The Novel’s Extra’s Extra

CHAPTER 26 – Training night


Right now, I’m on my way to the training center, running. I know I said to be there at 23:30… But man… I almost fell asleep on the couch. I had to change myself at running speed and run all the way to the training center to barely make it there at 23:45.

{Fifteen minutes late… Well, that’s still in the passable range. It could be worse.}-I thought as I go inside the training center. Only to find the worst thing possible right now.

A glaring Hajin, with some psycho at his side…

{Shit… She has been so quiet recently that I totally forgot about her…}-I thought while making my way to Hajin. Ignoring the glare coming from Olivia.

“Hey. You’re here early.”

“… You… *sigh…* Whatever, what took you so long?”-Asks Hajin.

“I almost fell asleep. Man, they sure gave us some comfy couch huh? Hahaha.”-I answer him while scratching my head.

“… I can’t believe it… Or well, you know. Scratch that. I sure can believe it from you… *sigh…* Whatever. What are we going to do?”

“Are you still going to ignore me?”-Suddenly said a glaring Olivia.

“That’s the plan. Why? Want something from me?”-I retorted back to her.

“… I’ll wait somewhere over there, as far away as I can.”- Hajin retreated while averting his eyes.

“Wa-wait… You traitor.”-I tried to reach to him, only for Olivia to cut between us with her glaring face.

“So… You’re training him huh? Really?”-She asks with furrowed brows.

“Yeah, kind of.”

“WHY!!!??? I’ve been asking you for days to train me. And you didn’t accept it. But what? You’re training him?”-She asks again, this time with her arms crossed.

“You know… That makes your boobs look bigger. Not that I’m whining about it or something”- I think to myself.

“Huh? Fucking pervert.”-Scratch that. I said it.

“Yeah sure. You should escape from perverts like me.”-I say trying to shoo her.

“As if. Train me too. If you’re training him, you should train me too.”- As if that would really work with this girl…

“You and I already had an agreement. You still have a little more than 3 weeks. You better up your speed instead of being here nagging at me.”-I said while pointing at her.

“… Maybe… Are you gay?”


“… I’m not even retorting to that one. And no. I’m not. And even if I were, the fuck does that have to do with this?”- I ask. Staring at her blankly.

“Well… Seeing as you prefer to train some guy instead of me… I thought you would be gay or something.”- She says while looking down.

“I’m not. And I’m just helping him for today because he’s doing me a favor. And please stop blushing. You’re worrying me even more now.”

“I-I’m not blu-blushing… Or anything… Really…”-She says, with her voice getting smaller with each word.

{Oh no… She’s graduating from Crazy Girl all the way up to Psycho…}

“Please… Stop… For whatever you love the most, stop…”

“Then train me.”

“For fuck’s sake. Look, I’m busy right now. Go to the Gravity Chamber and start doing your training. You still have time. So, try to do as we agreed upon. And I’ll reconsider the thing about training you. ‘kay? Okay.”

“…”-She just glares at me. “Fuck. Okay. I’m leaving.”- She says while turning towards the gravity chamber.

*sigh…*I swear, she’s getting bolder with each time… Fucking lunatic…”

“I heard you!”-She says while showing me the middle finger right before going inside the gravity chamber.

“… Whatever. I’m not wasting time with her.”-I say while turning my way to the bench Hajin’s sitting right now.

“Why are you looking at me like that? Wanna die?”-I say to him, as I see his mocking face, trying to hold in the laugh.

“Of course not.”

“Then get out of your head whatever shit you’re thinking about right now.”

“Hahaha, sure, but don’t be too hard with your girlfriend. She just loves you so much… Pfftt… So-sorry… Pfft… HAHAHAHAHAHAHA… MAN! That was a funny thing to see…”

“…”-I look at him blankly. “Oh, so you had fun huh? Well, let’s train. You need to sleep early. Let’s make it so your body is so tired that you won’t have any problem sleeping. Shall we?”-I said to him while turning up my eyebrow.

