The Outlands

Holiday Special 2022 Part 1

Please read this before continuing

If you didn't check out last year's special, here's how it goes: the majority of each of these chapters is the same with minor tweaks, mostly in the beginnings of each. You can read them all if you want, but you're really not missing out on much at the moment. If you don't care particularly which PoV you read, I recommend reading Lia's - it contains the most content (because Jerry likes to talk) and a tiny bit of basically inconsequential lore.

In terms of spoilers, there really isn't much. The Outlands is spoiled to somewhere in the realm of chapter 70ish, and the other series have minor spoilers. Kind of. The astute among you will notice that Lilith is not from current time, public or patreon; she is from a few chapters in the future, so consider that a bit of a teaser for what's to come.

As last year, this is quasi-canon. If you want it to be canon, it is. If you don't, it's not. Either way, it will have no effect on the main stories. If you want my personal opinion (not an official statement by any means, death of the author and all that), I consider these canon, if only because I think it's really interesting to have this event happen. That being said, it's a mite sillier than normal, thus the ambiguous canonicity, rather than it being officially canon.

Unlike last year, there will be a part two coming next week. This will contain the scene I set up at the end of the chapter, and will likely be significantly different from all PoVs for at least half the chapter, so look forward to that!

Have a happy and safe holiday, and, as always, thanks for reading!

Tess took a step forward and suddenly found herself in a large ballroom, dressed in a formal suit.

“Looks like it’s this time again.” Amy sighed. “I wish there was some preparation I could make for this, but I suppose there’s nothing I can do about it. Now…who’s with me tonight?”

As she spoke, Tess took her own stock of the situation. Herself and Ellie were there, of course, and Amara made a return as well, along with a couple of the gods that Tess wasn’t super familiar with. Slightly more surprising, however, was Maven.

“What…happened? Where are we?” Maven asked faintly.

“Oh. You’re new, right.” Amy said. “Amara, Tess, Ellie, get Maven up to speed while I go figure out where everyone’s supposed to be.”

Amara placed a comforting hand on Maven’s shoulder. “We’re perfectly safe, don’t worry.” She said. “This is…a sort of inter-universal party. No one is quite sure what it is, how it happens, or…really anything about it, but the important bits are that it is completely impossible to hurt people here, that this place exists outside the normal laws of reality, and that we’re going to forget all about this once it’s over.”

“But you and Amy remember.” Maven argued. “And what do you mean by outside the normal laws of reality?”

“You remember once you come back here.” Tess supplied. “Ellie and I were here at what we…assume is the last one? It’s kind of impossible to tell, but it was a fairly enjoyable night.”

Amara nodded gratefully. “As for being outside the normal laws of reality…well, time and space don’t really work right here. Everyone from other planes is likely from a vastly different time period than us, and this place is effectively infinite, despite looking completely finite. If you go wandering, looking for an activity you want to do, you’ll find it with no issues.

“Even more, this party has some sort of…will of its own. Everyone has a place they’re supposed to be, and if you get too off-track, you get gently guided back. One of the other Administrators, Jerry, is notorious for trying to figure out how this place works only to be somehow shut down. Still, he makes advancements from time to time, which is how we know much of what we know.”

“Though, admittedly, I’m reasonably confident that these strides are only being made because this place wants me to make them. “A tall man that Tess vaguely recognized said, butting into the conversation. “I don’t think I introduced myself last time,” he said, nodding at Tess and Ellie, “the name’s Jeryl, but I prefer Jerry. I’m Rose and Lia’s Administrator.”

Following behind him were Rose and Lia, looking much the same as they had at the last party Tess had been to. “Good to see you again.” Rose said. “It’s only been a few days for us, how long has it been for you?”

Ellie shrugged. “A few months, I think?”

“A couple of years for me.” Lilith said, walking up to them. “Pleasure meeting you all again.”

“Maven!” Kali said delightedly, rushing over to them. “I believe this is your first time meeting me!”

Maven frowned. “You look…familiar. Have I seen you before?”

Kali smiled. “Probably in your family’s portrait gallery. I think they still have one of me floating around there somewhere.”

“Yup.” Amara said. “Though no one but us older folks really remember who you are.”

“It’d be more troublesome if they did, really.” Kali said, then turned back to Maven. “I’m Kali, and I was second in line to Paumen’s throne ten or so generations before Amara.” She explained. “I never had kids or anything, I ended up becoming a sort of intern Administrator for Amy, then graduated to being a full-time Administrator of my own universe. I’m actually the one Amy is running Mael to help out with.”

