The misadventures of the necromancer

Chapter XXX

Chapter XXX

The silence around them as they follow the path is interrupted by another series of sneezes from Nero. Once again, they managed to pass the trail in the mountains. And despite this being the best crossing so far, Nero lending his new coat to Sorana for the journey, as she had no warm clothes, resulted in him catching a cold again.

To everyone's great misfortune, even Seres admits that when Nero gets sick, he becomes extremely irritable. This is the reason they have been walking in silence. Not that they usually talk much anyway. But Nero's grumblings have encouraged the silence.

“So, you want to go to Freehope. How do you plan to get there?” Seres hears Nero suddenly ask as he turns to Sorana.

If the woman is surprised by the sudden question, she doesn’t show it, responding immediately and without hesitation.

“Yes, I’m going there. And I’m thinking of finding a caravan headed that way. Fortunately, Freehope receives quite a few, so it shouldn’t be too difficult.”

Nero accepts this response with a small nod. Sorana, for her part, runs her fingers through her long hair. Before letting a small, inviting smile appear on her lips as she continues to speak.

“But if you were to go there, it would be much simpler for me.”

“No.” Nero says quickly and with a certainty in his voice. That leaves no room for discussion.

But the beautiful woman does not let herself be intimidated, continuing speaking.

“Are you sure? I can make your detour quite profitable.”

“Of course! But I’m not interested. There may be people in Freehope that I don’t want to meet.” Seres immediately concludes that Nero must be thinking about people who might recognize Seres and Adar as staff from the inn. Something that was already his concern in Dantar.

“I understand there is some risk. But I can really make this journey very profitable.” Sorana tries to maintain her position.

Watching the discussion, Seres looked at Adar, who was also listening. Tilting his head slightly, Seres silently asked for his friend's opinion. Adar shrugged and glanced at Nero. It was clear, he wasn't worried. Ultimately Nero would make the final decision.

“Thanks, but I don’t need money. Mine is right there.” And with his thumb, Nero points behind them. More precisely, he points to the mule carrying the giant spider eggs.

“Nero, the eggs are worth a lot. But you will still need to turn them into coins. When I talk about money, I mean a lot of money.” Seres is intrigued by what she is talking about. Those eggs could be worth over thirty gold coins in total. A fortune Seres had never even dreamed of.

True, it is practically impossible for them to get all that money. But five or six gold coins are not out of the question.

Nero doesn’t seem surprised by what he’s hearing, merely responding. “Cool. But I’m still not interested.”

“What does that mean?” Sorana asks him. Seres thinks she is confused by Nero’s 'cool'. The weather wasn't particularly cold and Seres has heard him saying that other tomes. But it’s also something Seres hasn’t considered important to ask about.

“I mean, I expect to be able to spend my money. And what you want implies that this desire will be difficult to achieve.” Nero says this looking ahead. Seeming unconcerned with how she will take what he just said.

“You don’t even know what the job is.” She says, losing some of her calm, even raising her voice somewhat.

“And is it necessary? No one offers such money to a necromancer without the risk being great. Especially considering the resources your enemies are spending to capture you.” Seres cannot help but agree with Nero’s logic. No one would pay what Sorana is implying without significant risks.

“The money you’ll get from these eggs won’t last forever. You’ll always have to take risks. And next time, you won’t have my help.” Sorana retorts.

“And what risks did I take this time? The spiders weren’t that dangerous.” And once again, Nero is right. Sorana has indeed been useful. But more because Nero alone was destroying all the spiders before we could get any eggs.

“Alright, the spiders aren’t dangerous for you.” Sorana concedes this point. But a strange knowing smile appears on her lips. “But thanks to the destruction you caused, it will be more difficult for anyone to get new eggs in the future.”

Seres agrees with Sorana here. Indeed, the destruction Nero caused to the giant spider population in Dantar means that in the coming times, Dantar will be practically without spiders outside their nests.

“But what are you talking about? Don’t you know that the spiders are canni...” Nero apparently has another idea. But a new sneezing fit interrupts him, causing him to stop walking.

Fortunately, he quickly recovers and resumes walking. Seeing that Nero had stopped talking due to sneezing, Sorana asks him, “What were you talking about?”

“What? About the spiders?” to which Sorana nods affirmatively, prompting him to continue speaking. “If I’m not mistaken, these spiders are cannibals. That’s how they control their population.”

Sorana just stares at him, not saying anything, prompting him to continue.

“The older and bigger spiders eat the smaller ones. This prevents the population from growing out of control. Without the spiders I set on fire, the population should grow in the coming months.”

An information that Seres and apparently no one else knew. And if Nero is right, it is also not widely known in Dantar. And usually, he is right.

“I didn’t know that! How do you know?” A curious Sorana asks. As sometimes happens, when they manage to get Nero to reveal some of his knowledge. He becomes strangely hesitant.

