The neighborhood whore wants her man to be monogamous

Chapter 38- milking milfy mommy making mommy mad may mean murder PT. 2

content warning: mention of suicide, leveraging suicide, and overall just a dude being a manipulative dick.

Hiro-nii was a third year in highschool when he saved me from that car. From that day his image was burned brightly into my heart. He was like the prince in the books my mama would always read to me. Now everytime she would read them, I would imagine me as the princess and Hiro-nii as my prince.

As Hiro-nii became a vital existence in my life I was certain it was the same for him. He never got mad at me for clinging to him, and he always doted on me. He would give me head pats even when I didn't ask, make me snacks whenever I visited him, and helped me answer life's hardest questions:

  • spicy curry or mild

  • Hyper Lorio or atomic the porcupine

  • What crayons would win in a fight

    No matter what he would always smile and always be kind. He was a tall and lanky boy with a head of the fullest black hair. It almost reminded me of a chinchilla's fur. He was a tall boy at 182cm, but he was very skinny. He wasn't that athletic and chose to play video games in his free time, which he barely had since he worked part time and planned to go to college. 

     However, that didn't stop him from spending his days with me. Every day I didn't hang out with him I would always ask my mama about Hiro-nii, as he was my favorite person and topic in the whole world. I know I couldn't see him everyday, but just knowing he lived close made me happy.

"You know Hina, you can try and spend more time with me you know." My father said one day after primary school. He was a balding office worker who really doted on me. I loved papa, but, "Hiro-nii is cooler than papa though." I said with my matter of fact tone.


Papa would spit up blood like this very often. I think he might have stomach problems, I didn't know and I had more pressing matters anyway.

"Mama! When is Hiro-nii coming over again?"

"Fufufu~" my mother giggled, "you really love your cousin don't you?"

"Yes mama! Hiro-nii is the best!"

The day Hiro-nii saved me from that car, was actually the day they moved into the neighborhood. My mother was helping them get settled when I ran off. We now live down the street from each other. I just started primary school and Hiro-nii is in college, but he still lives at home because the commute is easy.

Oftentimes I would sneak over to Hiro-niis home to play. He had the wiintendo and we always played multiplayer games. I always chose the princess no matter what game we played. We would have the most epic battles, and he would always be smiling.

I loved that smile so much.



As time went by, aunty gave me a key to their home so I could just come and go as I pleased. I guess it was only Hiro-nii and aunty living there, since I've never seen his dad. Over time one of my favorite things to do was to sneak into Hiro-nii's room and try to surprise him. I never let him know I had a key, and I don't think his mom told him, because if she did, he would have put away the books I found on his night stand.

I didn't know how to read yet so I copied the Kanji onto paper so I could practice them later.

They must have been very naughty, because when I tried to get my mom to help me read it, she blushed furiously and told me I had to wait til I was older to find out.

What secrets are you keeping Hiro-nii?



Growing up was fun. I guess I was pretty popular and made a lot of friends. I had to coordinate my time very well so I could still recharge my Hiro-nii batteries. Everything came second to me spending my quality time with Hiro-nii.




<p.o.v Hina(adult)>

Tuesday, November 15th

We are in a small gym. Half of it is carpeted with weights and resistance bands but we are using the side with hardwood hardwood floors surrounded by mirrors. it's pretty empty at this hour so we have a full range of the facility. I am currently between two arm rails struggling to walk a 5 meter distance. I'm wearing a white tank top and sweatpants. Unfortunately I have no underwear because my son said he had to sell it to creepy old men on the internet to make ends meet. He went out to buy me some but everytime he came back, the underwear was the wrong size. I wasn't able to squeeze my large breasts into them and the panties would almost chafe my pussy. 

He promised to take me shopping once I'm well enough to walk and try on clothes. It's not like I need them anyway, we aren't doing anything that requires me to wear support and it's only my son here, so I don't have to worry about creepy men looking at my see through tank top.