“… Hey… Sorry… I didn’t-”

“No, no, don’t worry. I’m not so petty that I’ll hurt you because of a little laugh. I also can laugh about myself man. I do it all the time. So, let’s train! The night’s young, but we still have to hurry. We don’t want you oversleeping tomorrow, right?”-I said interrupting him.

“…”-And he just stares back at me with a somewhat scared face.

“C’mon, let’s start with some warm-ups. Let’s go to the treadmill.”- I said. Urging him to stand up. “We’ll have so much fun training.”

His face was a mix between sorrow and fear. I’m not petty. But… You can’t just leave things unpunished if you want them to stop. I learned it the bad way.


“Huff… huff… ple-please… stop… huff… huff… I… can’t… continue… anymore… huff… huff…”-Said a panting Hajin while running on the treadmill…

“Why? We’re only starting?”

“You… are… going… to… kill… me… huff… huff…”

“Oh, man. See. I told you. You need to train your basics.”

“This… isn’t… training… Is… torture… huff… huff…”

“Ok, ok, step out of that. Let’s change the approach.”

He ended up his run. Really, what a pussy. It was just running at 25 Km/h in plain for like 4 minutes…

“Ok. Let’s approach things differently.”

“huff… huff… What… do you… mean… huff… huff…”

“You’re clearly dying… Look. I know it is hard. I passed through that too. But… You need to do it. Put your mind to it. Train as if you would die the very next second if you don’t. It doesn’t matter if you end up on the floor. That would help you.”

“That’s suicide. How do you expect me to do that? No one works-out like that.”

“Take that chip out of your head. You have mana now.”


“What? Didn’t you notice? Your mana works in favor of your training. You don’t even need to push yourself to use it. You just need to let it flow inside. It will do its own things. Helping you recover it’s one of those things. You won’t die for overtraining, not while you have mana.”

“But I didn’t-”

“I don’t know what you wrote in your settings about mana. But know this. In this world. In our world. In any world. Mana works almost exactly. With really little differences in how it is used. But its properties? They are almost the same. And the one I’m talking about. Works everywhere I go. Even here.”- I said, interrupting him with a stern look.

“So… You say I should try myself until I can’t train anymore?”

“Precisely. What I told you wasn’t entirely a lie. You need to work out your basics. Starting from your breathing to your stamina, strength, and speed.”-I continued. “You won’t feel the changes immediately. But letting your mana recover your condition, will let you help improve faster. And don’t even think about using any kind of stamina potion or recovery potion. Deal with it with your own will.”

“… Fuck, I won’t be able to go to classes like that.”

“You choose. You keep going at your own pace. Or you train as I say.”-I say while pointing my index finger at him

Right then. Olivia went out of the gravity room. Totally bathed in sweat. She walks for a bit, but can’t stand up any longer and falls right there on the floor.

“See that? That’s what you should be doing.”-I said while pointing at Olivia on the floor and looking at him. “I may call her lunatic, crazy girl, and even psycho, but she does have balls. And doesn’t stop for nothing. She always goes out like that. And little by little, she’s improving. Fuck. She may win the bet at this rate.”- I said, frowning while looking at her.

“What bet?”

“What the fuck are you doing caring about a bet? You should care about your training. Start. I’m not sending you into the Gravity Room like her. But you’ll be running on that treadmill for as long as you can. You’ll do it Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Tuesdays you’ll be doing different sets of push-ups with weights. And Thursday you’ll be working on your resistance. Every day, until you can’t train anymore and are passed out on the floor like that lunatic. Understood?”

“…”-He just stares at me with a dumbfounded face.

“I’ll help you with your recoveries. But don’t expect anything much. I’ll just use some natural energy that’s better for recovery than mana.”

“Natural energy? What’s that?”

“’Nitiril inirgi? Whit’s thit?’ Are you still asking questions instead of going to the treadmill? Move that lazy ass, and run. Don’t make me force you.”

“Okay, okay, I’m going… Jeez, man… Relax…”

“Also… We’ll have to talk about your future path. You are indeed a sharpshooter. But I’ll have to talk about how you can improve in the short term.”

“What’s with you all of a sudden. Getting all serious with my training?”

