The neighborhood whore wants her man to be monogamous

Chapter 39- milking milfy mommy making mommy mad may mean murder PT. 3

i have only one more chapter for the Hina arc, next chapter brings us back to the cafe and the next arc will be Haruto.

<P.O.V Hina>

Younger years

My mother and aunty enrolled me in the different hand to hand combat classes I requested and I learned a lot from my senses. I, however, wasn't satisfied. My target was a full grown adult, these hour and a half long sessions every few days weren't going to cut it. So I did the only logical thing I could do.

Real life applications.

If I had to be stronger than a fully grown boy, than the best thing for me to do was to practice on boys, not grown right?

To become stronger I began hunting bullies, it was a very rough start and I didn't exactly know what I was doing. I would just walk up to a bully and begin a weird speech like they did in my favorite cartoons, but these bullies didn't wait for the speech to end before I was getting pushed and my hair was getting pulled.

What kind of villain didn't let the hero finish their proclamations of love and friendship?!

It was very hard to hide my bruises and evidence of my activities at first, but I just couldn't give up. 

Using my key to Hiro-niis home I would sneak in and try to use my Aunt's makeup to cover up my bruising. I hate to admit it, but I looked like a circus clown. That is until one day when my aunt caught me, I thought she was at work but it was apparently her day off. She sat me down and we went over how to use make up. She had a warm and gentle feel to her almost as if a mother was teaching her daughter for the first time on how to seduce.

Of course that couldn't be the case, I was far too young.

"Hina-chan, remember, no matter what you do, if you don't give it your all, then you shouldn't have done it in the first place. The world doesn't only recognize the best, but it will only recognize those who give their best." She smiled at me and patted my head after helping me finish my shading.

"I'm really trying…" I said with a pout.

"Well, this is what I do and I taught this to Hiroshi as well."

She had me and her face the mirror. She told me to just quickly remember what I want, remember what I need to do, and remember what I've done so far to get it. Then she said to take a slow and deep breath and then….


*giggle* *giggle*

My mom would never let me talk like that!

"When you yell it, look into your heart for the answer. Only your answer will get you to where you need to be."

She kissed my forehead and my spirit was renewed. I felt stronger from our talk. I felt like I could do anything….



Reality however was painfully different. 

Every bully I challenged beat me up. It got so bad I started to hunt bullies younger than me. I needed a win, and I didn't know how to get it.



One day I was walking home from school. My face bruised up and both my knees had band aids on them. In my JS uniform I looked like the typical child. Black hair in pig tails, chubby cheeks, and bangs above my eyebrows.

"What are you going to do about it!?"

"My friend stepped in your dogs shit, so how will you compensate!?"


I saw two boys hovering around a girl wearing my uniform. She had her long hair braided and she was wearing glasses. She looked like a nerdy type.

But I won't judge people by how they look! Love and Justice comes in all forms!

In her hand is a neon green leash and it leads to a cute corgi being held by one of the boys. The way he's holding the dog over his head, it looks like he can throw it on the ground at any time.

The boys are wearing all black uniforms. Both have bowl cut hair and they look similar to each other. 

Those uniforms! Those are middle school boys!

"P-p-please… put.. him down." The girl whimpered

"Oh put him down? Like this?!" The boy holding the puppy acted like he was about to throw it on the ground.

"STOP!" the girl shrieked.

"Oh yeah!? Then apologize!" The other boy towered over her looking down at her. 

"I-I-I'm sorry…."

"That's not an apology!" 

"AHHHHHHHH!" the girl shrieked as the boy pulled her hair and dragged her to the ground.

"Bow down and put your head in the dogs shit! That's an apology!" The boy said pulling the girl's hair bringing her closer to the smeared poop on the ground.

No, no, no, no, no! What do I do!? What do I do!? 

I looked all around and there wasn't a person in sight.

I need help! She needs help! What can I do against Middle schoolers!?

My tears begin to form in my eyes. I'm frustrated, I'm angry, and…. I'm afraid.

I need to do something! What can I do!? I hate this….. 

The thoughts of everything I've been through rushed through my mind; all the training, all the fighting, all the bruises.

How can I make Hiro-nii mine like this!? What was it all for?!

Something started to churn in my stomach. I felt sick, like something was going to come up, and it wasn't food. I squeezed my eyes closed, pushing a tear out. I clenched my fists and I felt it.

I felt it coming

I began to sweat.

It was rising above my chest now

Entering my throat

Until, it finally came out of my mouth.


""Huh?!"" The two boys turned in my direction, only to see a blur of pig tails jump into the air and land a drop kick to the face of the one without the dog.


He goes down like a sack of potatoes, letting the girls hair go. I get up quickly and aim at the one holding the dog. Hes confused at the situation, so it slowed him down. I'll take that chance!


I kick upward with all my might and land my blow on his family jewels.


"OOOOOOMPH!" the boys body folds into itself and he falls to the ground slowly, allowing the girl to grab her dog.

I jump onto the boy I drop kicked and begin to pummel him with punches.