Sweat is dripping down my face. My breath is hot and heavy. My legs are shaking uncontrollably under my weight. I grip the handrails harder than before. I try to press my foot forward as I shift my weight.

"Come on mommy, you can do it!"

My son's arms are out, waiting for me to enter his embrace. 

He really has been working me very hard these last couple of weeks. 

A smile forms on my face looking at my cheering son.

"NNNNGGGHHH." I groaned in pain as I added step after step in front of me. My arms are shaking under my distributed weight. *pant* *pant*


The words in my mind resonate to my soul. I put everything I have into the next couple of steps. My shaking leg gives out on me, but I catch myself and I push myself up and once my leg is back under me, I push off the handrails and stumble the last two steps into my son's awaiting arms.

"I got ya!" He called out as he grabbed me mid fall, "that was amazing mom! You're so strong!"

I rested my head onto his shoulder. His lower center of gravity allowed me to try and stand again. "Thank you Haruto, this would be impossible without you."

"It's a sons job to take care of their mother, when they need it after all."

"Hahn!" I moaned a little as my son cupped the underside of my large motherly breasts.

"Sorry mom, I need to get a good grip to help you to your wheelchair." He said as he leveraged my breasts to hoist and drag me to my wheelchair to the side of him.

"Hahhhhh!" I take a deep breath in relief, finally taking my weight off my legs. My son turned to adjust my legs but I grabbed the hem of his borrowed nurse scrubs. "Haruto, thank you. If you weren't here, and I lost everything….. I.." my tears began to form.

"Shhhhh'" he turned to me and smiled, "mom I asked you to call me Haru now, our lives are different and I had to become different to survive."

His words caused my heart to ache. My absence from this boy's life is unforgivable. When he told me that my daughter Himeno killed herself last year from all the stress of raising him, I felt like I wanted to join her. I wanted to see my Hiro-nii again, but I can't abandon this boy, not a second time.

"Besides mom, there's no place I'd rather be than with you." With those words he kissed my cheek softly, then he looked into my eyes and he leaned in and kissed my lips….



What I thought was going to be a quick peck lasted a little longer than I think he intended. I pushed him off a little and he easily backed away.

What was he trying to do?... no I can't think like that, he's been isolated and lonely. He obviously was just caught up in the moment.

"Haru, thank you." He smiled at me and I smiled back, he rolled me out of the studio and we went to eat lunch. 




<p.o.v Hina(early years)>

Many years ago

    In my 4th year of primary school I still had the habits I used to have, of sneaking into Hiro-nii's room. He still doesn't know that I had a key. I would sneak into his room, hide in his closet and when he came home I would wait for when he's not paying attention and sneak up on him. He would always think I just arrived. His surprised face was just too cute.

    However on this day it was me who ended up being surprised. 

I huddled to one corner of his closet and he abruptly opened the opposite. Not paying any attention to me, he reached up and grabbed a book hidden between his clothes.

That looks like the book I found that one time. Only it looks a little newer.

Disrupting my thoughts, my Hiro-nii quickly undid his belt. I didn't know what I was looking at, my face flushed red! I nearly died of a heart attack.

I bathed with Hiro-nii before, but he was never….never…. 


It looked like the size of my leg!


Does he have trouble walking with that?

Soon Hiro-nii put the book on his desk in the room, opened up his laptop, and grabbed some tissues.

"Welcome back onii-san!~"

A voice from the computer leaked out. It sounded like a little girl.

"Have you been looking at other girls again? Will your imouto have to suck slut juice off your amazing cock again?~"

Huh? Wait, what is she saying!? Those are pretty bad words!

"If you keep sticking this unfaithful dick in those cumdumpsters, I might have to cut it off, heehee~"

Cut what off?!

