The misadventures of the necromancer

Chapter XXXVI

Chapter XXXVI

With their plan in place, they begin to execute it.

Grumpy goes to the mule, and from the load on the animal, he takes out some of the giant spider eggs. Of the twenty-nine they had left, they had already decided to try selling ten for now, just as they had before arriving here. Taking the opportunity to separate those ten, despite Grumpy's concern, they haven’t had any problems keeping the eggs in sacks.

It’s better not to try to sell them all at once. To begin with, the eggs are expensive. Making it difficult to find a merchant with enough money to buy them all at once. This isn’t a game where all merchants have infinite funds.

Another problem they might encounter is someone trying to steal them, so it's better not to have all the eggs in one basket. And anyway, if he manages to sell at least some, they will already have some money, greatly reducing the risk of losing everything if the eggs spoil.

With the eggs for sale separated, Blondie moves away. As planned, he and the mule will be staying on the outer periphery of the area marked by the tents.

Meanwhile, he and Grumpy keep to the path indicated by Gregory. In a short time, they find the detour he had mentioned and follow the path straight to the center marked by the walls.

Grumpy looks at him with some unease, which he understands and shares. They prepare to walk through a massive crowd of people, trying to do business in the biggest city they’ve visited together.

Most times that they’ve been in large gatherings of people things went wrong.

But they have to keep moving forward. So, he gives Grumpy a nod, hoping to give him the confidence to proceed.

“Shall we go?” Grumpy asks, seeking confirmation.

“Yes, let’s go!” he declares, starting to walk.

They begin their way to the city gate. On both sides, he can only see tents. Several have stalls set up in front of them to sell a varied assortment of goods.

One has fabrics, the next has some fruits, while another has no stall because the ground is occupied by chickens.

And everywhere, people appear. Some were in robes, but many were dressed in leather armor. The vast majority of people can easily identified as belonging to tribes due to the facial tattoos they wear.

The path is itself relatively wide, at least by this world's standards, allowing two carts to travel side by side, enabling traffic in both directions while various people walk the route.

Many people stop at the tent businesses, buying whatever is for sale.

The good part is that no one pays them much attention. This strangely made him nostalgic. Because it’s been some time since someone completely ignored his existence. As it would be usual in the real world.

The most common reaction since he ended up here had been. 'Oh, a beggar, should I help him?' Which is actually good, definitely a lot better than. 'Look, a beggar! No one will notice if he disappears.'

So he doesn't feel he has much to complain about; things could be much worse. And they almost were, but fortunately, Nero’s powers had protected him.

To the point that the new normal is worryingly becoming, "Oh, please, don’t destroy our village." Which is not how he wants to be known. But it has already happened twice, and he feels it might happen more often.

All this to say that it gives him some comfort to be ignored by strangers again, as he would be in his hometown.

While he was thinking, they reached a line in front of the gate.

Grumpy looks between him and the gate ahead and asks, “What do you think is happening?”

He feels like responding that it must be just traffic; after all, what larger city doesn’t have congestion. But finally, he decides to simply shrug to signify his ignorance.

Fortunately or unfortunately, it doesn’t take them long to realize they have a toll gate ahead for access to the city’s interior.

“Gregory didn’t mention any toll,” reflects Grumpy, remembering that the man who kindly indicated that the best place to sell their eggs would be here.

“Maybe he forgot to mention it. He might have assumed tolls are something natural that everyone is aware of,” he says, thinking it's the simplest answer. Something that leads him to conclude that it might be due to this cost that so many merchants do their business in tents outside the walls. A possible avoidance of the tax within the walls.

“Yes, but how much will it cost? We still have some money from the gold coin Sorana gave us... But it won’t last forever,” he hears Grumpy say. Making him feel a bit irritated. Gave? Sorana paid for their help crossing the mountains. And he paid for her help in hunting for the eggs. There are no debts of any kind here.

But, he is right, in that the money they have left won’t last forever. That is why they’ve been careful in spending it, and it is another reason they need to sell the eggs: to have more money in their pockets.

“When we get to the toll, we’ll find out,” he declares to Grumpy, ending the discussion. But he is well aware that this increases the need to close a deal. Because if they fail, this money will only add to their losses.

After some waiting, they finally reach the gates. Where they have the great pleasure of discovering. That, it costs four small silver coins to enter. It is not that difficult to pay, but it still is some money.

Looking back and seeing the area covered by tents, he can’t help but think. That thanks to this toll this city must make a fortune.

Due to the guard at the entrance thinking he must be a servant, they discover that servants pay only half. Finally, something positive about people thinking he’s a beggar. And so, with six fewer small silver coins in their pockets, they finally enter the city.

