticed the red lipstick on Al's lips.

When they put two and two together their mouths were left open and they were speechless.

"You guys, di-did di-." Neko continued to stutter. He couldn't complete what he wanted to say.

Emma only blushed and bent her head…

['Awwnn, He's glitching.'] Al chuckled.

"What are you guys doing? Come on let's leave. We don't know what is happening and who angered the head alchemist of the apothecary but it's better we leave here. If there are thieves around then there might be other types of trouble makers." Tammy asked from the entrance of the hallway.

"We… it's nothing. We are on our way now." Neko answered.

"Miss Miriam, we need to leave now." Emma went to her side, she looked up at Al and he winked at her. She quickly and pulled Miriam along trying to avoid Al's gaze.

Neko followed behind and Al went last. They stepped out of the tea house and saw the crowd of people in the streets, some searching the properties of everyone and most being searched by individuals in grey and white attire.

They searched the bags and luggage of everyone there.

"Search everyone!!" The same angry voice that snapped Al out of his moment with Miriam in the storage room, shouted again.

This time the voice wasn't disembodied. It came from a middle-aged looking individual that had a full beard. His face was filled with freckles, he had black short hair, and was a thin line away from being a dwarf.

"Find them!!" He bellowed again.

"Yes sir," The individuals in grey and white attires panicked and continued to search.

"Excuse me, but we would need to leave here. We are from the Righteous school, Beastal school, and Severance academy, respectively. We are here today on a joint mission, our clients only came here to have tea. We would like to leave this area early since there seems to be a commotion that can potentially disrupt the safety of my clients." Sravya respectfully spoke to the head alchemist.

"Crop, Angie!!" The head alchemist called out.

"Yes, sir." A young man and woman in grey and white attire ran to the head alchemist's side.

"Search them, no one will be left out of this search. I don't believe that the thief has left this place, I can still smell the pills."

['F*cking hell'] Alex muttered.

['I don't think they would search our storage devices too, right?'] Al wondered.

"Excuse me, would you please sever your bond with you your storage device, we have to search that too." That male said to Camron. "Only for a quick inspection, nothing will be taken from you." The male clarified.

['We're f*cked.'] Alex cursed again.

['You are cursing too much Alex.'] Xander stated. He sounded like he wasn't worried about what was about to happen.

Al had a neutral expression on, he, made sure to control the speed of his heartbeat. He couldn't afford to make any kind of slip-up now.

Everyone there severed their connection with their storage devices until it was Al's turn.

"Sir, please your ring." The male stretched his hand out.

"No can't do." Al put his hands in his pocket and glared at the guy…

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