The Other Side: A Second Chance

Chapter 53: Battle Plans

It was finally happening. The news of my mother's condition had fueled me far more than I had expected. Despite knowing that Hass considered me a valuable asset, she was going to slap me on the front, which would put me in quite a precarious position. I felt an unwavering will that kept me together.

After we had left the farmhouse, Alexander and I didn't speak much at first as we slowly walked back towards the camp where Isa and I were staying. When we reached the field where we had trained for the past two days, the old wizard sighed and cursed under his breath.

"Luna," he said to me, and I stopped.

I swear, if he tells me this is a dumb idea, I don't give a shit.

I turned to look at him. "Take this." He tucked his staff beneath his left arm, brought his hands together so that he could remove a small, silver ring with dark blue sapphire embedded in it, and handed it to me.

I eyed the ring closely and took it. "What is it?" I asked him.

Alexander took a deep breath and said, "It's a Ring of Protection. Wearing it will bind its powers to you, allowing your ether to channel into it and create a small field around you. Think of it like invisible armor."

I blinked. "Invisible armor, so like the spell bubble?"

Alexander nodded. "In a sense. The ring isn't perfect, however. It'll protect you from a handful of attacks. Yet even then, something powerful can overwhelm it."

Holy shit, that sounds very useful. I gulped.

"Can you give me an example?" I asked nervously.

Alexander nodded. "Small arms that fire to a degree can be stopped, such as handguns and maybe a few rifle shots. Though if the shield gets overwhelmed by a volley, it'll fail. From what I've tested, about five or so hits in rapid succession will cause the shield to shatter; however, cannon fire or a strong spell will overwhelm it instantly."

I nodded. Okay, five rounds, that's not bad…

"What about if I get in close?" I asked him. "They mentioned the site has Rusivite soldiers; what if I get into a melee?" Not that I know how to fight, nor intend to get into that!

Alexander sighed. "One of the only downsides of this ring. It only protects against ranged weapons and spells. Slow moving objects like a bayonet, knife, sword, and even a fist can force their way through easily. I would recommend you try to keep your distance."

I nodded and slid the ring onto my right ring finger, and for a moment I noticed it was far too large for my little hand. Yet suddenly, it began to vibrate, and before my very eyes, it shrank and adjusted itself to fit comfortably on my finger. A shimmer of light sparked forth from the gem and enveloped my body like glitter before dissipating into the air.

My eyes widened as I watched little particles fade and mouthed, "Wow," as Alexander smiled at me.

"Be careful out there, Luna," he said softly. "Whatever happens, if things get bad, you try to run. Get away from the chaos. Your life is precious; do not throw it away so carelessly."

I took a deep breath, looked at the ring around my finger, and glanced up at Alexander. "I won't. Once I free my family, I plan on leaving." The old wizard nodded.

"One more thing," he said to me right as I began to turn away. "There's one more spell I'd like to teach you. I think we can both agree that it would be important now that things have changed."

One more spell? I thought. I would love it if it was like a shield like Mother used.

"What would that be?" I asked him, and Alexander gestured for me to step out into our little training field.

"I want to teach you, Bubble." He said as we approached a couple of moss-covered boulders.

Hell yes! That's the one Mother used.

"It's a simple spell; most trainees can pick it up within a day; however, having seen how capable you are, Luna, I'm confident a few hours should be enough for you."

I gulped nervously at that. Oh, why did you have to say that? I sighed and nodded before putting on a brave face. "Alright! Let's go."



"By Merlin's grace, a shield to weave, in his wisdom, protection I receive. Guard us in this hour from harm's embrace and crushing power--Bubble!" I shouted as the flow of magic coursed through my body and out of the tip of my wand I used it to draw a magic shield around me, just as a flaming ball of fire rammed into it!

I yelled and focused my concentration as the force of the flaming spell sent a shock through my magic bubble and directly into my core as if it were an extension of my person. I gasped and held firm as another one rammed into me, and my head began to ache slightly as my focus doubled down.

"Excellent!" Alexander said, "It's only been an hour, and you've already formed a second tier shield. Though your cadence and stance could use some work." He said this as he gestured for me to drop my bubble shield, which I did.

I panted and rubbed my head. "That's because you didn't warn me you were going to shoot fire at me!" I glared at him.

Alexander smirked. "Well, Squirt, how're we going to test if it works?" He asked smugly.

"I dunno, throw a rock at it?" I sighed but then grinned. "Well, it doesn't matter. You weren't kidding when you said it was easy."

