The misadventures of the necromancer

Chapter XV

Chapter XV


As the three would-be assailants begin to run down the street, he remembers the stall he had found while searching for Grumpy after he tried his escape.

"Come on, get up. I found something interesting to buy," he says to the grumpy man lying on the ground.

The fool raises his head, revealing his face. The expression he has on is almost comical. For a brief moment, he lets his anger show. But when he realizes it, he opens his mouth wide revealing a figure of horror.

Although the idea of staying here to mock him has some appeal, there are purchases to be made. As such, he repeats, "Come on, let's go," and heads out of the alley.

In no time, grumpy appears after him. Having gotten up from the ground and taken a short run to catch up.

"I... I really wasn't trying to run," Grumpy says hesitantly while wiping some dirt off his robe from when he threw himself to the ground.

"But of course not. I never thought such a thing," this is said without attempting to disguise the dripping sarcasm out of his voice. After all, why bother pretending when both know he is lying.

"Yes... yes... good thing you found me so quickly. And that your lie fooled them so well," says grumpy initially with some hesitation, but gaining some conviction in his speech towards the end.

He seemed to believe that he was fooling the thieves about the use of my fireball spell. And he's not entirely wrong. After all, using that spell in such a small alley would have been dangerous. But on the other hand, letting them keep the money wasn't an option either.

"Where did I lie?"

Upon hearing this question, the grumbler is left speechless and responds, "Nero..., you weren't really planning on using the spell you cast in the stable, were you?" Grumpy asks this, returning to his previous hesitation and looking around to make sure no one hears us.

His concern about being overheard regarding the use of that spell is smart; explaining the situation that led to the use of the spell would be bad for everyone.

"Fortunately, there was no need to use it," this seemed to be the best answer to the question. An answer that leaves Grumpy silent, simply following him.

Considering what had just happened. And even more importantly what could have happened. He can't help but remember the conclusion he had when lost in the forest. He needs to remember more spells.

The 'Draco's Flames' spell is great for combating large groups from a distance. But for other circumstances, the spell is a danger. Using it at close range is literally asking to get burned. Unfortunately, at present, it is the only truly offensive spell he has.

"Do you have all the money?" he asks Grumpy, remembering the most important point here. Although the thieves were still asking for money, it's possible they took some from him.

"I do, it's all here," he replies while energetically nodding. Eventually revealing a bag attached to his waist.

"Alright," partly he wanted to say it doesn't seem like a great place to keep money. But on the other hand, where else could it be kept for easy access during purchases. Unfortunately, the clothes around here don't have pockets, just one of the things he misses from home.

Finally, they reach the main street of the city and the location where the market is. Along the street are a series of stalls selling a wide variety of products. The buildings on the street itself are mainly taverns and inns.

So, although previously when they were selling what they had rescued from the inn, the street had more people. The movement of transients is still high.

Fortunately, the city officials were smart enough to limit access to this street to people only. for now. So, there are no animals on it, which makes moving along the street cleaner. The side street they had come from was full of horse manure.

"Come, what I saw is further ahead," he says to Grumpy as he moves forward. He, for his part, remains behind, keeping his head down and looking dejected. Clearly dissatisfied with how things turned out, therefore living up to his name.

Almost reaching the stall, he hears a voice behind him shouting.

"Hey, watch out. Can't you see where you're going?" Looking back, he can see a woman arguing with Grumpy. They had just collided with each other.

"Yes. Sorry, I was distracted. Sorry," quickly apologizing about what happened. To start to move away from the woman and continue on his way.

Seeing him so downtrodden, he almost feels sorry for the young man in dark robes. Almost.

But seeing the stalls around him start to close, he returns searching for the stall he wants.

In no time, they reach the desired stall. This stall displays a diverse range of products, from hammers to some fabrics. But what really interests him is a set of maps.

It wasn't the first time he had seen a map since arriving in this world. And in a way, it's silly to spend money on a map.

He really should invest in clothes. The state of his clothes is sad. Making him feel like he must look like a beggar. And walking around in rags is uncomfortable.

But what he feels he needs most is information. The reason he keeps the two pseudo-necromancers is due to his ignorance about the region he's in. Before finding this stall, he only had a very generic idea of where he was.

His eyes are drawn to the large image of a lighthouse drawn on the map. Great Harbor, is a great name choice from the devs, who would remember to name a port city like that. Anyway, the great city on the continent is the link between the continent and the rest of the world, or at least it was.

In the lore, this city is where the initial explorers of this continent settled. And so this city becomes the link between the unknown lands and the Islands that represent the known world up to that point.

This new world had been completely depopulated of human life. The reason for the continent being like this is one of the mysteries still unsolved ingame. The other point of interest in these new lands is the ruins scattered around them and the resources found there. Thus creating a wave of exploration centered on Great Harbor. The city was story-wise the perfect starting point for players. As such, for him to try to find out what happened to him, the best place is Great Harbor, with all the resources centralized there.

Something he had realized as soon as he found out he was in the game. The downside of this option is that life in the city is extremely expensive. For a novice player newly arrived from the Islands, there were options. At least in the game.

