The neighborhood whore wants her man to be monogamous

Chapter 43- Haruto’s hurting himself pt. 3

welcome to the hell that is Harutos life. Let's see if we can get some good developmentreal soon

          Himeno and I walked to the other end of the hospital wing. Himeno explained to me that the nurse she walked with wasn't on duty the evening our mother disappeared. The one doctor that did work that evening was supposed to come in later today, but he had called out sick. Since there was no way he would've known about us visiting or the reason we'd visit, we stroked that off as a coincidence.

Honestly I never even thought of a doctor calling in sick, but I guess that's a thing.

We reached the door I last visited with the nurse that was my guide, just as she was coming out.

"Oh!" She squeaked in surprise while she was adjusting her uniform. Her face still flushed red from our time together. "I didn't expect you to still be here."

"Well, we are still doing an investigation after all."

"Not much of an investigation if all he inspected were your insides." Himeno quipped with a grin, causing the nurse to blush lightly.

"Oh, well what did you need help looking into?"

"Our mother disappeared from this hospital and we are looking for leads. Talking with workers or patients that saw her last or investigating her room for clues."

"Wait? Disappeared?" The nurse looked shocked, "this room was her room," she pointed at the room we committed a heavy boom-boom in. "But, when did she disappear? Were you able to get her home that night you signed her out?"

"Oh wow Haruto, you had sex in mom's…." Himeno was smiling while she started to speak but the end of the nurse's testimony started to sink in. Me and Himeno gave each other a look, then back at the nurse.

"What do you mean the night I signed her out?" I asked sternly.

The nurse's face dropped a little and showed some confusion. She looked between me and Himeno and saw the hostile intent we had while facing her. She didn't know what to say, she was staggered in this situation.

"Were you working on October 31st?" Himeno asked.

"Um….I… I…" The nurse looked like a child being caught with candy at bed time. Her eyes darted in every direction they even landed on me as if pleading for help.

"Please!" I looked at her in her eyes as if I was pleading as well. "It's our mom, we just found out she was signed out of the hospital. We need to find her. My…." I struggled to get my words out, this whole situation has stressed me more than I let on. "My family has been broken for so long. Please, help bring us back together." 

"I-I-I….. I filled out her release forms." She admitted.

"YOU STUPID BITCH!" Himeno lunged at the nurse and grabbed her neck. I tried to intervene, but not before Himeno hit the nurse hard enough to knock her unconscious and continued to choke the limp body of the nurse.

"HIME! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!" I yelled, pulling her off the nurse, allowing her body to fall. Realizing we raised a commotion I pushed Himeno into the vacant room and dragged the nurse in as well. I shut the door behind and listened in if anyone was coming…. After a few minutes the coast seemed clear.

Man are they short staffed or just used to outbursts on this floor? I was certain we'd have security come by.

I turn around and face Himeno.

"She was talking! What the fuck are you doing?"

"I…." Himeno avoided my gaze and looked down. "I miss mom too, and knowing this woman is at fault…" she let out a small sigh, "I just lost my cool. I'm sorry."

I want to stay mad at her, but she's so straightforward it's hard. Has Himeno always been ruled by her emotions like this? I thought she was more collected than this.

"Just.." I looked around, "Help me get her on the bed. Without another word we moved the nurse onto the bed and me and Himeno stood around in awkward silence. It was 20 minutes before the nurse began to stir awake.


"Uhhh…." The nurse slowly opened her eyes and moved her head to survey the room. Himeno and I got closer to her as she begun to move, the nurse turned her head to see Himeno coming closer and she instantly went pale and began to shield her face.

"No, no! It's alright," I said to the nurse while motioning to Himeno to stay back. "Please, I won't let her harm you, she's just very upset about our mother. Tell us what you know and we can leave you alone sooner and forget this all happened." The nurse was still being very cautious, but she lowered her arms and tried to relax.

"I...I...I'm sorry." The nurse's angelic voice was now a little stiffer and high pitched. Her jaw seems to have a little bit of swelling where Himeno hit her. The nurse sat up and began to tell the story of what happened, including her being caught on video by the kidnapper, who she thought was our mom's son.

Me to be specific. I have no sympathy for this woman, but her being a victim of circumstance makes her actions at least understandable. Her and this hospital's punishment will come later, first and foremost is finding my mother.

