The Mistress of Corrupted Magical girls

New Day, New me

Why does everything hurt?

I literally mean everything...

Why am I on the ground next to my pc?

I remember Masturbating... Did I really Dream about a talking? Snake... no, She said something about being a King cobra. Irina was it?

"Hey, you are awake..." Irina 

...Kill me. I know the reference wasn't  intentional, but just get it over with, so I can wake up to the normal world!

"Want me to knock you out until the pain is fully gone?" Irina

You can do that?

"Why sshouldn't I be able to do that? I will just sslither around your neck, ssqueezze a bit and out you go."

Yeah, no Pass.


I laid there for a few more moments in pain before i decided to occupy myself to distract me from my pain.

So you are Real and not just a Dream?

"Ass real ass the pain you are feeling."

I'm just gonna lay here for bit then.



By the way, is there anything I need to know?

"A decent bit actually. letss sstart with you joining benefitss.


1. Congratss on gaining your own sset of Evil Powerss! You get to find out what you can do later, sso you better sstay put.

2. We give you a ssecond 'Body' you can sswap into, for when you need to work or protect your actual identity.

3.Immunity to the Magical girl recognition blocker.

4. ...profit.

Alright thiss wass jusst to messss with you a bit. But for real now. you get to have you own evil Identity or better ssaid your own Villain name.

5. Actual Profitss thiss time, by getting accessss to an untraceable Card and account on our webssite. where you can buy sstuff For your everyday life or your Evil Planss/Work without having to worry about it being traced back to you."

Do i get a starting budget?

"Yeah you do. It sshould have around 20 Thoussand Yin or whatever the currency iss called."

It's Yen...

"Yeah that sstuff. That remindss me wassn't it like 100 Yen for a piece of candy?"

More or less 

"... moving away from how sstrange that iss for me.

6. Ass an Higher ranked Villainessss you can get yourself your own Henchmen or woman, whatever floatss your boat.

Later on you can get yoursself a CO Consspirator. But you will act alone on you firsst 3-4 Missions.

But don't worry because.

7. The Rainbow Maids won't be able to Interfere in you first few Missions. Unlessss you massssively fuck up or literal Sstart stuff in earsshot of one of them."

Rainbow Maids?

"The Girl you Masturbatet to and her friendss? You know? There for Your Pleassure?"

Ah, sorry, I get it now.

I wonder, can I Keep one for myself?

"Ssure, Eat them, Kill them, Make them your Pleassure petss. We don't Care ass long as they get and Sstay out of our way.

Hmmm, I think there wass a nice bonuss for Corrupting them. But let'ss not get hassty. And sstart with finding out your own Power ass well ass getting you ussed to my gift of a Power."

Alright, alright I'm getting up so stop It With Indirectly trying to Push me.

"It'ss a Firsst that ssomeone got it on the Firsst indirect Reminder. Color me Impressssed. You Humanss Ussually are Rather Deaf To my undertoness"

Must have been either a Racial Difference, or just Plain Stupidity.


I finally open my eyes while lying on the hard floor for what felt like a half hour of just lying around, and sat myself upright for me to...

*Nghaa* *Crack, Crack, Crack*

Okay as good as stretching felt, something is off... I looked around for a good few moments. Same familiar room, the same familiar PC, the same desk... is it lower than the last time i woke up like this?

"How often do you wake up on your own Floor?"

Only after Particularly Terrible Days or when I get too much into Masturbating that day. So around 3-4 times a week.

"... Girl we need to have you sstop ssleeping like that"

You aren't the first to tell me that...

"That doessn't make it better."

I never said it would.

"... Just go and take a damn look at yoursself already"

That was awfully blu...

"Jusst do it or im biting you out of Ssspite."

Alright, alright Im going to the Bathroom mirror. stop being so pissy...


I stood up onto my unusually shaky legs. slowly made my way over to the Bathroom... Why does everything feel smaller? Did i hit another growth spurt? that would most likely explain the pain this morning...


I finally get into the Bath see a Red eyed Bombshell of a woman in the Mirror and bend down to wash my face, grab my toothbrush and start brushing my teeth looking into the mirror again and see the Bitch use... my... Toothbrush.


"... Hey, You, you're finally awake!" Irina

"ugh, I deserved that one. but please have mercy, how often do you wake up in an unfamilliar body?"


