The powerful cultivators in the city

Chapter 159

"Go ahead." Qu Lingling waved her hand. "Wait a minute." Suddenly, Chen Hao said. Everyone was startled. "Everyone come and drink the tea I just brewed and taste it." Chen Hao pointed to the dozen disposable paper cups on the table. He had already prepared the tea while everyone was talking. Hearing this, everyone came over and picked up the paper cups curiously. Then, their faces froze. Is this tea? It's clearly a mixture of several Chinese medicine powders, some dry tea leaves, and mineral water. Because the temperature of the mineral water was very low, the Chinese medicine powder was not completely dissolved, and many places were still solid particles. The tea leaves did not soften at all, floating alone on the surface, looking weird.

Isn't this too much?

However, Chen Hao was the boss of their boss, so they naturally did not dare to have any objections. Even if it was real Chinese medicine, they had to drink it with gritted teeth.

However, after drinking less than half a cup, they all stared with eyes wide open, showing disbelief.

This seemingly simple tea, which was the same as Chinese medicine liquid, did not taste bitter at all, but was fresh and natural, sweet and sharp.

It was like drinking a sip of pure and natural mountain spring water in the dog days of summer, and every pore in the body opened up, and it was refreshing from the heart to the outside of the body.

"Mr. Chen, what kind of tea is this? It's so delicious!"

"Yes, isn't this Chinese medicine? But you can taste the sweetness, it's incredible."

"I'm a rough man, I don't know how to describe it, it just feels so refreshing, Mr. Chen, do you have any more?"

Everyone said, drinking the tea in one gulp, even licking the undissolved solid Chinese medicine particles clean.

"Chen Hao, is this the new product you mentioned?"

Qu Lingling also held a paper cup, sipping it as if enjoying it, and asked in surprise.

As a big boss, she naturally pays great attention to the quality of life, and has extremely high requirements for tea ceremony. If this simple Chinese medicine tea was not brewed by Chen Hao, she would not even touch it.

I didn't expect that after taking a small sip...

It smells so good!

Chen Hao nodded: "Sister Ling, what do you think the market prospects will be if this kind of tea is put on the market?"

"It will definitely be a hit!"

Qu Lingling was extremely excited, "Just as you said, it is enough to crush similar products in the market, and it doesn't even need to be promoted. Just relying on the word-of-mouth effect, it is enough to be popular in China and even the world."

Abin and others nodded in agreement.

As long as you drink this tea, it is almost impossible not to recommend it to others.

"Then you prepare to make it, Sister Ling, I will give you the formula."

Chen Hao said, "The 2.2 billion in the account is my investment."

"Yes, I will definitely do it well!"

Qu Lingling was extremely excited.

Before, she heard Chen Hao say that he would give her a new product. Although she was quite looking forward to it, she didn't care after all because she hadn't seen the real thing.

Now that she has really tasted the tea, she realized how good this product is!

In terms of surprise, it is no less than Chen Hao helping her open up the Ren and Du meridians and become a warrior.

If it weren't for Abin and other younger brothers who were all around, Qu Lingling couldn't help but give Chen Hao another benefit.

Chen Hao asked someone to bring paper and pen, wrote down the recipe, and handed it to Qu Lingling.

This tea is also the most common spiritual tea recipe in Tianchenzi's memory, and it is the simplest low-end version.

The reason why it is fresh, natural, sweet and sharp is that after several Chinese medicines are blended in a special proportion, they can automatically absorb a trace of spiritual energy from heaven and earth.

Although the amount absorbed is very small, it is not worth mentioning for cultivators, but for mortals, it has far surpassed other drinks.

Qu Lingling took it solemnly, even though she was already a warrior, her pair of jade hands couldn't help but tremble slightly.

This is not a recipe, it is clearly a mountain of gold!

"By the way, Chen Hao, what is the name of this tea?"

Qu Lingling asked.

"There is no name, just give it one at random."

Chen Hao said indifferently.

Everyone was speechless.

Such a valuable tea, actually has no name.

Who would believe it if I told them?

"Okay, I won't be polite then."

Qu Lingling's beautiful eyes turned and she said with a smile.

She actually had already thought of the name of the tea, but she didn't plan to say it for the time being.

"Also, Sister Ling, after this tea is produced and put on the market, you must pay attention to the target group and never form a monopoly situation."

Chen Hao seemed to have thought of something and said.

Everyone was stunned.

"Mr. Chen, why can't we monopolize it?"

One of the subordinates couldn't help asking, "This tea is so good. If we monopolize the market, can't we make more money? We can even take the opportunity to raise the price and get more profits."

Everyone nodded, they thought so too.

"Otherwise, how can you be said to be simple-minded and short-sighted, and can only be thugs, not do business."

Qu Lingling heard this and scolded with regret, "If we monopolize the market, it means that other drinks will not survive. It is said that cutting off someone's wealth is like killing their parents. Doing so will only be attacked by the crowd. Do you still want to continue making money?"

So that's it...

Everyone understood it, and they all touched their heads and laughed awkwardly.

"Sister Ling, great!"

Chen Hao smiled and gave a thumbs up.

Just based on these words, it is enough to prove that even if Qu Lingling's business acumen is not as good as Du Xueqing and Gao Xiyue, it is definitely far better than ordinary people.

There is no need to worry.

Qu Lingling smiled sweetly at him, turned to the crowd, and her expression became serious again: "Listen carefully, from today on, put away the fighting and killing. I will enroll you in a study class. Everyone should work hard to learn business knowledge. I will evaluate you regularly."


Everyone was stunned.

"Sister Ling, we are gangsters. We are just watching a casino. Do we need to learn these things?"

"Yes, fighting and killing are our jobs. Why should we give them up? It's so good to be a bad guy. It's so free and easy."

Many people protested.

"Let go..."

Qu Lingling was so angry that her face turned red. She was about to curse, but suddenly remembered that Chen Hao was beside her and she had to pretend to be a lady. So she held back and didn't say it.

"You are a bunch of stupid people!"

She said bitterly, "After we have the products Mr. Chen gave us, why do we still run a casino? Of course, we have to clean up the mess and do legitimate business. When the company becomes bigger and stronger and needs professional management talents, what can you do? Be a security guard?"


Everyone was stunned and looked at each other.

With their simple and violent thinking of muscles in their brains, they naturally would not think of this.

"Abin, arrange the registration immediately, let all the leaders and core members take turns to study, and then take regular exams. Whoever fails will be directly cleared out and is not allowed to follow me in the future."

Qu Lingling said sternly.

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