 The nurse, whose name was Teramitsu Chitose, said she is willing to collaborate with us. She also informed us that the perpetrator always came in wearing a medical mask, baggy clothes/a sweater, and some sort of head-wear.  Seeing my clothes and my face for the first time she mistook me for the kidnapper because we asked for my mother, who never had any other visitors besides her son and Hayabusa-san.

After she told us her story we told her not to tell anyone else about this. Places with a lot of Money have ways of controlling situations if they are informed beforehand, we didn't want to give the hospital any leeway so we kept our findings quiet. After Himeno and I left the hospital the first thing we did was call Hayabusa-san. We wanted to immediately inform Hayabusa-san of the situation.

While on speakerphone Hayabusa-san was…… I don't want to say orgasming….. but she was VERY enthusiastic about the situation with the hospital and said she will begin working on paperwork and to prepare to have enough money to be buried in

I think she was glad that our mother was kidnapped and most likely alive, rather than murdered.

Once we finished our phone call with Hayabusa-san, everything suddenly hit me. All of this, everything that's happening, it's real

This was all hard to believe yesterday when I heard about it, but it really happened. I'm supposed to be a teenage kid living my life and trying to graduate, maybe looking for a girlfriend. Instead I've been involved in one of the most gut wrenching relationships anyone has ever heard of, I fell into a plot of sex trafficking, ended up in poly relationship, got thrown into a wall by a murderous yet fatherly former gangster whom I later befriended, and my Mother was kidnapped from a hospital after being comatose. I almost miss my biggest problem being if Sakura was going to get pregnant. That reminds me……

I reached into my pocket and took out a business card.

                      [  Hajime Miyuki

Psychoanalyst, Counseling, Psychologist ]

I already have something for Sakura, so I have to focus on mom for now.

Teramitsu-san explained that the kidnapper always shows up twice a week, not on the same days but always at the same time. She also explained how the kidnapper never seemed to have a car at first but a little recently has been waving around car keys while bragging about having it paid off, so they might live close by if he wheelchaired our mom out of the hospital. That piece of information was probably the biggest help for us. Me and Himeno decided that Himeno will scope out the hospital everyday, while I look around the city and hopefully spot our mother or at least find leads on her.

It was honestly a lot of information for us to find so quickly that I was equally happy as I was worried. 

After listening to Teramitsu-san and learning how deviant this assailant is, I'm worried what he might have subjected my mother to. 

Thoughts of a man abusing my mother repeats in my mind. My angelic mother in my memories has always been kind if not a little immature. She was always smiling and if I could say anything, seemed like she had reached the epitaph of happiness. Now that image is sullied my a mysterious villain who seems to take pleasure in violating women.

This is my mother, I won't tiptoe around her kidnapper if he's another Sasuke. The other girls had their own situations I had to think about. My mother only had me and Himeno, it doesn't matter what happens to her, we will accept her back and love her with everything we got. So if that son of a bitch hurt her in any fucking way, I will fucking ki-


Himenos face appeared right in front of mine as she landed a soft kiss on me. I shake my head to get out of my thoughts.

"Huh?" I glanced around, the are is completely different from where we just were. How far did we walk?, "Did uhhh….. something happened?"

"I've been calling out to you for a while, and when you didn't respond I noticed you had this…. Look on your face." Himeno touched my forehead, then caressed my face, "it was a scary face, are you ok?"

"Yeah…." I tried to shake my thoughts, but holding in feelings never helped anyone. "No, actually," I then explained to Himeno my thoughts of mom after what the nurse told us. Himeno looked at me with slight hesitation at my foul language that I couldn't hold back.

"Big sis is here. You're not alone." She hugged me. I looked around us and stared at all the passersby, to them we are just an overly affectionate couple but the reality is very different. Worried someone might piece things together about me and Himeno, I separated from her abruptly.

Himeno had a look on her face that was mixed with shock and confusion. Her arms were still up and now we were just awkwardly standing there.

"We should explore the area and look at all the homes and apartments nearby so we can make a map for the search tomorrow." I said as I walked around her. When I passed her she finally put her arms down and followed behind me.

We walked  A LOT that day. We tried to check everywhere in a 3.5 kilometer radius from the hospital. We found a few apartment complexes and several homes. We don't know much about the kidnapper, but if they bragged about having a paid off car then they probably aren't rich enough to own a home and they must be young as well if I was mistaken for him.