“You know. Maybe we should spar. That way you’ll improve faster, don’t you think?”

“Nope. I’m going to the treadmill.”-He said. Running away.

I just sat down there. Doing nothing. Except looking at Olivia.

{*sigh…* Just what the hell should I do with you…}

She’s young. Too young to be worrying about vengeance. But… That’s not something I should tell her. After all. I don’t have any moral ground for that.

Revenge doesn’t bring back what you lost. It doesn’t even bring satisfaction. It only leaves you hollow. Even more when the path you choose is killing.

{If I train her. I’m afraid that she’ll suddenly go crazy with revenge.}

Guide her? Yes. That’s possible. I could. But I don’t want to. I’m the kind of person that thinks that you’re supposed to find your own path. Learn, experience, grow. If you don’t do that by yourself. You’ll only be following the shadows of someone else.

I don’t say that you can't teach others or guide them through something. But… I have the feeling that for whatever reason she has to look for revenge… It’s something I shouldn’t butt in. Something really personal that doesn’t need anyone meddling with it.

{Leave her be? That should be the best choice… But… If anything. I just hope she doesn’t take the same path I did. It doesn’t end well…}


“Fuck…”-I murmur while looking at the ceiling. “Now that I think about it… I have some things to take care of back in the orphanage. I’ll go tomorrow. If anything, it will be some distraction for me…”-I said while looking at Olivia.

Right when I end up murmuring to myself, I sense someone entering the training center.

{Huh? What’s she doing here?}

Chae Nayun just passed through the door and went to the gravity chambers. But not before looking at Hajin on the treadmill with a frown.

“*hump*”- She snorted and keep walking.

Only to suddenly stop in front of Olivia’s corpse, well, passed out body. She then turns to look at me and our eyes met.

“Why is she here?”-She asks while frowning.

“Passed out while training.”-I answer shortly.

“Then why don’t you lift her out of here and put her in some bench?”- She asks frowning even more.

“Why should I? Why don’t you go and do it yourself?”-I retort back while frowning.


“Shut it. I’m not in the mood to talk. Do it yourself, or leave her there.”-I said. Interrupting her with a stern glare.

“…”-She just returns a glare of her own. But after giving a side-glare to Hajin, she just turned away and walked to the gravity chamber next to the one where Olivia trained.

*sigh…* Just what is she doing here at this hour… Well, whatever. I’m thankful she didn’t pick a fight. I’m not in the mood.”

I turn to look at Hajin and he’s still running, panting as if his lunges were going to jump out of his body at any moment.

*sigh…* You too dude. Work harder. Work as hard as you can, to not regret it later.”-I again turn up to look at the ceiling, thinking about useless stuff from the past.


“You alive?”-I ask Hajin who looks like a corpse on the bench.

“huff… huff… huff… huff…”- He can’t even talk.

“Well, you’re breathing. I’m taking it as you being alive. That’s good. See? You’re not dead. Rest a little bit and whenever you can sit by yourself, I’ll help you recover.”

“huff… huff… huff… huff… o…k…”-He barely nods while answering.

“See? Now that’s more like it. You’re already able to talk. In a few minutes, you’ll be able to sit up. Maybe you should sleep for a bit.”- I said to him.

“huff… huff…huff… huff…”-He just closes his eyes, while trying to rest.

“So… How much do you plan on staying there in silence?”-I ask.

“You were aware?”-Answered Olivia.

“Of course. I can feel the chills on my back whenever you look here.”-I answered jokingly.

“…”-She just glares at me.

She stands up and walks to the bench next to mine, sitting there in silence while looking at the floor.


“Well, this sure is a surprise. People will surely think you are a quiet girl.”

“Shut up…”

“What happened to you all of the sudden. You’re really quiet. Too tired to fight back?”

“…”-She keeps looking at the floor. “I can’t do it…”

“Mmmm? What do you mean?”

“I-I don’t think I can win that b-”

“Shut it. I don’t wanna hear any fucking excuse.”

“Huh?”-She turns up and looks at me surprised, with a little glare still on her eyes. “It’s no excuse. I’m not an idiot. I know my limits.”