"Mmmmm…. Didn't Like me threatening you're big dick? You look so angry Onii-chan, will you finally use my baby hole to vent your feelings? Or is my tight asshole all you can think about at school~"

I was confused and a little scared, but watching my Hiro-nii play with himself made me feel…...tingly

*hahhh* *mmmmmm* *Aaaaa*

Does it really feel that good?

I witnessed my Hiro-nii finish 4 times. He quickly closed his computer and put the book back without noticing me and left the room.

My face was flushed and between my legs were tingling.

Quickly I reached to grab the book he was reading and sat in the closet, letting the light from his room leaking under the closet be used to see the contents. Now that I'm older I can make out the words.

"My Yandere Imouto forces me to fuck her and mother so she can be impregnated happily."

This is a strategy guide/Manga for the game on Hiro-niis laptop. Its about a little girl who doesn't want to lose her big brother so she forces herself to get pregnant, cucks the other heroines, and forces the MC to make their mother a sex slave so they can live together in incest happiness.

The little girl overpowers the Otaku MC often due to her physical training as a child. 

Could me and Hiro-nii…… be like this? This has to be what he wants right?!

I quickly dashed out the door and ran home avoiding being caught by Hiro-nii. I caught my mother and Aunty talking outside our home.

"Mom! Mom! Mom!"

"Hmmm? What is it dear?" She asked calmly even though I was being irritating.

"I have to sign up for karate and boxing!"

""Ehhhhh?!"" Both my mom and aunt were surprised.

"I have to be a strong woman for Hiro-nii!"

"Ara ara~" My aunt chuckled into her hand.

"Hina, you know that Hiro-nii is your cousin right? So being with him would be….. complicated." My mother looked saddened and then stared at my aunt.

"Huh? What do you mean? I need to be strong to help Hiro-nii get what he wants!" I said with a pout.

"Oh? So like helping him achieve his dreams?" My aunt asked.

"Yes!" I fist pumped the air.

"In that case, wouldn't it be fine Hirono?" My aunt gave my mother pleading eyes.

"Fine, ok. Don't cry and quit in the middle of it though, alright?" She spoke those words in a very soft tone.

"Un!" I nodded cheerfully.




<p.o.v Hina(adult)>

Wednesday, November 23rd

"Mom, you should take out as much as you can."

"Why take out more than we need?" I asked quizzically

"You are only learning to walk now, your body still can't stay active for long, so if we no longer have to stop at a bank or an ATM machine we can go on with our business directly."

"Huh, I guess that's true."

      My son has been pestering me to buy something for our home, and honestly he deserves it. I want to pay back the kindness and patience he's shown me.

We walked into the bank and once I tried to access my account they told me it was frozen. I had to provide documentation to prove who I was. At the end of it all they offered their condolences and told me that my husband's life insurance and retirement payments will be accessible through, what used to be, our joint account.

      Tears began to fall from my eyes as I am reminded of the love of my life again. The amount of money he left behind was staggering. I could live life without working and Haru will be able to get sent to college. That man, my Hiro-nii, he truly was the best man in the world.

      With his life insurance and retirement payments, I have an accumulated 200 million yen in the bank and will receive a monthly payment of 250,000 yen from my husband's retirement until it's used up. The fact that my husband died in a freak accident provided a clause that doubled what we should have gotten.

    I still have to speak with my lawyer about my husband's will, but with me and Haru being the last of his household, I don't have a need to rush. I withdrew 10 million yen, and decided to spoil my son today.




My body feels so tired! Laying down after a long day feels amazing. Whew! It's very surprising though, I didn't expect Haru to be able to spend 10 million yen in a day. I guess all those years of being frugle must have really left him wanting a lot. He did buy us a car so it would be easier to get around. Hmmmm, he didn't want me at the dealership though because he wanted it to be a surprise. As long as he's happy-

I had a quick shower and I am wearing only a white tank top as I forgot to buy myself underwear that fits. The tank top is also a little small, it looks like a stretched out sports bra on my large motherly tits.

