The Newt and Demon

5.58 - Eyes on Qavell

A spread of sausages, pozwa eggs, tea, and whole roasted zee sat on the table in Theo’s manor. He had spent last night’s Dreamwalk working on his willpower, but the effects of his potion were dwindling. What he gained from that training was a massive boost in willpower that made any core based on that concept powerful, even at Level 1. But there was another aspect to this power he needed to consider. It was a gift, given to him by Yuri who had poked the cogs of fate into motion a long time ago. The alchemist now found himself as one of those cogs. Not as a drone to do someone’s bidding, but a man with a job. A task that needed completion.

“What’s the problem, babe? You’ve barely touched your giant demon-goat-bird eggs,” Tresk said, poking Theo in the cheek.

Theo removed himself from his thoughts, looking down at his cold plate of food. The marshling must have sensed his thoughtfulness, or read his mind, because she normally was already off on some adventure. “I’m good,” he said, turning instead to his administrator interface and picking at his food. “Anything interesting going on with you today?”

“Test flight with Alex,” Tresk said, jabbing her thumb back at the goose. Alex looked up from her plate of bugs, grain, and random pieces of vegetation and honked weakly. “We’re hoping to scout for Qavell.”

Theo hoped Fenian would arrive before Qavell got to the alliance. He had leaned on the Herald in the past, and would do so again. The mortal realm was his domain, after all. If there was a god in that flying city—whatever form it might take—he could make a difference. Just like Khahar could snap his fingers in the heavens, changing the way the system worked up there.

“You?” Tresk asked, stealing a sausage from Theo’s plate.

“Potions or landscaping. I have a request from Grot to do some mountain-moving up in Gronro.”

“That sounds ever so boring,” Tresk sighed. “If you need me, I’ll be riding a goose into battle. Farewell.”

Tresk swooned on the spot, placing the back of her hand over her moist forehead. She stumbled around the table, then through the front door, sighing the entire way. Alex waddled behind her, almost unable to shove her bulk through the threshold.

“What’s gotten into her?” Sarisa asked, stealing another of Theo’s sausage.

“Oh, you don’t speak crazy marshling?” Theo asked, jabbing a fork into his last sausage before someone swooped from nowhere to steal it. “She’s excited to see the city fall.”

“Are you?”

“Excited? Not really. We have to juggle the matter carefully. We need to disable the city, then banish whatever god attached itself there.”

Theo reflexively sent his willpower out, searching for anything that felt like a damn floating city approaching his town. Xol’sa had yelled at him about that before. Most magic users had a magical sense that they could send out, probing things. Someone who was good enough could sense distant magical things. But the alchemist had leaned on his willpower, never developing a sense for magical things. He tried. But the only success he found was his Earth Sorcerer’s Core and its ability to sense the Earth element.

“Confidence levels are low?”

Theo found that question the hardest to answer. He was confident in his potions and his people. But the new power he was cultivating wasn’t solid like those things. It was mercurial, and unknowable without a status screen. How strong was his realm compared to a piece of a god in the mortal realm? Then another thought. What if even Khahar was wrong? Before he left to become the Arbiter, Khahar was technically a mortal. With a sneeze, he could have destroyed the planet. What if there was another. One from those old days the gods loved to wax on about.

“Uncertainty is high,” Theo said. The difference mattered.

“I know what will cheer you up,” Sarisa said, clapping a hand on Theo’s shoulder. “Let’s go poke some turtles with sticks. See who can get the closest.”

For a moment, no longer than a single breath, Theo considered wading into the swamp to poke turtles. Although he tried to dismiss it, the thought lingered. Working all day, every day, wasn’t healthy. “Alright. Let’s go poke some turtles.”

“What?” Rowan said, looking out from the kitchen. “Really? You wanna play poky snappy?”

“Let’s go!” Sarisa shouted.

“But I need to check on the lab. And the deadly herb in the garden,” Theo said, sucking his breakfast into his inventory. He’d finish it while they poked turtles.