And thanks to the guard at the entrance, they find out where the jewelers' street is and can head there directly.

They spend some time studying the shops on the street before deciding on one to try selling the eggs. It’s the largest shop on the street, with another shop almost the same size in front of it.

They chose this shop not only because it’s the largest, which they hope is due to a prosperous business. But also because it seems to sell a good variety of products, which should mean they also buy various products.

And so, with what he hopes appears as confidence, they enter the shop. The shop has a large counter behind which shelves with mainly jewelry can be seen, although there are also ornate weapons. Among the shelf spaces are passages leading to another space that also seems full of shelves.

To their right is an area with chairs and some small tables, not simple wooden chairs but cushioned chairs, giving a sense of luxury. He can only imagine it’s an area for customers to sit and maybe eat while being attended to.

In the end, it gives the impression of being a warehouse with a space for people to sit.

They approach the counter behind which stands a young and attractive girl. She presents them with a smile on her lips. Her eyes on the other side observe them closely while looking rather dissatisfied. Clearly, they don't look like the regular clientele here.

“Good morning. We’d like to speak to someone in charge.” Grumpy says hesitantly.

This somewhat leaves him dissatisfied; this is not the time for Grumpy’s eloquence to fail. Although, he has to admit Grumpy must feel intimidated, having probably never been able to enter a shop like this.

After all, even he probably has never entered a shop with such a valuable inventory. But on the other side, this shop doesn't look that attractive to him. He’s been in more stylish clothing shops than this. Preventing this place from being so oppressive to him.

“And what would you like to talk about? As you must understand, our boss doesn’t have time to waste,” she manages to say, keeping her smile, but with her eyes, she is trying to get rid of them.

Grumpy looks at him for instructions or support. While he tries to indicate with his head, for him to continue. Which seems to work.

“Well, we have some things to sell,” Grumpy manages to say despite maintaining his lack of confidence.

“And what do you want to sell, as...” She begins to speak, still trying to politely get rid of the two.

Making him interrupt her. “Look, unless you can make the purchase. How about you go call your boss to let him decide if he wants to buy it or not? So, we aren't all losing our time.”

She clearly doesn’t like this but seems unable to find a counterargument. To avoid conflict, she wisely decides to pass the problem to someone else.

“One moment,” she says before disappearing to the space behind the shelves.

“Grumpy, what the hell is wrong with you? You’re trying to sell proven valuable products, why are you so anxious?” he tries to snap him out of whatever is bothering him.

“Nero...” Grumpy begins to say. Then appearing from behind the shelves and accompanied by the girl is a man just slightly older than Grumpy, dressed in what he can only assume is a silk garment.

“Good morning, gentlemen. I was informed you want to sell something,” once again, the two are looked up and down. Before the man continues to speak, “Unfortunately, we’re not buying, at the moment. Our warehouse is already well stocked. Sorry.”

He looks at this young man to quickly conclude that if he is the owner of this shop, it wasn’t due to his own work. The money needed to build something like this takes a lifetime. And this guy is simply too young. He doesn’t have much of a problem with not doing business here as he starts to turn away.

“What a shame, you can't even see what we’re selling,” he hears Grumpy say as he puts a sack on the counter. Immediately recognizing the sack with the eggs, he lets Grumpy continue his strategy.

“Go ahead, open it. You must at least be curious to see what it is. Go ahead, we don’t mind if you see.”

“Thaddeus!” the girl says as the man begins to be carried away by curiosity. He, in turn, looks at her, but his hands continue toward the sack. In no time, he opens the sack, revealing the eggs inside, which makes him let out a loud. “What is this?”

They don’t recognize the eggs, which makes sense because how could they have seen giant spider eggs around here?

“These are giant spider eggs from Dantar,” exclaims Grumpy.

“Giant spider eggs,” the other two repeat in unison, then look at each other.

“What’s that?” the girl asks, apparently still not quite understanding what she’s seeing.

“As I said, they are giant spider eggs from Dantar,” Grumpy says again. To then start playing dumb, while continuing to speak. “As you must know, giant spider eggs are considered delicacies in Great Harbour.”

He feels a smile spread across his face as he sees Grumpy returning to normal. Nothing like pointing out to rich people how even richer people display their wealth.

Grumpy looks around and, with a nearly conspiratorial expression, says, “I know from a good source that in Great Harbour they pay up to a gold coin for each egg. That's how much they appreciate them.”

“For this?” he hears the girl's loud voice say.

“Elara!” says the man in a reproachful tone, though he doesn’t raise his voice.

