The Priest Wants to Retire

Chapter 188

EP.188 Voice of the God

”Let’s smash it!”

”What’s there to think about? Beat them senseless and toss them into the furnace. Simple as that.”

”How about soaking them in formalin for a while first? I have some experiments I want to try.”


With the number of people gathered, the opinions shared were as diverse as they were numerous.

Of course, the only difference lay in the details; the overall sentiment was equally vicious.

The ungrateful scoundrel who took the hero’s body and harmed innocent civilians.

The desire to punish the one who trampled on the dignity and pride of our precious comrade was a feeling we all shared.

Even the usually calm Bigtim was muttering chilling remarks under his breath, audible only to himself.

The size of the fury we were feeling went without saying.

”Shall we take turns?”

”Oh! Rarely so energetic, Lowville! What’s gotten into you?”

The reactions of my comrades, having heard the situation from me, were immediate.

Apis was cracking her neck, heating up with rage, while Dawna’s eyes were sparkling as she brought out experimental magical tools in a flurry.

It was always my role to rein in my comrades whenever they went on a rampage, but at this moment, I decided to go with the flow.

For a priest, who should practice mercy more than anyone else, to participated in such violence was unthinkable.

But sometimes in life, you have to swing your fists.

And now was that time.

”Didn’t you say you’d gather information…?”

Engulfed in the serious heat of the moment, we had completely forgotten our original purpose. The Sister softly chimed in.


My senses returned all at once.

That’s right. We were here to uncover the identity of the weirdo who had suddenly appeared before us and the truth behind the mysterious dungeon disaster that hit the Vatican.

In our thirst for revenge, I had momentarily forgotten.

”Everyone, just a moment. Let’s pause. Especially you, Apis. Maybe set that hammer down for a second?”


I hastily intervened Apis, who was gripping a hammer the size of a human torso, ready to swing it down at any moment.

While I could understand her feelings, thinking it through calmly, swinging that thing down right now was premature.

It was one of my few strengths to be able to see things from a rational perspective anytime.

But as soon as there was a disturbance concerning the hero, all sense flew out of my mind. It was utterly embarrassing.

”Thank you, Sister. I owe you one… Ahem.”

”No, no. It’s nothing significant…”

In a surprise twist, I locked eyes with the Sister.

It was a fleeting moment.

No, right after our eyes met, she quickly averted her gaze, making it hardly even a moment.

But that brief connection became the catalyst for me to realize the awkward atmosphere that hung between us.



Just as I worried, the Sister seemed to be carrying the same memories from the night before, just like me.

If that weren’t the case, the usually stoic Sister wouldn’t show such clear signs of disturbance except when it came to matters involving the Saintess.

My wandering gaze tracked down the Sister’s curvy form, and without permission, it lingered on her blushing earlobes.

I hastily tried to cover my face with my palms, but it was already too late.

At that moment, vivid images of her revealing figure beyond those solemn priestly robes danced like a panorama in my mind.

I hastily resorted to a meditation technique to suppress my carnal desires, but even that only temporarily blocked the flood, unable to stem the source.

It was the first time I felt such a mystical sensation.

It felt as if the tightly sealed faucet of desire that had been firmly shut my entire life had abruptly broken.

Could it be that a night with the Sister awakened something in me that shouldn’t have been?

Suddenly, a ominous thought rushed through my brain, weighing down my mind.


And that was when it happened.

As I turned my back on the Sister, clutching my chest and trying to catch my breath, the hero cast a curious glance at me and suddenly questioned me with skepticism.

The vision of his eyes, reminiscent of the purest sapphire, was rigorously dilating and contracting.

It was then I realized he was slowly lifting a hand to his waist.

His chilling movements seemed like he was groping through forgotten memories for something.

”What’s going on with you?”

”Huh? What’s up, Lowville?”


Following right behind, Apis and then Dawna subtly checked in with me.

Among those innocent faces, Bigtim looked pale, casting alternating glances between me and the Sister, as if he had realized something.

I could intuitively sense that Bigtim vaguely caught on to something that might have transpired between the Sister and me.

Unlike my other comrades, who often lacked awareness outside of combat situations, Bigtim was rather quick-witted in this regard.

”Ah, it’s nothing! Just felt a bit dizzy for a moment… Hero, do you mind giving me a massage if you have time?”

”Huh! Of course! Please leave it to me!”

”What’s this? Too easy…”

”Hey, Lowville… I also have some experience when it comes to massages…”


I secretly felt relieved as I left the hero to pounce on a bait I tossed.

Although Bigtim, sweating profusely while watching my antics, was a bit concerning, given the situation, I decided to set it aside for now.

”Alright, you heard us, right? If you don’t want to end up in a rough spot, answer our questions correctly.”

Who would have thought I’d end up threatening someone in my lifetime?

Especially regarding that so-called Holy Sword.

My feelings were complex.


How long has it been?

Even after waiting for a while, there was nothing that could be called an answer from the Holy Sword.

But it wasn’t hard to tell that whatever was hiding inside that pitiful piece of metal was still too frightened to come out.

After all, the sword had been left on the desk, untouched, trembling like a scared beast.

Clink! Clink!

The sound of the sword’s handle tapping the table floor echoed, almost resembling a woman trying to stifle her sobs.

Was it trying to pretend like a normal sword and get away with it?

Well, if that’s the case…

”Dawna. Can you use Detection Magic to find the nearest troll lair around here?”

”Huh? Why are you asking about that all of a sudden?”

”I’m gonna stick this sword up the troll’s…”

”Aah, got it! Just tell me! Don’t do anything barbaric right now, Ha Gye In!”

It took you this long to get there.



One of the twelve angels serving the highest deity that protects the system, known among the citizens of the system for choosing the potential heroes in the form of divine utterance.

Even the most talented individuals recognized by all citizens, if not graced by her, would remain unrecognized as heroes, even if the heavens were torn asunder—this was a well-known fact among the people.

The hero was only acknowledged as a hero once a high-ranking clergy affiliated with the royal family received the divine message from Ultima.

Her voice was so beautiful that the high priest who received the revelation reportedly ripped off his own ears, not wanting to mar them with the blasphemous sounds of this world.

Though I had only encountered her in paintings, each depiction was breathtakingly beautiful and noble beyond measure.

It was no wonder.

Even artists feebly attempting to capture her likeness were strictly forbidden from doing so.

If the saintess embodies the avatar of the highest divine being, then the hero is akin to Bastard’s progeny of the Archangel Ultima.

Since the history of the system began, she had been an object of admiration and longing for its citizens, arguably another pillar sustaining peace in this world.

”Is that you?”

”Of course! How do you like it! Doesn’t it make you feel like worshipping me now–AAAAAARGH──!!!”

Before she could finish her statement, I summoned Bawngwi and began to swing the Holy Sword like a windmill.

I had nothing else to hear.

Where is this nonsense coming from?

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