So we mapped out all the apartments. The rich ones to the conservative/poor ones. Knowing the kidnapper just purchased a car also helps, but that would be information the police can use, not us.

There are 7 dealerships near us and we wanna check them out to get information, but we doubted that they'd give us the info we wanted. Especially since we didn't involve the police yet. Once the police are involved then the kidnapper my get informed, so the plan was to get as much information as we can to either find mom or help the police.

*several hours later*

It was now the afternoon and a couple of alarm clocks told us that should be all for today.


Mine and Himeno's stomachs made some sounds. We've been hard at it since this morning, and mainly on foot. It was about time we got hungry.

"We should go get something to eat and head back to the hotel room."


If someone would take a photo, out us, or just recognize us we could lose everything. Incest is illegal, even though I don't know how illegal, I'm afraid to lose Himeno again. I can't let that happen when I just got her back.

My thoughts were justified, my thoughts were logical, my thoughts were valid. However, Love can trump all reason, and I just didn't see it yet….. not until everything was almost too broken.


Himeno and I decided on some K*C(Kentucky Chicken). There aren't too many back home and they were far from my house making me unable to try one, so we took the chance to try something new. There were gray colored tiles covering floor, white walls, and red chairs with gray top tables. We ordered and waited in awkward silence. 

The atmosphere between us has been weird lately, what's the cause? When we are alone everything is fine but when. In public it's like-

"Order 458!" The male cashier called out our order cutting off my thoughts. We find an inconspicuous table in the center of the restaurant and take a seat. 

""Itadakimasu."" Me and Himeno call out. Still uneasy about our tension I slowly bit into the first piece of fried chicken.

*Crunch* *Crunch* *Chew* *Chew* *Ch---


My eyes expanded, my nostrils flared, and my throat lubricated itself in preparation for this hunk of meaty goodness. The crunchy outer texture adds a flavor to the ears but once bitten a wave of aroma and spices hit my tongue and nostrils. It was as if my face was being penetrated in all its holes my the decadent soliloquy of the chicken's self introduction. It delivered directly to my palette and my brain almost left me in a daze.

I need MORE!!!

My filthy desires kicked in, but a note of rationality still lingered.

I can't devour this chicken and have it disappear….. I MUST ORDER MORE FIRST!

I rushed to the counter to order a family meal with a crazed look in my eyes that frightened the cashier. With a nervous chuckle the cashier put in my order and I dashed back to my seat and began my feast.

[AUTHOR NOTE: KFC is much better in Japan than most of the U.S chain stores, to the point it's sometimes a Christmas meal. However the main reason Haruto lost his shit was because he barely eats deep fried foods. He eats healthy to perfect his body, stamina, and mind. So this is actually a very important scene where Haruto loses control and acts upon his desires selfishly, which he hasn't done before/during the story] 

Ravaging all that was in front of me I put both my hands to work. One hand holding chicken while the other alternating between mash potatoes with gravy and a buttery corn on the cob. As my chicken hand became a meatless carcass I heard the sounds of heaven.

"Order 463!" The cashier called out. I dropped the bones in my grease covered hand but still held onto my corn on the cob as I practically jogged to the counter and grabbed my 8 pieces of chicken, sides of mash with gravy, and coleslaw. I hugged them into one hand and carried it to my table where my devouring continued.

Chewing violently and almost forgetting to use my utensils, my hands kept alternating to my mouth. The combinations of sweet and savory, vinegary and sweet, and the juicy chicken piled into my mouth created unknown tales of wonder that my tongue has never tried.

As I ate my mind began to drift, the idea of a naked Mirai feeding me corn on the cob that was inserted in her plump ass came into my mind. As I ate my mash potatoes I wondered what the flavor would be like if Mirai used his little clitty to stir the gravy in for me. Rikas perky neon-pink nipples being drizzled with butter and gravy before I dived in. Sachiko squatting down sucking gravy off my dick while plays with herself over a bowl of coleslaw and squirts into it before serving it for dinner. Himeno making sure every piece of chicken greases her tits before wiping her leaking womanhood with each piece then serving it to us. Akio just sitting in a corner watching and not being allowed to the table.