"Touché. But i told you to 'LOOK AT YOURSSELF' not, Go Clean yoursself up, now did I?"

... I continued to brush my teeth while starting to Admire myself. White Hair going down to my Thighs. Massive Double D Tits.

Im most Certainly taller as well. Im now what, around 2,1m instead of the 1,7m im usually at?

... great my usually slouched posture barely saved me from hitting my head. lucky me but im still gonna hit the odd doorway from time to time.

Not just that, I'm gonna be a towering bombshell in Japan of all Places.

The more traditional homes have a door height of 1,7m... Eh if it becomes to much of a Pain im just gonna Cool aid the shit out of  Places.

"What nonessenss are you on about now?"

Oh just contemplating about just smashing through walls instead of having to deal with constantly Ducking through Doorways.

"... yeah, sure, do that."

My eyes wandered down to my stomach, hips and legs. I have a Killer Figure while i normaly have a decent Figure My current Body is a Walking Sin.

out of curiosity I grab hold of one of my new Weapons of mass destruction and it feels surprisingly light... wait my slight backpain is gone.

"Ssoundss like a you issssue. And to answer you why its gone its because of the nee body. It influences you strength including your normal self because we can't have it that new recruits die to having some debris land on them. but with how you walked around before it issn't a ssurprissed you had back pain already."

Fuck You.

"Later, You have to earn that Privilege first. Now are you Done Cleaning yourself up?"

...Yeah, gimme a sec.

I spat out the toothpaste and noticed something rather Strange why are There so many bristles in there? Rarely one of them gets loose enough to end up with the toothpaste

So i look back into the mirror and give myself a toothy smile, only to see that i have extremely sharp teeth now. If i give someone a 'Love' bite with these, they are gonna Bleed a lot.

"Whatss love without ssome Bloodsshed?"

I mean there is the saying of 'pouring sweat and blood into something' but i don't thinks that's the intended use. Let alone a gross miss use of 'all is fair in love and War'.

"I don't remember ssaying i wass a good being."

Yeah you recruited me into some evil Organisation without me being able to refuse... At least you were upfront with it.

I tossed the toothbrush into the trash washed my mouth of the remaining Bristles and moved to my room only to stop Remembering must of my clothes most definetly won't fit.

"Calm your titss, and go ssit on your bed for now. We are gonna ssee what your Power iss ass well ass give you a rundown on what my gifted power will entail.

Conssidering Your Obsession with a Certain Magical Girl, it will Be quite usseful to make her yourss. Once we are done with that you will get your own set of Magical Equipment."

Ooh? Im listening.

Once i was seated on my bed, she began her explanation.


"Good, now My power is relatively Ssimple. You get 2 Thingss from my Power

1. All Your body fluidss are now Poissonss or ussable ass venom, and before you overreact you can control what they will do or not do. From bassic Paralyssiss all the way up to it being a Aphrodissiac, that makess them more ssenssitive.

and 2. You are gonna be a decent bit Sstronger sso They wont be able to Esscape your grassp ass eassely. While some ssnakess rely on Poissonss or Venom otherss Ssimply Crussh so Congratss on getting the besst of both Sserpentine worldss."


"Okay That will Be useful. What will their Faces be like when they realise that they won't be able to escape my grasp. Hufufufufu."


"Im looking forward to it as much ass you do and ass much ass i love your current ssmile we have to get back to finding out what you own Power iss. Tississississ"

Only after hearing hear meantion it i noticed my wide, obsessive smile on my face. *ahem*

"Okay, how do I find that out?"

"Eassy, Go Deep into Yoursself and assk Yourself 'What iss your Deepesst Darkesst Dessire' and It sshould come to you naturally along with summoning your Equipment."

... That sounds too easy but i better try it out first before i even start to Complain. I change into a Cross-legged sitting position, take a few deep breaths an close my eyes Before turning to the question at hand. What is my Deepest Darkest Desire?


 It took me a while but I somehow managed to reach what feels like the darkest place inside of me.

To be honest she said that as long as They are out of their way, they wont mind what i'll do to them. even if its something as stupid as Killing them.

I contemplated about it a bit until I just blurted out.

'I don't want to kill the Magical girls. That would be such a waste.' (Yes, Such a Waste of some Wonderful Playthings.)