Turning back to Grumpy, the man speaks. “Yes, I've heard of them, though I've never had the pleasure, of seeing them.”

“Well, now you can say you've seen them. Wouldn’t it have been sad to have missed this opportunity?” says Grumpy cleverly while starting to grab the sack.

The shopkeeper begins to squint before calmly asking, “How much?”

And here’s the reason for bringing Grumpy; once again, he feels a smile forming on his lips.

“How much what? I understood you weren't buying,” says Grumpy, reverting to his sly voice.

“How many do you have?” is the shopkeeper's indirect response.

Grumpy leans on the counter and, with a big smile, answers, “Ten, we have ten to sell.”

The shopkeeper nods and says, “Eight.”

He and Grumpy exchange astonished looks. Could the shopkeeper be offering eight gold coins? That would be better than their best hopes. They had already talked and, were counting on two or three gold coins for these ten eggs.

“It's my only offer, eight large silver pieces,” the shopkeeper clarifies.

“Eight silvers for something worth ten gold coins on the coast?” exclaims Grumpy irritably.

“We're quite far from the coast,” says the shopkeeper calmly, spreading his arms to indicate the surrounding territory. “And even in Great Harbour, you’ll hardly get that value. I doubt you two could reach someone who would pay those prices.”

They can't really argue against that, but Grumpy tries. “Even so, that's...”

“That’s the best offer I can make, and it's already quite good,” interrupts the shopkeeper. “I’ll have to find someone to take them to the coast. That person will need to also make some profit from the trip. That won't be easy; it will take some time, especially with such an unusual product.”

It’s horrible that the shopkeeper continues to make sense. But regardless, the price is terrible considering the effort and risks they took. Worse, he begins to feel a sense of déjà vu, remembering his failed attempt to sell his health-restoring potions.

“I understand, but surely...” begins Grumpy, trying to argue.

“I already stated my price is eight,” says the shopkeeper, pushing the sack with the eggs back to Grumpy to reinforce his stance. This makes Grumpy turn to him for instructions.

While thinking about what to do with this new fiasco, he looks around. In this action, he notices some customers watching the spectacle, seated in their chairs. When he looks at them, they try to disguise the fact they are listening to the conversation.

But thanks to this poorly hidden curiosity, he remembers something he once saw on TV, leading him to say.

“Grumpy, we made a mistake choosing this shop to sell the eggs.” He says this calmly, simply stating a fact.

Grumpy opens his eyes wide and starts speaking. “But Nero, you agreed. This should have been the best place.”

Realizing the boy must be thinking he’ll be blamed for this, he tries to reassure him.

“Yes, I agreed. But anyway, it was a mistake. But thanks to this mistake, I just discovered we can't accept less than four gold coins for the eggs.”

Hearing this, the shopkeeper, who had been listening with interest, speaks. “Four gold coins? Only a fool would pay more than eight large silver pieces.”

Hearing this declaration, he can’t help but laugh. “Exactly, which is why this shop doesn't work for us. No offense, but you don’t have the hunger to give me the four coins these eggs are worth.”

The man looks confused at this statement. “Hunger?”

“Yes, the hunger to succeed. This is already the biggest shop; why would you take risks? Why would you see this as an opportunity to grow? You’re big enough.” Turning to Grumpy, he continues speaking. “Which is, why we need to go to the second or third biggest shops. We want those who want to grow bigger. And to do so are willing to take risks. Like buying these eggs.”

From the look on Grumpy's face, it’s clear he doesn’t understand what he’s hearing. But he ends up shrugging and goes to grab the sack.

“This is ridiculous! I don’t know why you’re listening to him. No one in this city will be willing to spend more than eight. There’s no profit. No merchant taking these eggs to the coast will agree to pay that much for them.” The shopkeeper tries to argue with Grumpy.

Who, in turn, shrugs again before calmly responding. “Maybe. But, he's the boss.”

The well-dressed young man is left open-mouthed, staring at them. The shopkeeper turns to him. Focusing on the ragged figure, he just discovered, to his clear shock, is the one in charge.

“Do you see why this place is wrong for us? He can’t think beyond selling the eggs to a merchant to continue on to the nobles on the coast.” He declares to Grumpy. While Grumpy starts to pick up the eggs on the counter.

“And what else would we do with the eggs?” the girl asks, her pretty face showing, a mocking smile.

“What else, sell them to the final customer.” Before anyone can try to say the idea is silly. He points to the customers struggling not to seem like they’re listening to the conversation.