He began to cry and I felt my damage was sufficient. I got up and glared at his bloody nose and tear soaked face causing him to get up quickly and rush to his downed friend.

"Don't bully anyone, ANYMORE!" I was shaking my fists at them as they ran away.




It took a little while for me to calm down before realization hit.

I won!?

"I WON!!" I began jumping up and down. I even began a little dance before I realized I had an audience freezing me in my tracks.

"Eh? Heh heh heh." I stared at the glasses girl who was staring at me.


"Jeez can you spit it out?!"

"THANBOU! Ow!" The girl holds her mouth. "I bi-ma-tongue."

"Hehehee!" I begin to laugh. "I'm glad I was able to help you."

"My name"

"Is this how you talk all the time?" I looked at her with a cocked eyebrow.

"MY-NAME-IS-HAYABUSA-AMI-PLEASE-BE-MY-FRIEND!" As soon as she yelled that she hid her blushing face using her puppy as a shield. "A-a-and this is fluffy."

"Hi Hayabusa-chan, Hello Fluffy. I am Akio Hana, please take care of me."

And just like that, my first victory was rewarded with my greatest friend.




Over the years my wins became more and more numerous. I'm no longer that girly girl I used to be.

"BACK OFF ASSHOLES!" yelled Ami as we walked the halls of our middle school.

"DON'T GET IN THE QUEENS WAY!" She said as she separated the bodies in the hall to allow my group to walk through.

Majority of my crew were women that were being bullied or harassed and now they see the strength they can have for themselves if they just tried. (By try I mean train and fight multiple times a week)

Yup I've become the leader of the toughest group in my area. Even as a first year middle schooler we can still win fights against some high schoolers.

I've gotten stronger and stronger through all my efforts. However I've never forgotten what my true purpose and goal was….

and I think it's time to get the trophy I earned.




<P.O.V Hina>

Wednesday, November 30th

"Hahhh! Fuck! Yes! Yessss!"

My ripened pussy folds are being spread open by my son. He's not as big as his father but his aggressiveness makes up for the lacking amount of cock.

My sweet gentle husband, I'm so… sorry. I'm taking our sons cock in me again. Please forgiiiiiivvvvvvee….


"Do you like my cock mother?"

Haruto, I mean, Haru is standing up behind me as I squat like a frog with my ass in the air. To help me rebuild strength Haru has me hold my body up in these positions as a form of isometric exercise. I hold my body up just so my nipples can scrape on the ground with every thrust my son gives me.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!"

*pack* *pack* *pack*

The sound of our flesh echoes in the empty gym studio we use for my training. Haru pulled my tits out of the top of my tank top forcing them up to my face. He ripped a hole in my spanks thats only noticeable when I spread my legs or ass apart, like I'm doing right now.

Haru makes me dress this way before we walk out of the house. I'm allowed a jacket until I reach the studio but I'm not allowed to adjust my pussy or tits. My tits being pushed up is causing me to get stares, on the way here I've been so nervous that I began to sweat, especially between my legs. Although no one could see the slit allowing access to my pussies entrance, the breeze I felt made me quiver.

"What a whore you are mom. Squeezing so hard on my cock. Thats good mom, squeeze it. I brought a plug so that I can cork your pussy after I cum in you. You'll walk around with your tits out, pussy exposed, and your sons cum in you."


My son's words caused a rippled up my spine. 

My son is standing behind his shameful mother, whose squatting exposing her pussy to him. I'm being fucked by my son! I'm going to get my sons cum again! He's going to have me walk around with his cum in me, trying to give him a child/sibling in my womb. He's going to mark me and let everyone know I'm his property. He's claiming me as his! Fuck, fuck, fuck!


My pussy gushes shameful fluids.


My body can no longer hold out and my arms give way causing my body to fall onto my large lifted tits. My tits hit the floor first and become a pillow for my head, allowing my ass to still be in the air.

*pack* *pack*

"Here's your cum mom."

"Yes~" I said in a euphoric voice.


*GOOSH* *goosh* *GOOSH*

"HMMMMMMM!" my son groaned as he forcefully pushed his cum out into me. It's something he started doing as soon as he stopped using condoms. He tries to make sure that I receive ALL he has to offer. When he fucks my ass he likes to push until he pisses in me. Its healthy to urinate after cumming was his excuse, but I was so drawn into my orgasm that he could've just said I was a dirty bitch and deserved it, and I would've gladly accepted.

Just like he promised he had a plug ready and he corked my filled pussy.

"Haaahn" I moaned as he inserted it.

"Ok mom, don't forget that you have to try and squeeze on this to keep it from falling out. This will help tighten your core in areas normal ab workouts won't reach. How is your body holding up? You've progressed so much, but we can't have you being over fatigued."

My son said as he adjusted his little scrubs. I still can't believe that they made scrubs for teen trainees. He looks so mature on them, even with his young face.

"Everything….feels….. amazing…." I let out slowly.