Maven blinked. “I…think I remember Grandmother mentioning you. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

Kali laughed. “I forgot how stiff you were back in the day.” She said. “Don’t worry, we’ll meet for real soon, at least for you. I’m from fifty or sixty years in your future, so I’ve already met you, and I’d say we’ve grown relatively close. As close as we can be when I live in an entirely different universe, anyway.”

“Speaking of,” Lilith said, “I actually met the future you since we last had this party. You’re a little different than you are now, but also the same in many ways. It’s mostly being more experienced and confident, but there are a…couple major differences.”

“Like?” Ellie prompted.

“Well, all three of you are married, for one.” Lilith said. “To each other.” She continued, eyes twinkling.

“What?!” Maven blurted out. “But…I…I am not even attracted to women!”

Lilith laughed. “I’m just pulling your chain.” She said. “I’m not going to say more than that, though, seriously talking about the future is frowned upon at these events. It puts a damper on the party, apparently. But I’m getting ahead of myself. I’m Lilith, Kali’s wife and her only Higher Being. I’m planning on hanging out with you guys again for the rest of the night, if that’s good with you.”

“I was assuming we would.” Ellie said. “And Rose and Lia, as well.”

“Um, yeah.” Lia said awkwardly. “Not sure what else I would be doing, really. And, um, I’m Lia, no one really special in comparison to all of you.”

Rose patted Lia gently on the back. “The very fact that we’re here with them means that, at the very least, this party considers us to be as important as they are.”

“And to be honest, that’s probably a better indication of your true status than anything else.” Jerry said, stroking his chin thoughtfully. “This party is…as close to omniscient and omnipotent as anything I’ve ever seen, and if it wants you to hang out with these people, it probably means you would either fit in well with them or are involved with each other in some way unknown to us in reality. You’d be surpri – ack!”

Jerry was cut off as a trolley nimbly rolled through the crowd, swerving around people without spilling anything or hitting anyone, all to strike Jerry in the side of the knee. “Fine, fine, I get it.” He grumbled. “I’ll go enjoy myself somewhere else. You’re always like this, can’t you…” His voice was quickly lost in the background chatter as he began walking away from the group.

“And he’s always like that.” Kali chuckled. “But I need to get going as well, you guys have fun tonight!” She too, left, leaving the six of them alone

“Well, I’ll go reserve us a table, like last time.” Lilith said. “I’m assuming everyone’s fine with getting food, right?”

“Seeing as how the three of us were conveniently plucked away from our lives just before dinner, I would assume so.” Ellie said.

“We’re the same.” Rose confirmed. “You can generally assume everyone at one of these parties will be hungry at the beginning. And, if you’re wondering, I don’t think you need to worry about watching what you eat here, since every time I returned, I was just as hungry as when I left.”

Lilith gave a nod, then sort of…stepped out of her own skin, leaving an identical duplicate of herself in her wake. Even Maven and Rose seemed a little unnerved at the sight, but Lilith just smirked and headed off towards the dining tables.

“What…is she?” Maven asked carefully.

Rose chuckled. “It’s complicated.” She said, leading the group over to the serving tables. “But I believe the answer is she is literally every species in her universe at once, something called a ‘Perfect Chimera’. They apparently take nearly as much Worship as Higher Beings to create, and due to their unprecedented adaptability, they’re one of the few types of people who can safely use eldritch abilities.”

“She, um, is also a Lord of Monsters.” Lia added. “Don’t forget that.”

“A what?” Maven asked.

“Do you not have those?” Lia asked, taken aback.

“I don’t believe Amy’s planes ever needed one.” Rose replied. “Maven, you can consider the Lord of Monsters to be…a sort of god who acts in opposition to people to give them a reason to grow, a common enemy to fight. They unify all monsters and launch a direct war against the sapient races, only to be barely defeated by the end.”

“Isn’t she pulling like…double or triple duty, too?” Tess asked. “I thought she mentioned about being the Higher Being in charge of a lot of stuff.”

“I think all Higher Beings in Kali’s planes are just Lilith or one of her alternate personalities.”

“Alternate…personalities?” Maven questioned. “Is she…okay?”

“I think it was another eldritch thing.” Rose said. “I haven’t actually met any, but it seems like they’re closer to full-fledged people of their own than they are alternate personalities. Even if they aren’t, she seems remarkably stable, and none of the Administrators seem to think anything’s wrong, so she’s probably fine.”

“She’s not gonna try and hurt anyone, if you’re worried about that.” Lia said, piling some shrimp onto a plate. “For a Lord of Monsters, she’s very friendly.”

“Technically, I’m not the one in charge of that.” Lilith said, walking up to them. “That’s Eve. She’s a bit more feisty, but she’s a nice enough girl once you learn to read between the lines and listen to what she means, not what she’s saying.”

