The Priest Wants to Retire

Chapter 190

EP.190 Rift



Just a couple of head pats, and watching the Hero’s face melt like that made me chuckle as well.

Like big dogs that think they’re still puppies, the Hero, right now, was clinging to me as if he were going to eat me, rubbing his face against my chest non-stop. It was nothing short of adorably mischievous.

And that wasn’t all.

After sniffing around my collarbone for a while, he suddenly shook his whole body in a serious manner, reminiscent of someone addicted to something. It was actually a little scary.


A refreshing breath that you’d expect to hear in an open-air hot spring brushed against my neck, making me feel somewhat bashful.

I should be used to it by now.

But the fact that the normally composed Hero only showed me this disheveled side of himself always stirred up new feelings.

The thin strands of his golden hair tickling my skin, and his soft, silky flesh that was so addictive I could confidently say I wouldn’t tire of touching it all day long.

Adding to that was the distinct, sensual scent that women have. Truly the cherry on top.

With all this charm that could make any man’s heart race, he also possessed undeniable talent as a Hero.

Every time I saw the array of talents that the Hero had, I could only marvel.

”I want to… kiss…”

The moment those words echoed, the Hero dove right into the back of my neck like a bolt of lightning.

He hugged a bit tighter, and judging by the hint of red appearing in his ears, he seemed a tad embarrassed.

Just a little while ago, he was casually licking my sweat and sniffing my scent, twitching in delight, behaviors that were infinitely more embarrassing than mere kissing. So why was he getting shy about it now? It was truly a mystery.

”And I would like you to lick my ears too. And if you could nibble my nape like before… And pet my belly from inside my clothes, not outside… And tickle my nape like a pet… And also…”


I slowly calmed the Hero, who suddenly fell into a panic due to the countless options swirling in his head.

This situation was nothing new for me; I’d seen this scenery every day since I handed over one Wish Granting Ticket to him.

I had long since mastered how to soothe him.

There were various methods, but the most effective was surely gently calling his name and giving him a pat on the back.

Before I figured that out, having to deal with the Hero, who continuously threw out wishes like a fountain until dusk, was quite exhausting.

”I told you that you can only make one wish a day, right?”


The Hero, who seemed to regain his senses at my call, straightened up from his hunched position.

Oh no!

Those wide eyes, as if they were about to shout any moment, always made me laugh.


”S-Sacred Priest…?”

It was truly fascinating.

We had only exchanged a few words while sharing warmth.

Just that alone, and the heavy worries that had been looming over my thoughts moments ago were melting away like snow.

I had heard that physical contact with a companion could significantly reduce stress levels, but I didn’t expect it to be this effective.

Now I could somewhat understand why the Saint and Hero were so eager to cling to me.

”Ugh! Then, I ask for that kiss! But not just any ordinary kiss! I want the candy kiss you promised to give me this morning! Please let us mix our tongues a lot!”

Like ordering a dish from a menu, the Hero requested a kiss again, and I struggled to hold back my laughter this time.

I couldn’t laugh at the conclusion he finally came to after much contemplation.

”Okay. I understand. But there’s still a lot to organize, so I can’t do it for too long. Got it?”


Rustle rustle.

In the sealed space, only the sound of unwrapping the candy bag broke the silence for a while.

The Hero, who had firmly secured his hands around my waist, suddenly spoke to me in a soft voice that rivaled that of a sparrow.

”Um, Sacred Priest…?”


With my head bowed, concealing my expression, I occasionally licked my lips, feeling a bit shaky.

That was the typical look of someone burdened by heavy thoughts.

”Are you… not really fond of being close with me…?”


Right after that, the Hero stared at me with a worried expression that was riddled with anxiety.

It had been several weeks since I had reluctantly agreed to the Hero’s request for physical affection, having conditioned it on the Saint’s acceptance into the Hero Party.

While I had set the limit at kisses, I had long since crossed many other delicate lines.

But it seemed that the Hero was secretly dissatisfied with this current horizontal relationship where I was merely accepting what he requested.

I wondered if there was anything he wished I would do, no matter how perverted it might be. I often had visions of the Hero’s face, eagerly demanding me for lewd requests.

Of course, each time, I had to refuse.

Because just once, even a single time I initiated any advance, I knew instinctively I wouldn’t be able to stop.

Moreover, the lack of proper contraception in this system made it absolutely impermissible from both a moral and ethical standpoint to engage with the Hero carelessly.

To imagine conceiving a child with the Hero, who had to maintain peak condition at the front lines of the dungeon, was a chilling thought.

So, I had no choice but to bear with it, clenching my teeth.

If it weren’t for the training I received during my apprentice priest days on controlling lust, it would have been practically impossible.

If the Saint had an exquisite beauty perfected to its peak, then the Hero had a physique that continuously fanned the flames of desire.

Given their relentless physical onslaught, it was nothing short of a miracle that I had managed to maintain my composure all this time.

”Of course, I want it too. As I mentioned before, I’m just a foolish priest who is quite into women. There’s no need to mention how attractive you are as a woman, Hero. But you know how it is, right?”


I gently consoled the Hero, who started to whimper at my polite rejection.

The desire to be intimate with someone one admires is entirely natural for a human.

The Hero simply had a bit more zeal than others, but it was not right to condemn that as wrong.

In an era where even clergy can have multiple partners, who could possibly condemn the Hero for living more chastely than most priests?

At least not that I knew of.

But even so, one had to know when and where to draw the line.

For the sake of the Hero himself.

And especially for the precious child the Hero might someday bear.



I carefully brushed aside his beautiful golden hair, gently kissing the exposed forehead of the Hero.

The reaction was immediate.

The once clouded gaze of the Hero brightened at that moment.

”Please bear with me at this level for the time being. I will also hold back. But once the time comes, and after we have fulfilled our given mission, I will be able to make a decision with my own heart, not influenced by external circumstances. At that time, I will give you a proper answer. Can you wait until then?”


He didn’t seem fully convinced by my words, but still nodded adorably, and I couldn’t help but give his head a friendly pat.

What I said to him was entirely heartfelt, with no hint of lies.

I was in a similar struggle myself.

Past mistakes. The fate of the world. Responsibilities as a Hero Party. My duties as a clergy. My relationship with the Saint.

If it weren’t for those obstacles, I knew I would have recklessly surrendered to every temptation that came my way.

Phew. Once again, I safely navigated another close call.

I owed my instructor, who taught me how to control my desires during my apprenticeship, a hundred bows each day.

Thanks to diligently receiving that training.

Had I not learned those lessons, I would have surely succumbed to my rising lust and overwhelmed either the Saint or the Hero by now.

It’s impressive that I’m able to maintain my calm in a situation like this, where the Hero’s tempting body is pressed against me.

Indeed, people can learn and adapt…

…Wait, what?

”H-Hero… Could you please… just back away from me for a moment… 10 minutes… No! 3 minutes! Just 1 minute will do!”

”Huh? Sacred Priest! Something hard is touching my thigh!”


”Given the size, it looks like a hefty dagger in its sheath! It’s unacceptable for such a dangerous object to be wandering around in bed!”

”W-Wait! Hero! Wait! Just a moment!”

”I’m checking right now!”

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