The neighborhood whore wants her man to be monogamous

Chapter 32- a principals principles part 1

chapters 1-9 are currently edited

<P.O.V Saito Fuyu>

Tuesday, January 31st

Two beautiful M.I.L.F's in professional clothes speaking outside of the principals office, although one's clothes are disheveled in her attempt to seduce a teenage boy.

"Hachi-san, are you sure you want those forms?"

Me and Hachi Mirai's mother, Hachi Sachiko, are still discussing things about her son outside my office. 

"I wish for her to live as she wants. She has no issues with gender, she doesn't feel misidentified as a male, but she wants to be seen as Haruto's woman. This may seem like a whim or selfish teenage request, but Mirai needs consistency." Hachi-san paused.

"Go on." I'm interested on her take of this..

I don't believe i would treat my child differently if they were born gay or transgendered, but seeing a woman doing what she can to support her child against societues norms? I hope I can have that strength when the time comes for me.

"I don't want Mirai to have to choose a time and place to be something different. I wish for Mirai to be able to express his love and passion freely. These forms could be the first step to heal the damage Sasuke had done." 

"I understand, I will help in any way I can. I want to keep my students safe, I'm only concerned that this might affect Mirai publicly. I do believe it is up to Mirai though, and I will give you the forms to at least give her the choice." Sachiko smiled at me and I smiled back. 

Coming to an understanding I feel like my horizons have been broadened. The situation others have been in and listening to their stories can bring you to a place, mentally, that just living day by day just doesn't give you the opportunity to. You truly can't experience life without others huh?

I turned around and opened the door to my office and I saw Tomaki-kun and Himeno, I think that was her name, making it.


I cleared my throat getting their attention. 

"Ok so what are we going to do about Tomaki-kun's mother?"

"Well I'll be taking my brother to Tokyo to search for our mother of course. Once we know we need-"

"Wait wait! Did you just say, 'your brother' and 'our mother'?"

"Oh yeah!" The girl bowed to me, "good to me you I am Tomaki Himeno, please take care of me."

"Wait, you two are sib-sib-sib-sib-"

"Only by blood~" Himeno joked

"I-I-I can't, can't, this can't be-" my face was pale with shock.

"Sensei," Tomaki-kun said, "I do have that kind of relationship with my sister. This is not a whim, this is not a spur of the moment, this is real love. I am who I am today because of her, if you do feel something for me it is only because of her."

This is a lot to process. My Student has multiple women and is even having sex with his sister. 

What should I do?

"Tomaki-kun! I am worried about your well being. You are having sexual relations with too many people at once, how can you decide if what you feel is truly love and not infatuation?" I scolded him properly.

"I'm the only one if his women he had sex with." Himeno smiled.

"W-w-what?" I was flabbergasted, "you mean with Mirai, Kuwabara-san, and Sagrado-san…."

"All we did so far was kiss, they have been blackmailed for sex for so long that it would be improper to rush into sex. I had a 90 day rule before, but Himeno suggested shortening it since they might want it more than me."

That's too considerate isn't it? A teenage boy should be reveling in having that many women and using them. Is this really a teenage boy?

My cheeks flushed a little.

"I-I-If that's the case then I will choose to believe you Tomoki-kun. I have seen at school you for a while, and I find you highly honest. Ok well I will grab the uniform exemption forms for Mirai and take it to Hachi-san."

"Could you grab an extra form sensei?"

"Huh? For who?"

"For me, I want to support Mirai as best as I can."

"O-o-okay, you guys go ahead I be right behind you."

"Thank you sensei."

Both the Tomaki's left and I grabbed the forms.

What did I get myself into? A brother-sister relationship, Mirai is a case on her own, and now Kuwabara-chan and Sagrado-chan.

Everything happened so fast and my mind was reeling from it. Too many things just transpired and my mind was going to break.

Taking the forms I hurried to the parking lot.



Right by the parking lot an entire scene played out involving Mirai. 