My mind raced with such thoughts as my pants tightened and my cock became hard enough to knock on a door.



*A Few Moments Later*

My body is tilted back into my seat with my head hanging lifeless staring up at the ceiling. I entered a state of euphoria and contentment. My cock still raging and my body relaxed. I bring my head back and look at Himeno, who I honestly ignored for the entire meal accidentally, she was gone. Her seat was empty.


I looked down and I see Himeno under the table trying to release my hardened dick.

"I knew you wanted some fun." She said as she tried to wrangle it. We are in a dining room and the table blocks nothing, so I immediately pushed her hand away.

"What are you doing!?" I whispered in an annoyed tone.

"Huh? I-I'm just trying to…. make you feel good…" she said with a downcast look.

"No you're not! You're trying to make you feel good." I said as I zipped up my pants. "HERE'S YOUR FORK SIS!" I said loudly and handed her a fork and pulled her out from under the table and drew her close where I whispered again. "We are in public, are you trying to make a scene?"

"But, what should that mat-"

"It matters!" I whispered in a ragged breath. Her face fell into a state of confusion and something else I couldn't place, I took a deep breath and said, "come on let's go to the hotel and call it a night."

At my words Himeno's expression brightened a little bit and she obediently followed me.

Despite how much I ate, I wasn't overly full. I was actually starving as I skipped a couple meals and several snack times for myself. However, that was the most food I've eaten in one sitting. The only thing that came close to the deliciousness of my meal was the dinner Mirai cooked the other night. 

Himeno and I didn't speak on the way to the hotel. This time we were both caught up in our thoughts so the atmosphere was less awkward. After a good 20 minute walk, we arrived at the hotel. It's now the early afternoon and we still have the whole day to ourselves. I told Himeno that I still have to get my workout in for the day and she said she will go for a run while looking around the area.

Himeno works out, but rather do it in open spaces because all the time she's been incarcerated.

So once again we separated. 

I am still worried about my mother, but we have a set plan already so going with the plan is better than deviating from it and over stressing won't help. 

I do have to burn off some of the food I ate.

The hotel has a gym on its second floor and I will abuse my gym privilege. I didn't even need to change as I've been dressed to workout the entire day, and using these clothes will reduce my laundry. 

Always be economical. But, I will have to be extra careful when it comes to wiping and sanitizing equipment. Can't let my choice of using the clothes I walked around in, affect other gym users. 

I entered the gym and I was like a kid in a candy shop. The only gym I've used? Was our school gym and it's always crowded. People using a hotel barely use the gym, they aren't here to work out, most times they are here for business or a yearly vacation. So, with that in mind I have the entire gym to myself, two female guests wearing gray leggings and bright colored tops of the same material, and one attendant dressed in the white hotel uniform that looks like pants and some sort of chef coat. I don't pay any of them any more attention than a glance and I begin.


Several hours later


*pant* *pant* *pant*

"Haaaaa…. Haaaaa….fffffff…. Haaaaaa." I'm currently shirtless and on my last set of squats. The others left so I decided to try my luck on heavy lifting. My body is screaming at me, but this feeling is so addictive! I've always trained and worked out for the goals Himeno set for me, but just doing this to see what I'm capable of is amazing. 

Away from goals set by others, away from other people's expectations, and away from prying eyes. This feels amazing

"Come on! Come on!" I said after pushing up the weights, but then I decided to do one more. I squat down with the barbell across my back, my arms underneath it, and my hands grasping the bar. I take a deep seat and push one more time! "COME-ON-COME-ON-COME-ON!" I make it half-way there, "COOOOOME OOOOONNN!" I was struggling with every inch until a pair of hands grabbed my waist and supported me into one final push upward. "AHHHHHH!" 


I re-racked the weights as I stood up. Once the pressure of my legs were gone they almost instantly tried to give out from under me, until those hands grabbed me again helping with my balance.

"Haaaaa…. Haaaaa… fffffff…. Haaaa… thank… you." I said while catching my breath. One of the hands supporting my waist slipped to my front and caressed across my eight-pack as it was hardening with every deep breath.

"Oh, don't mention it."

Huh? Isn't this too friendly?