“It seems to me this city has some people. With the means to buy the eggs. People who, if they don’t go to the coast, won’t have another chance to do so. After all, who would bring giant spider eggs like these here? And even at Great Harbor, they may not find eggs for sale.” He pauses, seeing the shopkeeper’s reaction, who seems to be considering what he heard.

“Even not selling for the gold coin, they should sell for five or six large silver pieces each. A pretty good margin, right?” he asks the man, who seems not to disagree much, before saying.

“At those prices, the risk still wouldn’t justify four gold coins.”

“Maybe, but it’s not just that. While I was watching your customers...” who, hearing the reference to them, quickly looked at the counter. To then go back to pretending not to hear anything. “... I remembered something I saw once. It was a...” he pauses for a few seconds, thinking how best to recount what he saw on TV.

“... merchant admitting he had overpaid for something. But he was happy because it was a rare product. Which would draw people to see it.” he waits a bit to see if anyone can see where he’s going. But no one seems to get it.

“With more people in his shop, even if they can’t afford that specific product. Which in this case would be the giant spider eggs. These new clients would buy other things. A potion, a perfume, something.” With this consideration, the man’s and the girl’s eyes widen in shock as they start considering what he’s saying.

Then he decides to press the attack. “Maybe you should ask for five gold? That seems a more correct value.”

The shopkeeper sees Grumpy with his hands almost on the sack with the eggs. Almost desperately, he lunges to grab them. He must have realized that if a competitor buys them, his market share could be at risk.

“I’ll pay the four gold coins.” his voice acquires a passion not yet revealed.

“But didn’t I just say my new minimum is five? And I should ask for even more.” It’s a struggle not to let the humor he finds in the situation show in his voice. After all, a few moments ago, the shopkeeper said only a fool would pay more than eight. Had the man become a fool in these few minutes?

Seeing the man’s face as he realizes what he heard. Almost makes him answer yes to his own question.

“Four gold coins and five large silver pieces. And we’ll want two of the five in small silver coins. We need some change.” He hears the now confident voice of Grumpy say.

He casts a reproachful look at Grumpy but agrees with his intervention. Though he feels confident they could squeeze more money, it's better to wrap this up; they have more to do. So, he nods his agreement to the price.

Seeing this, the shopkeeper almost sighs in relief and instructs the girl to get the money.

Seeming to regain his composure, the shopkeeper asks, “Would the gentlemen be interested in anything else?”

Indeed, he’s interested in buying some clothes. But it doesn’t seem like the place for that. Looking around, they must only sell silks. And he doesn’t feel like dressing that way. Fortunately, while they were looking for shops to sell the eggs, he noticed a clothing shop they could go to after they left here.

But while thinking about clothes, he remembered something else he wanted to buy: alchemical equipment.

But before he can say anything, Grumpy's voice sounds, “Maps, do you have maps?”

Remembering how they couldn’t buy a map in Dantar because Grumpy had been robbed, he almost smiles.

“Yes, we’re interested in maps and, if you can give us any information about alchemical equipment. We’d appreciate it.” The serious and professional behavior of the young shopkeeper almost surprises him. But it just shows he's smart. After all, even if he didn’t grow to like them much. Why would he lose potential customers?

So they receive the best possible service from this shop. Even managing to acquire a decent map of the region. Before heading to a shop that sells alchemical equipment. Then finally going to buy some new clothes.

Thus, a few hours later, they return to where Blondie should be waiting, for them.

So, they searched for Blondie while loaded with the equipment they bought. Not the best equipment because even the money they got from the eggs wouldn’t be enough for that gear. Even if he were willing to sink the money into it. Something he’s not ready to do. Anyway, now he won’t have to terrorize villages to stock up on potions.

Besides the equipment, Grumpy still has a sack with the old clothes, having argued that the fabric could still be used, even if just to make rags.

“Where is Seres? I don’t see him.” Grumpy asks, trying to find his friend.

“I don’t know where Blondie has gone to,” he responds, shrugging. “Let's try over there.”

He points in a direction that, for some reason, makes sense to him, and they head that way. He can’t help but think they should have planned things better and set an exact place to meet.

After walking a bit, they find a large group of people who seem to be watching an argument. Immediately, he starts feeling uncomfortable.

He thinks everything has been going well. Blondie couldn’t be involved in trouble. That can’t be possible.

He looks at Grumpy, who seems to be coming to the same conclusion as he is. So, the two start moving through the crowd.

Soon, they can see. Blondie, worried about keeping the mule behind him, while a group of four or five guys almost circle him, hurling insults at him.

He adjusts the things he’s carrying into one hand. So, can use his the now free hand to can rub his face in frustration.

And finally, he lets out a shout. “Blondie, what the hell have you been doing?”

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