Alexander nodded. "Bubble is one of the easiest, and frankly, one of the more useful, whispers to learn. From construction workers to soldiers and artificers, many people learn and use the spell." He clapped his hands together. "Let's see how easily you can try to cast it chantless, though. If you can master this, your survivability will soar."

I grinned and straightened up, feeling much more confident now. I took a deep breath, widened my stance, and held out my wand. "Remember, Luna, imagine what you wish to form and focus on the incantation in your mind. Keep your mind still and concentrate. In the heat of battle, this will be hard, but you need to master it."

I nodded once again and began to focus on the words of the spell in my mind as I tried to pull the magic from my well. I could feel my hair beginning to stand on end, and my limbs tingled as I lifted my wand and focused my power on it like a conduit. In one fluid motion, I began to move my wand like a painter would their brush, and I could feel my energy flowing out of it as I quite literally began to paint a bubble of energy around me.

Before I could react, however, a swirling mass of fire struck my shield. I cried out as the bubble burst, and the shock of energy sent me on my ass!

"Gah, what the fuck?!" I panted and looked up with wide eyes. "Are you trying to kill me?!"

Alexander walked over to me, his face stern. "No, but the enemy will. Your motions are too pretty. They're slow and inefficient. War magic isn't meant to be performed in a dance-like way. You need to move fast and be focused."

"B-But you said you can't speed up chants and such." Alexander held a finger out.

"Those are for chants. Chantless can be done swiftly; get up; we're trying this again."

I groaned and pushed myself to my feet, and as Alexander got to his spot, I quickly got into position and once again began to channel my energy. I tried to focus on what he said, channel swiftly, and move more efficiently.

Once again. His fire slammed into my shield, and I was blasted to the ground.

"Too pretty!" His voice boomed. "Get up and try again."

Once more. I was blown to the side.

"Again!" was all he shouted.

For another hour, this continued.

I pounded my fist into the dirt. "Dammit, why is this so hard?!" I whined.

"Chantless casting is not picked up on so easily," Alexander said more calmly as he came over to me. "Masters, like myself, only start to pick up on them far into our careers. I had thought, however, that with your abilities, you may be able to pick up on them, and you can clearly. Though the rust will take some time to remove."

I groaned. "But I need it. I won't have time to make chants while being shot at."

Alexander sighed. "That is true, but the arcane arts cannot be taught by cramming. At least, not efficiently." He pulled out his pocket watch to check the time. "It's about time we return to the farmhouse. We can pick up more on this later in the evening."

I groaned and wiped the sweat off my brow as I got to my feet. "Dammit… alright." I sighed.



As if a repeat of this morning. Once again, we were all crowded in the farmhouse dining room. The table in the room was covered in maps with miniature pieces depicting various military positions sprinkled about, and the rolling chalkboard was covered in various photographs and military jargon that I once again couldn't fully understand.

This time, however, instead of Colonel Pitz stepping up to speak, it was Hass herself. "Good afternoon," she greeted everyone.

"Good afternoon." The others replied.

"I take it everyone has had time to thoroughly review the contents that were handed out this morning?" She glanced at the officers around the room, who nodded. "Excellent. In that case, let's discuss the plans thoroughly."

Hass unhooked a riding crop from her belt and rested it in her hand. "Starting tomorrow at 0600, just before dawn's light. Godhammers three and four will unleash two barrages at confirmed Rusivite positions here and here." She pointed to two positions across the river on the map in front of me with her crop.

I leaned forward and saw that there were two forested areas outside the town of Dresden. "This will be done as a diversion. As the rest of Chosen and Drizzle Batteries begin to bombard the area with artillery, while this is happening, Ale and Berry Company will cross the northern and southern bridges, which are being constructed as we speak." She explained this while pointing to each respective commanding officer. "Your goals are simple; cause as much havoc as you can. As per your reports, you'll be outfitted with the newest tools we have, the lorry guns. Fire and maneuver. Those lorries are the best thing we have when it comes to fighting those machines fairly. Doing this should not only split the Rusivite fighting machines but lure the bulk of their patrols away from the main facility; if we're lucky, they'll even sally out some defenders."

