The powerful cultivators in the city

Chapter 141

Finally, when Zhu Xishan shuffled the cards for the third time, Chen Hao's eyes were shocked and he saw something strange.

When Zhu Xishan's fingers rubbed the cards, tiny depressions invisible to the naked eye appeared on the surface of his skin.

It was just like when the fingertips pressed on a hard object, they would go down.

A normal person would never have such a tiny depression.

There is no doubt that this is Zhu Xishan's unique technique!

Without thinking, Chen Hao immediately activated his magic power and quickly magnified the details of the depression in his consciousness.

Soon, the depressions turned into huge deep pits, and the birth process slowed down to slow motion, which was very clear.

Then, Chen Hao was surprised to find that each depression was different.

Some were deep, some were shallow, and the size was also different.

It was like a meteorite crater after being hit by a meteor.

What's going on?

Chen Hao looked thoughtful and observed carefully.

After a moment, he suddenly realized.

This is because each card is different.

In the eyes of normal people, there is no difference between cards except for the patterns.

But if you zoom in to a certain extent, you will find that the structure of each card has slight differences.

For example, the thickness of the card, the distribution of the digital pattern printing, the amount of wax on the card, etc.

There are no two leaves in the world that are exactly the same. Similarly, each card is unique.

After Zhu Xishan's fingers rub the cards, different depressions can be displayed according to the structural differences of each card.

According to these different depressions, Zhu Xishan has mastered the precise information of each card!

No wonder he could draw three Aces!

Using this method is almost the same as perspective, even more accurate, and there is no need to worry about being seen by others.

After all, even if it is a surveillance video, it can only be slowed down, but it cannot magnify the details, so it is naturally not discovered.

Of course, only warriors with subtle perception can do this.

For ordinary people, even if such a tiny dent can be produced, it is impossible to detect it.

And even so, Zhu Xishan should be gifted and have worked hard in this area.

It is estimated that the six fingers of the same length came from this.

At this time, Zhu Xishan had shuffled the cards, casually spread them on the table, and stretched out his hand to Qu Lingling: "Draw."

Qu Lingling's face was solemn, and her jade fingers gently slid across the cards.

She did not have Zhu Xishan's ability, so she could only memorize the cards that flashed by when Zhu Xishan was concentrating on shuffling the cards just now, and then judge the position of the big cards.

This is also a very clever gambling skill, but of course it cannot be compared with Zhu Xishan's method.

After a while, Qu Lingling took out a card first, gently pressed it and moved it in front of her, slightly opened it and looked at it, and felt relieved.

Spade Ace.

It seems that she remembered it correctly.

I hope I can win this round...

Qu Lingling prayed and took out another card.

Opening it, it was the Ace of Hearts.

Two consecutive cards are top cards, which looks very good, but Qu Lingling's beautiful eyes can't help but reveal nervousness. She hesitated and didn't draw the third card.

Even if she shuffled the cards herself, she couldn't remember the exact position of all the big cards, let alone Zhu Xishan shuffled the cards. It was lucky to remember the position of Spade Ace and Heart Ace and draw them.

As for Club Ace and Diamond Ace, Qu Lingling could only remember the approximate range. Whether she could draw them was up to fate.

"How long are you going to waste?"

Zhu Xishan said impatiently.

Qu Lingling gritted her teeth, stopped hesitating, closed her eyes and drew the last card.

Wrong draw...

Chen Hao took a look, shook his head secretly, and showed a look of regret.

Qu Lingling moved the cards in front of her, plucked up her courage, slightly lifted it up and looked, and her heart suddenly sank.

9 of spades.

Obviously, God was not on her side.

Two Aces and a 9 can only make a pair.

In the poker card type, the pair is almost the smallest, only slightly larger than a single card.

It seems that this round is a pill again.

"Fifty million, do you follow?"

Although she felt cold in her heart, Qu Lingling did not show it on the surface, and asked calmly, calling 20 million more than the previous round.

Gambling cards require not only skills but also psychological qualities. Even if the cards are bad, you must show your strength to make the opponent unsure and even lose their composure and give up.

Cards to admit defeat.

Qu Lingling has been running a casino for many years, so she is naturally proficient in this.

Chen Hao sighed secretly.

Qu Lingling's actions may scare ordinary masters, but Zhu Xishan, as a warrior, will not be easily deceived by her.

Sure enough, Zhu Xishan did not even hesitate, and said lightly: "Follow."

Qu Lingling's heart sank again, and she could only pretend to be calm and make a gesture of invitation.

Zhu Xishan stretched out his right hand as usual, and gently rubbed the six fingers on the surface of the cards.

Then, he seemed to understand something and smiled sarcastically at Qu Lingling: "So you are bluffing."

Qu Lingling could no longer remain calm, and her face turned pale.

Obviously, Zhu Xishan even knew what cards she had drawn.

Zhu Xishan drew three cards.

He did not deduct them, but showed them directly.

Three 6s.

Although they are just ordinary cards, they are much larger than pairs.

"I lost."

Qu Lingling bit her lip, picked up five chips and threw them over.

"Why didn't Boss Qu open his cards?"

Zhu Xishan's eyes flashed with a hint of teasing.

"I've already admitted defeat, is there any need?"

Qu Lingling said coldly.

"Your cards are Ace of Spades, Ace of Hearts and 9 of Spades."

Zhu Xishan said slowly, "The reason why you were able to draw two Aces is because you memorized the positions of these two cards when I shuffled the cards. Of course, your memory is not reliable, and you were able to draw them with a certain amount of luck, but the third card, with your ability, you can't remember it, you can only know a rough range, so you hesitated for a long time, but in the end you drew the wrong card."

"You were very disappointed and terrified, but as a gangster boss, you were very cunning, so you covered up well. You pretended to be calm and deliberately called out a bet of 50 million, trying to show your mental quality and cheat me with all your heart. "

"Unfortunately, I didn't fall for your trick, because from your initial hesitation, I saw your timidity and weakness in your heart, and after I touched the cards once and confirmed what cards you got, I understood your weak mentality even more."

"Boss Qu, am I right in my analysis?"

Zhu Xishan looked at Qu Lingling, and his eyes showed a playful look like a cat teasing a mouse.

Qu Lingling's face was ashen.

Zhu Xishan not only saw through her gambling skills and psychology, but also said it in public with a playful tone.

Obviously, this was a deliberate humiliation of her to show that he was superior and in control of everything.

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