“What you saying? Care to repeat? Because to me, it seems just like a lot of shit coming out of your mouth.”

“You mother-”

“Again. Shut the fuck up. What? Do you suddenly want to retreat? You’ve been bothering me all this fucking time just to say ‘Oh, I can’t, poor me, my will is too fucking weak to even try it.’? Huh? And what? You thought I would just let you do as you please? Fuck it. You’re not getting out of this. You better prepare your sorry ass. In three weeks, I want to see you fucking running in that treadmill as I said. Understood?”

“…”-She just turned to look at the floor again, this time. Trembling a little.

“Let me repeat myself because it seems that the shit is not just in your mouth. But in your ears as well. Did you understand? You’re going to train as you’ve been doing all these days. And you’re going to fucking run on that treadmill as we bet upon. If you’re not able to do that. I don’t want to see you in front of me again. I’m clear?”-I ask sternly.

“Why… Why does it matter if I retreat or not? Wouldn’t it be better for you? You wouldn’t need to train me.”-She says, with a weak voice.

“What’s that? Fuck. Do you think I’m stupid? You’ll stay away for like two days, and then start pestering me again like you always do. Not happening. You either keep your shit together, or fucking get the hell out of my sight right now.”

“FUCK!! What do you want me to do!!?? YOU’RE AN ASSHOLE YOU KNOW!!?? Would it fucking kill you to be any softer on people!? Look at him!!! He’s barely alive!! And you didn’t even put any fucking test to him to train him.”-She suddenly jumps up while glaring and shouting at me.

“Now, that’s the Crazy Girl I know. Listen here. He? He’s alive. That’s what fucking matters. What do you expect to gain when you don’t give it your all when trying? If you’re not ready to die trying, better go home. And be softer on people? Why would I? Would you pay me for that? Being softer is some kind of unwritten rule? Fuck. I wouldn’t even care if that were the case.”-I said, returning an icy glare to her. “So. Again. Let me ask. Are you keeping your word about the bet? Or will you piss yourself and run away?”

“You want to do it that badly!!!??? Then fucking fine. I’ll do it. I FUCKING ACCEPT THE BET. And I’m going to make you regret it. You’ll see asshole. I’m going to fucking beat your sorry ass, and you won’t have any other choice but train me!!!”-So she says while glaring at me with the same determined coffee eyes she always carried with her before.

“Great. That’s what I wanted to hear. I can’t wait to see you panting on the floor after running for 20 minutes straight. By the way, let me tell you that you already went past Crazy Girl and I’m officially upgrading you to Psycho.”-I tell her with a little mocking grin.

“… Fuck… Just what the hell is wrong with you… *sigh…*-She said while sitting down again, resting her arms on her knees and closing her eyes.

“Nothing. I’m perfectly normal.”- I said while looking up at the ceiling.

“AS IF!! *sigh…*

“Well… Think about it like this. What the hell is wrong with you? Wanting to have someone like me as a trainer.”

“Fuck… I can’t even retort back…”

“I know, right? Hahaha… Finally. I’ve been getting tired of your one-sided talks lately… Now I got my little revenge.”-I said while giving her a mocking grin.

“… Revenge huh…”-She suddenly turns somber.

“Oh no. Stop. Don’t go there.”-I said shaking her up with my right hand.

“He-HEY!!! What’s wrong with you!!!???”- She said while pushing my hand away.

*whistle…* I thought I was about to lose you.”

“The fuck does that mean!!??”

“You were going to dark places.”

“What dark places!!?? What are you talking about???”

“Whatever. You should go back to your room. It’s getting late.”-I said to her while gesturing for her to leave already.

“… You. Asshole… You’re a crazy asshole…”-She just sat there looking at me with a scared face.

Right then, Chae Nayun went out of the Gravity Chamber. With a somewhat blushed face… {Oh no… Not this. For fuck’s sake, not another one thinking this psycho and I have something going on…}

“…”-She suddenly walks a little fast to the door. But then stops as she saw Hajin laying flat on the bench.

“What happened to that bastard?”