She straightened up, and I saw her eyes lock onto a burly, gruff-looking man who was just a few seats down from me. "Which then leads us to our main event. During all of this, Easy Company will be tasked with assaulting the facility head-on. As stated previously, if everything goes well, the bulk of their forces will be scattered. Your task is simple: breakthrough and find our people. Yet more importantly, our VIP, the Moonweaver, which, from observation, looks to be held here." She laid down the grainy image of the prison. "Unfortunately, we lack intelligence on the interior of such a facility, so you'll need to act on your own intuition. Each team will be provided with limited aerial assistance but will have three magisters assigned to each team. Save for Easy, who'll be granted a fourth."

It was at that moment that my heart rate shot up as Hass's eyes fell on me. "You'll be assigned this one here, one Luna Ashflow." At this moment, murmurs sprouted up in the room.

"A child?"

"I was wondering why this girl was here."

"You can't be fucking serious? We're throwing a little one into this?"

The voices all came flooding towards me, and I gulped as Hass silenced everyone with a raised hand. "Do not let her age or appearance fool you. As you're all aware, the other day the sky was lit with flames," she said as the officers nodded, some still looking skeptical. "This was done because of her. The past couple days I've had Master Alexander Mihaljević train her, and already he has returned to me with wonderful results. Luna Ashflow is the daughter of the Moonweaver; she is immensely talented and more than capable of providing Easy with the capability of breaching those walls." She smirked. "I'm positive that with her volunteered assistance and the help of the once renowned Talon, Easy will pull through."

I blinked. Once renowned Talon?

Hass continued. "Once the Moonweaver and prisoners are secured, your secondary objective is to obtain as much intelligence as you can. Upon exfiltration, Easy, you are to fire off a red flare to signal the Godhammers to wipe this stain off the face of Enora. Upon doing so, you'll have exactly five minutes to get to safety. After doing so, you'll fall back across the bridge if, by chance, the bridge is destroyed. Gale Company is on standby to help you cross. Upon mission completion, green flares will signal for Ale and Berry to return. If, by chance, Easy does not make it back before 1200, the godhammers have full authority to smite the facility."

Hearing that caused a large lump to appear in my throat. I took a shaky breath and glanced away from Hass, only to notice the gruff man from Easy Company staring at me, his brown eyes practically burning holes through me as he eyed me from head to toe.

I sheepishly smiled and waved at him.

"Alright then," Hass said, "if there's no question. Then this will conclude the briefing. Have your men ready by 0500 tomorrow; come 0600, we're going to make those bastards pay. Dismissed."



As expected, upon leaving the farmhouse, the man from Easy Company approached Alexander and me. "Excuse me," he said, his voice sounding as rough as sandpaper. "Luna Ashflow, is it?"

Alexander didn't bother turning around as he pulled out his pipe and packed it with loki, and I turned and said, "Y-Yeah that's me?"

The tall human looked down at me as he adjusted his drab uniform. I noticed on his breast the name Weller. Just then the man stuck out a large hand at me. I could tell by his expression while he was trying to maintain an air of professionalism that he seemed conflicted. "I am Captain Weller; you'll be… serving under me."

I blushed, reached out, and took his hand. "Y-yeah! I am." I stuttered. "I know it seems odd," I said as he gripped my hand gently and shook it. "But the Colonel wasn't exaggerating; I am a…"

"Little wizard," Alexander said as he huffed on his pipe. "She's strong. Very." He vouched for me.

The captain nodded and said, "Well, that means my company has two reliable mercenaries."

I nodded. "Yeah, I heard the colonel mention someone named Talon; who's that?" I asked.

Captain Weller smirked. "One of the most renowned sharpshooters besides Deadeye is Isa Talon." His voice echoed in my mind. The name Isa Talon played on repeat over and over, and I stumbled a little as I lost balance before catching myself.

"Wh-what?!" I sputtered. "Y-You mean like the big, fluffy eared Serelli lady?"

Weller cocked an eyebrow and said, "Yeah. You know her?"

"Sh-she's my…" I trailed off.

I thought she said she didn't want to fight. Is it because of me? I don't want her out there; what if she gets hurt?! Ah, fuck, I'm thinking like a hypocrite now! Dammit!

I groaned. "Yes." I said finally. "I do know her." I facepalmed. "She's my… teacher."

Captain Weller looked confused at me and took a deep breath as he placed a hand on his hip. "Well, in that case, I'm sure this will go much better than expected," he said optimistically. "C'mon, I want to introduce you to the platoon you'll be assigned to, and we'll discuss our plans for tomorrow."

"Once you're finished, Luna," Alexander said before I went. "Come find me for some final practice."

I nodded and bit my lower lip. Things are getting more and more complicated…

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