This can't be happening! Are these people walking disasters? There's no way so much things could revolve around one person. Please Hachi-san we were just getting along, don't be mad at me. I'll get more security and get more cameras.

After the Tomaki group left I called the police and said I had trespassers on my school grounds.

When the cops came the boys and I were questioned. They made up a story about about a madwoman attacking them and I pulled them all aside to get their stories for the school records. While taking their statements I asked them if that was the story they wants to go with, since I had no evidence of a mad woman targeting them they could be targeted again if they try to provoke her.

They quickly changed their statements with me and the police officers. Saying it was an unknown delinquent group. This means that if any of Sasuke's cronies show up and I called the police, I can use this incident against them

That's one bullet dodged. Being a principal shouldn't be this hard.



After such a long day I finally got home and showered. Being at home alone used to feel like a prison, but just one day with the Tomaki's and I find it peaceful like a nice respite.

The problem is that now I'm excited. The horrible way my life was controlled, my constant battling, will all of it be over?

That's what they said right? If the Tompkins really can deliver, what will I do then? I'm actually…. Excited… I haven't felt this feeling in a long time. As if Haruto is some kind of prince charming, will he save me from this dragon called life? Threatening to crush my soul in its jaws and leave me an empty husk, will you pull me from the monotony that has been my life? Constant stress, pressure, and fear; can you give me something more?

My lips curl into a smile and I tuck into bed and start reading some light novels before bed.




Wednesday, February 1st

I wake up, use the toilet,, make my morning coffee, make a small meal, prepare a lunch for myself, eat, brush my teeth, shower, get dressed, grab my lunch, and head to work.

Today I am wearing my business casual attire once again, (this time without the seductive wardrobe malfunctions). Gun-gray blazer and skirt, white under shirt, black stockings, and my hair is neatly tied up. I wore my glasses today as I felt it matched my attire.

"Good morning sensei."

"Good morning."

"Good morning sensei."

"Good morning."

"Good morning sensei."

"Good morning."

Making my way past my students I head to my office. Closing the door behind me I walk by my two guest chairs in my office and settle into my desk. I check for any messages on the school phone as well as check my daily itinerary. 

The only new thing I have to do today is call the district superintendent and request more for my security budget.

After several hours of phone tag I finally got my answer, which was a resounding "No."

That is….

I let them know that a hate crime almost happened on campus. This school is highly commended for its athletics department and only our athletic department.

Not that my students are ill-educated.

With our academics being 35th on the nation we aren't doing too bad, but bad press and us being known as muscle heads won't help us with a scandal.

After that everything went by the normal schedule. Working with the student council, I had my lunch with some of the staff, overviewing staff and student suggestions or complaints, and of course making sure my school is safe and secure.

At the end of the day I went home with a smile on my face.




Thursday, February 2nd

I wake up, use the toilet,, make my morning coffee, make a small meal, prepare a lunch for myself, eat, brush my teeth, shower, get dressed, grab my lunch, and head to work.

Today my suit was black.

"Good morning sensei."

"Good morning."

"Good morning sensei."

"Good morning."

"Good morning sensei."

"Good morning."

Making my way past my students I head to my office. Closing the door behind me I walk by my two guest chairs in my office and settle into my desk. I check for any messages on the school phone as well as check my daily itinerary. 




Friday, February 3rd

I wake up, use the toilet,, make my morning coffee, make a small meal, prepare a lunch for myself, eat, brush my teeth, shower, get dressed, grab my lunch, and head to work.

Today my suit was a plain gray.

"Good morning sensei."

"Good morning."

"Good morning sensei."

"Good morning."

"Good morning sensei."

"Good morning."

Making my way past my students I head to my office. Closing the door behind me I walk by my two guest chairs in my office and settle into my desk. I check for any messages on the school phone as well as check my daily itinerary




Is this what freedom is? As predictable as everything is, there is a gentle peace that goe along with it. No longer do I have to worry about that phone ringing and having to hear Sasuke's voice on it.

