The new wife is on the job, the president, love it hard!

Chapter 063 Her Hope Is in Jin Qiyan

Chapter 063 Her hope lies in Jin Qiyan "Is there no other way?"

The mist of tears gathered more and more in Yunshuiyang's eye sockets, and slowly slid down, she began to cry.

She knew the importance of the random inspection report, but she didn't believe that her father would know how to break the law, and she didn't believe that her father would make black-hearted money.

Zhengdong must have been framed!

The more he thought about it, the sadder Yun Shuiyang became.

If her idea is true, who is going to frame Zhengdong?

What is the other party's mind?

terrible!For a while, she didn't know how to find evidence.

Jin Qiyan originally didn't want to talk so much with Yun Shuiyang, but her tears and her pitiful and helpless appearance made him soften his attitude.

She cried so sadly that it seemed like he was bullying her, angry and annoyed and a little bit unbearable.

"Yes, unless you can prove that Zhengdong was framed by someone. If there is evidence that someone deliberately added melamine to various dairy products without permission, this is already within the scope of the criminal law and will be dealt with by the judiciary.

If the scandal is true, Zhengdong will either be acquired by other companies, or it will be declared bankrupt because it cannot repay its debts.For more serious consequences, the relevant legal person shall bear criminal responsibility and face punishment. "

A glimmer of hope was ignited, but it was dashed out in an instant, and Yunshui's blurred tearful eyes were fixed on Jin Qiyan.

"You mean my father is very likely to go to jail? How can I prove that Zhengdong was framed?"

"Whether I will go to jail or not is not up to me? Yun Shuiyang, that's just the worst consequence! Whether Zhengdong was framed, that's an internal issue of Zhengdong, we have to investigate, understand? Such a big incident happened The matter is only investigated now, it is probably too late, the evidence has been destroyed long ago, it is impossible to keep it.

Melamine cannot be added to dairy products. This is a regulation that the food industry should be familiar with. Your dad should not be stupid enough to dig his own grave.The person who can add melamine to dairy products unknowingly is definitely not an ordinary person in Zhengdong.I say so much, do you understand? "

Yun Shuiyang nodded, and then she shook her head again.

"Can you help me?"

"Can you stop being so funny? Do you think I'm the savior? If you don't even know Zhengdong's internal relationship, I advise you to forget it. Others must have come prepared, and they must be targeting Zhengdong.

Just wait, the man behind the scenes will be revealed sooner or later.What you should do, I have already explained very clearly, if you don't understand, there is nothing I can do to help you.The typhoon is approaching, you'd better go home early. "

Jin Qiyan turned off the lights, and he was about to leave. In an instant, Yun Shuiyang cried and called him to stop.

Afraid that he would leave immediately, she still grabbed his hand.

She just had no choice but to think of him.

He is the prince of Huayu Group, so he must know a lot of people. Besides, the Jin family is also a powerful family, so what he says is definitely more effective than her nonsense.

It cannot be denied that her hopes are really pinned on Jin Qiyan.

"Jin Qiyan, I can apologize to you. I was wrong before. I was too self-righteous. I offended you because I thought I was smart. I'm sorry! I don't understand business matters. I beg you to help me. I am willing to completely disappear before your eyes."


"I can also leave Shanghai and never come back."

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