“Well, aren’t you ladylike with that tongue of yours?”-I retort to her. “He’s just resting.”

“Shut up. I didn’t ask for opinions. And resting? *hump* Weakling.”-She says as she leaves the place.

“Well. She sure is another wacko… An obsessive one at that… *sigh…* Poor guy…”-I said while looking at Hajin with a worried face.

“Look who is talking… You know you’re not sane at all up there, right?”-Said Olivia while pointing at my head.

“You still here? Shoo, Shoo, leave.”- I gesture for her to leave again.

“I leave whenever I want!!!”

“Then go train. Do something productive. Don’t just sit there bothering me.”- I frown while looking at her.

“…”-She just stands up and goes to the treadmill, not before giving me a glare and shoving the middle finger up my face.

“…” {Fuck… Just where the hell all these crazy women comes from? Maybe it is some kind of requirement to enter Cube? Or do they just pick them out in some 2x1 promotion?}-I thought while looking at her.

“What’s the grinning face for?”-Hajin suddenly says as he opens his eyes to look at me.

“What grinning face? It seems the training just fucked up your brain.”-I say, not even turning to look at him.

“Hahaha, sure, whatever you say. But to me, it seems like you’re falling for her.”

“…”-I turn to look at him with a calm expression. “Ok. It seems you can talk really well. Tomorrow you’re getting double the running. And Thursday. HA! Just wait. I’ll prepare something nice for you to train your resistance.”

“…”-I can slowly see the fear creeping up his face.

“Now sit up. I still have to help your sorry ass recover. Or you won’t be able to wake up tomorrow morning.”

“…”-He quietly sits up.

“Point your back to me.”

“You won’t kill me or anything right?”

“You think I need you to show me your back for it? Nah. Just do it.”

He then points his back to me. And I put both hands on his back.

“Ok. Listen to me. When I say ‘one’. You inhale deeply. Hold it. When I say ‘two’, you exhale it. You’ll feel weird inside. Like something else going inside you. Don’t resist. Let it flow. It isn’t mana. You may also feel like the mana is trying to repel that energy. But don’t worry. I won’t let you blow up.”

“Wa-wait, WHAT!!?? Blow up!? What do you mean by that!!!??? Is this dangerous!!!???”

“Chill your titties. I won’t let anything happen to you. Jeez, man. Such a pussy.”

“…”-I can faintly feel him trembling.

“Now. One.”- He inhales deeply.

I immediately inject natural energy into his body, going all around his circuit once at fast speed.

“Two.”- He exhales while the natural energy inside him finishes the first lap and leaves through the exhaling.

“One.”- I start the second round. He inhales and I inject the natural energy again.

“Two.”- He exhales and the natural energy ends its second lap around his magic circuit before going out.

We keep doing it for three minutes, after which I stop injecting natural energy inside him. He should be pretty rested after this. Thankfully, he doesn’t have too much mana inside. Which makes it easier for the natural energy to go through his circuit without risk. At least not too much.

“We’re done. You should go back and sleep. You won’t feel too tired tomorrow morning. Maybe even rested.”- I said to him while standing up. Getting ready to leave.

“What was that? The thing you send through me. It was a really weird feeling…”-He suddenly asks while turning to look at me with a questioning gaze.

“Natural energy. You may not be able to sense it. But it is all around us. Well… Not that you need to know any more than that. Just think of it as a way to relieve your fatigue.”

*sigh…* Ok… Fine… I won’t ask.”-He says while standing up and also getting ready to leave. “By the way-”

“Shut up. I don’t want to hear it from you. Leave now.”-I said.

Kim Hajin glanced behind me, nodded, and then left the training center.

*sigh…* So, what you want now?”-I ask Olivia who’s behind me.

“Well… Can you do that with me too?”


“Fuck… You’re kidding right!!! Now I’m sure. You must be into guys!!!”

*SIGH…* Why… What did I do to deserve this…?”- I said. As I covered my face with both hands. Almost shedding a tear.

Now, this chapter is long. Really long. But well, I didn't want to cut it. So I just leave it like this. Hope you enjoy it. And any feedback will be well received. Thanks for reading!

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