"Huh?" A movement disrupts my thoughts. I look down and see my son sitting on the bed with me. He's only wearing boxers allowing his defined bulge to be noticeable. 

He certainly got something from his father. *sigh*..... Hiro-nii…. I miss you.

"Mom, can I sleep with you tonight?"

"Aren't you a bit old to be sleeping with mommy?" I said with a smirk.

"It's just…." Haru began to tear up.

"Honey, what's wrong?" I tried to sit up, but my body was exhausted. So I could only raise my head.

"Being reminded about dad…. How Nee-san couldn't…." His tears began to fall. "I've been so lonely mom. I dedicated my life to making sure I can be there for you, my last real family in this world."

Those words shook my soul. I've been taken care of by my son and he did it so well I never thought about the time and effort he must have put in to make sure he can take care of me. He has dedicated his time for me and all I did was brush it off as if it wasn't extraordinary, but he is intact extraordinary. He told me that a friend he had made while visiting me, was a resident nurse and taught him everything about caring for me. He said he used to sleep in my room because he had nowhere else to go. The resident nurse had signed on for the apartment because he believed in my son being able to pay for it. 

I really have to offer my thanks to that person when I meet them. They raised my son when I could not. They trained him so well that after he graduates High School, he might be able to enter the medical field.

Mere weeks of his help and I can almost function properly after 3 years of being in comatose. All while under the burden of being alone. He said he had to sell the house to be able to rent out the small apartment we live in yet even that must have been painful. He truly lost everything.

"Come here son, I was just teasing you." I opened my arms and called him over. He happily jumped into my embrace. He nestled his face into my breasts and hugged me, I felt something harden on my thigh but brushed it off as a natural reaction.

"I love you mom."

"I love you too son, you're so good at taking care of mommy. I think you can even be a nurse or a doctor when you grow up."

"That can never happen," he said  as he rubbed his cheek into my milky white pillows of pleasure, obviously only to get comfortable. "Once mama is healed, I'm going with papa and nee-san."



"Harut- *ahem*, Haru it's not good to joke about things like that." I said sternly and he lifted his head and looked at me into my eyes. His precious face is familiar yet not at the same time. His reddened eyes bore into my heart.

"Mom….. You can be healed and live a great life and find a new person to love. I…. I cannot," he drops his gaze from my own. "I'm a horrible son."

"Don't you say that! You've been feeding me, cleaning me, helping me, you are the best son!" I fought hard to not raise my voice.

Did this boy just tell me he's going to heal me, just to leave me alone again?

"What makes you a horrible son!?" My eyes are tearing up.

"Mother…." He said as he pulled up to his knees showcasing his engorged bulge in his boxers. "I've been taking care of mother all this time, but it reacts like this when I'm near you. I compare all the girls at school to you, but mother is too beautiful. When I play with it all I can think of is, mother. I'm a failure of a son, seeing my mother this way but its what I really want and I can't fight it anymore. I know its wrong to be in a relationship like this with my mom, and I know mom would hate me if I tried. So once mom is better, I will just….. disappear."

Disappear!? No! He's all I have left! He can't leave me alone like this.

"Son we can never do that, but we can find you a nice girl who-"

"No! I already tried to look at other women, mom I tried. It had to be you, but I won't force mom to ever-"


My heart froze. My mind was working too hard trying to of what to do, or what to say. I owe my son and I definitely understand his issue, especially with what happened with Hiro-nii. If I already crossed that familial line already, then I can just think of this as doing a favor for my son.

This will be like, me just helping him masturbate, right?

"I-I-If you doing that will make you happy, mommy owes Haru so much, so of course if that's what you want…. We can." I slowly raised my shirt to allow my breasts to be free, 

If only I paid attention to the grin on "that persons" face at the time. Never in my life could I have realized what was really going on at the time. I was so stupid that I hate myself when I look back on those events. However, the blood on my hands wasn't what hurt the most. It was how it all affected the REAL Haruto.

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