Theo checked in on Salire, discovering that she was running the low-level potions wing of their business well enough. This was a turning point for his alchemy. Something that he wanted to approach with caution. Fourth tier potions would not be easy to make, especially when he had been lazy about mastering the third tier ones. If he had learned one thing from alchemy, it was that each phase built on the next. The example that he thought of was the pressure treating process, which taught him about impurities. Alcohol distillation had shown him how to isolate properties to a high degree. Whatever came next would expand on the concept of reagent purity, and he had no desire to rush it.

Thanks to the settings in the Experimental Garden Plot, the Night’s End plant hadn’t grown, or wilted. It was suspended in time, flowerless in that square plot and unable to kill more scholars. Satisfied enough to take a day off in the swamp, he turned and left his buildings behind. Both Sarisa and Rowan were excited, singing a song about a man getting his hand eaten by an Ogre Snapper. It instilled low levels of confidence in the alchemist.

“The game is pretty simple,” Sarisa said, handing Theo a stick as they left through the western gate. HIs thoughts went to building projects. A pleasant road through the swamp was needed. “You poke the turtle with a stick. Whoever uses the shortest stick without being chomped wins. No magic.”

“Gotcha,” Theo said, pressing forward into the swamp. He was tempted to snap his stick as small as it would go, but remembered how quick those snappers were. Even at a low level, the swamp was their domain.

As they plowed through the swamp, Theo had time to think about which potions he wanted to work on. He had to grow enough Khahari Cotton to test the Flutter property, so that was out for now. The mental reports sent by his Plant Golems claimed it was going well. Spirit fruit potions were off the table for now, so he ignored them. That left bringing his standard potions to third tier, messing around with modifiers, and blending plants with his new building. It was prudent to have a stock of powerful potions ready for when Qavell arrived.

Stolen story; please report.

Theo made a list in his mind. First were the most important potions to anyone serving in an army or as an adventurer. Healing, Stamina, and Mana potions. The next-most important ones were attribute-enhancing potions, of course. Greater versions of those would turn the local defenders into monsters, allowing them to punch 10 Levels above their current level. Next were defensive potions. Barkskin, Carapace, and Limited Foresight. And finally escape potions. Return, Retreat, and Featherfall. The last potions on his mind were his secret weapons. Negative potions infused with the Holy modifier like Desperate Attack, and Berserk.

If Fenian wasn’t here by the time Qavell attacked, he would give Tresk a Holy Potion of Berserk, and a Potion of Desperate Attack with the same modifier. Theo would also distribute those to the commanders, especially Luras, Aarok, Sarisa, and Rowan. The alchemist would reserve a stock of Dragon’s Breath Potion, modified with Holy, for himself. Those would be in short supply. Each of these potions needed to be brewed at the third rank, making the task daunting. So long as he had enough time to prepare, Qavell would fall. He was confident.

“There’s one!” Sarisa shouted, getting low in the mud.

An Ogre Snapper thrashed in the murky waters ahead, sensing the group’s approach. Theo waited to see what the finer rules of the game was, watching as Rowan snapped his stick short. Perhaps a bit too short. He charged at the turtle, imposing his desire to be first. Theo and Sarisa watched as the man pressed the stick into the turtle’s face, had the stick eaten in one chomp, then had his arm pinched between the beast’s beaked mouth.

Rowan screamed, punching at the turtle’s head. He was released a moment later, vanishing into the shadows before returning near the group. After chugging a potion, his arm twisted itself back into position.

“You got too greedy!” Sarisa shouted with a laugh. Theo didn’t miss the concern on her face as she made sure her brother hadn’t sustained lasting injuries. “My turn!”

Sarisa snapped her stick at half the original length. Theo saw where it was going before it happened. She was savaged, thrown to the side, and forced to crawl back to the group covered in mud.

“The key to the game,” Theo said, approaching the turtle with his full length stick. “Is to go last. That way, you’ll always have the longer stick.”

The next thing Theo remembered was being face-down in the mud, being dragged away by Rowan and Sarisa. He could almost hear their manic cackling through ears caked in swamp junk. After quaffing a potion, he stared up at the with a blank expression.

“No one wins this game, do they?” Theo asked. “This isn’t even a real game.”

“The turtles were smaller when we were kids,” Sarisa said, nodding at Rowan. “Right?”

“Oh, yeah. For sure.”

“Who won?” Theo asked.

“Everyone got chomped so… no one. Let’s do it again!”