“Another of your personalities, yes?” Maven asked. “How do you manage those?”

Lilith shrugged. “They’ve all got their own bodies, they’re basically separate people, even if we generally share all our senses all the time. Aside from that, the only thing that really separates me from them is that if I die, they all die too. They all still treat me like the ‘main personality’, but after so long of them being their own thing, that feels silly. Still, they insist, so I’m not gonna push them too hard on it.”

“That is a fascinating way of life.” Maven said. “It makes mine look dull by comparison.”

“You can say it’s weird.” Lilith smirked. “I fully embrace that fact, being out of the norm is kind of my schtick. I am well aware that I am maybe the only person in existence who lives like this.”

Maven blushed, turning away. “Even so, you are my aunt, and I should show you at least a little respect.”

“Oh yeah!” Ellie interjected. “You said Kali’s your wife! When did you two tie the knot?”

“A year or so ago.” Lilith replied. “Maven and Amara were there, actually. Or…will be there, for you guys? Time is weird.”

They continued making small talk as they dished up, and then Lilith led them back to a table where her double was sitting. Lilith set her tray down in front of the double, and then sat down on top of her double, melting into it until there was only one Lilith left. “So, any exciting developments since we last spoke? We’ve talked about me getting married, of course, anything comparable for you all?”

“I…met Jerry for real for the first time.” Lia said. “It’s given me a lot to think about.”

“I bet.” Lilith replied, spearing a piece of ham, but not eating it yet. “I was a lot less surprised than I should have been when I learned about everything, but that’s reincarnation for you.”

“You’re reincarnated?” Maven asked.

“Kind of.” Lilith replied. “I have no memories of my past life, but it comes back to me in the form of emotions. Plus, I look the same as I used to, minus all the…chimeric traits.”

“May I assume you were someone important, then? May I ask who?”

“Kali’s lover, a succubus who also went by Lilith.” Lilith replied. “Honestly, there’s a chance you can still meet her, she’s still…not alive, but exists as a soul in your time. And don’t feel bad that she’s…gone, either; I apparently have her old personality, and she went into this fully expecting this outcome. I’m sure that, given the choice, she’d do it again in a heartbeat. I would if I were in her situation, so I think it’s safe to assume she would as well.”

Lia groaned. “Well, I’m glad I’m not you.” She said. “Your life seems way too complicated for me. At least my goal is straightforward. Take over the world by any means necessary. No politicking, no memories of past lives, just…doing things.”

“I hate to burst your bubble, but memories of past lives play a pivotal role in our operation.” Rose pointed out.

“What?” Lia asked, taken aback. “Oh, right. Sorry, I meant my memories, or memories that would conflict with being raised from birth instead of just poofed back into existence. You know, that sort of thing.”

“Well, I, for one, am happy to be neither of you.” Ellie said. “You two seem to be in charge, and from what I’ve gathered from Maven, it’s not particularly pleasant at the top.”

“I’m only at the top in spirit.” Lilith said. “I don’t have any administrative oversight or anything, I just get to do what I want and occasionally step in and bonk people who are being naughty.”

“I presume that, by ‘bonk’, you mean using force to punish egregious lawbreakers?” Maven asked. “In that respect, your work is not quite so different from our own. In fact…I cannot help but wonder, if we were to fight, which of us would come out on top. Your universe is rather low-powered, and ours is one of the highest-powered, yes?”

“Yup. That being said, there’s no chance you guys can put up a fight against me.” Lilith said lazily. “From what I’ve seen, you just don’t have enough power or versatility to match what I can output. Not yet, anyway; your future selves are a significantly different story.”

Tess couldn’t help but be a little annoyed at that. “I’m used to always having lower stats.” She said. “And I’m specifically built to get over that hurdle. I’m sure I could give you some challenge.”

Lilith raised a brow. “Bold words. Perhaps, after dinner, we should put those to the test? I’m sure there’s some sort of safe arena we can use here.”

“There is.” Rose confirmed. “And I must admit, I find myself intrigued by this fight; I would love to see what you’re truly capable of.”

“That settles it, then.” Tess said. “You and me, after this, we’ll go have a duel. No stakes, just a friendly spar.”

Lilith grinned. “I could use a little exercise. And who knows? Maybe you’ll surprise me.”

Tess gulped down a bite of food. Lilith’s unshakable confidence scared and annoyed her in equal measure; it annoyed her that she though so little of Tess, and, by extension, the rest of her party, but it scared her because Lilith didn’t seem like the kind of person to exaggerate her ability. Still, there was only one way to find out if Lilith could walk the walk, and it wasn’t like anything permanently damaging could happen here, so…what was the worst that could happen?

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.