The Mortal Immortal

Chapter 1870 Self-created God

Above the Nine Heavens, the immortal corpse was transformed.

The surging ancient immortal light mixed with a large amount of alien immortal power was transformed and ascended on the ancient immortal corpse, turning into a series of tidal torrents, and like gushing clouds, covering the sky and the sun, and spreading across the sky.

Shu Han sat cross-legged in front of the curtain of this alien immortal power, chanting the profound scriptures, quietly waiting for the initiation of the alien immortal power.

Old man Lu controlled the powerful immortal power and shouted loudly: "With your body of heavenly way, you no longer need the flesh of the ancient immortal corpse. Your flesh is the strongest in the world. Therefore, I will decompose the ancient immortal corpse and infuse it into you. The powerful immortal power of the ancient immortal corpse is beyond the endurance of ordinary people. I originally wanted you to accept it when you reach the great stage. But now looking at your body, it is no less powerful than the strong ones who cross the tribulation. But you must remember that you must not use the power of the Taoist ancestors to help you bear the pressure during this period. If you accept the power of the Taoist ancestors, it is tantamount to sending the ultimate law to nothingness! Remember, remember!"

"Junior remember this!"

After that, Shu Han used the unique creation technique to pinch out a handful of Xuandao leaves. He held the Xuandao leaves in his mouth, and the Xuandao leaves immediately turned into a mellow nectar and infused Shu Han's body. In an instant, Shu Han entered the realm of Xuanwo, and the Xuantian Dao method was particularly clear.

Now Shu Han can enter the Xuanwo realm anytime and anywhere with the help of the power of the Heavenly Dao. Although he is not as permanent as the high priest in the Xuanwo realm, he can open it at will, which is also enough to defy the heaven.

When the Xuanwo realm is opened, the Three Yuan Dao Technique automatically operates and directly jumps to a peak of 26 times, allowing Shu Han's own strength to approach the second level of the Crossing Tribulation Heaven!

The Chaos Perfect Body of Minor Success is stimulated to the extreme state.

Cultivating the Chaos Perfect Body is not a difficult problem for Shu Han now. It's just that if the Chaos Perfect Body wants to be fully successful, it must reach the Mahayana stage, otherwise Shu Han's Perfect Body would have been fully successful long ago.

"The magnificent immortal power, pour it with thunder!"

"The thunder tribulation will completely seal the alien immortal power into your body, be careful!"


A black and white fairy curtain suddenly dropped a black and white thunder, which directly struck Shu Han's forehead.

The thunder struck the forehead, turning into countless tiny thunders that wandered around Shu Han, stimulating the alien immortal power into Shu Han's body.

Shu Han was motionless like a bell, unharmed!

At this time, the ultimate laws were all sealed in Shu Han's body, and only the ultimate yang force law was left to maintain the time acceleration in the mortal world.

Shu Han relied on his own strength to withstand this thunder.

"Good boy!"

"Five thunders!"

Old man Lu's sleeves fluttered, summoning five thunderclouds, which blasted down together.

With the rolling alien power, five thick thunders formed a thunder prison around Shu Han, and continuously bombarded Shu Han's body with small thunders. Shu Han's body was constantly swaying in the thunder prison, but the core was stable and did not fall.

In the continuous five thunders, Shu Han's chaotic body was shattered again and again, but Shu Han shot out a ball of light sealed in his body. The thunder transformed by the alien power immediately bombarded this ball of light with all its strength, and the original body of the Tianji god sealed in the light was immediately shattered in the alien power.

The shattered light ball turned into misty light snowflakes and slowly fell, melting and absorbing on Shu Han's body. Shu Han gradually grasped the true meaning of the Tianji gods in the "Nine Saints Yuming Immortal Art"!

The damaged Chaos Perfect Body was restored to its original state in an instant!

In the Tianji gods, Shu Han even felt the traces of the Yin Force Law!

Shu Han suddenly realized: "The abilities of all the gods in the Nine Saints Yuming Immortal Art are obtained by integrating the four major laws. Nothingness has no ability, and it is only by integrating the laws that it is divided into thousands!"