My great teaching days have returned. The boost in my step was noticeable as everyone from staff to students found me more approachable. The school seemed to be relatively at peace as well. Everything seemed to be going very smoothly.



Over the weekend all I did was go over new policies, stay at home, watch new dramas, and read more light novels.

This is life! I want to put my best efforts into making all my students' school lives better than they ever have been. Without the looming danger of Sasuke I can do that, and even take time for myself. The Tomaki's really delivered, didn't they? 



Everything was going like clockwork, however the smallest hiccup had occurred. On Monday, February 6th, Mirai had turned in his uniform exemption papers along with Harutos. I assumed Haruto won't be home until his mother is found, so taking this paper will be fine. I believe it would all be situated in the end.

Mirai has been getting harassed while on school grounds and although there are witnesses no one wants to step up. 

I guess it has to be an influential person, or Mirai wants to handle it alone? I can't help if no one steps up, they should know that.

I was frustrated at how the situation reminded me of my own past, I wanted to do something to protect Mirai. 

Yet I didn't have to. The harassment only got as bad as verbal abuse and Mirai would always have supporters nearby. Sagrado-san and Miyamoto-san especially.

They are sticking together Huh? That boy is something special to quite a few people.

A smile formed on my face. These last few days have been so simple and free, but in reality I have been trying to focus on other things except for that boy, but the thought of him makes my face flushed and my heart fill with passion.

I imagine doing the things I've always wanted to do. 

Walking around publicly while….. holding hands. Going to a clothes store and have him help me pick out a swimsuit for a beach day. Flying on a plane to somewhere new maybe. Why does my heart beat so much when I think of these things? Why do I think of these things? My cheeks are so hot.

Sitting in my office alone has become my main location for my fantasies to run wild. I have been staying in my office more and more of late to hide my constantly using face.

I've never had the chance to…. Give myself to a man properly, and I want do it properly with someone I feel worthy of it.

Why couldn't this boy be secretly rich so we could just get married right away and not worry about society's standards?

*Pack!* I clapped my cheeks.

No! Fuyu you can't think like that. A couple has to grow together, that's how love develops.



These are my thoughts as of late and they continue to grow with each passing day. Until things took a very interesting turn.



Monday, February 13th

7 am

I received a text message the night before saying that the Tomaki's had to see me to fill out paperwork. So I suggested that they come in before school starts so we can get Haruto settled up quickly.

I got to work very early and waited in my office.

At around 7:05 *knock* *knock* was heard on my door.

"Please come in."

I stood up wearing my best blue blazer suit. Everything was extra tight fitting but the material was flexible so as to not rip with my movements.

The door opened and I bowed.

"Good morning." I looked up.

There was Haruto in the girls uniform. Plaited skirt, short sleeved white shirt, dark vest with the school symbol on it, and his hair was VERY short. His entire facial features were visible.

Such a symmetrical face! His eye brows look like kami drew them in!

I shake my head, there's two other in the room.

Himeno in blue jean shorts and black spaghetti strap.

Sakura is also here, she's wearing the same uniform as Haruto.

""Good morning sensei""

They all replied to me.

"Well since we are all here let's disc-"

"Oh I'm so sorry!" A woman comes jogging into my office.

Oh my God! She's so gorgeous!

This woman is a tall 180 cm, weighs about 67kg, curvy body, voluptuous red hair, and the blackest eyes I have ever seen. She's wearing a maroon business suit with a skirt with a black undershirt. She had light pink lipstick on and radiated feminist, yet at the same time she looked….. dangerous.

"Saito-sensei," Haruto said, "this is my mother, Tomaki Hina."

"Pleased to meet you." She bowed to me, and I think I noticed Himeno scoff.

"Like wise." I bowed in return. I smiled brightly at them. "So how was Tokyo?"


hey guys Author here, been pretty busy. Working and paying bills are taking a lot of my time lately as I have garnered more hours at work. I also do all my writing on my cell phone because I can't afford a laptop. Another thing if done is started a new novel, don't know if you guys have seen it but here's the link- HANAHOU, as always please give me a like or comment.

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