But by this time, Seres begins to notice something at the side of the road. A mound that doesn’t seem to make much sense in that position.

“I read it somewhere.” Nero says in a somewhat embarrassed voice, and in a tone that suggests he doesn’t want to continue talking.

But Seres is now not paying much attention to the conversation. Instead, he bends down getting a better look, at what had caught his attention.

Up close, he can see. It’s the remains of some animal. The creature seems to have been about two palms long.

He feels the undead mule passing behind him, keeping its pace while marching behind the group as commanded. Seres recognizes the animal that had died.

It was a mountain ferret. Apparently, this animal had been caught by some predator. It had lost one of its hind legs, and much of its snout was also destroyed. And by the state it’s in, it must have died a few days ago.

While Seres is studying the creature, he hears Adar’s voice shouting. “Seres, what are you doing? Move it.”

Seres looks at his friend, standing on the path waving at him while the mule passes by him. Normally, if someone falls behind for some reason, they slow their pace a bit so that the person can catch up. It’s better than everyone having to stop. Only if it’s something time-consuming do they warn the rest of the group to stop.

Thus, Adar is calling his attention so Seres doesn’t fall too far behind.

Looking back at the creature, this leaves him in a dilemma. This is a rare opportunity for him. Since they left the inn, Seres hadn’t found remains to try out his favorite magic. And now this ferret appears out of nowhere.

It’s something he can’t let pass. But what should he do? Collect the remains and take them with him or cast the spell here?

Hearing his friend call him again in a more annoyed tone, Seres makes his decision. Why waste time?

He touches the small body, concentrates, and whispers the spell his previous master had taught him.

“Antor’s Gift.” The usual cold sensation runs through his body, concentrating in his hand, from where an energy leaves him. Entering the ferret’s remains. After Seres removes his hand, the creature starts to tremble and slowly begins rising.

When the remaining eye of the animal focuses on Seres, he can only say, “Oh crap.”

From that look, Seres quickly concludes that, unlike what he has seen Nero do, this undead ferret is not under his control. As such, it will attack all living beings it encounters until the magic is exhausted. Including him.

Realizing this, he starts running back to the group.

In a few moments, he hears the sound of the creature running after him. And despite his head start, Seres realizes that the damned animal is closing the distance, thanks to his longer legs and the ferret having lost one of its paws.

When Adar sees him running, he becomes confused and shouts, “Why are you running like that?”

Seres can only respond with, “Adar, run. Call Nero.”

But his friend doesn’t understand him. Since he can’t perceive the small creature persecuting him. And even if he could. It would be impossible for him to notice its nature.

In moments, he reaches his friend’s side and, continuing to run, tells him, “Adar, run.”

Seres keeps running, trying to reach the powerful necromancer for help. Looking back, he sees that Adar hasn’t followed him.

But his friend finally seems to have seen the creature, which now appears to be attacking him. Fortunately, Adar is smart. So when the ferret is within reach, he kicks it.

Adar lets out a cry of pain. And the ferret flies through the air, passing Seres and landing a short distance ahead of him.

Seres stops running and sees the creature right itself on the ground. While facing the undead, Seres knows he is about to be attacked.

As the creature prepares to lunge at him, a hoof comes down and crushes what remains of the ferret’s skull. Adar had kicked it right next to the mule, which dealt with this potential threat to the group quickly and definitively.

As the ferret's remains contort and simultaneously begin to dissolve into a black liquid, Seres hears Nero’s voice asking.

“Blondie. What the hell were you doing?”

Looking at Nero while he looks around, trying to understand what happened, Seres is sure he has just gotten himself into trouble with the already irritated necromancer.

“Damn! The thing bit me.” he hears Adar say while lifting one of the legs of his trousers. Even from this distance, Seres can see that his friend is bleeding.

“Is the cut big?” Nero asks Adar, who shakes his head. Indicating that the cut is not deep.

“There should still be some water on the mule that I boiled to drink. Use it to wash the wound and wrap it in a clean cloth.” After giving these instructions to Adar, Nero focuses back on Seres and speaks to him again.

“So, Blondie. What happened here?”

His friend slowly walks toward the mule with his injured leg exposed. While the mule also gently starts moving toward him as well. Seres tries to figure out the best way to tell his story.

“Well... It’s like this...” he begins hesitantly. When Nero makes a hand gesture for him to speak, Seres decides to do just that, considering he can't avoid it.

“I found the remains of a ferret at the side of the road. And since I haven’t found other bodies...” Nero listens without any reaction, blinking his eyes as he waits for Seres to finish speaking. Seres doesn't know if that's a good sign or not.

“So, I cast 'Antor’s Gift' on them.” Hearing this, Nero continues to look at him without any change in his expression.

“Alright. And what is that?” This question surprises Seres. How can a necromancer like Nero not know the spell? Not that it matters now. So Seres answers the question.

“It’s the spell the master at the inn used to create the undead.”

