The misadventures of the necromancer

Chapter VIII

Chapter VIII

"So, what do you need, boss?" the newcomer asked Adar. The apparent good mood of the newcomer surprised Adar. It was almost as if he had just received good news, which, can only be an absurd idea. But now isn’t the time to think about said idea.

There was work to be done, which led Adar to tell them.

"A caravan of merchants has just left. So, you'll need to clean the stables. We also bought some supplies that need to be stored. They are in the front part of the stables. Most of you know what has to be done.” He says this looking specifically at the newcomer, before continuing.” So, let's start with the stables."

His speech had the expected result. They showed no reaction, simply accepting his orders, except for the young one, who nodded in agreement.

Then he remembered the rest of his instructions and informed the girl, "Annie, you're going to work in the kitchen." This immediately caused the girl to open her eyes in surprise, and her face turned into an expression of displeasure. She probably guessed the rest of his orders.

"You'll need to report to Bren."

Hearing this, the girl straightened up, probably trying to find a way to argue. But in the dark of this room, you could see a small blue glint appearing in her eyes, which would normally be difficult to see.

When the glint disappeared, as always, her expression became neutral, and the energy she had for arguing disappeared.

"Maybe I can work in the kitchen?" the young man's voice was heard. Upon hearing him, both Annie and Sate looked at Adar hopefully. Adar simply found the situation strange – how could the boy be discussing his orders? His eyes remained fixed on the collar around the young man's neck.

But seeing that everything seemed fine, he thought it might be just an innocent question. Observing the hopeful looks of the women, Adar had to sadly say, "No, you'll go to the stables." After all, how could he justify sending someone more physically capable to the kitchen? That crushed their hopes.

But hoping to ease tensions a bit, he added, "Shorty will be in the kitchen too." This had the effect of somewhat reassuring Annie. After all, Bren, next to the serious and imposing Shorty. Would be kept in check making him be on a better behavior.

"Alright, let's get to work," he ordered, pointing them in the direction of the exit. After all, the sooner they started, the sooner they'd finish. So, he began the journey back to the stables with them following him.

Almost at the stairs, Agatha appeared, dressed in her dark cloak, which almost made her invisible in the tunnel's darkness. Seeing her, he signaled for them to move ahead. Noticing this, she asked, "What do you want, Adar? I have to go." Her irritation at having to stop was noticeable in her posture and voice.

"It's just that I forgot to ask if you heard the story of the necromancer," he said, biting his tongue to avoid saying something that might annoy her.

After a few seconds of thought, she replied, "Yes, I've heard some stories about a necromancer appearing in a caravan in the region. So what?"

Hearing her calm tone given the situation, he asked, "Isn't it something important?"

"Yes, Adar, you're right to mention these stories. But don't worry; they're probably just tales that people make up. Every now and then, on the trade routes. Stories about everything come up. Or did you believe the rumors of a dragon last year?" She asked, evaluating the ridiculous question she had just posed. He could only conclude that she wasn't interested, prompting him to end the conversation.

"If you don't think it's important, then I'll continue with my work."

As he turned to continue his way, her commanding voice sounded behind him. "Yes, that's exactly, what you should do."

As the sound of her footsteps in the opposite direction reached him. Adar noticed that someone else had stayed behind to eavesdrop. The young man had remained behind. Despite the darkness, his interest in what he had heard was evident.

"What are you doing here? I told you to keep going," Adar grumbled at the young man.

"Oh, yes. Sorry, boss. I'll continue with the work," the young man said as he began to run in the direction of the stables.

Once again, Adar was intrigued by the energy and enthusiasm of this strange newcomer. In his nearly four years here, more them some faces had passed through. But no one had exhibited such spirit in his situation.

But since there was work to be done, he decided it was best to get to it and make use of the young man's seemingly boundless energy. And so, Adar begins to create a new work plan, for them.

Sate and Ged have the experience to tidy up whatever is needed in the warehouse behind the stables. Considering that they already know how everything should be. Their work should be quick, allowing them to tidy up the rooms in the dormitory at the rear of the inn when they finish.

For this, Sate can start organizing while the other two can start carrying the provisions from the stables to the warehouse. After finishing moving things to the warehouse, the newcomer can then have the pleasure of starting the stable cleaning and taking the manure to the garden. After all, the caravan animals were kind enough to produce so much fertilizer. They have to make use of it.

While thinking about it, Adar finishes climbing the stairs, thus reaching the stables. Annie is not in sight, probably having already headed to the kitchen. Sate is at the door, looking in the direction of the inn, probably concerned about the girl. Ged, on the other hand, is simply standing in the middle of the stable, with his usual lack of expression. Finally, the new guy is carefully studying the pile of provisions left in the stable from yesterday.

Adar calls everyone to him and gives them the instructions he has decided on. And he can't deny some pleasure in seeing the energetic young man's expression when he realizes he'll be spending a good part of the day carting manure.

In the end, he finishes by saying while pointing to the piled provisions by the door, "Go, start! It's just better to start instead of just standing here waiting." As ordered, they begin.

Sate naturally takes the lead, deciding what to start carrying to the warehouse. While the other two begin grabbing what she tells them to. But in the end, with Ged not being in the best physical condition. The young man ends up having to carry the heavier load.

Seeing them off, Adar begins to decide on his own work. At first, he had assumed that it was better to stay here to make sure that they didn't do anything wrong.

But fortunately, yesterday he had help, from the people from the caravan. to tidy things up here. What should stay in the stables was already properly stored here. Just like what should go to the kitchen, which hadn’t been much. Now he doesn't have much to do.

So, he decides that maybe the best thing is to help them with the arrangements in the warehouse. And then perhaps recruit Ged to help take care of the animals.

As he begins to leave the warehouse, the boy returns, probably to fetch more things. As they cross paths, he notices the displeased expression of the boy, while staring at a large pile of manure. And so, once again, he feels quite cheerful, almost joyful.

After all, he may not have the ability to help a girl. But as the newcomer can confirm while being the overseer of the group. Adar has more than enough power to ruin another person's day. In the end,

To the small part of himself that feels a little bad for what is happening. Adar can only say that it's the boy's own fault. After all, who told him to be so lively?

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