I didnt really expected to receive an answer from around me. But i feelt it come from my deepest self. So i simply move forward with the conversation. 

'I wan't to make Lunar Misaki mine. Only mine' (Yes, Yes!, Make her Worship Me and only me!)

Yes, this ist my darkest self.

(But why should I claim only her?) ...

I however didn't expect her to ask me something as well. But I'll answer honestly.

'Right, all of them Should Worship me as they kneel in front of me!'

(Good, verry Good. But what about those Whores That tormented us?) 'Let us repay them in kind.'

(Why not Chain them Like the Beasts They are? while Making them show to the World what they really are!)

'Hmm? and how would we manage this?' (Make their body's fit their minds, after all. they acted so monstrous why not make them look like it?)

'Hufufufu!, Yeah That sounds so Wonderfully Fitting. But they wanted to use me.' (That they did)

'Let's use them till they drop!' (Let's turn them into the best Pets then!)


Laughing maniacally along with myself, we came to an agreement.

'Let us show them our Obsession!' (the Depth of Corruption!) '(we will show them the depth of our Abyss!!)'


I somewhat sleepily open my eyes, and remember the discussion I had with a part of myself.

The light coming through the blinds of my room make it look like it's afternoon. And one look at the clock by my bed confirms it.

Looking down at my self I was wearing unusual clothes as well as some dark armor on my entire left arm.

My clothes looked like a relatively open black and red dress

My left arm is covered in what looks like a dark spiked shoulder guard. relatively smooth arm and elbow plating. And a rather smooth gauntlet except for the fingers that have rather sharp tips on the end, and the large gem like eye on the back of the hand. Making it overall look more like a mostly smoothe yet monstrous arm than armor.

My dress is  a deep v neck dress making my breasts look like they will almost spill out while having rather pointy lace be the last stop before it slips. moving down it is very Form fitting. 

With an almost transparent like stockings like material covering the stomach and having a gem cover the bellybutton it is very insinuating. Followed by a frilled short skirt going down to the middle of my upper Thighs. 

It still shows that I'm wearing a garter belt, stocking combo while still having a longer, split skirt show only the front of my legs as it goes beside and behind me leaving the front fully open until it reaches my lower thigh.

And lastly I'm wearing relatively short heels,  that have a thin and pointy heel. Wich looks like I could cut something if I were to hit it with an axe kick.


Finishing the outfit is a laced glove on my right arm as well as an ornate wrist hoop that looked like it had red eyes instead of gems embeded.

They all turned to look at me at once and I felt some sort of connection, before I see myself through a new set of eyes.

I was now wearing lipstick the color of fresh blood along with a small amount of blush and black eyeliner giving my red eyes even more of a piercing presence.

The last new thing I am wearing are the jewelery on my ears and the absolutely expensive looking crown/tiara hybrid I have on my head that was adorned with even more of these red eyes.

Overall I look akin to a very sexy, very dangerus, Dommy Mommy of an Empress.

"*yaaawn* Hmm. oh, are you Done? Hmhmmm Hmhmmm. Look at you missss Royalty! Tissississ, sso what iss it, Your Darkesst Dessire?"

It is my Obsession, my Desire to corrupt, Or better said, it is MY ABYSS. 

"Hsss? You are a ssurprissingly good find. Tissississ."


I heard my phone notify me of a received message and it was from Kaori. but it wasn't the first today... reading through them she was extremely worried about how i'm doing. Her second to last message was that she was gonna find those bitches and make them pay.


The last one is a picture of her Tied up on a toilet with the message 'Come to the Toilets in the Park, unless you want her to become a public toilet.'

"Your Friend sseemss to be in trouble but i still do have a question before i can let you use this Form outside. What are you gonna be known ass?"

I Crushed my phone after reading the message and started to leave. while walking past my pc my eyes were temporarily pulled to my Blog and the name i had on there 'Eclair'


"Im The Abyssal Empress Eclair."


Hey Z. Here.

Guess who found the Button For authors notes!


Okay jokes aside I wanted to say that 2k words wasn't enough for where i wanted this chapter to get to.

So i hope you enjoy the extra length *giggity* ahem, sorry, not sorry. 


How did you like my descriptions of Tessa New Body?


other than those two things, no smut this time around. and i bet you can already guess but next chapter will get a bit more violent.


Your Friendly internet Degen.


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