“So, you’re a necromancer too!” says Sorana loudly, surprised. Seres almost jumps at hearing the woman, not having noticed her in all the excitement.

Nero begins to look seriously at her, which makes her speak again. “Sorry. I’m just a bit surprised. Not that I didn’t suspect it. But I’ve only seen you use magic.”

“That doesn’t matter.” declares Nero, turning back to Seres and pointing at the dark liquid that used to be the ferret. “This was a ferret that you turned into an undead, and it attacked you.”

Hearing this summary, which seems quite accurate to him, Seres just nods in agreement with what Nero said.

Seeing this, Nero puts his hand on his face, sighs, and vents, “You guys are really useless.”

Seres feels sad at hearing this and tries to defend himself. “I only did what you said.”

Nero lowers his hand, revealing his confused face, which prompts Seres to continue trying to explain himself. “You said we have to cast spells several times to improve. This was the only opportunity I had to do it. It’s not like we find other chances for me to get better with magic.”

Before Nero can say anything, Sorana declares, “He caught up with you here. He really must not have had other opportunities.”

Nero looks at the smiling Sorana. Clearly satisfied to have declared this victory.

“I didn’t tell him to cast that spell. I didn’t even know he knew it. I don’t even know, what it does exactly.” Says Nero, slightly raising his voice and visibly getting annoyed.

“But it’s a necromancy spell.” Says Sorana in confusion, at Nero not knowing the spell.

“So what! The last thing I wanted was a list of all the spells I don’t remember. And even then, I wouldn’t care about this spell,” Nero says with strange intensity. Seres feels a bit hurt hearing this. After all, he worked hard to learn this spell, and his former master had praised him many times for his work.

“Why?” is all Sorana says.

Nero points directly at Seres saying. “He couldn’t control a ferret. Unless that was the most powerful ferret ever, that’s a pathetic result.”

And Seres cannot argue against the mage who turned giant spiders into undead and used them to fight other spiders. From that perspective, Seres' attempt had indeed been pathetic; he had to agree.

“For someone who always says he doesn’t like necromancy, you certainly have a taste for it,” says Sorana, also getting annoyed.

“What do you mean by that?” Nero asks.

“You know you could have been just a pyromancer. Something you’re clearly capable of. You didn’t have to dedicate yourself to necromancy,” Sorana grumbles.

Hearing this, Nero acquires a small smile before speaking. “That would be good for you, wouldn’t it? Then maybe you could drag me to Freehope.”

Sorana simply asks again. “Why did you dedicate yourself to necromancy?”

Seeing Sorana's irritation, Nero seems amused. While some of his previous irritation begins to disappear.

“Well, I was the weakest in my group of friends. So, to improve I decided to do a little solo play.” The fact that Nero is saying this surprises Seres. Looking around, he realizes he’s not the only one. Hearing that Nero considered himself to be weak sounds so ridiculous.

The most strange reaction to hearing this confession is on Sorana's part. The irritation she has started to display disappears. And she begins listening with attention. While a small smile appears on her face.

“When I was planning it. I decided the best thing was to be a mage. At first, it’s more difficult, but then you become quite powerful.” He pauses for a moment to think before continuing. “The weakness of mages is that they need help. If they don’t have someone to protect them physically, they’re easy to defeat.”

Here he sneezes again. Raising two fingers before continuing to speak. “But there are two types of mages who can get help, on their own. Do you know which ones?”

“Necromancers.” Adar quickly gives the obvious response.

“Correct and...” says Nero, nodding his head.

Seeing that no one can answer, he responds himself. “Summoners.”

“Then why didn’t you become a Summoner?” Sorana asks. This time, her voice only sounded curious.

“Good question. Do you know what the most important resource for a mage is?” Nero asks.

“Magic.” Sorana responds hesitantly.

“More or less. Let’s call it magical energy. The magic we use to cast spells. And do you know which of these two types of magic uses more of that energy?” Sorana shakes her head no.

“Let me put it this way. One uses already existing bodies, while the other has to create bodies for spirits to use. Which one do you think uses more magic?”

It’s not Sorana who responds, but Adar who says. “The Summoner.”

“Right, generally in this... world. A Summoner needs more magic to cast their magic.”

“But the necromancer needs bodies to use.” Sorana says after some thought. To which Nero nods in agreement before speaking again.

“Correct. But usually, that is not a big problem.”

“Why?” she asks, resulting in a pause from Nero.

“Let’s say that for what I was doing. There’s never a shortage of people to die,” he responds hesitantly, clearly not wanting to explain further. But Seres can't stop wondering what he means by that statement.

Before Sorana can continue to speak, Nero says.“Sorana, look, we’ve been standing here for a long time. I think we can move on now.”

He doesn’t want to continue talking about this. But Seres is already happy. He learned more about Nero, who confirmed that mages like them are superior and that the best of them are necromancers.

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