But for a guy coming from somewhere on the continent and without any support, the cost of living is prohibitive.

And even if there is the possibility of joining the adventurers' league for example. But he had huge doubts about whether it was worth risking his life, possibly his real life, to save a few coins.

Well, now knowing that he can access Nero's powers, maybe that choice isn't as risky as he had previously thought.

"Nero, Nero," he hears a voice calling the name next to him. It takes him a few moments to remember that now, that's his name. And so realize that Grumpy is calling him.

So, he responds harshly to the young men, "What do you want?"

Upon hearing the question, grumpy becomes silent and with an expression as if he had just been threatened. Which further emphasizes the question itself. After all, why is this guy calling him?

Calming down a bit, grumpy manages to say while pointing to the stall with its various products. "That's what I asked."

Which leads him to understand what happened. While he's distracted by his own thoughts. Grumpy had asked what he wanted to buy, which he hadn't heard. Leading the annoying guy to try to get his attention.

As such, it was confusion originated by himself, leading him to feel a little guilty about how he treated the guy. But on the other hand, if there's anyone who deserves to be mistreated, here's one.

So, he simply raises his hand to point to the map he was looking at. While thinking to himself, how could Grumpy easily have assumed the answer if he had been paying attention.

"The map, but why do you want a map?" asks the idiotic guy. Ignoring the simplest answer, which is to get rid of him and his little friend.

While pondering this, he has the idea that maybe he can hand them over to the authorities of this city. And thus, get everything sorted out quickly.

Before they can continue talking, they hear a voice saying.

"That's quite expensive." The two, turn to the origin of the voice. And behind the stall stands a woman in her late middle age. Looking intensely at them, especially at him.

So, what she had meant was something like. This is expensive, you don't have money, so disappear.

This whole looking like a beggar thing is really becoming a big nuisance. Fortunately, the inn was well stocked with food, so there wouldn't be any need for a few weeks to buy food. Sleeping outdoors is bad, but tolerable for now. So he begins to consider that the money left over from buying a map must go at least towards a sweater.

But for now, the priority has to be the map, so turning to the young man he says. "Map."

"But..." Grumpy begins to say before a stern look silences him.

Understanding the situation he's in, grumpy turns to the vendor and speaks. "How much is the map, my... friend is interested in?"

The woman simply shakes her head clearly not believing that they can buy the map. But she raises three fingers and loudly says three words. "Three, big, silver."

Grumpy looks sideways at him but seems to understand that even with the highway robbery price. Nothing has changed.

As such, he turns back to the woman in a smooth and expressionless voice. "One big and two small."

"I knew right away that you don't have money. Go away," says the woman in a shrill voice as she waves an arm for them to leave.

"It's not lack of money. It's a lack of willingness to be cheated," says the young man without moving.

"Cheated. How dare you," says the woman in a shout. As she reaches for her chest as if she had been hurt.

"I'm not the one trying to sell an old map at the price of a new one," says Grumpy keeping his voice calm and serene.

"An old map, how dare you..." the woman begins going on a tirade.

But she's interrupted with. "It's been about fifty years since the maps accurately represented the Northeast regions. Due to lack of information."

"Yes, of course. I never said it's modern. It's old and as such..." the vendor tries to turn the conversation around. But now she seems more interested in negotiating.

A fine point that Grumpy scored. And something he had no idea about, demonstrating that the young man does have some value. In fact, it's the representation of the Northwest that's the main reason for his interest in the map.

Only when he had seen that region on this map did he remember. That aside from the area of Great Harbor, there's another area of great interest to him. That's the Northwest area, as it was where he and his friends played the most. So, it must be where he has the most geographical knowledge.

As such, he'll be able to validate or disprove some of his theories related to this world. Furthermore, he might remember something valuable and low-risk in the region.

Which can give him a comfortable and safe life here.

While these two argue over the price of the map in a way, he had already made most of his profit, with this new perspective. What more can he achieve with careful study of the map?

In fact, while they debate, he realizes something. This city Dantar, is depicted as a dead end of trade routes. Trapped between, the mountains to the north and the forest in other directions. The only way could take would be to turn back to Freehope. A path where he could be identified as a necromancer which would result in problems.

But he had just recognized the region. And although he's almost absolutely sure that this city wasn't here in the game. At least not in this dimension. But the important thing is that he remembers having had a mission here that involved crossing a path in the mountains north of this city.

So, he has a new path that will allow him to disappear from anyone looking for necromancers and the bonus of leaving him closer to the Northwest region.

With a big smile forming in his mouth, he hears the young man say.

"One and four. That's the most I'll go," to which the vendor nods affirmatively.

With this resolution, things finally seem to be going well. Now it's just a matter of buying some clothes. While thinking about his new clothes, he notices Grumpy's movements as he searches himself.

Taking a closer look at the young man, who is becoming increasingly pale, he seems to be clutching his belt. More specifically a cord with one end still tied to the belt. But where the rest is missing.

He quickly understands what should have been on the other end of the cord and raising his hands says, "Of course, this was going too smoothly."

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