"No wonder Taoist Chi Yuan praised the "Nine Saints Yuming Immortal Art" as a divine art! The "Heavenly Abyss Immortal Art" compiled by Taoist Chi Yuan is just a fusion of his lifelong learning with nothingness. But Taoist Chi Yuan is a few pounds and his understanding of the laws is so superficial that it can't be more superficial. How can the laws integrated in the "Nine Saints Yuming Immortal Art" be so profound and unfathomable!"

The immortal thunder of the alien immortal power shattered the sealed Tianji gods, allowing Shu Han to thoroughly master the extraordinary abilities given by the Tianji gods. This benefited Shu Han a lot!

Now Shu Han understood that the nine gods were all created by the high priest using the law to fuse the power of nothingness. The high priest distributed the eight gods to the eight priests of the Yuming clan. Since the high priest was the creator, he was the original body. Except for the second priest, the other priests who received the gods were all his clones and obeyed his orders.

The other holy seals of the Yuming clan were derived from the nine gods and were ruled by the nine gods!

In this way, the high priest ruled the nine gods, and the nine gods ruled the Yuming clan. The high priest completed the perfect control of the Yuming clan!

When Shu Han smashed the nine gods in his body, it was equivalent to breaking away from the control of the high priest, which was the cracked "Nine Saints Yuming Immortal Art"!

And now Shu Han smashed the Tianji god, which was equivalent to cutting off the connection with the high priest. The ultimate power of the Tianji god belongs to him!

"Senior, increase the lightning strike!"

Shu Han shouted.

Old Man Lu immediately waved his hands, stirring up a vast amount of alien power, turning it into a terrifying thunder cloud.

"Myriad laws are overwhelming, nine thunders are hitting my head!"

Crack, crack, crack!

Nine mountain-like immortal thunders descended from the sky at the same time, and the nine thunders were like nine evil dragons, bombarding Shu Han in unison. Seeing this, Shu Han forced out the Taiwei God, Tianquan God, Gou Chen God, Kaiyang God, and Tianxuan God sealed in his body in one breath, and suspended these five groups of light above his head to accept the bombardment of alien power thunder.


Under the impact of the majestic alien power thunder, the five groups of light quickly collapsed, and the five gods sealed in them also cracked at a speed visible to the naked eye. Shu Han's Chaos Perfect Body was not spared and was constantly destroyed in the thunder.

Although he could not use the ultimate Yin force law to restore his body, fortunately he now has the completely liberated Tianji God. Tianji God reassembled his body almost instantly.

Destruction and aggregation happened in a moment. In an instant, Shu Han's body experienced thousands of collapses and rebirths, and the endless alien power was successfully integrated into his body. With the blessing of the alien power, the ability of Tianji God became more and more powerful, allowing Shu Han's body to recover directly before it was completely destroyed.

Soon, the five gods hanging high above all collapsed.

The five gods purified by the alien power returned to Shu Han's body.

Taiwei God, who caused a powerful soul shock, was a god born from the fusion of nothingness and spiritual power law!

Tianquan God, who descended with unprecedented pressure that could collapse time and space, was the fusion of nothingness and gravity law.

Gou Chen God, who destroyed and shattered everything, was a god created by the fusion of nothingness and spiritual power law, gravity law, and Yang force law!

Kaiyang God, the ultimate assimilation and fusion, the void creation, the void fusion of spiritual power law and Yang power law.

Tianxuan God, endowed with the ability to observe everything, which was shaped by the four laws of void fusion, among which the spiritual power law dominated, which is why the perspective world has such a powerful observation ability.

Now the six gods all belong to Shu Han.

Shu Han's momentum also rose to an unprecedented peak.

He stood facing the nine-layer alien thunder, and the immortal thunder bombarded his body, but it couldn't shake Shu Han at all. Shu Han looked up at the sky and suddenly opened his mouth. In an instant, the dawn light and alien power transformed into a god who held up the sky and the earth.

That god was not created by the high priest, but by Shu Han himself.

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