The powerful cultivators in the city

Chapter 186

The other end of the phone was not sure what was said.

"Damn it!"

The middle-aged man's face suddenly turned pale and he hung up the phone.

Everyone looked at him in surprise.

"What's wrong, Yinping?"

Bai Ziping asked.

"Brother, I was cheated. I ordered a batch of goods. After the payment was made, the other party did not ship the goods for a long time, so I asked someone to urge them. I just found out that the other party ran away with my payment."

Bai Yinping said angrily.

"You have been doing business for so many years, you should be alert. There is a problem with the supplier. Why didn't you investigate it in advance?"

Bai Ziping blamed. •

"We have cooperated many times before, and nothing went wrong. I trusted him. I didn't expect that I would be cheated this time."

Bai Yinping was dejected.

"Where is the supplier's address? I will ask the public security department to check it immediately."

Bai Ziping said, "There should be a chance to recover the payment."

"No, the supplier is in L Province, which is a million miles away from us. You can't manage it that far."

Bai Yinping smiled bitterly.

Bai Ziping sighed and said nothing.

"Alas, I don't know what's going on recently. Business has been bad. Either I can't get a loan, or customers cancel orders. Now I've been cheated of the payment. I'm so unlucky!"

Bai Yinping touched his head and said frustratedly.

"Brother, you're not the only one who's unlucky. I'm unlucky too."

A woman in her thirties smiled bitterly. "A few days ago, I invested a lot of money in a stock that I was very optimistic about. As a result, it fell to the limit for three consecutive days. Now I'm completely trapped."

"What's your problem? If the stock is trapped, at least there is still one day to get out of it. I've lost a lot of money in futures trading these days, and I've lost millions."

"I didn't lose money, but my work was not going well. The boss was originally going to promote me, but someone else was replaced inexplicably."

"Me too. I just found out that my boyfriend cheated on me two days ago, and I broke up with him in a rage."

Other relatives heard this and opened up their mouths and complained.

Bai Ziping and Bai Yinping looked at each other.

I thought it was only me who was unlucky, but I didn't expect that everyone was like this.

"Brother, don't you think our family has been unlucky since our father got sick?"

Suddenly, Bai Yinping seemed to think of something and said solemnly.

"Do you believe this?"

Bai Ziping disagreed.

"Brother, I'm a businessman and I believe in fortune and feng shui. These things seem mysterious, but they are not without reason."

Bai Yinping said seriously, "If bad luck only happened once or twice, it could be said to be accidental, but our family members all had bad luck in a short period of time. How could it be such a coincidence?"

Bai Ziping frowned and didn't say anything, but he was muttering in his heart.

Although he didn't believe these, this matter did seem very strange.

"Besides, brother, you just saw it with your own eyes. Haoran and Haolan were fine, but they were suddenly injured one after another for no reason."

Bai Yinping said again, "Isn't this the same as what Chen Hao said, there will be a bloody disaster?"

Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

Recalling what Chen Hao said before, it was indeed fulfilled.

Could it be that what Chen Hao said was true, and they were really cursed by someone behind their backs, so they were plagued by bad luck and bloody disasters?


Mrs. Bai looked disdainful, "Second brother, do you know what your eldest brother is? You are still promoting this in front of him. That Chen Hao is obviously a liar. Do you still believe him?"

"Sister-in-law, some things are better to believe than not."

Bai Yinping advised, "Even if it is not, it will not hurt to find out."

"It's ridiculous. If we are really cursed by the so-called curse, how come your eldest brother and I are fine?

Mrs. Bai sneered, "Shouldn't the person who plotted behind the scenes target us the most? Why are we fine now?"

She put her hands behind her back and strode back and forth in the ward: "Didn't that liar say that there was a blood disaster that would endanger his life? I want to see, I am in this room, how can the blood disaster befall me...ah! "

Just as she said this, she suddenly tripped and lost her balance, falling to the ground with a scream.

Everyone was shocked and rushed to help her up.

"It hurts so much..."

Mrs. Bai screamed like a pig being slaughtered, and was helped to sit on the bed.

She had a big bump on the upper right side of her forehead, and her nose was bleeding.

It was pouring down, and it couldn't be stopped. It looked very miserable.

Several nurses hurriedly took iodine, cotton wool and gauze to bandage her wound.

"Why did you fall suddenly?"

Bai Ziping asked, looking at the ground where Mrs. Bai fell just now.

There was nothing on the ground.

"I don't know... Ouch, it hurts, be gentle, be gentle..."

Mrs. Bai grinned, and there was no trace of the arrogance of the chief's wife.

Good fall!

Zhao Yingda and other doctors saw this, although they showed sympathy on the surface, they felt very happy in their hearts.

This old woman just owes a bloody disaster!

"Brother, do you believe it now?"

Bai Yinping's face was solemn, "First, Haolan was injured, then Haoran, and now it's the turn of the sister-in-law, plus us, even if it's a coincidence, it won't be like this."

Bai Ziping didn't say anything, his face changed.

From childhood to adulthood, he has been educated in materialism and cannot believe such absurd things.

But now he has witnessed strange things happening one after another, which is shaking his worldview.

Is there really a curse in this world?

"Commander Bai, I have completed the discharge procedures, booked the plane ticket, and communicated with Yanjing. After getting off the plane, we can directly send Mr. Bai to the hospital."

At this time, Secretary Qiu walked into the ward and reported.

"Okay, everyone pack up and let's go."

Bai Ziping nodded and said.

"Brother, if we are really cursed, it's useless to go to Yanjing."

Bai Yinping said anxiously.

"Yinping, you know my identity. I can't believe these things without solid evidence."

Bai Ziping shook his head and said in a deep voice, "If I believe it and spread it out, let alone the outside world, how will the officialdom view me? How will the superiors view me? I can't help but consider these political influences."

Bai Yinping was stunned, then sighed, nodded, and said nothing.

He understood Bai Ziping's concerns.

As the top leader of the province, every move is the focus of attention from all sides, especially Bai Ziping is the youngest Huaxia member, with unlimited prospects, and there are countless eyes watching behind him, and he can't make any mistakes.

If someone catches him and accuses him of feudal superstition, his future career will be affected.

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