While Theo wanted to be annoyed with the game, it was actually fun. Only because they had an endless supply of potions that would heal their wounds in moments. Otherwise the game was deadly, even against low-leveled monsters. The alchemist took the chance to reduce some stress of the coming attack. Being eaten by giant turtles had a way of putting the world into perspective. He planned his distillation batches out, marking everything he needed to do in his mind. To produce so many potions, all of which were different aside from the Holy modified ones, would require a lot of liquor. All that booze had to be infused with different essences, meaning he would lean heavily on the Internal Liquid Storage feature of the place.

After half a day of messing around in the swamp, everyone was tired enough to take a Lesser Stamina Potion and return to the town. They applied Cleansing Scrub to themselves before entering again.

“See? I told you he could have fun,” Sarisa said, shoving Theo.

The alchemist moved the rock she was stepping on, sending her stumbling forward. Rowan roared with laughter, drawing the attention of nearby citizens.

We got eyes on Qavell,” Tresk said, her thoughts bleeding into Theo’s mind. He saw flashes of the floating city, plodding along the cliffs near the coast. “They’re approaching Broken Tusk directly.

Theo needed to take a breath to understand if that was good or bad. Qavell was always coming, but at least they were approaching from the best angle. He watched through Tresk’s eyes as a bolt of energy jumped from the hovering city. It lashed uselessly against the mountains, sending piles of rocks tumbling to the sea below. The whole thing seemed neutered, compared to the image he had conjured in his mind. Instead of a dark fortress, brimming with magical potential, he saw an impotent rock drifting on whatever wind would carry it.

I’m slightly disappointed,” Theo said, watching as Tresk and Alex retreated.

Looks like easy pickings. Bet I could solo it.

I doubt that,” Theo said. “We’re still talking about an entire city.

Meh. Agree to disagree. No worries, we’re heading back.

Tresk made sure to add that last part so Theo wouldn’t worry. Rowan was trying to get his attention, but the alchemist imagined the angle of approach for the city. It traced the line of the coast perfectly, likely using the mountains for cover. Whoever had devised this plan was an idiot, though. Approaching Broken Tusk that way assumed they would have no response. King Hanan would know that, wouldn’t he? Theo only hoped whatever mad god was driving the city forward was so foolish, and the king would be open to negotiations.

“What was that?” Theo asked, turning to meet the confused gaze of Rowan. The alchemist withdrew his communication crystal, the one linked with Fenian, from his inventory.

“I was asking if you wanted to jump off a cliff and see who survives.”

“That’s one step too far,” Theo said, waving a dismissive hand. “Ah, Tresk is writing her report to Aarok. Good. Means I don’t have to. Anyone seen Zan’kir lately?”

“Prowling the wall like a hungry Marsh Wolf, no doubt,” Sarisa said.

Zan’kir had been given the honor of managing the wall-based defenses of the town. Every tower and artifice cannon in town was under his command, including their placement and operation. Theo headed to the walls, walking them for a bit before bumping into the khahri man. He still wore twin scimitars at his hips, sticking with the theme of his people.

“I need an operations report,” Theo said, clapping a hand on Zan’kir’s shoulder. “How many rail guns do we have and where are they?”

Zan’kir barked a laugh, a grin spreading across his face. He showed those sharp teeth, complete with long fangs. “Twenty rail guns. Enough firepower to annihilate Qavell. Positions are spread even along the wall, and two in the towers in the sea.”

“Qavell is coming from the east. Northeast,” Theo said, pointing out over the harbor. “I want all the batteries pointing that way. All of them.”

“How good is your information?”

“I just watched the city floating to the north, tracking the coast.”

“That’s pretty good info,” Zan’kir said, nodding with approval. “Do I have to wait a week for approval to get this rolling? And get my funds?”

Theo asked about the cost of the workers needed to get that done today, and withdrew a single gold coin from his inventory. “That’ll cover it. Get it done, Zan’kir.”

“And what are my firing orders?” Zan’kir asked.

“The anti-magical shots. I want Qavell saturated.”

“Excellent. I know I’m only working the walls here, but I had an idea.”

“Let’s hear it.”

“What if we shot them from here where they are now?”

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