It's been two-weeks since we started this taboo relationship. I was very reluctant at first, but Haru stepping up and taking command in the situations had actually allowed me to be eased into the situation. I cried myself to sleep for the first few days, thinking I was a failure as a mother but Haru wouldn't allow me to feel like that.

"Mother, I threatened to kill myself. All you did was save my life. Any mother who wouldn't save their child, isn't a mother."

His words and actions brought me back from despair. The sex was mediocre at first but as I became more comfortable with him being my partner…. A switch flipped in me.

Fucking my son. A mother fucking her son. Thinking about it now, makes me so wet. 

Allowing him to be the decision maker also made this all the easier. He keeps me in my place, allowing me never to have to overthink. Everything he does turns me on; from the sex exercise, to the humiliation, and the possibility of having his child. All of it is slowly turning me into a naughty woman.

The idea of incest never really made me horny, or at least I think it didn't. But, if it did…. That would explain how I ended up where I am now.


"Are you ok mom?"

"Hmm? Oh! Yes! I'm fine."

"Ok good. Remember to squeeze, ok? Now we will start some free weight exercises, but keep squeezing."

"Yes dear."

"Also, do you think we could go shopping after this?"

Haru made me withdraw A LOT of cash at a different bank branch so that we wouldn't need to renew my bank card, and so that we could just use it as we go. So I have a large amount back at our apartment.

"I think you deserve a reward." I smiled gently at him.

"Before we start can I ask, when did you start lifting weights? Your form is always perfect even though you were in a coma."

"Hehehe, loving your strong mommy huh?" I gave him a teasing grin.

"Just wondering." He said with a straight face.

Meh, he never reacts to my teasing. Hiro-nii really spoiled me with his reactions.

"Well, I started lifting weights in secret when I was 10 years old. I wanted to be as strong as I could be to…. Support someone important."

(Hina learned that she needed to keep her past a secret and doesn't wanna expose her past.)

"That's a really young age. That's not healthy."

"Hehehe.." I let out a weak chuckle, "It really wasn't."




<P.O.V Hina>

Many years ago

Hiding in my Hiro-nii's closet again. I was hoping I would get the show again, but reality and expectations rarely go hand in hand. I have grown accustomed to this show once a week as well as participating

One day while watching Hiro-nii play with himself, I felt hot in my panties, causing me to touch a part of me that was throbbing. As I touched it while watching Hiro-nii, everything felt so….. amazing. I didn't know anything could feel better, until:

"Hmmmm." I muffled my moan as I was masturbating before Hiro-nii even came in to the room. The anticipation has gotten to me, and I couldn't wait.

*click* *slam!*


Hiro-nii burst through his door and slammed it. He looked panicked. He was breathing hard.

*pant* *pant* *pant*

"HMMMMM! OK OK!" Hiro-nii was talking to himself. 


He slapped his cheeks

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" He whispered to himself.

"Whew… fufufu… *pant*" He took some deep breaths and he went back to the door and opened it.

My eyes opened wide. Into his room walked a woman about his age. She wasn't that beautiful but she was far from ugly. Long black hair, pouty lips, slightly curvy hips, but rather small boots.

Even my boobs are bigger and I'm a first year middle schooler you fucking hag.

(Hina has A-cups, she doesn't know what a big book is….. yet)

Huh? Why am I mad?

Removing my hands from my panties I began to observe what was transpiring in front of me. Hiro-nii and this girl are apparently studying, but the way she kept looking at him.

I hate it.

She would do subtle things like touch his hand, brush her shoulder to his, as they were about to kiss I couldn't take it anymore. I took out my phone and message him. They were staring at eachothers eyes and leaning closer to eachother, then.


"Ahh!" Hiro-nii was startled by the noise. Realizing what was going to happen, he turned bright red. "I-I-I gotta check this!" He panicked and grabbed his phone.

"Who is it?"

"Oh… uh just my cousin. She wants to hang out."


"Uhm… yeah?"

"So I have competition for your time?"

"Huh?! Wait! No! No! Shes so young, you have nothing to worry about."

"So if she was older I would?"

"Wait wait!" Hiro-nii is so red he looks ready to explode.

"Hehehe~ I'm just playing. It's gotten late, so you can go ahead. I should be heading home."

The flustered, and obviously frustrated, girl leaves in a huff. The act alone makes a small grin appear on my lips. 

It appears the time to act is now.

I waited for Hiro-nii to leave the room to create my appearing act.

"Surprise!" I yelled as he came back to his room.

"Ahhh! That was really quick Hina-chan."

"Come on, let's play." 

We immediately played some video games and I told him I would go make snacks. This house is like a second home to be, so I know where everything is. I head downstairs and stop in my aunt's room, she has trouble sleeping and has very strong sleeping aids.

I grab a couple and replace the bottle. I head to the kitchen, using a butter knife I crush the pills. I make a plate of cookies and a couple of glasses of juice. I spiked Hiro-niis juice and took it upstairs.

Hiro-nii, all these years has lead up to tonight. I want to give you back some of the happiness you gave me.

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