The Outbreak

C.31 : Night Assault

Taking care not to make too much noise, the four vampires entered the community, sticking to the shadows. Even if the dogs had better senses than humans, they couldn't discover a vampire trying to stay hidden unless their scent gave them away.

Odelle had told them earlier that the dogs needed time to change, and while in human form, they would be weaker than even a common vampire.

Orissa's steps were silent but quick, going to the outer edge of the community and jumping to a window and opening it, using her strength to break the lock quietly.

Entering the house, she could smell dogs and that wasn't a pleasant smell. Opening the door and moving through the hall, she saw a person in a room to the right reeking of dog.

From the heartbeats, she knew it was a dog, so she appeared behind them, twisting their neck before they could realize something was wrong.

Letting the body drop, she went back out and headed downstairs where there were two more dogs and a human in the living room. Seeing a stranger appearing in their house shocked them, but they weren't afraid until her scent hit them.

"Vampire!" The dog nearest to her tried to run, but she kicked the small glass coffee table at them, sending them crashing to the ground bleeding from the shattered glass and wood.

"You have a human here?" Orissa appeared besides the human who tried to back away, but a cold hand gripped her throat and lifted her into the air.

"Stop! She's innocent! Don't hurt her!" The uninjured wolf spoke but Orissa gave him a look of utter scorn. If this human woman was innocent, was Zaylee not even more innocent?

"You hunted a child vampire tonight, right?" Orissa looked at the man with a smile, showing her fangs feeling better after putting these retarded dogs in their places.

"A child vampire? No we didn-" A low grunt left the woman as Orissa started applying pressure to her hand. If he didn't start to speak the truth, she'd leave this woman without a head.

"The others went out to hunt as said they managed to kill a vampire, I don't know anything else! Please let her go!" Hearing the wolf beg for a human's life made her smile grow bigger as she slowly crushed the woman's neck.

"She would have died if I didn't save her, so this human can die in her place. And all of you can join her." Tossing the woman's body aside like trash, she stepped on the injured wolf's head and crushed it easily causing blood to splash out.

"You damned b*tch! I'll kill you!" Ignoring his obvious weakness, he tried to attack Orissa, but she caught his arm and twisted it, kicking his leg and snapping the bone.

"You will die because you are disgusting. Even touching you dogs makes me want to puke." With a grin, she kneed the wolf in the chin, and before he could even realize what happened, her nails flashed past and his head fell from his body.

"From all the commotion, seems like they're all just having fun now." Orissa left the house and killed a wolf rushing towards the noise by breaking his neck.

"Vampires!" An angry roar rang through the night and some gunshots went off, but knowing that the weapons effects were useless, she went looking for more wolves to kill.

"Hurry and change, if one finds us, we'll die!" She turned her head and jumped over a house and landed in a yard with two people, a woman and a man stripping down.

"No no, you don't need to do that. Just die, okay?" She slapped the man's chest and watched as he flew back as if he were hit by a truck, crushing his internal organs to a pulp.

"Why are you attacking us?!" The woman scrambled for a weapon and held a gardening fork between them as if it would somehow help her situation.

"You are too arrogant to just go hunting us, so how about we do the same?" Orissa grabbed her hand holding the gardening fork and redirected it into the woman's throat, stepping back to avoid the smelly blood as the woman fell over trying to stop the bleeding uselessly.

A few more minutes passed, and most of the population of the community was dead or almost there. There were one or two wolves who managed to transform but they were quickly killed by them when they showed up.

Surprisingly, Zaylee had the most kills while Sierra tagged in last. When they met up, Odelle had started a fire in a couple houses and made sure they burned well.

"Are you feeling better Zaylee?" Orissa smiled at the obviously ecstatic kid who felt that this was very fun. Perhaps if she had interacted with people more, she wouldn't be so psychotic, but she was and none of them minded.

"Yes! I won! I got to beat them up!" Zaylee launched herself three meters headfirst into Orissa's arms who stopped her momentum without taking a step back.

"That's good. Now where did you live?" Orissa caressed Zaylee's hair when she felt her stiffen in her embrace. She was afraid they'd bring her back home and leave her.

"Don't worry Zaylee, you're our friend, how could we just leave you somewhere? Wherever we go, you can come too." Hearing Orissa's calm yet musical voice reassured her, so she hopped out of her arms and led led them to her home.

A short three minutes was all it took to come to a rather rundown neighborhood. Seeing Zaylee stopping in front of a house painted green maybe several decades ago, Odelle knocked on the door.

"Um good night, we came to ask if she's your daughter?" When the door opened, a man in his late forties with a frown looked out and then smiled sinisterly when he saw Odelle's beauty.

"Good night to you beauty, oh? Yes, she is my daughter." The man could see Zaylee's figure from the faint light and cursed inwardly. If this brat was going to run out, why not just die outside and save him the trouble?

"Good, then we have the right person, what a relief. The sun will rise in thirty minutes or so. You don't mind staying here for the day right?" Odelle asked Sierra and Orissa who shrugged and looked at Zaylee.

"Can we sleep over Zaylee?" The man seeing he was ignored because these beauties were talking to his useless daughter wanted to grab a stick and beat her until she died, but he had to keep up appearances.

"Mn." Seeing Zaylee nod, Odelle nodded and grabbed the man's shirt and dragged him into the house despite his protests and struggles, with Sierra entering last and closing the door behind them.

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