I quickly turned around, breaking free of the hands, just to see a familiar face that's wearing the hotel attendant uniform. The black hair, almond eyes, pretty face, and a sparky grin like she's up to no good. Looking like the unassuming girl next door, she reminds me of Akio mixed with a little bit of that trouble making girl Nataro in that new manga Mirai liked to talk about.


"Oh! You're the kid from the hospital this morning!" Her eyes beamed with familiarity.

"U-u-u-uh." I didn't know what to say, so I bowed in greeting, "it's nice to see you again."

"Holy shit so straight laced," she said staring up to my eyes, "but Mr. Straight-lace is packing a body!", she said as she looked me up and down.

"Uhhhh…." I began to blush.

Fuck Haruto! Get it together! You can't get embarrassed this easily with girls if you're going to be with several! WAIT! Is this the reason Himeno wants me to hook up with other women? So I'm not easily swayed by them? I know what she said, but its different when you realize it.

"Hahahahahahaha!" Kobayashi-san begins to laugh very hard, "Did that little compliment.. hahahaa…. Get you that red!?" She said as she held her sides.

"I-I-I'm sorry." I bowed again, "I'm not used to pretty girls complimenting me."

"With a body like that!?" She said as her laughter died down.

"Well I usually-"

With that I began to tell her how I train and hide my body so I'm not objectified and try to find people who genuinely like me for my personality. It might have been an over-share, but I was shirtless in front of a pretty girl I just met and she wasn't naked. The battlefield was already unfair.

"Wow, that makes sense I guess. I mean the whole body image thing. You can look at someone's face a 1000 times and not know what," she paused for a minute, "marks their body holds." She said with a hint of sadness.

"Oh! Well, thank you for spotting me. I was in real trouble there, how did you know how to help?"

"Hehehe, well I had an older brother and I always tried to be useful to him. So I learned how to spot whenever he worked out, but working out was just a phase for him," the tone in her voice doesn't match the look in her eyes, "so I was useful to him for only a little while."

"Well you seem like a great person, I'm pretty sure he still loves you."

"Hehe…. Yeah." She said nervously. I can tell this is a weird subject somehow so I want to end it.

"So!" I said abruptly to cut the tension, "you work here?"

"Oh! No I don't, or not really anyway." She playfully knocked on her head. "I work for a temp agency. They place in areas that need workers, it's not steady pay, but I'm trying to be…." She trailed off a little bit, "better. Yeah I'm trying to be better for someone."

"Trying your best for others is a very important thing." Haruto said with certainty.

"..... I guess…." She said uneasily.

"What's wrong?"

"Well you do your best for others, but what about yourself? You keep trying because others want you to, but if it wasn't for them you wouldn't try…. Because-"

"You feel you don't deserve better." I said softly

"Yeah." She looked at me with a grin.

"We can only keep trying right?"

"What if you succeed though?"


"If you get everything you wanted will you discard everything you needed or used to get there? Would you even deserve succeeding in the first place?" Her words forced me to think a little bit. I don't know what's going on in her mind, but she seems to be asking a genuine question. The type of question you can only ask someone who doesn't know you or your situation. So I thought hard before I answered.

"Well, it wouldn't be about deserving anymore would it?"

"Huh?" It was Kobayashi-san's turn to be confused.

"If you achieved everything you strive for, then what you have isn't deserved, it's earned." With my words Kobayashi-san's eyes lit up for a second then she just smiled.

"You have pretty deep thoughts for a model, don't you?" She smirked

"But…. I'm not a model."

"Could've fooled me. Heehee~"

"Well I won't take up anymore of your time, I should go." I tried to leave.

"You're fucking your sister right?"


I heard the sound of glass shattering and I didn't move from my spot. My head turned slowly to Kobayashi-san and I tried to say something.

"Don't worry about it, I don't think it's a big deal." She said smiling, "she on the other hand might think it is a big deal. I suggest you figure out what you want out of being with her or you might lose it or even worse….. throw it away, by accident or even on purpose." Kobayashi-san's smirk died a little.

"Thank you, Kobayashi-san and please don't tel-"

"Call me Natsumi or Nacchan, and don't worry I won't say anything."

"Thank you," I bowed, "please call me Haruto as well, thank you." I picked up my shirt and headed to my hotel room.

"He was a very nice guy and  a fine piece of ass. Bet he has a small dick, no one can be that blessed." Nacchan said as she continued her job.

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