The Newt and Demon

5.70 - Epilogue

Theo Spencer,

44th Day, Season of Fire,

873rd Year of Balkor’s Betrayal

We’re gonna need to rename the next era, guys. 873 years of Balkor’s stain has been too long. I’m writing this message in my private realm, sitting next to a Throne of Power. Is that the right way to capitalize it? I really don’t know.

Why are these journal entries so hard to start?

There were quite a few things that we accomplished, but the only thing I can think about is the giant city sitting outside of my town. Going back to Broken Tusk means looking at an eyesore and wondering when it’ll tip over. Hanan’s defeat (if I can call it that) was our biggest accomplishment in recent memory. But that doesn’t mean I haven’t taken twists and turns along the way.

First, I’ll talk about the gods. Oh, the gods… Imagine being locked in a world of shadows for untold millennia. You’re hanging out, enjoying the inky blackness of your world, and out of nowhere this cat guy just comes along and changes the rules. Zaul doesn’t seem happy about Khahar ascending to the Throne of the Arbiter. But I have to wonder about that. Yuri would have taken the guy out by now. Which means the shadow guy has some more tricks up his sleeve.

A strange thing that happened was the reincarnation of a piece of Balkor’s soul, into some rotten old vessel. The Demonic Pantheon needs a good purge, including the original piece of his soul that lords over that domain. Or maybe Balkor is part of some bigger plot. That wouldn’t surprise me.

Turns out that Glantheir is the number one god. Who would’ve known? He helped me rescue Sulvan from the moon. We left Uharis’s ass on the moon so he could stew. I’ll be honest with you, diary. I don’t care if he ever comes back. He’s an asshole and I don’t like him. There. I said it. But Glantheir helped me get the old paladin sorted into a new life of helping people. He’ll serve his penance by healing a bunch of people and making the lives of everyone around better.

Spoilers: I’m pretty certain Sulvan is gonna play an important part with the Wanderer. You know, that guy who used to be Balkor 50,000 years ago. Glantheir is playing it coy, but there’s a fighting spirit buried somewhere under that flowing mane. His hair is great, though.

Speaking of (writing of?) the big bad king of the undead, we sorted the undead problem out. Turns out the dude responsible was Balkor (I said that, didn’t I?) and he was just some sad boy wandering the land. Now I have to worry about King Emo rising up and causing more undead related problems. Hopefully the elves in Tarantham pitch in when the time comes. Or King Emo takes his attitude underground and I don’t have to fix the problem. If I could send him to the moon, I would. Let the moon people deal with it.

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Zaul’s involvement in godly politics is big. My new cores are massive. But the biggest thing that happened was when Tresk ascended the Throne of the Dreamer. We’ve been planning on this happening for a while and it's finally here. In a classic Tresk move, she used it to perv on people in their sleep. Unsurprising, but the power of the position seems endless. After I get my own shiny throne, I’m heading off into space. Well, the void. I’ll find Xol’sa’s people and steal some magical stones which will do something to the world.

Place your bets on what that might be, but my money is on holding the place together while we remake it.

I might figure out seasons for Tero’gal. Looking down the barrel of ascending my throne, I realize I might not make it a year in this world. Oops.

The only person left in the world that is giving me pause is Kuzan. Emperor Kuzan leads the people of Tarantham. He’s pretty brutal, but I won’t deny that his methods work. The constant wars on the continent keep the people from getting too strong, which prevents issues of ascension. Of course he excludes himself from this cycle, and has likely gathered quite a lot of power. But that power comes with drawbacks. Yuri was barely able to keep it together a week without going and meditating for a thousand years.

But that road is behind me. What does the future hold?

Well, the Southlands Alliance has an entire continent to clean up. Is it still a continent if it has been cut into many small pieces? I hope so. We need to get transport working for the entire place, ensuring that people can spread as quickly as possible. Why bother if the world is going to reset? You might ask that question, but people need purpose. When the world ‘ends’ they’re not going away. They’re coming with me. They can remain in the heavens with me, or get beamed back down when we get the mortal system sorted out. I’m guessing we’ll have some problems with existing cores, so those will get tossed away. But skills remain, don’t they? Buried in the soul and embedded in a person’s consciousness.

Oh, yeah. Time dilation. The void is unforgiving about that kind of stuff. I feel it every time I pass through. So when I take the plunge to find those pesky space elves, I’m sure some wacky stuff is going to happen. Wooooah! time loop hijinks? Maybe. Nah.

But maybe?

I’m certain I can view Earth if I wanted to, given enough power. Once I can finally grill the Harbinger on what his game plan is, I’ll have a better idea on that affair.

Of course! Right when I was waxing on all poetic, my attention is drawn elsewhere. Khahar is here and he wants to play a game of poker. High-stakes stuff, you know. The winner gets to eat all of Benton’s cookies. He grows this plant that tastes like chocolate. You couldn’t tell the difference if you tried!

As always, mysterious reader, I hope you’ve enjoyed these ramblings. Maybe this will make more sense when the other shoe drops. Maybe not.

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